ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | baffled/ˈbæfld/ | گیج | صفت |
His words baffled her. I'm baffled and I don't travel well in the state of confusion. |
perplex puzzle bewilder mystify bemuse |
2 | bare/bɛr/ | برهنه لخت | صفت |
She relaxed and pressed her bare legs into the sand in front of her. Why don't you curl up on the couch and get your bare feet off this cold floor? |
naked unclothed undressed uncovered stripped |
3 | bizarre/bɪˈzɑr/ | عجیب و غریب | صفت |
He was at ease with the bizarre discussion. She wasn't going to break his bizarre rules on the first day. |
strange peculiar odd funny curious |
4 | childish/ˈtʃɑɪl.dɪʃ/ | احمقانه کودکانه، بچگانه | صفت |
It was a childish thing for her to do. It was childish and she should get over it. |
immature babyish infantile juvenile puerile silly |
5 | childlike/ˈtʃaɪldlaɪk/ | بچگانه کودکانه | صفت |
She looked at him inquiringly and with childlike reproach. Pierre approached, looking at her in a childlike way through his spectacles. |
youthful young young-looking girlish boyish |
6 | comprehensible/ˌkɑːmprɪˈhensəbl/ | قابل فهم قابل درک | صفت |
Persia has assumed a comprehensible position as a factor in future Eastern politics. Her words were barely comprehensible through chattering teeth as she leaned over the stove. |
intelligible understandable easy to understand digestible user-friendly |
7 | comprehensive/ˌkɑːmprɪˈhensɪv/ | جامع کامل | صفت |
His face was a road map of emotion, traveling from puzzled, to comprehensive and then on to frustration. I hope our final in this class is not a comprehensive exam. |
inclusive all-inclusive complete thorough full extensive |
8 | conceivable/kənˈsiːvəbl/ | ممکن قابل تصور | صفت |
That might be a conceivable development of usage. The advocates of the continuity of matter assert that the smallest conceivable body has parts, and that whatever has parts may be divided. |
imaginable possible plausible tenable credible believable |
9 | concluding/kənˈkluːdɪd/ | پایانی آخر | صفت |
The most obvious non-Amosian passage in the book is the concluding passage, ix. Only one is to be sacrificed on the concluding feast (Heb. |
finish end come to an end draw to a close wind up |
10 | conclusive/kənˈklusɪv/ | قطعی مسلم | صفت |
The x-rays were conclusive and indicated a bad infection in the lower lobe of one lung. Conclusive evidence, however, has not yet been adduced to prove this point. |
incontrovertible incontestable irrefutable unquestionable undeniable |
11 | convincing/kənˈvɪnsɪŋ/ | متقاعدکننده باورپذیر | صفت |
That would have been more convincing if you hadn't been so willing at first. Good luck in convincing Quinn! |
cogent persuasive powerful potent strong |
12 | dejected/dɪˈʤɛktɪd/ | غمگین مایوس | صفت |
"Apparently I was wrong," he said in a dejected tone. Connor responded with a dejected, "Hi." |
downcast downhearted despondent disconsolate dispirited |
13 | despondent/dɪˈspɑndənt/ | افسرده ناامید، اندوهگین | صفت |
The children, feeling sad and despondent, were about to follow him when the Wizard touched Dorothy softly on her shoulder. Like another Socrates, he taught them to know themselves, repressing vanity, encouraging the despondent, and attaching all alike by his unobtrusive sympathy. |
disheartened discouraged dispirited downhearted low-spirited |
14 | distinguished/dəˈstɪŋ.gwɪʃt/ | سرشناس شناخته شده | صفت |
He's a Spanish gentleman, very distinguished looking. One morning a distinguished looking Spanish man was walking out of the room as she entered. |
eminent famous famed renowned prominent |
15 | eminent/ˈemɪnənt/ | برجسته بزرگ، عالیرتبه، ممتاز | صفت |
It has an old town hall, a theatre and several statues of eminent men. He was in 929 an eminent degree a great master-builder. |
illustrious distinguished renowned esteemed pre-eminent |
16 | evil/ˈiː.vəl/ | خبیث بدجنس، شرور | صفت |
There is no evil here. Fire can be good or evil, depending on where it comes from. |
wicked bad wrong morally wrong wrongful |
17 | exceptional/ɪkˈsɛpʃənəl/ | استثنایی فوقالعاده، مثالزدنی | صفت |
He knows there is someone or something out there that has weird and exceptional abilities. He is such an exceptional boy. |
unusual uncommon abnormal atypical extraordinary |
18 | exhausted/ɪgˈzɑstəd/ | خسته و کوفته به شدت خسته | صفت |
She was exhausted but couldn't sleep. "You must be exhausted after your weekend," he said. |
tired out worn out weary dog-tired bone-tired |
19 | exhaustive/ɪɡˈzɔːstɪv/ | کامل جامع | صفت |
The reader is referred to that paper for an exhaustive history and discussion of the intrument. The arm-muscles have been studied in an absolutely exhaustive manner by Fiirbringer, who in his monumental work has tabulated and then scrutinized the chief characters of fourteen selected muscles. |
comprehensive all-inclusive complete full full-scale |
20 | illustrious/ɪˈlʌstriəs/ | ممتاز درخشان، برجسته | صفت |
The family was illustrious and wealthy, and claimed descent from Constantine. Temple in Lives of Illustrious Persons (1714), 40. |
eminent distinguished acclaimed noted notable |
21 | implausible/ɪmˈplɔzəbəl/ | نامحتمل نامعقول | صفت |
However for some reason, the more implausible a character, the more accepted it is in the soap opera world. Actually there are quite a few things I found very implausible. |
unlikely not likely improbable questionable doubtful |
22 | in the nude/ɪn ðə nud/ | برهنه لخت | عبارت |
23 | incomprehensible/ɪŋˌkɑmprəˈhɛnsɪbəl/ | غیر قابل فهم مبهم | صفت |
It's incomprehensible, but the tipster keeps doing it. Out of this Nothing or incomprehensible essence the world of ideas or primordial causes is eternally created. |
unintelligible indecipherable incoherent inarticulate unintelligible impossible to understand impenetrable |
24 | inconceivable/ˌɪnkənˈsiːvəbl/ | باورنکردنی غیرقابل تصور، غیرممکن | صفت |
A triennial sacrificial tithe is inconceivable when it is remembered that the tithe is only an extension of the firstfruits. Not that one had anything to do with the other, but the technology of surrogacy would have been inconceivable back then. |
beyond belief unbelievable extremely difficult to believe scarcely credible incredible |
25 | infamous/ˈɪnfəməs/ | بدنام رسوا، ننگین | صفت |
The infamous roads and the risks during the bridgeless season greatly hamper trade. My first visit to the infamous room was disappointing. |
notorious disreputable ill-famed of ill-repute legendary fabled |
26 | intelligible/ɪnˈtelɪdʒəbl/ | قابل فهم قابل درک | صفت |
Their action is intelligible enough. Another friend, who is as familiar with French as with English, finds her French much more intelligible than her English. |
comprehensible understandable easy to understand accessible digestible user-friendly lucid |
27 | invaluable/ɪnˈvæljəbəl/ | باارزش ارزشمند | صفت |
It'll make him an invaluable asset. This work is invaluable as a source for the history and situation of the church in the 2nd century; for it contains nearly the whole of the famous work of Celsus (Abyos angs) against Christianity. |
indispensable crucial critical key vital |
28 | naked/ˈneɪ.kɪd/ | عریان لخت | صفت |
I won't say no to being so close to a naked woman. The woman rolled out of bed, unconcerned with being naked in front of a stranger. |
nude bare in the nude stark naked with nothing on |
29 | negligent/ˈnɛgləʤənt/ | بیدقت غافل، بیتوجه | صفت |
You're negligent in your duties. In later years he was negligent in dress and loose in bearing. |
careless failing to take proper care remiss neglectful lax |
30 | negligible/ˈnɛgləʤəbəl/ | اندک ناچیز، جزئی | صفت |
But the cost is so negligible that no one thinks much of it. end of the Gulf to a negligible quantity at Muscat. |
trivial trifling insignificant unimportant minor |
31 | notorious/noʊˈtɔriəs/ | بدنام معروف (در مفهوم منفی)، بدآوازه | صفت |
Her life was notorious for intrigue and perfidy. As a port it was notorious for its smuggling and illicit trade. |
infamous of ill repute with a bad name with a bad reputation ill-famed |
32 | nude/nud/ | برهنه | صفت |
He now became a nude and beardless youth, the type of the young athlete. There is a sheet at the Louvre of much earlier date than the first idea or commission for this particular picture, containing some nude sketches for the arrangement of the subject; another later and farther advanced, but still probably anterior to the practical commission, at Venice, and a MS. sheet of great interest at the Victoria and Albert Museum, on which the painter has noted in writing the dramatic motives appropriate to the several disciples. |
naked in the nude stark naked bare with nothing on |
33 | outstanding/ɑʊtˈstæn.dɪŋ/ | عالی برجسته | صفت |
Their list of outstanding collections was growing smaller. There is no outstanding debt. |
excellent marvellous magnificent superb fine |
34 | perplexed/pərˈplekst/ | سردرگم مات و مبهوت، گیج | صفت |
"What are you talking about?" he asked in a perplexed tone. He stared at her with a perplexed expression and finally shook his head. |
puzzled baffled mystified bemused bewildered |
35 | plausible/ˈplɔzəbəl/ | معقول باور کردنی، پذیرفتنی، محتمل | صفت |
Give me a plausible scenario. It is plausible to regard v. |
credible reasonable believable likely feasible |
36 | puzzled/ˈpʌz.əld/ | گیج شده سردرگم | صفت |
He regarded her with a puzzled expression. I was greatly puzzled to know what he was doing. |
perplexed confused bewildered bemused baffled |
37 | tasteful/ˈteɪstfl/ | با سلیقه با سلیقه درست شده | صفت |
He paused, as if searching for a tasteful word. high; Chalmers hospital (founded by Alexander Chalmers of Clunie, a merchant and shipowner of the town); a masonic hall of tasteful design; and the academy, a modern structure in the Grecian style, to which there is attached an extensive museum, containing examples of the early mechanical genius of James Ferguson, the astronomer. |
in good taste discriminating fastidious refined cultured |
38 | tasteless/ˈteɪstləs/ | بیسلیقه بیکلاس | صفت |
Oxygen is a colourless, odourless and tasteless gas. It is tasteless, colourless and odourless gas, which is exceedingly stable and inert. |
flavourless bland insipid unappetizing unflavoured |
39 | tasty/ˈteɪst.i/ | خوش طعم خوشمزه | صفت |
It wasn't tasty, but at least it was palatable. I lined up behind an old fellow whose odor almost caused me to skip the meal entirely but I stuck with it and was rewarded by a tasty bowl of chicken soup and a fresh baked roll. |
delicious palatable luscious mouth-watering delectable |
40 | unconvincing/ˌʌnkənˈvɪnsɪŋ/ | نامحتمل باورکردنی | صفت |
Westermarck, Origin and Development of Moral Ideas (1906); George Gore, Scientific Basis of Morality (1899), and New Scientific Basis of Morality (1906), containing an interesting if unconvincing attempt to explain ethics on purely physical principles. Thus the aristocratic constitution of Sieys was transformed into an unavowed dictatorship, a public ratification of which the First Consul obtained by a third coup detat from the intimidated and yet reassured electors-reassured by his dazzling but unconvincing offers of peace to the victorious Coalition (which repulsed them), by the rapid disarmament of La Vende, and by the proclamations in which he filled the ears of the infatuated people with the new talk of stability of government, order, justice and moderation. |
improbable unlikely implausible incredible scarcely credible unbelievable |
41 | unintelligible/ˌʌnɪnˈtelɪdʒəbl/ | غیر قابل فهم نامفهوم، غیر قابل درک | صفت |
He grumbled something unintelligible and hung up. The brief statement in the Inquiry, § iv., is of no value, and indeed is almost unintelligible unless taken in reference to the full discussion contained in part ii. |
incomprehensible indiscernible meaningless unfathomable obscure |
42 | valueless/ˈvæljuːləs/ | بیارزش | صفت |
Heysham added to Hutchins's Cumberland a list of birds of that county, whilst in the same year began Thomas Lord's valueless Entire New System of Ornithology, the text of which was written or corrected by Dr Dupree, and in 1794 Donovan began a History of British Birds which was only finished in 1819 - the earlier portion being reissued about the same time. We may therefore expect in primitive asceticism to find many abstentions and much self-torture apparently valueless for the training of character and discipline of the feelings, which are the essence of any healthy asceticism. |
worthless of no value of no financial value of little value of negligible value |
43 | weird/wɪrd/ | عجیب غریب | صفت |
It's weird talking to him. Something weird going on here. |
uncanny eerie unnatural preternatural supernatural |
44 | wicked/ˈwɪkɪd/ | بدجنس خبیث، بدذات | صفت |
It was a wicked thing to say. It was a wicked thought. |
evil sinful immoral wrong morally wrong |
45 | worn out/wɔrn aʊt/ | خسته و کوفته | صفت |
shabby well worn worn worn to shreds threadbare |
46 | worthless/ˈwɜːrθləs/ | بیارزش به دردنخور | صفت |
It was a worthless hole. My intelligence far surpasses any of you worthless scum. |
valueless of little value of no value of little worth of no worth |