ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | appealing/əˈpilɪŋ/ | جذاب خوشایند | صفت |
It was even less appealing in the dark of the storm. Actually, the idea was appealing – in spite of his clumsy invitation. |
attractive engaging alluring enchanting captivating |
2 | in a mess/ɪn ə mɛs/ | نامرتب بهم ریخته | عبارت |
3 | beneficial/ˌben.əˈfɪʃ.əl/ | سودمند مفید | صفت |
Rolling the land is beneficial to young crops. The ladybugs were beneficial insects, eating the pesky aphids. |
advantageous favourable helpful useful of use |
4 | broken home/ˌbroʊkən ˈhoʊm/ | خانواده از هم پاشیده خانه طلاق، [خانوادهای که پدر یا مادر جدا شده است] | اسم |
5 | capitulate/kəˈpɪtʃuleɪt/ | تسلیم شدن دست از مقاومت برداشتن | فعل |
29), though the last Polish army corps did not capitulate till the 18th of November. The French were repulsed from Valencia; and Dupont, who had advanced into the heart of Andalusia, was compelled to retreat and ultimately to capitulate with all his forces at Baylen (July 10). |
surrender give in yield admit defeat concede defeat |
6 | deprivation/ˌdɛprəˈveɪʃən/ | محرومیت فقدان | اسم |
The moon suffers deprivation of light. Suits to redress the deprivation of privilege secured by the constitution of the United States must be brought in a United States court. |
poverty impoverishment penury privation hardship |
7 | deprived/dɪˈpraɪvd/ | محروم فقیر | صفت |
He was sleep deprived and not exactly in the mood. In 1479 the native princes were deprived of all independence. |
disadvantaged underprivileged poverty-stricken impoverished poor |
8 | deter/dɪˈtɜːr/ | جلوگیری کردن منصرف کردن | فعل |
It's my responsibility to monitor and deter them in the mortal world, Rhyn said. The failure of Jaureguy did not deter a young Catholic zealot, by name Balthazar Gerard, from attempting to assassinate the man whom he looked upon as the arch-enemy of God and the king. |
put off discourage dissuade scare off warn caution dishearten |
9 | deterrent/dɪˈtɜrrənt/ | بازدارنده وابسته به تسلیحات | اسم |
This has to be a serious deterrent to Japan (as an example). It was feared that the removal of this powerful deterrent would adversely affect discipline, but on the contrary, the yearly average of prison offences has diminished from 147 to 131 per thousand prisoners, and it has been felt by the authorities that the limitation was salutary and wise. |
disincentive discouragement dissuasion damper brake |
10 | detrimental/ˌdetrɪˈmentl/ | مضر زیانآور | صفت |
It will have detrimental effects on the healing process. As it turned out, nothing he had kept secret was actually detrimental to their relationship. |
harmful damaging injurious hurtful inimical |
11 | do fair share/duː fɛr ʃɛr/ | کاری را خیلی زیاد انجام دادن به اندازه کافی سهم خود را (از کاری) انجام دادن | عبارت |
12 | effect/ɪˈfekt/ | تاثیر اثر | اسم |
The changes had an immediate effect. Its effect was immediate. |
result consequence upshot outcome out-turn |
13 | expect/ɪkˈspekt/ | انتظار داشتن توقع داشتن | فعل |
I didn't expect you so soon. I expect nothing less from you. |
suppose presume think it likely think believe |
14 | fuss/fʌs/ | آشوب جنجال، قیل و قال | اسم |
They are too young to fly, and the mother bird is making a great fuss about it. She must at least think she has or surely she wouldn't have shown up after all this time and started a fuss about something that we all settled long time ago. |
ado excitement agitation uproar to-do |
15 | give in/gɪv ɪn/ | تسلیم شدن مجاب شدن | فعل |
capitulate admit defeat concede defeat give up surrender |
16 | go on and on/goʊ ɑn ænd ɑn/ | پیوسته راجع به چیزی حرف زدن مدام راجع به چیزی حرف زدن | عبارت |
17 | impact/ˈɪmpækt/ | تاثیر اثر | اسم |
He was realizing the impact the lie had on their relationship. The impact knocked her back. |
collision crash smash clash bump |
18 | incentive/ɪnˈsentɪv/ | انگیزه پاداش | اسم |
Maybe that's the incentive he needs. Martha's pending due date was an incentive to Betsy. |
inducement motivation motive reason stimulus |
19 | kick up a fuss/kɪk ʌp ə fʌs/ | جار و جنجال به پا کردن قشقرق به پا کردن | عبارت |
20 | lay down the law/leɪ daʊn ðə lɔ/ | تعیین تکلیف کردن قانون صادر کردن | عبارت |
order someone about order someone around tell someone what to do boss someone about boss someone around |
21 | life-threatening/ˈlaɪf θretnɪŋ/ | خطرناک مخاطرهآمیز، کشنده | صفت |
diabetic acidosis, a life-threatening condition caused by the lack of insulin. The incidence of the potentially life threatening peanut allergy has doubled during the last ten years. |
menacing intimidating bullying frightening terrifying |
22 | make a mess/meɪk ə mɛs/ | خرابکاری کردن گند بالا آوردن، همه جا را نامرتب کردن | عبارت |
mismanage mishandle misdirect misgovern misconduct |
23 | mess/mes/ | شلختگی درهم و برهمی | اسم |
Rule number two: if you make a mess, clean it up. I'm a mess wondering what's wrong with me. |
untidiness disorder disarray clutter heap |
24 | messy/ˈmes.i/ | شلخته کثیف، نامرتب | صفت |
It was messy and uneven. She wondered if her hair was as messy as she suspected. |
dirty filthy grubby soiled grimy |
25 | role model/ˈroʊl mɑːdl/ | سرمشق الگو | اسم |
26 | nag/næg/ | غر زدن نق زدن، اصرار بیجا کردن | فعل |
"Who is going to ride that nag?" asked Daniel. Mr. Webster rode in front, and Daniel, on the old gray nag, followed behind. |
harass keep on at go on at harp on at badger |
27 | nature/ˈneɪ.tʃər/ | سیرت سرشت، ذات | اسم |
It was in his nature, and it was something that wasn't going to change. This is your nature, you just don't know it yet. |
the natural world the living world Mother Nature creation the world |
28 | nurture/ˈnɜːrtʃər/ | پرورش دادن بزرگ کردن | فعل |
I have the same need to nurture and protect. I resented our relationship, but I continued to nurture it. |
bring up care for provide for take care of attend to |
29 | nurture/ˈnɜːrtʃər/ | پرورش تربیت، عوامل محیطی | اسم |
I have the same need to nurture and protect. I resented our relationship, but I continued to nurture it. |
bring up care for provide for take care of attend to |
30 | on and on/ɑn ænd ɑn/ | بدون توقف بیوقفه | قید |
for a long time for ages for hours at length at great length |
31 | peer pressure/pɪr ˈprɛʃər/ | فشار نظیر فشار اعضای گروه همتا | اسم |
32 | play a part/pleɪ ə pɑrt/ | نقش داشتن دست داشتن | عبارت |
contribute to be instrumental in be a factor in be partly responsible for have a hand in |
33 | pull one's weight/pʊl wʌnz weɪt/ | سهم خود را انجام دادن مثل بقیه کار کردن، به اندازه بقیه زحمت کشیدن | عبارت |
34 | set an example/sɛt ən ɪgˈzæmpəl/ | الگو بودن سرمشق بودن | عبارت |
35 | unappealing/ˌʌnəˈpiːlɪŋ/ | ناخوشایند نچسب | صفت |
While the trees may look unappealing, at best they'll just have funny spots on the leaves for a season. One of the most popular events at these types of parties is to replicate the gross-out stunt in the show by whipping up some unappealing foods and then daring partygoers to eat them. |