ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | attention/əˈten.tʃən/ | توجه | اسم |
Still, she said, returning her attention to the old house. But he paid no attention to her warning. |
observation attentiveness intentness notice concentration |
2 | attract/əˈtrækt/ | جذب کردن توجه جلب کردن | فعل |
All it does is breed mosquitoes and attract snakes. Why wouldn't it attract Lori? |
draw pull magnetize entice allure lure |
3 | getting on for/ˈgɛtɪŋ ɑn fɔr/ | نزدیکهای چیزی (وقت، سال، عدد) بودن نزدیک به چیزی شدن | عبارت |
4 | brace/breɪs/ | سیمکشی (ارتودنسی) دندان | اسم |
Look for anything to brace the door! She looked around for something to brace the door and ended up leaning against it. |
vice clamp press clasp fastener hasp |
5 | chubby/ˈʧʌbi/ | خپل تپل، چاقالو | صفت |
Can she describe our chubby friend with the mustache? Jenn laughed softly at Talia's chubby hands trying to grasp the bright bauble. |
plump tubby roly-poly rotund portly |
6 | conceal/kənˈsiːl/ | پنهان کردن | فعل |
Yet she was always trying to conceal that passion. Maybe he was trying to protect her, but more likely he was simply trying to conceal the problem. |
hide keep out of sight keep hidden secrete tuck away screen |
7 | illusion/ɪˈluʒən/ | وهم تصور، خیال واهی | اسم |
Whether it was so, or merely chance or illusion, no one knows. In some passages the poet seems to take delight in casting dramatic illusion to the winds. |
delusion misapprehension misconception deception false impression |
8 | cute/kjuːt/ | ناز قشنگ، بامزه، خوشگل | صفت |
You look cute like that. "He's cute," Betty said as Dean snapped off the flashlight. |
endearing adorable lovable sweet lovely |
9 | discreet/dɪˈskriːt/ | باملاحظه محتاط | صفت |
I imagine if there are aliens, they've been discreet for a reason. "And Ully, be discreet," he added. |
careful circumspect cautious wary chary |
10 | discreetly/dɪˈskritli/ | با احتیاط با ملاحظه | قید |
She discreetly began to dig through the other messages. But the new system was to apply only to those who, in return for the greater privileges which it was alleged to ensure, would agree to a resurvey of their lands, arrange to pay quit-rents and provide for the permanent support of the government, and as Governor Lawrie found the colonists generally unwilling to make the exchange on the proposed terms, he discreetly refrained from any attempt to put the Fundamental Constitutions in operation and thereby avoided the confusion which must have resulted from two sets of laws. |
11 | doddery/ˈdɑːdəri/ | لرزان و لنگان پیر و پاتال | صفت |
tottering tottery teetering doddering staggering |
12 | draw/drɔː/ | جذب کردن به سمت خود کشیدن، جلب کردن | فعل |
Isn't it strange how babies can draw people together? Luck of the draw, I guess. |
sketch make a drawing make a drawing of make a diagram make a diagram of |
13 | enhance/ɛnˈhæns/ | افزایش دادن بالا بردن، بهتر کردن | فعل |
Given to cows in moderate quantity, they have been found to enhance both the yield and flavour of milk. The outcome of his discoveries was, not only to perfect the geometrical plan of the solar system, but to enhance very materially the predicting power of astronomy. |
increase add to intensify magnify amplify |
14 | exaggerate/ɪgˈzæʤəˌreɪt/ | اغراق کردن غلو کردن | فعل |
We must not exaggerate the result. True, we must not exaggerate this influence. |
overstate overemphasize overstress overestimate overvalue |
15 | exaggeration/ɪɡˌzædʒəˈreɪʃn/ | اغراق مبالغه، بزرگنمایی | اسم |
overstatement overemphasis magnification amplification aggrandizement |
16 | feature/ˈfiʧər/ | ویژگی مشخصه | اسم |
Her favorite feature, her eyes, had always been a pretty shade of turquoise. What do you consider the model's best feature to be? |
characteristic attribute quality property trait |
17 | flattering/ˈflætərɪŋ/ | جذاب شیک، زیبا | صفت |
But, flattering as was the offer, Petrarch declined it. The idea that Brandon felt relieved wasn't all that flattering - or comforting, for that matter. |
complimentary praising favourable commending admiring |
18 | frail/freɪl/ | ضعیف شکننده، سست | صفت |
Dean noticed her frail form near the front, seated alone. He gave the frail woman a hug and described the reason for his visit. |
infirm weak weakened feeble enfeebled |
19 | frailty/ˈfreɪlti/ | ضعف سستی | اسم |
His course seemed perfectly prosperous and secure, when a slight storm arising opened his eyes to the frailty of the tenure by which he held his position. The individual is generally homebound as a result of frailty, illness, or extenuating circumstances. |
infirmity infirmness weakness weakliness feebleness |
20 | freckles/ˈfreklz/ | کک مک | اسم |
The freckles stood out on his pale face. Sam was a tall redhead with large blue eyes and a sprinkle of freckles over an upturned nose. |
21 | ginger/ˈdʒɪndʒər/ | قرمز (رنگ مو) هویجی | اسم |
Ginger jumped back with a scream, but the others who were closer simply laughed. So did Ginger, and Joseph actually smiled. |
22 | ginger/ˈdʒɪndʒər/ | قرمز (رنگ مو) هویجی | صفت |
Ginger jumped back with a scream, but the others who were closer simply laughed. So did Ginger, and Joseph actually smiled. |
23 | gorgeous/ˈgɔrʤəs/ | زیبا جذاب، خوشگل | صفت |
She was gorgeous in the moonlight, and desire stirred his blood. That is gorgeous, wherever did you find it? |
good-looking attractive nice-looking handsome lovely |
24 | guidelines/ˈɡaɪdlaɪnz/ | دستورالعملها رهنمودها | اسم |
If you abide by the guidelines, you are sure to succeed with the project. Setting guidelines can help in defining the context of your search. |
recommendation instruction direction suggestion advice regulation |
25 | hide/hɑɪd/ | پنهان کردن | فعل |
Carmen tried to hide her surprise. You hide everything that is lovely. |
conceal secrete put in a hiding place put out of sight camouflage lock up |
26 | hip/hɪp/ | مفصل ران کفل، کمر | اسم |
You need some hip boots. Twist your hip more when you hit with the left. |
fashionable popular all the rage in fashion in vogue |
27 | indiscreet/ˌɪndɪˈskriːt/ | بیملاحظه بیاحتیاط، بیمبالات | صفت |
His presence became known to the authorities and an indiscreet declaration, "Campion Brag," made the position more difficult. Van den Ende appears to have been distinctly a man of parts, though of a somewhat indiscreet and erratic character. |
imprudent impolitic unwise injudicious incautious |
28 | key/kiː/ | کلید (اصطلاحی) رمز | اسم |
He has a key to the mine gate. I took the key from the office and made a copy. |
answer clue solution explanation pointer |
29 | lengthen/ˈlɛŋθən/ | طولانی کردن | فعل |
Accents on vowels lengthen them; on d and t they are softening marks. or March) and the days begin to lengthen the phyto-planktonic organisms begin to reproduce. |
elongate make longer stretch out extend expand widen |
30 | loosen/ˈlusən/ | شل کردن | فعل |
I'm going to take him for a ride to loosen up. laxare, to loosen), e.g. |
make slack slacken slack unstick unfasten detach |
31 | paunch/pʌnʧ/ | شکم گنده | اسم |
The interior of the rumen or paunch has no tags or villi on its surface, and there is no distinct psalterium or manyplies. Kutuzov sat up with one leg hanging down from the bed and his big paunch resting against the other which was doubled under him. |
pot belly fat abdomen fat belly fat stomach protruding abdomen |
32 | pay attention/peɪ əˈtɛnʃən/ | توجه کردن | فعل |
listen be attentive attend concentrate on concentrate on hearing |
33 | show off/ʃoʊ ɔf/ | پز دادن فخر فروختن | فعل |
behave affectedly put on airs put on an act give oneself airs boast |
34 | stick out/stɪk aʊt/ | بیرون زدن | فعل |
35 | straighten/ˈstreɪtn/ | صاف کردن مرتب کردن | فعل |
I was trying to straighten that picture on the wall. While you guys straighten the business end, I'll just leave this junk here. |
make straight align adjust arrange rearrange tidy |
36 | strengthen/ˈstreŋ.θən/ | تقویت کردن | فعل |
The "singing lessons" were to strengthen her voice. These fortresses, garrisoned not by the king, as in Norman England, but by their possessors, would only strengthen the power of the feudatories, and help to dissipate the kingdom into a number of local units. |
make strong make stronger build up give strength to make healthy |
37 | stripe/strɑɪp/ | خط راه راه | اسم |
The ribbon is red with a central stripe of blue. The ribbon is black with a silver stripe at the edges. |
line band strip belt bar |
38 | tighten/ˈtaɪ.tən/ | سفت کردن تنگ کردن، محکم کردن | فعل |
She watched him tighten a strap around the horse's belly. Meanwhile on land Suleiman had taken full advantage of the European situation to tighten his grip on Hungary. |
secure make fast make more secure screw up give an extra turn to strengthen |
39 | unflattering/ʌnˈflætərɪŋ/ | زشت نازیبا | صفت |
This is an authorized history, in which everything unflattering to the Burmese monarchs was rigidly suppressed. Busy, loud patterns can accentuate the wrong areas, making them unflattering options for some women. |
unfavourable uncomplimentary harsh unsympathetic critical |
40 | weaken/ˈwiːkən/ | ضعیف کردن تضعیف کردن | فعل |
According to circumstances I shall weaken one wing to strengthen my reserve...." Two causes principally had tended to weaken the Mogul power. |
enfeeble debilitate incapacitate sap one's strength enervate |
41 | wrinkle/ˈrɪŋkl/ | چروک چین | اسم |
Like the first wrinkle, it was inevitable. His lips are firmly closed, his eyes glitter, and a wrinkle comes and goes on his pale forehead. |
crease fold pucker gather furrow |