ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | accomplish/əˈkɑmplɪʃ/ | (با موفقیت) به پایان رساندن تکمیل کردن، انجام دادن | فعل |
It seemed very doubtful whether he would accomplish his desire. Of course I agreed though I had no idea how I'd accomplish the task and dreaded even trying. |
fulfil achieve succeed in realize attain |
2 | achieve/əˈtʃiːv/ | رسیدن (به هدف) به دست آوردن، موفق شدن | فعل |
How do you hope to achieve that? Sometimes they achieve rare beauty by accident. |
attain reach arrive at realize carry off bring off |
3 | anticipate/ænˈtɪsəˌpeɪt/ | انتظار (چیزی را) داشتن منتظر بودن، پیشبینی کردن، توقع داشتن | فعل |
She always seemed to know what was going on inside people's heads, and to anticipate how a person would react to a given circumstance. There was every reason to anticipate the success of the second. |
expect foresee predict think likely forecast |
4 | anticipation/ænˌtɪsəˈpeɪʃən/ | انتظار پیش بینی | اسم |
She closed the doors when she left the room, anticipation increasing her pulse. The job gave him an anticipation of earnings. |
expectation prediction forecast prolepsis expectancy expectation hope |
5 | basis/ˈbeɪ.səs/ | بازه (زمانی) | اسم |
So you're on a first name basis with him, huh? It wasn't as if there was any basis for the feeling. |
foundation support base footing reasoning rationale |
6 | out of hand/aʊt ʌv hænd/ | مهار نشدنی خارج از کنترل، افسار گسیخته | عبارت |
out of control uncontrollable unmanageable ungovernable unruly |
7 | break off/breɪk ɔf/ | ناگهان ساکت شدن ناگهان متوقف شدن | فعل |
snap off, come off, become detached, become separated, become severed
8 | under control/ˈʌndər kənˈtroʊl/ | تحت کنترل | عبارت |
9 | delegate/ˈdɛləgət/ | سپردن (مسئولیت) دادن (حق)، نماینده کردن | فعل |
A delegate must be a member of the association. He was a prominent member of the Republican party, and in 1861 was a delegate to the Peace Conference in Washington. |
representative envoy emissary commissioner agent |
10 | deluge/ˈdeljuːdʒ/ | سیل سیلاب | اسم |
That deluge of fire was worth seeing. Next Ahriman sent a deluge, from which one man escaped in a boat with his cattle. |
flood flash flood torrent spate downpour torrential rain torrent of rain thunderstorm |
11 | get out of hand/gɛt aʊt ʌv hænd/ | اوضاع از دست در رفتن کنترل اوضاع را از دست دادن | جمله |
12 | hard hit/hɑrd hɪt/ | به شدت تحت تاثیر قرار دادن | عبارت |
13 | priority/prɑɪˈɔːr.ət̬.i/ | اولویت ارجحیت | اسم |
The first priority was rescuing children. The priority should probably be assigned to the Orosius, but the point has been much debated. |
prime concern first concern most important consideration most pressing matter matter of greatest importance |
14 | severely/səˈvɪr.li/ | شدیدا | قید |
Her dark hair was pulled back severely from a narrow face. In 1855 it suffered severely from yellow fever. |
very badly extremely badly seriously gravely critically |
15 | interminable/ɪnˈtɜːrmɪnəbl/ | تمام نشدنی بی پایان | صفت |
seemingly endless endless never-ending unending without end |
16 | inundate/ˈɪnənˌdeɪt/ | با خیل عظیمی مواجه شدن سیل زده کردن | فعل |
Thus, water, moisture, weep, tears, inundate, irrigate," &c. The word a can also mean " shining, glistening," an idea evidently developed from the shining rippling of water. The storm will inundate low-lying areas, with 4 million people at risk of flooding in the UK alone. |
flood deluge overflow overrun swamp |
17 | jot down/ʤɑt daʊn/ | (سریع) نوشتن | فعل |
18 | never-ending/ˌnevər ˈendɪŋ/ | تمامنشدنی بیپایان | صفت |
It was a never-ending game of catch-up - just when a web designer thought she had her site exactly the way she wanted it in all browsers, some update would occur and change the rules again. Sure, you have to play more than one in order to start enjoying them or to really see what they are about, but if you want to ditch the seemingly never-ending customization options in rally games, then play RalliSport Challenge 2. |
incessant continuous unceasing ceaseless constant |
19 | no matter what/noʊ ˈmætər wʌt/ | به هر صورت تحت هر شرایطی، هر طور شده | قید |
20 | overwhelmed/ˌoʊvərˈwelmd/ | متاثر سراسیمه، آشفته | صفت |
He must have been overwhelmed with the responsibility - and guilt. She felt suddenly overwhelmed by loneliness. |
swamp submerge engulf bury deluge |
21 | plague/pleɪɡ/ | طاعون | اسم |
He died of the plague in 1669. During the plague of A.D. |
disease sickness bubonic plague pneumonic plague the Black Death contagious disease contagion |
22 | prioritize/praɪˈɔrəˌtaɪz/ | اولویتبندی کردن در اولویت قرار دادن | فعل |
We agreed to prioritize those where possible. An excellent way to avoid being remiss is to prioritize all your responsibilities and write them down. |
23 | productive/prəˈdʌk.tɪv/ | ثمربخش پربار، پربازده | صفت |
Sunday was more productive than Saturday. Saturday and Sunday were both productive days with four sessions taking place each day. |
prolific inventive creative dynamic energetic vigorous |
24 | prompt/prɑmpt/ | سریع | صفت |
Alice Burton tearfully thanked the authorities for their prompt action. Just prompt them once in awhile. |
induce make move cause motivate |
25 | promptly/ˈprɑmt.li/ | فورا سریعا | قید |
She answered promptly, "I will pay ten cents." These discoveries were promptly recognized. |
punctually on time on the dot on the nail bang on spot on on the button on the knocker quickly |
26 | rigorous/ˈrɪɡərəs/ | جامع کامل | صفت |
His imprisonment was not a rigorous one, and negotiations for his release were soon begun. Besides all this, life was further regulated by an exceedingly rigorous system of fasts. |
meticulous punctilious conscientious careful diligent |
27 | ruthlessly/ˈruːθləsli/ | بیرحمانه سرسختانه | قید |
between inanimate matter and man are ruthlessly swept away; only one soul, the rational, remains, and that is restricted to man. 1919, lay heavily upon the land, which was ruthlessly exploited. |
merciless pitiless cruel heartless hard-hearted |
28 | schedule/ˈskedʒ.uːl/ | برنامه زمانی برنامه | اسم |
Their schedule seems pretty consistent. Pick up a copy of your schedule as you head out. |
plan programme timetable scheme timetable agenda |
29 | schedule/ˈskedʒ.uːl/ | برنامهریزی کردن زمانبندی کردن | فعل |
Their schedule seems pretty consistent. Pick up a copy of your schedule as you head out. |
plan programme timetable scheme timetable agenda |
30 | set aside/sɛt əˈsaɪd/ | کنار گذاشتن ذخیره کردن | فعل |
31 | stick to/stɪk tuː/ | ادامه دادن ماندن با | فعل |
abide by keep adhere to hold to fulfil |
32 | stream/striːm/ | نهر جوی، رود | اسم |
I switched boats mid stream and expected you to follow me. "I left her near a stream," Gabe said, looking around. |
brook rivulet rill runnel streamlet |
33 | stressed out/strɛst aʊt/ | پرتنش پریشان، مضطرب | صفت |
34 | swamped/swɑːmpt/ | غرق در سخت گرفتار، ذله | صفت |
It is hard, very hard at times; but it hasn't swamped me yet. m time be swamped by the former. |
marsh bog quagmire mire morass |
35 | train of thought/treɪn ʌv θɔt/ | رشته افکار | اسم |
36 | unproductive/ˌʌnprəˈdʌktɪv/ | بیحاصل بیثمر | صفت |
The meeting was unproductive of good. Only about 5% was unproductive soil or moorland. |
sterile barren infertile uncultivatable unfruitful |
37 | whatever/wʌt̬ˈev.ər/ | هر چه هر چیز | ضمیر |
Whatever happens, it's us together and we'll make it. The Internet is whatever we make it to be. |
38 | whenever/wenˈev.ər/ | هر وقت هر موقع | حرف ربط |
He snorted whenever he mentioned him. Just remember, I'll always be there – whenever you need me. |
39 | wherever/werˈev.ər/ | هر جا | حرف ربط |
Wherever you want to go. I don't think so, but wherever it was, it shook her up. |