ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | boom/buːm/ | رونق شکوفایی | اسم |
Each boom of thunder was loud enough to rattle the window panes. She heard another boom, then a third. |
reverberation resonance resounding thunder thundering roaring |
2 | bounce back/baʊns bæk/ | سرحال شدن (بعد از بیماری، مشکل) دوباره انرژی به دست آوردن | فعل |
recover revive rally make a comeback take a turn for the better |
3 | bubble/ˈbʌbl/ | حباب | اسم |
She felt panic bubble and tears sting her eyes once again. The warm bubble bath was relaxing. |
globule bead blister drop air cavity air pocket sparkle |
4 | bumpy/ˈbʌmpi/ | ناهموار پرتکان، پر از دست انداز | صفت |
Janet and Ouray were but a stop on the bumpy road to nowhere. The smooth ride grew bumpy suddenly, and Brady braced himself against his seat. |
uneven rough irregular holed potholed holey |
5 | ride/rɑɪd/ | سواری | اسم |
I'm going to take you for a ride up there and show you some land. The rest of the ride was pleasant. |
sit on mount be mounted on bestride manage handle |
6 | buoyant/ˈbɔɪənt/ | پر رونق شکوفا | صفت |
From youth to age he describes himself as gifted with a buoyant temper. Its eggs are buoyant and pelagic and easily recognized. |
able to float light floating floatable cheerful cheery happy |
7 | debt burden/dɛt ˈbɜrdən/ | بدهی سنگین | اسم |
8 | conflicting/kənˈflɪktɪŋ/ | متناقض متضاد | صفت |
All would go well until they had conflicting ideas about how something should be done. Despite his words, she saw the conflicting emotions on his face. |
contradictory incompatible inconsistent irreconcilable incongruous |
9 | contradict/ˌkɑntrəˈdɪkt/ | مخالفت کردن نفی کردن، رد کردن | فعل |
No one dared to contradict him, so he brought in anyone he knew. You should not contradict what a previous referee has said. |
deny refute rebut dispute counter say the opposite of gainsay controvert |
10 | contradiction/ˌkɑntrəˈdɪkʃən/ | تضاد تناقض، مغایرت | اسم |
The contradiction confused her. This was in direct contradiction with the instructions Napoleon had given him on the 28th of March in view of this very emergency. |
conflict clash disagreement opposition inconsistency |
11 | contradictory/ˌkɑntrəˈdɪktəri/ | متناقض ضد و نقیض | اسم |
It was a contradictory thought - and totally unfair to Josh. Believers could be in no uncertainty as to which of two contradictory passages remained in force; and they might still find edification in that which had become obsolete. |
opposed in opposition opposite antithetical contrary |
12 | corporate/ˈkɔːrpərət/ | شرکتی سهامی، گروهی | صفت |
He was friendly enough, but no threat to anyone and no corporate climber. The city coroner is a corporate officer. |
collective shared common communal joint |
13 | corporation/ˌkɔːrpəˈreɪʃn/ | شرکت | اسم |
The corporation owns the water supply, public baths and wash-houses and the gasworks. Ouray Ice Park, Inc. is a non-profit corporation and runs exclusively on the donations of sponsor members. |
company firm business concern operation |
14 | cut/kʌt/ | کاهش | اسم |
Placing it in a little plate, he cut it up in small pieces. I've cut enough here for supper. |
gash slash lacerate slit pierce |
15 | dry up/draɪ ʌp/ | کمتر و کمتر شدن به تدریج کاهش یافتن | فعل |
stop speaking stop talking fall silent say no more shut up forget one's lines |
16 | slump/slʌmp/ | افت سقوط، رکود | اسم |
Edith seemed to slump down in her seat. Jake watched her slump again and rubbed his mouth nervously. |
sit heavily flop flump collapse sink |
17 | equities/ˈɛkwətiz/ | سهام | اسم |
The normal CREST security admittance procedure is based around a fairly long lead time to admittance procedure is based around a fairly long lead time to admittance (for equities and gilts ). equitye was also a re-weighting within equities out of the UK and into overseas equities. |
fairness fair-mindedness justness justice equitableness |
18 | gain/geɪn/ | سود منفعت، بهره | اسم |
All they gain is a sense of contributing. My loss is your gain, Josh. |
obtain get acquire come by procure |
19 | healthy/ˈhel.θi/ | موفق و پررونق کارآمد | صفت |
They grew up healthy and strong. The babies were healthy and by mid-August, they would have two new family members. |
in good physical condition in good health well all right fine |
20 | hike/haɪk/ | افزایش ناگهانی | اسم |
Take a nice long hike,' he mocked. Joseph, smiling for the first time in Dean's memory, said he and Ginger planned to walk about town and perhaps hike up to the nearby Box Canyon waterfall. |
walk trek tramp trudge traipse |
21 | turmoil/ˈtɜːrmɔɪl/ | آشفتگی هرجومرج، پریشانی | اسم |
There was turmoil in her pale blue eyes. He felt her turmoil through their bond and ached to ease her pain. |
confusion upheaval upheavals turbulence tumult |
22 | invest/ɪnˈvɛst/ | سرمایهگذاری کردن | فعل |
Now I must invest in a new vehicle. One of his first acts was to invest the emperor Charles VI. |
put money into sink money into lay out money on plough money into provide capital for spend money on |
23 | investor/ɪnˈvɛstər/ | سرمایهگذار | اسم |
Roger said he'd heard it was some investor from out west. The investor did not incur any capital gains liability. |
24 | loss/lɑːs/ | ضرر کاهش، از دست دادن | اسم |
He already felt the loss of her calm energy, but he had no idea what to do about it. The sense of loss returned. |
mislaying misplacement dropping forgetting overlooking deprivation |
25 | outlook/ˈaʊtlʊk/ | چشمانداز آتیه | اسم |
What she knew was that her father and his lies had skewed her outlook on her world for ten years. Thus, with the succession uncertain, with the Turk at the very door, with the prospect, dismal at the best, of a long minority, the political outlook was both embarrassing and perilous. |
point of view viewpoint views slant angle |
26 | plummet/ˈplʌmɪt/ | سقوط کردن کاهش یافتن | فعل |
I think we will see commodity prices plummet in the coming years. While she despised the man, her feelings still lacked a motive to sever his rope in cold blood and watch him plummet down to the rocks and churning river below. |
plunge fall headlong hurtle nosedive dive |
27 | plunge/plʌndʒ/ | سقوط کردن پایین آمدن (ناگهانی و شدید) | فعل |
Let's not just plunge into this. Unwilling to go on, she stopped and hugged herself, watching Keaton plunge into the water. |
jump dive hurl oneself throw oneself fling oneself |
28 | rally/ˈræli/ | افزایش یافتن قیمت | فعل |
Maybe I could rally for a little nightcap after all. That's the whole agenda; just rally 'round the flag, boys, chin held high. |
reassemble regroup re-form reunite gather together again |
29 | recover/rɪˈkʌv.ər/ | بهبود یافتن ترمیم شدن | فعل |
She nodded, trying hard to recover from the latest surprise. That army could not recover anywhere. |
recuperate get better get well convalesce regain one's strength |
30 | rocket/ˈrɑk.ɪt/ | به صورت نجومی بالا رفتن بسیار سریع و ناگهانی افزایش یافتن | فعل |
The rocket had exploded as it landed on the floor, leaving a gaping hole. Doesn't seem like rocket science. |
missile projectile trajectile scolding chiding reprimand rebuke |
31 | slash/slæʃ/ | کم کردن کاستن | فعل |
She was too … nice to slash a man's throat. I'll stab and slash and chop off their heads! |
cut cut open gash slit split open |
32 | slump/slʌmp/ | افت ناگهانی داشتن سقوط کردن | فعل |
Edith seemed to slump down in her seat. Jake watched her slump again and rubbed his mouth nervously. |
sit heavily flop flump collapse sink |
33 | snap up/snæp ʌp/ | سریع خریدن تو هوا زدن | فعل |
34 | soar/sɔr/ | اوج گرفتن صعود کردن، بالا رفتن | فعل |
His long wings beat the air as he rose, and it took him a short two minutes to soar over the castle. When they are too large, it is said to soar with them to a great height and drop them on a rock or stone that they may be broken into pieces of convenient size. |
fly up wing wing its way take off take flight take to the air ascend |
35 | strengthen/ˈstreŋ.θən/ | تقویت کردن | فعل |
The "singing lessons" were to strengthen her voice. These fortresses, garrisoned not by the king, as in Norman England, but by their possessors, would only strengthen the power of the feudatories, and help to dissipate the kingdom into a number of local units. |
make strong make stronger build up give strength to make healthy |
36 | surge/sɜːrdʒ/ | افزایش | اسم |
She glanced down at her wrinkled nightclothes and felt a scarlet wave surge up her neck. She swallowed down a surge of excitement. |
gush rush outpouring stream flow |
37 | surge/sɜːrdʒ/ | به سرعت افزایش یافتن | فعل |
She glanced down at her wrinkled nightclothes and felt a scarlet wave surge up her neck. She swallowed down a surge of excitement. |
gush rush outpouring stream flow |
38 | burst/bɜrst/ | ترکیدن منفجر شدن | فعل |
Tammy burst through the door and saw Lisa sitting on the counter. After a slight hesitation the door burst open with a cracking blow. |
split open burst open break open tear open rupture |
39 | trigger/ˈtrɪɡər/ | به کار انداختن موجب شدن، سبب شدن | فعل |
Something about her feet hitting the floor in the morning seemed to trigger her stomach. It is ordinarily caught in wooden traps of simple construction, being little enclosures of stakes or brush in which the bait is placed upon a trigger, with a short upright stick supporting a log of wood, which falls upon its victim on the slightest disturbance. |
precipitate prompt trigger off set off spark |
40 | turbulence/ˈtɜrbjələns/ | تلاطم آشفتگی (جریان هوا) | اسم |
We're running into a little turbulence from the storm. The little plane danced and swayed in the turbulence, constantly buffeted by the increasing wind. |
turmoil instability conflict upheaval tumult |
41 | turbulent/ˈtɜːrbjələnt/ | پرتلاطم آشفته، پر جوش و خروش | صفت |
The citizens, however, retained their turbulent spirit. He displayed great energy in facing the difficulties of a turbulent situation, but was unsuccessful. |
tempestuous stormy unstable unsettled tumultuous |
42 | underlying/ˌʌndərˈlaɪɪŋ/ | اساسی زیربنایی | صفت |
The fossils are few, and in some cases probably derived from the underlying formations. Tests gave no indication of an underlying cause. |
fundamental basic basal primary prime |
43 | underpin/ˌʌndərˈpɪn/ | حمایت کردن پشتیبانی کردن | فعل |
pathology departments at the Royal Free underpin the whole practice of medicine. The research content is evidenced through the practitioner's own explicit articulation of these issues and the way in which they underpin their practice. |
support shore up prop up hold up buttress |
44 | volatile/ˈvɑlətəl/ | بی ثبات ناپایدار، متغیر | صفت |
On the other hand, putting up with his volatile moods wouldn't be exactly easy. Both forms are volatile in steam. |
unpredictable changeable variable inconstant inconsistent |
45 | volatility/ˌvɑːləˈtɪləti/ | بیثباتی | اسم |
Its volatility has also been studied by L. The high volatility of gold in the presence of certain metals must also be considered. |
46 | weaken/ˈwiːkən/ | ضعیف کردن تضعیف کردن | فعل |
According to circumstances I shall weaken one wing to strengthen my reserve...." Two causes principally had tended to weaken the Mogul power. |
enfeeble debilitate incapacitate sap one's strength enervate |
47 | wipe off/waɪp ɔf/ | کاهش دادن کمارزش کردن، از بین بردن | فعل |
48 | yield/jiːld/ | محصول بازده، حاصل | اسم |
The yield of corn varies from six to ten times the amount sown. The division of labor applied to science will yield substantial results. |
produce bear give supply provide |