ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | ambiguity/ˌæmbɪˈɡjuːəti/ | ابهام دوپهلویی | اسم |
Their actions showed moral ambiguity. The ambiguity begins to disappear as more explanations are made. |
ambivalence equivocation obscurity vagueness abstruseness doubtfulness |
2 | ambiguous/æmˈbɪgjuəs/ | مبهم دوپهلو | صفت |
Her songs are intentionally ambiguous. The ending was more ambiguous, one in which the future of the world was in question. |
equivocal ambivalent open to debate open to argument arguable |
3 | current/ˈkɜr.ənt/ | فعلی جاری، کنونی | صفت |
The current balance owed was over four hundred dollars. This is the current battle situation. |
contemporary present-day present contemporaneous ongoing topical |
4 | dated/ˈdeɪtɪd/ | قدیمی از مد افتاده | صفت |
All the letters were dated between November of 1898 and January of 1900. Most of the boys she dated would never have thought of practicing the age-old custom of walking around the car to open her door, or guiding her through the crowd with a gentle hand on one elbow. |
old-fashioned out of fashion out of date outdated outmoded |
5 | derogatory/dɪˈrɑːɡətɔːri/ | خوارکننده خفتبار، موهن | صفت |
derogatory sense. Leopold hesitated and finally rejected the proposals as derogatory to ' his dignity. |
disparaging denigratory belittling diminishing slighting |
6 | disapproving/ˌdɪsəˈpruːvɪŋ/ | مخالف سرزنشآمیز | صفت |
Bianca gave him a disapproving look that quickly melted into a smile. He answered the staff captain's question by a disapproving shake of his head. |
reproachful reproving full of reproof critical criticizing censorious |
7 | exact/ɪgˈzækt/ | دقیق | صفت |
I didn't have an exact date. Medicine isn't an exact science. |
precise accurate correct faithful close |
8 | figurative/ˈfɪɡərətɪv/ | استعاری تمثیلی، مجازی | صفت |
It was an abstract of Christian doctrine in a vague and figurative way. The figurative nature of the language respecting the future makes it difficult to determine precisely the thought of the book on this point; but it seems to contemplate continued existence hereafter for both righteous and wicked, and rewards and punishments allotted on the basis of moral character. |
metaphorical non-literal symbolic allegorical representative |
9 | figuratively/fɪˈgjʊrətɪvli/ | به طور استعاری مجازا | قید |
I think I'll get back into the saddle a little – figuratively speaking. neophyte is figuratively bound. |
metaphorical non-literal symbolic allegorical representative |
10 | hint/hɪnt/ | ذره مقدار کم، اندکی | اسم |
Brennan offered a hint of information. The kind man's face held a hint of sympathy. |
clue inkling suggestion indication indicator |
11 | irony/ˈaɪrəni/ | کنایه طعنه، تناقض | اسم |
I failed to detect any irony in his tone. He loved the irony of the situation. |
sarcasm sardonicism dryness causticity sharpness |
12 | insult/ˈɪn.sʌlt/ | توهین کردن اهانت کردن | فعل |
offend cause offence to give offence to affront abuse |
13 | insulting/ɪnˈsʌltɪŋ/ | توهینآمیز | صفت |
The inference was insulting. "I'm not sure if you're insulting me or complimenting me," she said with a puzzled smile. |
abusive rude vulgar offensive wounding |
14 | interchangeable/ˌɪntərˈtʃeɪndʒəbəl/ | قابل تعویض تبادلپذیر، قابل مبادله، مشابه | صفت |
But it is possible that the terms at an early date were interchangeable, Canaan being geographical and Amorite ethnical. This cipher alphabet is called Albam, from the first interchangeable pairs. |
exchangeable transposable replaceable identical similar alike |
15 | interpret/ɪnˈtɜrprət/ | تفسیر کردن درک کردن، برداشت کردن | فعل |
He had no idea how to interpret the warning. Uncertain how to interpret his quietness, she tried to figure out what to say. |
explain elucidate expound explicate clarify |
16 | interpretation/ɪnˌtɜrprɪˈteɪʃən/ | تفسیر شرح، برداشت | اسم |
He grinned as he realized her interpretation of his answer. His interpretation of the conversation was decidedly different. |
explanation elucidation expounding exposition explication |
17 | ironic/aɪˈrɑnɪk/ | طعنهآمیز کنایه دار | صفت |
There were ironic cheers from the side that lost the game. It is ironic to think that, in later years, the police would require help themselves. |
sarcastic sardonic dry caustic sharp |
18 | literal/ˈlɪtərəl/ | لفظی تحتاللفظی | صفت |
They consider themselves bound by the literal interpretation of James v. An increasing stress was laid on the literal sense of Scripture. |
strict factual plain simple bare |
19 | literally/ˈlɪt̬.ə.rə.li/ | (به طور) تحتاللفظی واژه به واژه | قید |
Well, not literally, but close. She'd never thought he meant she'd literally help revive the planet. |
verbatim word for word line for line letter for letter to the letter exactly |
20 | make fun of/meɪk fʌn ʌv/ | مسخره کردن | عبارت |
taunt poke fun at chaff tease make jokes about |
21 | mock/mɑːk/ | مسخره کردن دست انداختن | فعل |
She glanced at him with mock innocence. The two young nobles, after a mock trial, were decapitated (November 1440). |
ridicule jeer at sneer at deride treat with contempt |
22 | old-fashioned/ˌoʊld ˈfæʃnd/ | قدیمی دمده | صفت |
The owner prides herself on the exquisite cuisine, old-fashioned courtesy and personal attention given to all customers. The people were dressed in old fashioned clothes. |
out of date outdated dated out out of fashion |
23 | opaque/oʊˈpeɪk/ | مبهم نارسا، ناواضح، دشوار (فهم) | صفت |
Windows that can't be broken and can switch from opaque to clear. Crystals of barytes may be transparent and colourless, or white and opaque, or of a yellow, brown, bluish or greenish colour. |
non-transparent cloudy filmy blurred smeared |
24 | wrapping paper/ˈræpɪŋ ˈpeɪpər/ | کاغذ کادو | اسم |
25 | pejorative/pəˈʤɔrətɪv/ | تحقیرآمیز تحقیرکننده | صفت |
Using pejorative words to describe young people makes them feel less important. Some medical terms were clearly pejorative and have since been abandoned. |
disparaging derogatory denigratory deprecatory defamatory |
26 | phase/feɪz/ | فاز مرحله | اسم |
Her life was about to enter its next phase of the nightmare. Okay, next phase completed. |
stage period chapter episode part |
27 | poke fun at/poʊk fʌn æt/ | مسخره کردن مورد تمسخر قرار دادن، دست انداختن | عبارت |
mock make fun of laugh at make jokes about ridicule |
28 | precise/prɪˈsɑɪs/ | دقیق | صفت |
That's why he has so many precise numbers. So much is certain, though the precise incidents of the interview are variously told. |
exact accurate correct error-free pinpoint |
29 | precision/prɪˈsɪʒn/ | دقت ظرافت | اسم |
He made a precision cut through the meat. These excerpts, however, have been so pieced together, that it is often impossible to separate them with precision, and to distinguish accurately between earlier and later elements. |
exactness exactitude accuracy accurateness correctness |
30 | sarcasm/ˈsɑːrkæzəm/ | متلک کنایه، طعنه | اسم |
"Exactly," she said with enough sarcasm that he chuckled. She took his sarcasm as a sign that he felt better. |
derision mockery ridicule satire irony |
31 | sarcastic/sɑːrˈkæstɪk/ | طعنهآمیز نیشدار، کنایهآمیز | صفت |
She gave him a sarcastic smile. "Wonderful," was the sarcastic response. |
sardonic ironic ironical satirical derisive scornful |
32 | self-explanatory/ˌself ɪkˈsplænətɔːri/ | بدیهی مبرهن، آشکار، بینیاز به توضیح | صفت |
Most online quote requests are fairly self-explanatory, and websites frequently offer assistance in filling out the form. This outfit is self-explanatory; however, one potential pitfall can lie in color selection. |
easily understood readily comprehensible intelligible straightforward unambiguous |
33 | sense/sens/ | معنی مفهوم | اسم |
He also had a sense of responsibility about it. I can sense it and I'm never wrong. |
sensory faculty feeling sensation perception sight hearing |
34 | slang/slæŋ/ | زبان عامیانه زبان لاتی | اسم |
Because of this, "two bits" is still slang for twenty-five cents in the United States. The word is of frequent use as a slang term - e.g. |
informal language colloquialisms idioms patois argot |
35 | soul/soʊl/ | روح نفس | اسم |
Carmen had been his soul mate for a long time. Love is at the soul of everything. |
spirit psyche self inner self innermost self |
36 | spirit/ˈspɪr.ɪt/ | روح | اسم |
soul psyche inner self inner being essential being pneuma anima |
37 | stage/steɪdʒ/ | مرحله بازه | اسم |
He was in the stage play Boo! The only business experience she had was the goat dairy, the non-functional farm and a horse ranch that had been in the fetal stage for years. |
phase period juncture step point |
38 | synonym/ˈsɪnənɪm/ | مترادف هممعنی | اسم |
Actually, only some foreign counts could be said to be equivalent to English earls; but "earl" is always translated by foreigners by words (comte, Graf) which in English are represented by "count," itself never used as the synonym of "earl." The Parisians received the news of the event with joy, believing that freedom was now at last to be established on a firm basis by the man whose name was the synonym for victory in the field and disinterestedness in civil affairs. |
39 | synonymous/səˈnɑnəməs/ | مترادف هممعنی | صفت |
We cannot, therefore, call it precisely synonymous with theism. The riddance of an evil influence is often synonymous with the introduction of the good principle, and therefore it is best to consider first the use of anointing in consecrations. |
40 | trace/treɪs/ | اثر نشانه، رد | اسم |
They can trace it! I used my charge card and he'll trace us here. |
track down find discover detect unearth |
41 | transparent/trænˈspɛrənt/ | شفاف آشکار، واضح | صفت |
Other nations are becoming more transparent as well. He stood on the balcony, visible beyond the transparent curtains rustling in the moving haze. |
see-through clear translucent pellucid crystal clear |
42 | virtually/ˈvɜr.tʃu.ə.li/ | به طور مجازی مجازا | قید |
Yet in reality, virtually everyone has. In just a few years, virtually all phones will be camera phones. |
in effect effectively all but more or less practically |