ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | breed/briːd/ | بچه آوردن پرورش دادن | فعل |
What breed do you raise? The native breed of mules is remarkably fine. |
reproduce produce offspring procreate bear young multiply |
2 | captivity/kæpˈtɪvəti/ | اسارت | اسم |
Of course, in captivity animals might not act the same way they did in the wild. The tradition of his captivity (2 Chron. |
imprisonment confinement internment incarceration custody |
3 | clear/klɪr/ | قطع کردن درختهای جنگل ساخت فضای باز | فعل |
I think you made it clear last night. It was clear and frosty. |
understandable comprehensible intelligible easy to understand plain |
4 | danger/ˈdeɪn.dʒər/ | خطر | اسم |
Then a strange, fearful sense of danger terrified me. She knew what danger she was in. |
peril hazard risk jeopardy endangerment |
5 | decline/dɪˈklaɪn/ | تنزل نزول (قیمت)، کاهش، افول | اسم |
She was inclined to decline his offer. How could I decline without sounding like a total turd? |
turn down reject brush aside refuse rebuff |
6 | gradual/ˈgrædʒ.ʊ.əl/ | تدریجی | صفت |
In this gradual way every practical advantage on the part of the patricians was taken away. A gradual refrigeration proceeded through the Pliocene period. |
slow moderate measured unhurried restrained |
7 | steady/ˈstedi/ | ثابت پیوسته | صفت |
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to steady himself. His gaze was steady as he spoke. |
stable balanced firm fixed secure |
8 | deforestation/diːˌfɔːr.əˈsteɪ.ʃən/ | جنگلزدایی ریشهکنی درختان جنگلی | اسم |
The process of reckless deforestation is perceptible in certain districts. The destruction of trees by charcoal-burners has resulted in the almost complete deforestation of the island. |
9 | die out/daɪ aʊt/ | منقرض شدن از بین رفتن | فعل |
become extinct vanish disappear cease to be cease to exist |
10 | divert/daɪˈvɜrt/ | منحرف کردن پرت کردن (حواس)، معطوف کردن، به چیز دیگری مشغول شدن | فعل |
The only effect of these reverses was to divert them elsewhere. She eagerly latched on to his comment, hoping to divert her own mind to something less disturbing. |
reroute redirect change the course of draw away turn aside |
11 | encroach/ɪnˈkroʊtʃ/ | فراروی کردن زیر پا گذاشتن، غصب کردن | فعل |
He took in everything, noting the enemies had begun to encroach upon the neutral territory agreed upon in the cease-fire. The marshes encroach most upon the parishes of St Charles, Orleans and Plaquemines. |
intrude trespass impinge butt in barge in |
12 | endangered/ɪnˈdeɪn.dʒərd/ | در معرض انقراض | صفت |
Lana went, troubled that someone had discovered her and endangered the lives of those in the town. The site of this foundation, however, became endangered by encroachments of the sea. |
imperil jeopardize risk put at risk put in danger |
13 | endangered species/ɛnˈdeɪnʤərd ˈspiʃiz/ | گونههای در معرض خطر جانوران رو به انقراض | اسم |
14 | extinct/ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ | منقرض از بین رفته، نیست | صفت |
A number of small extinct volcanoes, however, appear in all directions. The genus is associated with one long extinct in Europe. |
vanished lost died out dead defunct |
15 | extinction/ɪkˈstɪŋkʃn/ | انقراض | اسم |
Extinction may come about indirectly and even more surely. Though now on the way to extinction, Cycadeae are still widely represented in the southern hemisphere by genera which, however, have no counterpart in the Mesozoic era. |
dying out disappearance vanishing death extermination destruction |
16 | fund/fʌnd/ | پشتوانه سرمایه، بودجه، پول | اسم |
I certainly couldn't fund the whole group. Slater Fund, and the same sum from the General Education Board. |
collection kitty reserve pool purse endowment |
17 | gene/ʤin/ | ژن (زیست شناسی) | اسم |
That is quite a gene pool you two have. The gene mutated accidently, but once noticed, breeders bred for it. |
18 | gene pool/ˈdʒiːn puːl/ | خزانه ژنی خزانه ژنتیکی | اسم |
19 | habitat/ˈhæbəˌtæt/ | زیستگاه محل سکونت، [منطقه زیست جانور یا گیاه] | اسم |
Vipera have the same habitat in British waters as certain species of soles. Bees find a highly congenial habitat in Mexico, and some honey is exported. |
natural environment natural element natural territory natural surroundings natural terrain |
20 | horn/hɔːrn/ | شاخ | اسم |
Somewhere in the distance a horn honked. A car horn outside woke him in less than five minutes. |
21 | wild/wɑɪld/ | جنگل حیات وحش | اسم |
He couldn't help but detect her wild pulse. Any time a wild animal isn't afraid of you, there is probably something wrong. |
untamed undomesticated feral unbroken fierce ferocious savage uncultivated |
22 | likelihood/ˈlaɪkliˌhʊd/ | احتمال امکان | اسم |
There was in all likelihood a near kindred between the earliest inhabitants of the two lands. p. 163) identifies as Luther, the Zurich Bible, the Latin version of Pagninus, the Vulgate, and, in all likelihood, the English translation of Tyndale. |
probability chance prospect possibility likeliness |
23 | natural/ˈnætʃ.ə.rəl/ | طبیعی | صفت |
We think he might have some natural ability. You have a natural instinct for the simple but elegant. |
normal ordinary everyday usual regular |
24 | nature reserve/ˈneɪtʃər rɪzɜːrv/ | منطقه حفاظتشده | اسم |
25 | poacher/ˈpoʊtʃər/ | شکارچی غیر قانونی صیاد غیر قانونی | اسم |
26 | poach/poʊtʃ/ | غیرقانونی شکار کردن غیرقانونی صید کردن | فعل |
From proclaiming herself the "hottest housewife in Orange County" to trying to poach real estate business from established Housewife Jeana Keough, Barney struggled at first to fit in with her cast mates. B) Sack the manager and illegally poach the boss of your local rivals. |
hunt illegally catch illegally kill illegally trap illegally plunder steal |
27 | pose/poʊz/ | مطرح کردن اقامه کردن، ارائه دادن، اعمال کردن | فعل |
No, I suppose the possibility of snakes does pose a bigger threat. They did pose a threat to Carmen's goats, though. |
constitute present create cause produce |
28 | poverty/ˈpɑːvərti/ | فقر | اسم |
Despite their poverty begging is practically unknown. Bringing an end to poverty, then, will also help bring an end to hunger. |
penury destitution indigence pennilessness privation |
29 | probability/ˌprɑːbəˈbɪləti/ | احتمال | اسم |
What reason was there for assuming any probability of an uprising in the city? They claim probability - moral certainty - mathematical certainty. |
likelihood likeliness prospect expectation chance |
30 | raise/reɪz/ | (پول) جمع کردن | فعل |
I can raise the baby... It looks like a fine place to raise children. |
lift lift up raise aloft elevate uplift upraise |
31 | reserve/rɪˈzɜːrv/ | منطقه حفاظتشده | اسم |
Despite his reserve, he could tell Dusty liked her. Our reserve units were able to join up, and the fight was at an end. |
put to one side put aside set aside lay aside keep back keep |
32 | rhino/ˈraɪnoʊ/ | کرگدن | اسم |
With thermal vision, you can see a rhino in the distance or you can see a burglar or arsonist outside of a dimly lit building structure. For people who don't have access to a store front selling wholesale, you can try such online stores as Rhino Mart, who do make items available to the public. |
33 | sought-after/ˈsɔːt æftər/ | پرطرفدار پرتقاضا | صفت |
A complete set is very rare and much sought after. A look at some of the swimwear being offered by the industry's most sought-after designers and manufacturers will give you an idea of what to wear this summer, whether you plan a beach vacation or a pool party. |
34 | species/ˈspiʃiz/ | گونه | اسم |
type kind sort genus family order |
35 | take a heavy toll/teɪk ə ˈhɛvi toʊl/ | تاثیر مخربی داشتن تاوان سختی گرفتن، عوارض بدی داشتن، هزینه زیادی تحمیل کردن | عبارت |
36 | territorial/ˌterəˈtɔːriəl/ | قلمرودار وابسته به دفاع از قلمرو | صفت |
37 | territory/ˈter.əˌtɔːr.i/ | قلمرو سرزمین | اسم |
I will be in your territory for some time. From now on the kitchen was her territory – just as he thought it was Katie's territory. |
area of land area region enclave country state |
38 | threat/θrɛt/ | تهدید | اسم |
They are a serious threat to him. It was meant as a threat, not a promise. |
threatening remark warning ultimatum intimidating remark commination menaces menacing danger |
39 | threaten/ˈθret.ən/ | تهدید کردن | فعل |
to threaten him with a hundred strokes of the halberd. Did he threaten you? |
menace intimidate browbeat bully cow |
40 | wipe out/waɪp aʊt/ | با خاک یکسان کردن محو کردن، به طور کامل نابود کردن | فعل |