ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | a tight corner/ə taɪt ˈkɔrnər/ | در مخمصه در تنگنا | عبارت |
2 | according to/əˈkɔːrd.ɪŋ.tuː/ | طبق مطابق، بر اساس | حرف اضافه |
as stated by as maintained by as claimed by on the authority of on the report of |
3 | allegation/ˌæləˈɡeɪʃn/ | اتهام | اسم |
The allegation about his mother was false: the Pharisee who retailed it was guilty of no small offence. They were probably responsible for the allegation, made by a Carmelite, called Latemar, that John was conspiring against his nephew. |
claim assertion declaration statement proclamation |
4 | allege/əˈlɛʤ/ | ادعا کردن مدعی شدن، اظهار کردن (معمولا بدون مدرک) | فعل |
They allege that the tenth Avatar has yet to occur and will be in the form of a white-winged horse (Kalki) who will destroy the earth. They also allege that it is res inter alios acta, an arrangement which concerns only parties to it. |
claim assert declare state proclaim |
5 | amid/əˈmɪd/ | وسط حین | حرف اضافه |
He came down the steps amid a flurry of activity. I have seen bricks amid the oak copse there. |
in the middle of surrounded by among amongst between |
6 | amidst/əˈmɪdst/ | در میان وسط | حرف اضافه |
I stood amidst the familiar instruments, wondering where to begin. Two miles from the town, amidst beautiful gardens and meadows, is Haddon Hall. |
7 | locked in battle/lɑkt ɪn ˈbætəl/ | به مدت طولانی با هم کشمکش داشتن درگیر بودن | عبارت |
8 | behind closed doors/bɪˈhaɪnd kloʊzd dɔrz/ | پشت درهای بسته | عبارت |
9 | behind the scenes/bɪˈhaɪnd ðə sinz/ | پشت پرده به صورت غیرعلنی | عبارت |
secretly in secret privately in private behind closed doors |
10 | blazing/ˈbleɪzɪŋ/ | آتشین شدید، غضبناک | صفت |
She'd hung one picture above the blazing hearth. He looked as tired as she felt, his hair disheveled and dark circles beneath his blazing golden eyes. |
fire flames conflagration inferno holocaust |
11 | come under attack/kʌm ˈʌndər əˈtæk/ | مورد انتقاد شدید قرار گرفتن به باد انتقاد گرفته شدن | عبارت |
12 | come under fire/kʌm ˈʌndər ˈfaɪər/ | مورد انتقاد شدید قرار گرفتن به باد انتقاد گرفته شدن | عبارت |
13 | controversial/ˌkɑːntrəˈvɜːrʃl/ | بحثبرانگیز مشاجرهانگیز | صفت |
The nasty field that dissolved any type of biological entity was one of the government's latest controversial creations. As a religious teacher, literary critic, historian and jurist, Mr Harrison took a prominent part in the life of his time, and his writings, though often violently controversial on political and social subjects, and in their judgment and historical perspective characterized by a modern Radical point of view, are those of an accomplished scholar, and of one whose wide knowledge of literature was combined with independence of thought and admirable vigour of style. |
contentious disputed contended at issue moot |
14 | controversy/ˈkɑntrəˌvɜrsi/ | مشاجره بحث، مشاجره، جدل | اسم |
He had been placed in the center of a controversy he couldn't resolve. The New Testament reflects a controversy. |
disagreement dispute argument debate dissension |
15 | cover up/ˈkʌvər ʌp/ | مخفی کردن لاپوشانی کردن، پنهان کردن | فعل |
whitewash concealment deception suppression false front |
16 | cover-up/ˈkʌvər ʌp/ | لاپوشانی ماستمالی | اسم |
I can't cover up a complete disappearance. The bottom of the swimsuit also features gold rings that ride on the hips, while a matching "fringe" cover-up skirt is available to complete the outfit. |
whitewash concealment deception suppression false front |
17 | drop in the ocean/drɑp ɪn ði ˈoʊʃən/ | بسیار اندک خیلی کم | عبارت |
18 | emerge/ɪˈmɜrʤ/ | آشکار شدن لو رفتن | فعل |
She waited, but he didn't emerge again. The old Alex was bound to emerge at some point. |
come out appear come into view become visible make an appearance turn up |
19 | emergence/ɪˈmɜrʤəns/ | افشا بروز، آشکارسازی | اسم |
1-5 The emergence of the trumpets from the seventh seal. The rising prosperity of wealthy nations and the emergence of more wealthy nations. |
appearance arrival coming turning up springing up surfacing |
20 | firing line/ˈfaɪrɪŋ laɪn/ | در معرض انتقاد در تیررس انتقاد و خردهگیری | اسم |
21 | flood/flʌd/ | پر کردن (با مقدار یا حجم زیاد) سیلوار ریختن، هجوم آوردن | فعل |
Carmen felt warmth flood her face. She neared him, sensing a flood of raw emotion she didn't understand. |
inundation swamping deluge torrent overflow flash flood |
22 | foul play/ˌfaʊl ˈpleɪ/ | حقه نیرنگ، کار غیرقانونی و غیراخلاقی | اسم |
criminal activity crime a criminal offence villainy murder |
23 | move the goalposts/muv ðə ˈgoʊlˌpoʊsts/ | بامبول درآوردن دبه درآوردن | عبارت |
24 | lapse/læps/ | خطا اشتباه | اسم |
The lapse of time between Neh. In spite of the time lapse between practice sessions, she did well enough to win his praise. |
failure failing slip error mistake |
25 | leak/liːk/ | درز (خبر سری) | اسم |
"Just one massive gas leak," he said with a shrug. Is there a leak in you operation? |
seep seep out escape ooze ooze out |
26 | leak/liːk/ | درز کردن (خبر سری) افشای خبر محرمانه، آشکار شدن | فعل |
"Just one massive gas leak," he said with a shrug. Is there a leak in you operation? |
seep seep out escape ooze ooze out |
27 | legal/ˈliːɡl/ | حقوقی | صفت |
Even though she had made most of the payments on the land, he still had legal claim. I don't like messing with the legal system. |
lawful legitimate licit within the law legalized |
28 | battle/ˈbæt̬.əl/ | مبارزه | اسم |
The battle was lost. The battle over humanity was about to get even more brutal. |
fight conflict armed conflict clash struggle |
29 | level playing-field/ˈlɛvl ˈpleɪɪŋ-fiːld/ | شرایط برابر | عبارت |
30 | measure/ˈmeʒər/ | اقدام | اسم |
It took too much effort to look up at the sun to measure time. "I did it as a defensive measure," Cynthia said. |
take the measurements of calculate compute estimate count |
31 | metaphor/ˈmɛtəfɔr/ | استعاره (صنعت ادبی) | اسم |
I discuss various special cases of this conceptual metaphor in my speech. The song used sunshine as a metaphor for joy. |
figure of speech figurative expression image trope allegory |
32 | opinion poll/əˈpɪnjən poʊl/ | نظرسنجی | اسم |
33 | poll/poʊl/ | نظرسنجی رای گیری | اسم |
If a second poll is necessary a relative majority is sufficient. Poll results listed a mixed bag. |
vote ballot show of hands straw poll straw vote |
34 | storm/stɔːrm/ | هجوم یورش | اسم |
The storm continued most of the night. The still air became more charged the closer they got to the center of the storm, the sky darker. |
tempest squall gale hurricane tornado cyclone |
35 | protest/ˈproʊ.test/ | اعتراض | اسم |
She began to protest but he stopped her. He began to protest but she waved him aside. |
objection exception complaint disapproval disagreement |
36 | quote/kwoʊt/ | نقل قول کردن اعلام کردن | فعل |
To quote Tamer, there's too much bureaucracy. To quote my father, "Get a job." |
recite repeat say again reproduce restate |
37 | scathing/ˈskeɪðɪŋ/ | (سخن) تند (حمله) کوبنده | صفت |
He gave her a scathing look. May's change of side made him many bitter enemies, and he is the object of scathing condemnation from many of his contemporaries. |
devastating withering blistering extremely critical coruscating |
38 | source/sɔrs/ | خبررسان مخبر | اسم |
So far, she seemed to be his best source of information, anyway. Opening her eyes, she hesitated and moved away from the car in the direction of the source of the memories. |
spring origin head well head headspring |
39 | spark/spɑːrk/ | برانگیختن منجر شدن | فعل |
The spark of interest lit in his eyes again. It was like watching a spark grow into a flame. |
flash flicker flare glint twinkle |
40 | tide turned/taɪd tɜrnd/ | ورق برگشت اوضاع تغییر کرد | عبارت |