ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | adopt/əˈdɑːpt/ | قبول کردن اتخاذ کردن، انتخاب کردن | فعل |
It wouldn't hurt to adopt a more positive outlook. She had to adopt a positive attitude. |
embrace take on acquire affect espouse |
2 | analyse/ˈænəˌlaɪz/ | تحلیل کردن تجزیه کردن، آنالیز کردن | فعل |
His first publication, in 1819, a translation of the Analyse du fruit of L. Some reparation has been made to his memory by the reprinting of his Analyse by the Willughby Society. |
break down resolve separate reduce decompose |
3 | argument/ˈɑrgjəmənt/ | استدلال | اسم |
They'll get no argument from me. His words stung, and any further argument died on her lips as she realized how serious he was. |
quarrel disagreement squabble fight difference of opinion |
4 | assert/əˈsɜrt/ | اعلام کردن ادعا کردن، مدعی شدن | فعل |
Only once during this period did the young tsar come forward and assert his authority. At last the law-abiding Jews might and must assert the majesty of the outraged Law. |
declare maintain contend argue state |
5 | assertion/əˈsɜrʃən/ | ادعا اظهار، بیانیه | اسم |
This assertion was firm. The simple assertion was a waterfall after a month without a drop of information about her. |
declaration contention statement claim submission |
6 | assess/əˈsɛs/ | ارزیابی کردن تعیین کردن، ارزشیابی کردن | فعل |
She tried to assess how many there might be. I'll come get you in the morning, so we can assess your skills. |
evaluate judge gauge rate estimate |
7 | assessment/əˈses.mənt/ | ارزیابی ارزشیابی | اسم |
Talal's assessment of there being something wrong returned to her. His assessment tore through her mind, digging up memories and laying them bare on the surface. |
evaluation judgement gauging rating estimation |
8 | claim/kleɪm/ | ادعا کردن مدعی شدن | فعل |
They claim there's not enough evidence it's him. She went to claim it. |
assert declare profess maintain state |
9 | coherence/koʊˈhɪrəns/ | انسجام پیوستگی، ارتباط منطقی | اسم |
The coherence of his writing lies in his personality. Amid all the varying and contradictory phenomena of the universe there is something which gives coherence and intelligibility to them. |
consistency logicality good sense soundness organization |
10 | coherent/koʊˈhɪrənt/ | منسجم فصیح، دارای ارتباط منطقی | صفت |
It was not a coherent narrative. As they grow, they will struggle to learn new words, make conversation and sound coherent. |
logical reasoned reasonable well reasoned rational |
11 | command/kəˈmænd/ | تسلط دانش | اسم |
He sat in the only seat in the tiny craft, studying Ne'Rin, who transmitted from A'Ran's battle command center on the moon that was his interim home. But when his Serenity took command everything became straight forward. |
order give orders to give the order to tell direct |
12 | conclude/kənˈklud/ | استنتاج کردن نتیجه گرفتن، تصمیم گرفتن | فعل |
If we conclude that we must end war, the next question is: Is that even possible? It would be wrong, however, to conclude that moral considerations have led up to this state of things. |
finish end come to an end draw to a close wind up |
13 | conclusion/kənˈkluː.ʒən/ | نتیجه نتیجهگیری، پایان | اسم |
In conclusion she asked her mother if she should like to see "very high mountain and beautiful cloudcaps." He came to the conclusion that she, too, needed time to heal. |
end ending finish close closure |
14 | condemn/kənˈdem/ | محکوم کردن متهم کردن | فعل |
Don't condemn him before you hear the evidence. Hearing the lengths his mate went through to condemn the human rendered him speechless. |
censure criticize castigate attack denounce |
15 | condemnation/ˌkɑndəmˈneɪʃən/ | سرزنش اتهام، نکوهش | اسم |
censure criticism castigation stricture denunciation |
16 | condone/kənˈdoʊn/ | چشم پوشی کردن بخشیدن | فعل |
The state does not condone violence. The law does not condone the violation of other people's rights. |
deliberately ignore not take into consideration disregard take no notice of take no account of |
17 | conference/ˈkɑnfərəns/ | همایش کنفرانس | اسم |
The conference room was silent, the air purified, the lighting perfect. "We've got a problem," he said as we gathered around our conference table, a cold cup of coffee in each of our hands. |
congress meeting convention seminar colloquium |
18 | criteria/kraɪˈtɪriə/ | معیارها ضوابط | اسم |
We have specific criteria and certain limitations. It met all our criteria; a stable employment, reasonably priced homes, a state college and a regional hospital. |
basis point of reference standard norm yardstick |
19 | criterion/kraɪˈtɪriən/ | معیار استاندارد، محک | اسم |
Feeling, therefore, is the only possible criterion alike of knowledge and of conduct. The church lays down a rule of domestic policy, and neither gives nor pretends to give any absolute criterion for the validity of ordination. |
basis point of reference standard norm yardstick |
20 | discursive/dɪˈskɜrsɪv/ | پراکنده (سخن) نامربوط، بی ترتیب | صفت |
Demosthenes has at command all the discursive brilliancy which fascinates a festal audience. He was, for his time, a voluminous as well as a very discursive writer. |
rambling digressive meandering wandering maundering |
21 | evaluate/ɪˈvæljueɪt/ | ارزیابی کردن ارزشیابی کردن | فعل |
"I evaluate them for opportunities," he said. He stopped to evaluate the gilded ornaments. |
assess assess the worth of put a price on put a value on judge gauge |
22 | evaluation/ɪˌvæljuˈeɪʃn/ | ارزشیابی ارزیابی | اسم |
The Evaluation of Continued Fractions. When symptoms continue even after treatment or to rule out the presence of other illnesses with similar symptoms, the diagnostic evaluation may include blood tests, a hydrogen breath test, or an x ray of the bowel, called a barium enema. |
assessment appraisal judgement gauging rating |
23 | exemplify/ɪgˈzɛmpləˌfaɪ/ | نمونه ای از چیزی بودن نمایان گر چیزی بودن | فعل |
The teeth especially exemplify the carnivorous type in its highest condition of development. We shall exemplify this subject by considering the case of two waves travelling in the same direction through the air. |
typify epitomize be a typical example of serve as a typical example of represent |
24 | explore/ɪkˈsplɔr/ | بررسی کردن | فعل |
I was going to explore this path. No one was around, so she decided to explore the path. |
investigate look into look over inquire into consider |
25 | formal/ˈfɔːrml/ | رسمی | صفت |
No. Do they ever have a formal dinner? Alex was cordial to his father and formal to his sister. |
ceremonial ceremonious ritualistic ritual conventional |
26 | highlight/ˈhaɪlaɪt/ | برجسته کردن مورد تاکید قرار دادن، مشخص کردن | فعل |
Feeding and harnessing the cantankerous mules wasn't exactly the highlight of her day. The soft warm beige had a yellow highlight that reflected the evening sun. |
high point high spot best part climax culmination |
27 | hypothesis/haɪˈpɑθəsəs/ | فرضیه | اسم |
Their hypothesis explains so many facts. An unproven hypothesis of the existence of things can be useful. |
theory theorem thesis conjecture supposition |
28 | hypothesize/haɪˈpɑːθəsaɪz/ | فرضیهسازی کردن فرض کردن | فعل |
Scholars hypothesize that tattooing was a permanent version of the desired aesthetic of body painting. Researchers hypothesize that narcolepsy is a result of dysfunction within the body's sleep cycle regulation, but they do not know how to prevent this disorder from developing or how to completely stop it once it does manifest in a person. |
29 | illustrate/ˈɪləˌstreɪt/ | با مثال یا تصویر روشن کردن (مطلب) توضیح دادن | فعل |
Let me illustrate this one from my own life. A single example will be sufficient to illustrate this. |
decorate adorn ornament embellish accompany add drawings to |
30 | incoherent/ˌɪnkoʊˈhɪrənt/ | بی ربط نامنسجم، گسسته | صفت |
The result is a confusion that renders the description incoherent. Linguistics can tell us what makes the poem incoherent, how the "speaker" is multiple, but not who the speaker is. |
unclear confused muddled unintelligible incomprehensible |
31 | justification/ˌʤʌstəfəˈkeɪʃən/ | توجیه | اسم |
The justification of this statement is found in the literary collection of writings known by his name. Since 1879 their leading doctrines have been formulated as follows: (I) the total depravity of man; (2) the real Godhead and real humanity of Christ; (3) justification and redemption through the sacrifice of Christ; (4) work of the Holy Spirit; (5) good works as fruits of the Spirit; (6) fellowship of believers; (7) second coming of Christ; (8) resurrection of the dead to life or judgment. |
grounds reason just cause basis rationale |
32 | justify/ˈʤʌstəˌfaɪ/ | توجیه کردن دلیل موجه آوردن | فعل |
That didn't justify what I did. I know there's nothing I can say to justify my actions. |
give grounds for give reasons for give a justification for show just cause for explain |
33 | narrative/ˈnærətɪv/ | روایت داستان | اسم |
account story tale chronicle history |
34 | narrator/nəˈreɪtər/ | راوی گوینده داستان | اسم |
The narrator assumes that Adam and Eve had an innate faculty of speech. The name is taken by the narrator of Gen. |
storyteller teller of tales recounter relater describer |
35 | outline/ˈɑʊt.lɑɪn/ | خلاصه گفتن سر فصل مطالب را گفتن | فعل |
Turning to go, she noted the outline of a door beneath the stairs. She carefully drew the outline of a truck around the words on the top. |
silhouette profile figure shape contour |
36 | outline/ˈɑʊt.lɑɪn/ | خلاصه طرح، رئوس مطالب | اسم |
Turning to go, she noted the outline of a door beneath the stairs. She carefully drew the outline of a truck around the words on the top. |
silhouette profile figure shape contour |
37 | position/pəˈzɪʃ.ən/ | موضع دیدگاه | اسم |
She fluffed the pillow and changed position, unable to sleep. Han chuckled from his position near the window. |
location place situation spot site |
38 | present/ˈprez.ənt/ | نشان دادن ارائه دادن، تقدیم کردن | فعل |
Carmen asked, setting a freshly-wrapped present aside. Let him present his side. |
in attendance attending here there near |
39 | presentation/ˌprez.ənˈteɪ.ʃən/ | سخنرانی ارائه، نطق | اسم |
The next stop on his list was visiting Ms. Lydia Larkin, deputy sheriff, whose presentation of a speeding ticket and general attitude still pissed him off, just remembering it. The subject for history is not man's will itself but our presentation of it. |
awarding presenting giving handing over dispensing |
40 | register/ˈredʒ.ɪ.stər/ | گونه کاربردی (زبانشناسی) | اسم |
You'll help Julie to register Molly at the Keene school while I make the plane reservation. It took a moment for her to register the truth. |
official list listing roll roster index |
41 | sit on the fence/sɪt ɑn ðə fɛns/ | سکوت اختیار کردن بیطرف ماندن، نظر ندادن | عبارت |
undecided uncommitted uncertain unsure vacillating |
42 | stance/stæns/ | موضع دیدگاه | اسم |
It was in his relaxed stance, the steadiness of his gaze. The tension was heavy enough to make Taran lower his stance further. |
posture body position pose attitude bearing attitude |
43 | story/ˈstɔːr.i/ | داستان | اسم |
He told his wonderful story to the king; but the king would not believe him. That's an incredible story, Martha. |
tale narrative account recital anecdote chronicle history yarn |
44 | style/staɪl/ | سبک شیوه، مد | اسم |
Her hair was short and dark and worn in an easy style that seemed to require little care. He's got a great sense of style, Linda said with a laugh. |
manner way technique method methodology |
45 | stylistic/staɪˈlɪstɪk/ | سبکی | صفت |
Such accommodation, though sometimes purely literary or stylistic, generally has the definite purpose of instruction, and is frequently used both in the New Testament and in pulpit utterances in all periods as a means of producing a reasonably accurate impression of a complicated idea in the minds of those who are for various reasons unlikely to comprehend it otherwise. Judges v., stories of Elijah and Elisha), and their stylistic variations may be, as Gunkel suggests, the mark of a district or region; for this district one would look in the neighbourhood of Jerusalem. |
46 | summarize/ˈsʌməraɪz/ | خلاصه کردن | فعل |
Here we can only summarize the points of the investigation. In what follows an attempt will be made to summarize the facts and indicate the conclusions to be drawn from recent experience. |
sum up abridge condense encapsulate outline |