ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | advertising agency/ˈædvərˌtaɪzɪŋ ˈeɪʤənsi/ | آژانس تبلیغاتی | اسم |
2 | agency/ˈeɪdʒənsi/ | نمایندگی آژانس | اسم |
The Internet has no central planning agency deciding what new, cool websites should be made. From 1639 to 1768 there was an agency of the Levant Company here; there is now a British consul. |
business organization company firm office |
3 | allocate/ˈæləˌkeɪt/ | اختصاص دادن تخصیص دادن، کنار گذاشتن | فعل |
He liaises direct with the applicant to allocate him or her to one of the authorized show judges. Financials: This section of the business plan shows the reader how the business will allocate resources. |
allot assign issue award grant |
4 | on behalf of/ɑn bɪˈhæf ʌv/ | از جانب از طرف، به نمایندگی از | عبارت |
5 | budget/ˈbʌʤɪt/ | بودجه هزینه | اسم |
The bike was a trophy from a time when Dean's budget contained more expendable income. 1 The Indo-China budget is reckoned in piastres, a silver coin of fluctuating value (is. |
financial plan financial estimate financial blueprint prediction of revenue and expenditure forecast accounts |
6 | chair/tʃer/ | مدیر گروه (دانشگاه) رئیس (جلسه و ...) | اسم |
He leaned forward in his chair, sobering. There sat the thorny Sorcerer in his chair of state, and when the Wizard saw him he began to laugh, uttering comical little chuckles. |
seat chairperson chairman chairwoman president convener |
7 | chair/tʃer/ | ریاست جلسه را بر عهده داشتن مسئول جلسه بودن | فعل |
He leaned forward in his chair, sobering. There sat the thorny Sorcerer in his chair of state, and when the Wizard saw him he began to laugh, uttering comical little chuckles. |
seat chairperson chairman chairwoman president convener |
8 | chairman/ˈtʃermən/ | رئیس | اسم |
He served as chairman of many commissions dealing with public health, prohibition, and labour. As they died, they shouted, 'Communist Party, Chairman Mao, save us.' |
chair chairperson president convener spokesperson spokesman |
9 | chairperson/ˈʧɛrˌpɜrsən/ | رئیس (جلسه، گروه و ...) مدیر گروه (دانشگاه) | اسم |
chairperson of the meeting would not have a casting vote. The Chairperson, or in his/her absence the Vice-Chairperson, shall preside at all meetings of the Committee. |
10 | chairwoman/ˈtʃerwʊmən/ | خانم رئیس | اسم |
chairwoman of the planning committee only six months ago. chairwoman of the group, Jill Jackson also lives in the village. |
chair chairperson president convener spokesperson spokeswoman |
11 | charity/ˈʧɛrɪti/ | خیریه (موسسه و سازمان) صدقه | اسم |
You must have a genius for charity as well as for anything else. Objects of charity are not guests. |
non-profit-making organization non-profit organization not-for-profit organization voluntary organization charitable institution fund |
12 | charity organization/ˈʧɛrɪti ˌɔrgənəˈzeɪʃən/ | موسسه خیریه | اسم |
13 | citizen/ˈsɪt̬.ə.zən/ | شهروند تبعه | اسم |
You're a private citizen in a few days. I'm not a citizen of the county, so I can't vote for you. |
subject national passport holder native taxpayer voter inhabitant |
14 | city-wide/ˈsɪti-waɪd/ | (به گستره) شهری | صفت |
The Independent Multiple exhibitions offer a city-wide counterpoint to the International 04. Started as a result of the kidnapping and murder of Amber Hagerman in 1996, the emergency notification system has evolved from a city-wide system in Dallas, Texas, to a national system throughout the United States. |
15 | council/ˈkɑʊn.səl/ | شورا انجمن | اسم |
local authority local government municipal authority civic authority legislative body |
16 | councilor/ˈkaʊnsələr/ | عضو شورای شهر نماینده شهری | اسم |
It was time to talk to someone, but the idea of talking to a councilor was almost as uncomfortable as talking to no one. He had Pierre at hand in Moscow and procured for him an appointment as Gentleman of the Bedchamber, which at that time conferred the status of Councilor of State, and insisted on the young man accompanying him to Petersburg and staying at his house. |
17 | eligible/ˈɛləʤəbəl/ | واجد شرایط دارای صلاحیت | صفت |
entitled permitted allowed qualified acceptable suitable |
18 | employment agency/ɪmˈplɔɪmənt eɪdʒənsi/ | بنگاه کاریابی | اسم |
19 | ensure/ɛnˈʃʊr/ | اطمینان حاصل کردن مطمئن ساختن، تضمین کردن | فعل |
She froze then looked around to ensure no one was there to overhear them. She made him what he was, but his suffering was necessary to ensure his survival. |
make sure make certain see to it secure guarantee warrant |
20 | give somebody a say/gɪv ˈsʌmˌbɑdi ə seɪ/ | فرصت صحبت کردن به کسی دادن | عبارت |
21 | grant/ɡrænt/ | کمک هزینه (تحصیلی و ...) | اسم |
allow accord permit afford concede |
22 | have a say/hæv ə seɪ/ | نظر دادن حرفی برای گفتن داشتن | عبارت |
23 | profile/ˈproʊ.fɑɪl/ | تبلیغات مردمی پذیرش مردمی | اسم |
She leaned back against his arm, watching his profile as he looked out the window. Focusing on his profile, she willed him to look her way. |
side view outline silhouette contour shape |
24 | ineligible/ɪnˈelɪdʒəbl/ | بیصلاحیت بیکفایت | صفت |
Members of Congress and holders of Federal offices are ineligible as electors. The governor is elected for a term of four years but is ineligible for the next succeeding term. |
unqualified ruled out disqualified legally disqualified disentitled incompetent unmarriageable |
25 | manifesto/ˌmænɪˈfestoʊ/ | بیانیه مانیفست | اسم |
None of them had yet seen the manifesto, but they all knew it had appeared. Then an imperial manifesto reminding the Poles of the treaty of 1768 was issued and a large Russian force entered the Ukraine. |
policy statement platform programme declaration proclamation |
26 | mayor/ˈmeɪ.ər/ | شهردار | اسم |
The revolt was put down owing to the energy of the mayor of Palermo, Marquis A. I'm mayor now, until we get around to having an election. |
27 | mayoress/ˈmeɪərəs/ | همسر شهردار | اسم |
The event was opened by our Lady Mayoress to loud applause. Mayoress or Mayor's consort The Mayor may choose a Mayoress or his or her Consort for the year. |
28 | nationwide/ˌneɪ.ʃənˈwɑɪd/ | سرتاسری ملی، سراسری | صفت |
The guy driving is wanted nationwide for a number of murders! It was an indignant, nationwide protest. |
national countrywide state coast-to-coast general |
29 | network/ˈnetwɜːrk/ | شبکه | اسم |
If the network doesn't work, there's a radio in your greencar. Julie maintained no Face Book or Twitter account, nor could Betsy locate her on any other social network sites. |
web criss-cross grid lattice net |
30 | police/pəˈliːs/ | نظم برقرار کردن آرامش و نظم را حفظ کردن | فعل |
Let the police check him out! We're just pointing the police in a direction. |
police force police officers policemen policewomen officers of the law |
31 | policing/pəˈliːsɪŋ/ | پاسبانی نگهبانی | اسم |
It is, however, of interest to note that in 1698, in consequence of a nominal agreement, from which nothing resulted, among the principal Europeans in the East, the French undertook the policing of the Persian Gulf against pirates. Sub-leases for a term of years are granted by the crown to private individuals; local control, including the policing of the settlement, is managed by a municipal council elected under regulations promulgated by the British minister in China, acting by authority of the sovereign's orders in council. |
police force police officers policemen policewomen officers of the law |
32 | promote/prəˈmoʊt/ | ترویج دادن ترفیع دادن، ترقی دادن، تشویق کردن | فعل |
His conduct of affairs was by earnest efforts to promote education and to develop the resources of the country. In Sir Benjamin D'Urban Philip found a governor anxious to promote the interests of the natives. |
advance upgrade give promotion to give a higher position to elevate |
33 | promotion/prəˈmoʊʃn/ | ترویج تشویق | اسم |
He replaced me in Scranton when I got this promotion here to the head office. The time between his promotion to the doctorate and his habilitation as Privatdozent was occupied by researches undertaken for his Habilitationsschrift, by "Naturphilosophie," and by experimental work. |
preferment upgrading move up elevation advancement |
34 | resident/ˈrez.əd.ənt/ | ساکن شهروند | اسم |
Every city had a large number of resident aliens. Each year a payment is made to each resident of Alaska. |
inhabitant local householder homeowner houseowner citizen native |
35 | say/seɪ/ | حرف (برای گفتن) نظر، حق اظهار نظر | اسم |
I like the way you say thank you. I won't say anything to anyone. |
speak utter voice pronounce give utterance to |
36 | set/set/ | معین کردن تعیین کردن | فعل |
The doctor set a due date of August 17th. Alex set his cup down beside hers. |
put place put down lay lay down |
37 | spokesman/ˈspoʊksmən/ | سخنگو | اسم |
The spokesman held out his hand for the fifty. He opposed the annexation of Texas and the Mexican War, and was, as before, the recognized spokesman of his party. |
spokesperson representative agent mouthpiece voice |
38 | spokesperson/ˈspoʊkspɜːrsn/ | سخنگو | اسم |
A spokesperson for the Samantha Who? star stated that Applegate is "..following the recommended treatment" and that it is "…not life threatening," stressing that early detection of the mass is the key to her expected full recovery. Tea totaling Martha assumed the role of spokesperson. |
39 | spokeswoman/ˈspoʊkswʊmən/ | سخنگو | اسم |
colourcolor photographs of my injuries speak louder than any expert medical report or waffle from some articulate Home Office spokeswoman. A Dounreay spokeswoman said " None of the evidence so far suggests there is a failure of the primary concrete containment. |
40 | stand up for/stænd ʌp fɔr/ | دفاع کردن | فعل |
41 | stick up/stɪk ʌp/ | به طرفداری از کسی درآمدن از کسی حمایت کردن (در بحث و دعوا) | فعل |
42 | strategic/strəˈtiːdʒɪk/ | راهبردی استراتژیک | صفت |
Its importance rests on its strategic position. Its importance to France is, nevertheless, chiefly strategic and political. |
planned calculated deliberate tactical politic judicious |
43 | strategy/ˈstrætədʒi/ | راهبرد استراتژی | اسم |
"Thanks for revealing your strategy," she said in an acid tone. This strategy was at first triumphant. |
master plan grand design game plan plan of action plan |
44 | take seriously/teɪk ˈsɪriəsli/ | جدی گرفتن با جدیت برخورد کردن | عبارت |
45 | travel agency/ˈtrævəl ˈeɪʤənsi/ | آژانس مسافرتی | اسم |
46 | voluntary/ˈvɑːlənteri/ | داوطلبانه اختیاری | صفت |
She'd been trying for years to have his voluntary service revoked. The cult was supported mainly by voluntary contribution. |
optional discretionary at one's discretion elective non-compulsory |
47 | voluntary sector/ˈvɒləntəri ˈsɛktə/ | بخش داوطلبانه موسسات خیریه | اسم |
48 | volunteer/ˌvɑlənˈtɪr/ | داوطلب داوطلبانه | اسم |
The camp ground was manned on a volunteer basis. I volunteer to sleep there tonight, if the love of my life is willing to come along. |
offer tender proffer present put forward |
49 | worldwide/ˈwɜrld.wɑɪd/ | جهانی در سرتاسر جهان | صفت |
global international intercontinental world universal |