ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | bullet-proof/ˈbʊlɪt-pruːf/ | ضد گلوله | صفت |
To listen to her talk, you'd think he was six feet tall and bullet proof. Thus the Tagliche Rundschau observed, in allusion to Erzberger's personal appearance, " he may be as round as a bullet, but he is not bullet-proof." |
2 | characteristic/ˌkɛrəktəˈrɪstɪk/ | مشخصه ویژگی | اسم |
attribute feature quality essential quality property trait |
3 | characterize/ˈkærəktəraɪz/ | مشخصه چیزی بودن | فعل |
These changes characterize the Merovingian age of Frankish history. It is most difficult to characterize the muskinu exactly. |
distinguish make distinctive mark set apart identify |
4 | childproof/ˈtʃaɪldpruːf/ | کودکایمن | صفت |
childproof lid. childproof locks. |
5 | clarify/ˈklɛrəˌfaɪ/ | توضیح دادن تبیین کردن، روشن کردن | فعل |
She added, as if to clarify the situation, that her son Randy would be there too. There are several ways to clarify water. |
make clear shed light on throw light on elucidate illuminate |
6 | commercialize/kəˈmɜːrʃəlaɪz/ | تجاری کردن جنبه تجاری دادن | فعل |
commercialize the drug. commercialize genetically modified wheat in the face of food-industry and consumer opposition. |
7 | duty/ˈduːt̬.i/ | عوارض گمرکی مالیات | اسم |
The sheriff has a duty to investigate. I'm off duty, you know. |
responsibility obligation commitment obedience allegiance |
8 | duty-free/ˈduti-fri/ | معاف از عوارض گمرکی بدون مالیات | صفت |
duty-free shops selling a range of goods. It was first enacted in 1855 that methylated spirit, a specific mixture of pure alcohol and wood naphtha, should be duty-free; the present law is to be found in the Customs and Inland Revenue Act of 1890, and the Finance Act (sect. |
9 | economize/ɪˈkɑːnəmaɪz/ | صرفه جویی کردن قناعت کردن | فعل |
When loaded by shovel the car is made low to economize labour. This type of structure, which is extremely various in its details, is found especially, as we should expect, in plants which have to economize their water supply. |
save save money cut expenditure cut costs cut back make cutbacks |
10 | electrify/ɪˈlektrɪfaɪ/ | الکتریکی کردن برقی کردن | فعل |
He showed that all substances could be electrified by friction, but that to electrify conductors they must be insulated or supported on non-conductors. With its cream white base and no less than ten available border colors, this bikini is guaranteed to electrify. |
convert to electricity wire up install electric wiring in excite thrill stimulate |
11 | equalize/ˈiːkwəlaɪz/ | برابر کردن مساوات برقرار کردن | فعل |
Each legislative district of Baltimore is entitled tc -he number of delegates to which the largest county shall or may be entitled under the foregoing apportionment, and the General Assembly may from time to time alter the boundaries of Baltimore city districts in order to equalize their population. Rock-filling yields and becomes consolidated under heavy pressure, and therefore does not furnish a rigid support of the overlying strata, but rather a cushion to control and equalize the subsidence. |
make equal make even even off even out even up |
12 | exemplify/ɪgˈzɛmpləˌfaɪ/ | نمونه ای از چیزی بودن نمایان گر چیزی بودن | فعل |
The teeth especially exemplify the carnivorous type in its highest condition of development. We shall exemplify this subject by considering the case of two waves travelling in the same direction through the air. |
typify epitomize be a typical example of serve as a typical example of represent |
13 | familiarize/fəˈmɪliəraɪz/ | آشنا کردن شناساندن، یاد دادن | فعل |
It may also have helped to familiarize the Hindu mind with the idea of an empire, which appeared among them later than in other Asiatic countries. She glanced around the kitchen, knowing she should familiarize herself before breakfast, but feeling uncomfortable about exploring so soon after her arrival. |
make conversant make familiar acquaint get up to date keep up to date accustom to |
14 | finalize/ˈfaɪnəlaɪz/ | قطعی کردن نهایی کردن، تکمیل کردن | فعل |
After you finalize the best look, you can even send your picture to your friend to get another opinion. Guests must have a way to contact the party's host to accept or decline the invitation, particularly if there are reservations to be made or formal arrangements to finalize. |
conclude complete bring to a conclusion clinch settle |
15 | foolproof/ˈfuːlpruːf/ | مصون از خطا لغزشناپذیر | صفت |
"Even those aren't foolproof," Dean answered. The company calculates exactly how many of each separate item you need to make the invitation design, making shopping for supplies virtually foolproof. |
infallible never failing unfailing unerring dependable |
16 | generalize/ˈʤɛnərəˌlaɪz/ | استنباط کلی کردن نتیجهی کلی گرفتن، کلیگویی کردن | فعل |
We may generalize these statements in the following theorem, which is an important deduction from a wider theorem due to G. Descartes helped to generalize and establish the notion of the fundamental character of uniform motion in a straight line, but otherwise his speculations did not point in the direc tion of sound progress in dynamics; and the next substantial advance that was made in the principles of the subject was due to Huygens (1629-1695). |
17 | heighten/ˈhaɪtən/ | بالا بردن زیاد کردن، افزایش دادن | فعل |
These are cleverly employed in order to heighten the impression of its instability. Its criminal employment is usually intended to heighten sexual desire, and has frequently led to death. |
make higher raise lift lift up elevate |
18 | identify/aɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪ/ | تشخیص دادن شناسایی کردن | فعل |
She tried to identify a sound. However, we feared no threat from either, nor did we feel they wished to identify us. |
recognize single out pick out spot point out |
19 | imagine/ɪˈmædʒ.ən/ | تصور کردن | فعل |
Can you imagine that? I can only imagine how difficult this is for you. |
visualize envisage envision picture form a picture of |
20 | industrialize/ɪnˈdʌstriəlaɪz/ | صنعتی کردن | فعل |
Wildlife and plant life are in danger as humans continue to industrialize the planet. The response of governments has been to further industrialize agriculture, encouraging monocultures and the high use of chemical inputs at increasing costs. |
21 | inflation-proof/ɪnˈfleɪʃən-pruf/ | ضد تورم | صفت |
22 | intense/ɪnˈtɛns/ | شدید زیاد | صفت |
great acute enormous fierce severe |
23 | intensify/ɪnˈtɛnsəˌfaɪ/ | تشدید کردن | فعل |
Ammonium nitrate and nitrite, for instance, intensify the action of a water on lead. This, added to ill-health, served to intensify a natural irritability of temperament, and the history of his later Weimar days is a rather dreary page in the chronicles of literary life. |
escalate step up boost increase raise |
24 | interest-free/ˈɪntrəst-fri/ | بدون بهره | صفت |
Advance of retirement gratuity earned to date of application, interest free. The Fund's help is given in the form either of grants of money or interest-free loans. |
25 | itemize/ˈaɪtəmaɪz/ | با دقت فهرست کردن جزء به جزء به فهرست درآوردن | فعل |
You will need to itemize your charity donation on your 1040 form, but first you must follow a few guidelines. You must itemize any deductions you claim for owning a home. |
list catalogue inventory record set out |
26 | legalize/ˈliːɡəlaɪz/ | قانونی کردن اعتبار قانونی دادن | فعل |
For years, there has been an argument to legalize marijuana for medical purposes. There was no other way but to legalize the new faith in Germany, but only those were to be tolerated who accepted the Augsburg Confession. |
make legal decriminalize legitimize legitimatize legitimate |
27 | magnet/ˈmægnət/ | آهنربا | اسم |
You're like a magnet lately. Sticking it to the refrigerator with a magnet, she headed for the barn. |
lodestone magnetite field magnet bar magnet horseshoe magnet transverse magnet |
28 | magnetic/mægˈnɛtɪk/ | آهنربا مغناطیسی، [خاصیت آهنربایی داشتن] | صفت |
Magnetic fields arise from the flow of current. What I have up there is just a power source and magnetic field. |
alluring attractive fascinating captivating enchanting |
29 | modernize/ˈmɑdərˌnaɪz/ | به روز کردن نوین کردن، مدرن کردن | فعل |
I suppose I should modernize it, though. No attempt has been made by the French to modernize the ancient city. |
update bring up to date bring into the twenty-first century drag into the twenty-first century lead into the twenty-first century |
30 | nationalize/ˈnæʃnəlaɪz/ | ملی کردن ملیسازی کردن | فعل |
His formula was "to royalize France and to nationalize the monarchy." (afterwards the duc) Decazes was to "nationalize the monarchy and to royalize France." |
31 | ovenproof/ˈʌvnpruːf/ | مناسب فر مخصوص فر، مقاوم در برابر گرما | صفت |
basil mash into a warmed ovenproof serving dish. Grease a large shallow ovenproof dish and lay the cannelloni in side by side, so they fit snugly. |
32 | pacify/ˈpæsəˌfaɪ/ | آرام کردن | فعل |
Then Henry set to work to pacify and restore prosperity to his kingdom. After the 9th Thermidor attempts were made to pacify the country. |
placate appease calm calm down conciliate |
33 | personalize/ˈpɜrsənəˌlaɪz/ | شخصی کردن اختصاصی کردن، فردی کردن | فعل |
For an elegant take, consider having the shirts monogrammed with the bridal party members' initials.Another way to personalize the tees is to include the date of the wedding and the bride and groom's names. bookplates designed by your favorite illustrators to personalize your own books. |
customize individualize give a personal touch to make distinctive make to order personify |
34 | placate/ˈpleɪkeɪt/ | آرام کردن تسکین دادن | فعل |
I don't need you to placate me! She sensed nothing she could say would placate him. |
pacify calm calm down appease mollify |
35 | popularize/ˈpɑːpjələraɪz/ | تعمیم دادن متداول کردن، رواج دادن | فعل |
Cruise ships have done a great deal to popularize towel origami, and for many people, a cruise is their first introduction to the art. Motorola may have been the first company to popularize the cell phone, but Nokia quickly rose to become the biggest brand in the industry. |
make fashionable make popular bring into vogue create a fashion for market publicize |
36 | privatize/ˈpraɪvətaɪz/ | خصوصی سازی کردن خصوصی سازی شدن | فعل |
The government of Trinidad however is proposing to completely privatize the water authority through a 30-year concession next year. Well, Mozambique certainly did privatize a lot of its formerly state-owned enterprises. |
37 | pure/pjʊr/ | خالص | صفت |
It was pure fact. This is all pure and noble. |
unmixed unalloyed unadulterated unblended uncontaminated |
38 | purify/ˈpjʊrɪfaɪ/ | تصفیه کردن خالص کردن، پالایش کردن | فعل |
Water isn't free; someone is paying a bill to purify the water that comes through that fountain. Then change it, purify thyself; and as thou art purified, thou wilt gain wisdom. |
clean make pure refine cleanse decontaminate filter |
39 | quantify/ˈkwɑntɪˌfaɪ/ | کمیت (چیزی را) تعیین کردن اندازهگیری کردن | فعل |
It is remarkable that in Barbara, and therefore in many scientific deductions, to think the quantity of the predicate is not to the point either in the premises or in the conclusion; so that to quantify the propositions, as Hamilton proposes, would be to express more than a rational man thinks and judges. We established the UOS as a measure to help our members quantify their exchange. |
40 | simplify/ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ/ | ساده کردن آسان کردن | فعل |
Here the symmetry points at once to the selection of the three principal axes as the directions for i, j, k; and it would appear at first sight as if quaternions could not simplify, though they might improve in elegance, the solution of questions of this kind. To simplify this, we take a new unit Y, which is 2 of X. |
make simple make simpler make easier to do make easier to understand make easy to do |
41 | socialize/ˈsoʊʃəlaɪz/ | معاشرت کردن گرم گرفتن، خوش و بش کردن | فعل |
"Men," she said disgustedly as she left the room, calling over her shoulder, "Go out and socialize with all those macho ice climbers." Cooking courses are an affordable way to introduce kids to cooking in a instructor-based structured environment, while providing the unique opportunity to socialize with other passionate cooks! |
interact converse be sociable mix mingle |
42 | solidify/səˈlɪdɪfaɪ/ | جامد شدن متبلور شدن، سفت شدن | فعل |
Both mix with warm water in all proportions, and will solidify in certain conditions. But in addition to the greater cost of steel founding as compared with rolling there are two facts which limit the use of steel castings: (1) they are not so good as rolled products, because the kneading which the metal undergoes in rolling improves its quality, and closes up its cavities; and (2) it would be extremely difficult and in most cases impracticable to cast the metal directly into any of the forms in which the great bulk of the steel of commerce is needed, such as rails, plates, beams, angles, rods, bars, and wire, because the metal would become so cool as to solidify before running far in such thin sections, and because even the short pieces which could thus be made would pucker or warp on account of their aeolotachic contraction. |
harden go hard set freeze ice over |
43 | soundproof/ˈsaʊndpruːf/ | عایق صدا | صفت |
House-cleanings and struggles with builders during the construction of a " soundproof room " taxed her energy, while Carlyle was hiding himself with his family in Scotland or staying at English country houses. It can give you a whole new look quickly, and even insulate and soundproof your room. |
44 | specialize/ˈspeʃ.əl.aɪz/ | متخصص بودن تخصص داشتن | فعل |
We can build machines to specialize even further. But apparently it soon became desirable and perhaps necessary to specialize the work of teaching by setting apart for that duty one presbyter who should withdraw from secular occupation and devote his whole time to the work of the ministry. |
45 | standardize/ˈstændərdaɪz/ | استاندارد کردن معیارسنجی کردن | فعل |
They can standardize in a thousand more ways to a world economy, while maintaining their values, traditions, and distinctions. In practice it is usual to standardize or " calibrate " the galvanometer by causing a known change of induction to take place within a standard coil connected with it, and noting the corresponding deflection on the galvanometer scale. |
systematize make consistent make uniform make comparable regulate |
46 | symbolize/ˈsɪmbəlaɪz/ | نماد چیزی بودن مظهر چیزی بودن | فعل |
The ceiling was made to symbolize the firmament. In this chapter we have the two beasts 2 which symbolize respectively Rome and the Roman provincial priesthood of the imperial cult. |
represent be a symbol of stand for be a sign of exemplify denote |
47 | tax-free/ˌtæks ˈfriː/ | معاف از مالیات | قید |
In the United States the tax on distilled spirits was repealed in 1817, but was reimposed at the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, and it was not until 1907 that denatured alcohol became tax-free for general purposes. By the same law, besides other less important provisions, the amount of the bank's tax-free issue of notes was raised from 400 to 600 millions of kronen, and the conditions formerly attached to the issue of 10 and 20 kronen notes were sensibly relaxed, A 4% bank-rate had been uninterruptedly in force from May 8 1908 to Oct. |
48 | vandalism/ˈvændəlɪzəm/ | تخریب آثار عمومی و باارزش وندالیسم | اسم |
The forest is now protected as a national reserve against vandalism and commercialism. These acts of vandalism took place throughout Egypt, but in the distant mines of Sinai the cartouches of Hatshepsut are untouched. |
49 | vandalize/ˈvændəlaɪz/ | آسیب رساندن خراب کردن | فعل |
50 | visualize/ˈvɪʒuəlaɪz/ | تصور کردن تجسم کردن | فعل |
He, too, could visualize the two young people headed for wedded bliss, a six-pack between them. He tried to visualize her morphing into a wolf, writhing in pain as she transformed, foaming at the mouth, snarling. |
envisage envision conjure up conjure up an image of conjure up an picture of |
51 | waterproof/ˈwɔːt̬.ərˌpruːf/ | ضد آب | صفت |
She pulled out waterproof ankle boots and her thick, lamb's wool-lined coat then quickly gathered her toiletries and packed an overnight bag. Should the walls or floor be damp, waterproof paper is added. |
watertight water-repellent water-resistant weatherproof damp-proof impermeable impervious coated |