ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | antidepressant/ˌæntidɪˈpresnt/ | ضدافسردگی (دارو) | صفت |
Other forms of anxiety such as panic attacks, in which the symptoms occur in isolated episodes and are predominantly physical (and the object of fear is vague, fantastic, or unknown), respond best to the antidepressant drugs. You may be prescribed an antidepressant which could help you to help yourself by giving you some power to make changes in your life. |
sedative tranquillizer calmative sleeping pill soporific |
2 | anti-inflammatory/ˌænti ɪnˈflæmətɔːri/ | ضدالتهاب (دارو) | صفت |
Children with Pattern II EG may benefit from anti-inflammatory medications (for example, oral glucocorticoids or oral cromolyn) and specialized diet therapy, particularly in the case of food intolerance or allergy. Mangosteen does contain a good dose of antioxidants and a unique compound called xanthones that may have anti-inflammatory effects, but no research supports mangosteen as a super fruit. |
causing inflammation causing swelling irritant erythrogenic provocative provoking inflaming incendiary |
3 | classified/ˈklæsɪfaɪd/ | محرمانه سری | صفت |
categorize class group put into sets grade |
4 | concept/ˈkɑnsɛpt/ | مفهوم | اسم |
The whole concept is ridiculous. The consideration that mere double negation leaves us precisely where we were and not upon a higher plane where the dominant concept is richer, is, of course, fatal only to certain verbal expressions of Hegel's intent. |
idea notion conception abstraction conceptualization theory |
5 | decaffeinated/diˈkæfəˌneɪtɪd/ | بدون کافئین (قهوه یا چای) | صفت |
Classic teas like Earl Grey and Darjeeling can be purchased decaffeinated as well. It is naturally decaffeinated because it isn't really made from tea leaves but from a South African red bush. |
6 | decentralize/ˌdiːˈsentrəlaɪz/ | تمرکززدایی کردن غیر متمرکز کردن | فعل |
7 | declassified/ˌdiːˈklæsɪfaɪd/ | علنی غیرمحرمانه | صفت |
declassifyre the spirit of the time, it is worth noting from a recently declassified document (Good et al. declassifythe declassified material has to do with target design. |
8 | defrost/ˌdiːˈfrɔːst/ | یخ چیزی را آب کردن یخ باز شدن | فعل |
A basic microwave oven should be able to cook, defrost and reheat. This dehumidifier has an internal defrost system that prevents frost build up on its inner coils and allows for operation in areas with temperatures as low as 55 degrees. |
9 | depopulate/ˌdiːˈpɑːpjuleɪt/ | کم جمعیت کردن از جمعیت کاستن | فعل |
10 | depreciate/dɪˈpriːʃieɪt/ | از ارزش افتادن از بهای چیزی کاسته شدن | فعل |
those to virgins, (2) above); for these enjoin virginity (celibacy), and praise Elijah, David, Samson, and all the prophets, whereas the Ebionite Circuits favour marriage (even in Apostles) and depreciate the prophets between Moses and Christ, "the true Prophet." The government being unable to repay its loans from the banks compelled the latter to suspend the conversion of their notes, which began to depreciate in value. |
decrease in value lose value decline in price drop in price fall in price |
11 | destabilize/ˌdiːˈsteɪbəlaɪz/ | بیثبات کردن ناپایدار کردن | فعل |
destabilize a region, which is Europe's back door. destabilize democratic society in Bangladesh. |
undermine weaken impair damage subvert |
12 | devalue/ˌdiːˈvæljuː/ | از ارزش پول کم کردن | فعل |
Know for sure what you've got before you clean it, or you can devalue it by as much as 90 percent. capability94, the Alliance has increasingly addressed the range of defense capabilities needed to devalue WMD proliferation and use. |
belittle depreciate disparage denigrate decry |
13 | disadvantaged/ˌdɪsədˈvæntɪdʒd/ | محروم | صفت |
attainment of pupils from disadvantaged areas has improved at the early stages of primary school. This includes many people from disadvantaged backgrounds who the system has failed in the past. |
deprived underprivileged depressed in need needy |
14 | ill-advised/ˌɪl ədˈvaɪzd/ | نسنجیده غیرعاقلانه، نابجا | صفت |
The first blunder of the Hats was the hasty and ill-advised war with Russia. Tyrone and other Irish clan chieftains resented this summary interference with their ancient social organization, and their resistance was strengthened by the ill-advised measures against the Roman Catholics which Chichester was compelled to take by the orders of the English ministers. |
unwise injudicious misguided imprudent impolitic |
15 | ill-informed/ˌɪl ɪnˈfɔːrmd/ | بیاطلاع کماطلاع | صفت |
Thorpe gives, without explanations, the insertions of an ill-informed Gloucester monk who has obscured the accurate chronology of the original. It is on the contrary over-developed in them, but ill-informed and working in ways unessential or even morally harmful. |
16 | ill-prepared/ˌɪl prɪˈperd/ | آمادگی نداشتن بدون آمادگی قبلی | صفت |
The frightened creature is as ill prepared for the season as I and scurries about frantically in the deepening snow in search of sustenance. Actually, a protected childhood probably left her ill prepared for socializing. |
17 | ill-treat/ˌɪl ˈtriːt/ | بدرفتاری کردن ظلم کردن | فعل |
They did not plunder or ill-treat the people, but they cared nothing for town life or for agricultural pursuits, and as they passed onward they left the country bare. ill-treat a badger, or to interfere with a badger sett. |
abuse mistreat maltreat treat badly ill-use |
18 | interact/ˌɪntəˈrækt/ | ارتباط برقرار کردن تعامل داشتن، فعل و انفعال کردن | فعل |
I don't interact with people much. All the salts are explosive and readily interact with the alkyl iodides. |
interrelate interchange interconnect link relate to depend on |
19 | interaction/ˌɪntəˈrækʃən/ | تعامل فعل و انفعال، برهمکنش | اسم |
And it facilitates social interaction and connection. Aluminium iodide, AlI 3, results from the interaction of iodine and aluminium. |
interplay interchange interactivity interconnection interlinkage |
20 | interdependent/ˌɪntərdɪˈpendənt/ | وابسته به یکدیگر | صفت |
In fact, analogical, inductive and deductive inferences, though different processes of combining premises to cause different conclusions, are so similar and related, so united in principle and interdependent, so consolidated into a system of inference, that they cannot be completely investigated apart, but together constitute a single subject of science. Human personality, we learn, is the temporary manifestation of a complex organization consisting of "seven principles," which are united and interdependent, yet divided into certain groups, each capable of maintaining temporarily a spurious kind GI personality of its own and sometimes capable of acting, so to speak, as a distinct vehicle of our conscious individual life Each "principle" is composed of its own form of matter, determined and conditioned by its own laws of time, space and motion, and is, as it were, the repository of our various memories and volitions. |
21 | interrelated/ˌɪntərrɪˈleɪtɪd/ | به هم وابسته همبسته | صفت |
Again, many of the results or conclusions of criticism are mutually independent, while others are interrelated and depend for their validity on the validity of others. $ For examples of the persistence of the interrelated ideas - whether of astral significance or not is another question - see A. |
22 | malnourished/ˌmælˈnɜːrɪʃt/ | دچار سوء تغذیه | صفت |
She's malnourished and dehydrated, Wynn said. Along with the water loss, the body is denied glucose and other nutrients, leaving it a little malnourished. |
23 | miscalculate/mɪsˈkælkjəˌleɪt/ | اشتباه محاسبه کردن | فعل |
This is a gotcha for many novices because they miscalculate the amount of border they'll need by not allowing for waste at the corners. miscalculate the outstanding debt and ask you to pay back too much. |
misjudge make a mistake make a mistake about calculate wrongly estimate wrongly |
24 | misconceived/ˌmɪskənˈsiːvd/ | سوءتعبیر شده بد برداشت شده، تصور غلط | صفت |
The position of the first Tudor king is misconceived if his early years are regarded as a time of strong governance and well-established order. The points by which he told on Europe were all implicit in Aristotle, but Averroes set in relief what the original had left obscure, and emphasized things which the Christian theologian passed by or misconceived. |
misunderstand misinterpret put a wrong interpretation on misconstrue misapprehend |
25 | misconception/ˌmɪskənˈsepʃn/ | تصور غلط سوءتفاهم، سوءبرداشت | اسم |
For several centuries it was wholly lost sight of, and it was not till the 13th century that it was rediscovered through the agency of Robert Grosseteste, bishop of Lincoln, who translated it into Latin, under the misconception that it was a genuine work of the twelve sons of Jacob, and that the Christian interpolations were a genuine product of Jewish prophecy. All this lavish condemnation rests on a complete misconception of the case. |
misapprehension misunderstanding mistake error mix-up |
26 | misdiagnose/mɪsˈdaɪəɡnoʊz/ | اشتباه تشخیص دادن (بیماری) | فعل |
misdiagnose the problem and not achieve the desired outcome of solving the customers problem. It is imperative not to misdiagnose a serious condition and call it colic. |
27 | misfire/ˌmɪsˈfaɪər/ | شکست خوردن به جایی نرسیدن، اشتباه از آب درآمدن | فعل |
misfire problem - loose HT bolt! misfire when in long traffic jams. |
go wrong go awry go amiss be unsuccessful fail |
28 | mishandle/ˌmɪsˈhændl/ | بد اداره کردن بد مدیریت کردن | فعل |
mishandle - in what degree is the present situation down to the mishandling of past difficult situations by Lord Carey? mishandle says: ' Your company has a responsibility to make employees aware of how a serious mistake can occur from mishandling nonpublic information. |
botch bungle fluff fumble make a mess of mismanage |
29 | misinform/ˌmɪsɪnˈfɔːrm/ | اطلاعات غلط دادن گمراه کردن | فعل |
mislead misguide misdirect give wrong information to delude |
30 | misjudge/ˌmɪsˈdʒʌdʒ/ | اشتباه قضاوت کردن قضاوت غلط کردن | فعل |
While the physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal may be intense, do not misjudge how you feel. misjudge the situation. |
get the wrong idea about get wrong get the wrong end of the stick about judge incorrectly jump to the wrong conclusion about |
31 | mislay/ˌmɪsˈleɪ/ | گم کردن چیزی را در جایی گذاشتن و جای آن را فراموش کردن | فعل |
In his absent-minded way Tennyson was very apt to mislay objects; in earlier life he had lost the MS. of Poems, chiefly Lyrical, and had been obliged to restore the whole from scraps and memory. The downloadable service from the Casio website means that help is at hand should you mislay or lose the original instructions. |
lose misplace put in the wrong place lose track of miss drop |
32 | mismanage/ˌmɪsˈmænɪdʒ/ | بد اداره کردن بد مدیریت کردن | فعل |
Despite of all checks and disasters he remained active, self-confident and ambitious, and, since he had acquired a complete control over his father, he had ample opportunity to mismanage the political and military affairs of England. The Cult of Personality: How Personality Tests Are Leading Us to Miseducate Our Children, Mismanage Our Companies, and Misunderstand Ourselves. |
botch bungle fluff fumble make a mess of |
33 | misplace/ˌmɪsˈpleɪs/ | گم کردن در جای اشتباه قرار دادن، چیزی را در جایی گذاشتن و جای آن را فراموش کردن | فعل |
But how did one misplace or lose millions? Sometimes, people misplace the owner's manual that came with the car, so it's important to find resources where you can either access the same information online or request a new printed copy of that manual. |
lose mislay put in the wrong place lose track of miss |
34 | misprint/ˈmɪˈsprɪnt/ | اشتباه چاپی | اسم |
The third edition of the book ended up being a misprint, because it was missing the appendix! The Hebrides are mentioned by Ptolemy under the name of "E330uSat and by Pliny under that of Hebudes, the modern spelling having, it is said, originated in a misprint. |
mistake error printing error printing mistake typographical error |
35 | mistreat/mɪsˈtrit/ | بدرفتاری کردن | فعل |
Drivers can mistreat or beat up their cars and ignore or delay necessary maintenance and repairs until their car quits running, so age makes a difference when searching for a used car. If you mistreat your employees or stockholders, you run the risk that a couple million people may know about it before nightfall, thanks to Twitter, MySpace, Facebook and citizen journalists. |
ill-treat maltreat abuse ill-use misuse |
36 | overbook/ˈoʊvərˌbʊk/ | بیش از ظرفیت بلیط فروختن (هواپیما و ...) بیش از ظرفیت رزرو کردن | فعل |
37 | overdose/ˈoʊvərdoʊs/ | مصرف بیش از حد بیش مصرفی، اوردوز | اسم |
If taken in overdose or in a concentrated form tartaric acid produces severe gastro-enteritis. Too much vitamin D through toxicity or an overdose can cause the body to experience high levels of blood calcium, which can then be deposited in the heart and lungs, reducing their functioning and endangering an individual's health. |
38 | overemphasize/ˌoʊvərˈemfəsaɪz/ | تاکید زیاد کردن بیش از حد تاکید کردن | فعل |
overstress exaggerate attach too much importance to attach too much weight to make too much of |
39 | overload/ˌoʊvərˈloʊd/ | زیاد پر کردن زیاد بار زدن | فعل |
Just don't overload the phone bill if I come up with some names. The overload of emotions, the inability to read Gabriel's mind to find out what he thought, so she knew what to say or do. |
overburden put too much in overcharge encumber burden |
40 | overrated/ˌoʊvərˈreɪtɪd/ | اغراق شده مبالغه شده، زیاد از حد تعریف و تمجید شده | صفت |
The value of the Pahlavi interpretation was overrated by Spiegel„ Darmesteter, but wholly denied by Roth. Lithium salts render the urine alkaline and are in virtue of their action diuretic. They are much prescribed for acute or chronic gout, and as a solvent to uric acid calculi or gravel, but their action as a solvent of uric acid has been certainly overrated, as it has been shown that the addition of medicinal doses of lithium to the blood serum does not increase the solubility of uric acid in it. |
assess too highly overestimate overvalue prize too highly rate too highly |
41 | populated/ˈpɑːpjuleɪtɪd/ | پرجمعیت آباد | صفت |
Posters of teen pop stars populated her cousin's wall. The southern part of this region is well populated, and is covered with coffee and sugar plantations. |
inhabit live in reside in occupy people dwell in settle |
42 | reappraise/ˌriːəˈpreɪz/ | دوباره ارزیابی کردن دوباره مورد ملاحظه قرار دادن | فعل |
reappraise the whole situation. reappraise the subject. |
43 | reassess/ˌriːəˈses/ | دوباره ارزیابی کردن ارزشیابی دوباره کردن | فعل |
A somewhat greater was uninsured for send the premiums reassess the readiness. Need to reassess PRSPs; Need to end trade protectionism; need a dialog between North and South. |
44 | reconstruct/ˌriːkənˈstrʌkt/ | نوسازی کردن بازسازی کردن | فعل |
rearrange and reconstruct an area which has been proved classes to be insanitary. latitudes and longitudes, and with their aid it is possible to reconstruct the maps. |
rebuild restore renovate recreate remake |
45 | refuel/ˌriːˈfjuːəl/ | دوباره سوختگیری کردن دوباره سوخت دادن | فعل |
Let's stop in the town and refuel on the delicious food served at the local cafe. Mobility aircraft carry troops and equipment into battle, transport peacekeeping forces and humanitarian relief, and refuel other military aircraft in flight. |
46 | reinvent/ˌriːɪnˈvent/ | از نو ساختن به کلی تغییر دادن | فعل |
Why reinvent the wheel when you can work with a professional who can help you figure out how to get your new business up and running and off to a great start? Reinvent your romance and rekindle the discovery of your relationship by doing sweet and spontaneous things for one another like love notes in lunch bags, no-strings-attached back rubs or a bottle of wine and take-out on a weeknight. |
47 | retell/ˌriːˈtel/ | بازگو کردن دوبارهگویی کردن | فعل |
When she came to retell the story in a fuller form, the echo was still in her mind of the phrases she had written nine years before. Many books at your local public library or book store also retell actual paranormal cases. |
48 | rewrite/riːˈraɪt/ | بازنویسی کردن | فعل |
"I don't want to know what you did to rewrite the mating laws," Wynn said. What kind of deal did she make with Darkyn to rewrite the mating laws of the time-before-time? |
revise recast rework reword rephrase |
49 | uncooked/ʌnˈkʊkt/ | نپخته خام | صفت |
By the time Lana caught up, he'd had been lured into one of the buildings by a little girl with a handful of uncooked rice. The Elasmobranchs swallow infected molluscs or fish; pike and trout devour smaller fry; birds pick up sticklebacks, insects and worms which contain Cestode larvae; and man lays himself open to infection by eating the uncooked or partially prepared flesh of many animals. |
50 | undercooked/əndərˈkʊkt/ | نپخته به اندازه کافی پخته نشده | صفت |
Eating undercooked burgers which are rare in the middle may be dangerous. Raw or undercooked meat Make sure you only eat meat that has been well cooked. |
51 | underdeveloped/ˌʌndərdɪˈveləpt/ | توسعهنیافته پیشرفت کافی نکرده، عقبافتاده | صفت |
underdeveloped in most schools. The duodenal channel may be underdeveloped (duodenal hypoplasia), narrowed (duodenal stenosis), or the duodenum channel may not be properly formed (duodenal atresia). |
52 | underemployed/ˌʌndərɪmˈplɔɪd/ | کم اشتغال نیمه بیکار، کم کار | صفت |
underemployed graduates of Western-style schools were likely to turn to nationalist protest. underemployed local policeman, Sergeant Deegan busy. |
53 | underfed/ˌʌndərˈfed/ | دچار سوء تغذیه به میزان ناکافی غذا داده شده | صفت |
The children who crowd these grimy alleys, half-clad and underfed, shrink away from your outstretched hand as if from a blow. Sir Henry's own principal contribution to the discussion was rather unfortunate, for while insisting on the blessings derived by England from its free-trade policy, he coupled this with the rhetorical admission (at Bolton in 1903) that "12,000,000 British citizens were underfed and on the verge of hunger." |
54 | undernourished/ˌʌndərˈnɜrɪʃt/ | دچارسوءتغذیه | صفت |
We may not feel deprived, but we are undernourished. Furthermore, fasting can be down right dangerous for those with medical conditions or for those who are underweight or undernourished. |
55 | underpaid/ˌʌndərˈpeɪd/ | کمتر از حق خود حقوق گرفته | صفت |
The heaviest losses were due to war, shipwreck and tropical diseases, but large numbers of the underpaid or unpaid soldiers deserted to the armies of native states. If you believe you are being underpaid, Career Builder has an article with five tips on how to effectively ask for a raise. |
56 | underprivileged/ˌʌndərˈprɪvəlɪdʒd/ | محروم (از مزایای اجتماعی و اقتصادی) نیازمند | صفت |
"Underprivileged," he corrected with a smile. Always working hard, Oprah spreads her efforts out to cover important areas such as poverty and educating the underprivileged. |
57 | underrated/ˌʌndəˈreɪtɪd/ | دست کم گرفته شده به میزان کافی بها داده نشده، مورد توجه کافی قرار نگرفته نشده | صفت |
He altogether underrated the importance of the national movement in Prussia. The decisive successes for the Alliance were gained by its naval victories, whose importance William somewhat underrated and for whose execution he had only an indirect responsibility. |
58 | undersell/ˌʌndərˈsel/ | ارزانتر فروختن به بهای کمتر فروختن | فعل |
The practice of "dumping" must be fairly met; if foreign goods were brought into England to undersell British manufacturers, either the Fair Wages Clause and the Factory Acts and the Compensation Act would have to be repealed, or the workmen would have to take lower wages, or lose their work. Do n't undersell yourself, realize your worth & be proud of what you have achieved. |
59 | undeveloped/ˌʌndɪˈveləpt/ | توسعهنیافته پیشرفتنکرده، رشدنیافته | صفت |
From the Khingan ranges to the Pacific, south of the Amur, stretch the rich districts of Manchuria, a province which connects Russia with the Korea by a series of valleys formed by the Sungari and its affluents - a land of hill and plain, forest and swamp, possessing a delightful climate, and vast undeveloped agricultural resources. The vast majority of individuals in a community consist of wingless forms - " workers " and " soldiers," which are undeveloped members of either sex. |
60 | unemployed/ˌʌn.ɪmˈplɔɪd/ | بیکار | صفت |
Howard was unemployed but was forced to eat an expensive lease. You've got more time on your hands than an unemployed whaler. |
61 | unpaid/ˌʌnˈpeɪd/ | پرداختنشده | صفت |
The cast skipped town leaving a peck of unpaid bills. If a tenant quits leaving tithe unpaid, the landlord may pay it and recover it from him. |
62 | unsold/ˌʌnˈsoʊld/ | فروخته نشده به فروش نرسیده | صفت |
It remained in Mantegna's studio unsold at his death, and was disposed of to liquidate debts. In 1899 the national Congress granted to the school 25,000 acres of mineral lands, of which 20,000 acres, valued at $200,000, were unsold in 1909. |