ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | I'd better be off/aɪd ˈbɛtər bi ɔf/ | بهتر است دیگر بروم بهتر است رفع زحمت کنم | جمله |
2 | out of the blue/aʊt ʌv ðə blu/ | ناگهانی یکدفعه، یکهویی | عبارت |
3 | cheers/ʧɪrz/ | خدانگهدار (انگلیس) به سلامت | حرف ندا |
The crowd erupted in cheers and applause. We could hear the yells of the boys and the cheers of the lookers-on as plainly in our room as if we had been on the field. |
here's to you good health your health here's health skol |
4 | cheers!/tʃɪrz/ | به سلامتی (هنگام خوردن نوشیدنی الکلی) | عبارت |
here's to you good health your health here's health skol |
5 | not have a clue/nɑt hæv ə klu/ | ندانستن از چیزی آگاهی نداشتن، ایدهای نداشتن | عبارت |
have no idea not have any idea be ignorant not have an inkling be puzzled be perplexed |
6 | commence/kəˈmɛns/ | شروع شدن | فعل |
It is best to commence the electrolytic thickening in a silver acetate bath. The bombardment will commence on September. |
begin start start off get down to business get the ball rolling get going |
7 | disaster/dɪˈzæs.tər/ | مصیبت بلا، ناکامی بزرگ | اسم |
The events which led to this disaster may be briefly told. She froze when she saw the disaster that was her apartment. |
catastrophe calamity cataclysm tragedy act of God |
8 | keep an eye on/kip ən aɪ ɑn/ | چشم از چیزی برنداشتن از چیزی مواظبت کردن | جمله |
9 | fancy/ˈfænsi/ | به کسی گرایش داشتن (از نظر جنسی) (کسی را) خواستن، (به کسی) علاقه داشتن | فعل |
Fancy seeing you alive. You own a fancy place and drive a practically new jeep. |
elaborate ornate ornamented ornamental decorated |
10 | feel like/fil laɪk/ | خواستن میل داشتن، هوس کردن | فعل |
want would like wish for desire fancy |
11 | fetch/fɛʧ/ | رفتن و (چیزی را) آوردن | فعل |
The two boys saw him and ran to fetch his shoes. You fetch souls instead of the death-dealers. |
get go and get go for call for summon |
12 | get/get/ | آوردن | فعل |
Let's get in out of this cold wind. Here, then, I made my home; and although it is a lonely place I amuse myself making rustles and flutters, and so get along very nicely. |
acquire obtain come by come to have come into possession of |
13 | give someone a hand/gɪv ˈsʌmˌwʌn ə hænd/ | به کسی کمک کردن | عبارت |
14 | lend someone a hand/lɛnd ˈsʌmˌwʌn ə hænd/ | به کسی کمک کردن | جمله |
15 | hang on/hæŋ ɑn/ | صبر کردن | فعل |
hold on to hold fast to grip clutch grasp |
16 | hi/hɑɪ/ | سلام | حرف ندا |
"Hi," she said with a slight smile. Hi guys, what's up? |
17 | hold on/hoʊld ɑn/ | صبر کردن | فعل |
wait wait a minute just a moment just a second stay here |
18 | How are things?/haʊ ɑr θɪŋz?/ | اوضاع چطوره؟ چه خبرا؟ | جمله |
19 | How is it going?/haʊ ɪz ɪt ˈgoʊɪŋ?/ | چه خبر؟ اوضاع چطور است؟ | جمله |
20 | hurry up/ˈhɜri ʌp/ | عجله کردن | فعل |
21 | idiom/ˈɪd.iː.əm/ | اصطلاح | اسم |
However, with few exceptions, the cottages are styled within the vernacular revival idiom. This idiom could, of course, be explained on the hypothesis of an Aramaic original. |
expression idiomatic expression turn of phrase set phrase fixed expression |
22 | idiomatic/ˌɪdiəˈmætɪk/ | اصطلاحی | صفت |
in other respects the rendering is faithful and idiomatic. The. But, notwithstanding the attempt to introduce an alien element into the Roman language, which proved incompatible with its natural genius, and his own failure to attain the idiomatic purity of Naevius, Plautus or Terence, the fragments of his dramas are sufficient to prove the service which he rendered to the formation of the literary language of Rome as well as to the culture and character of his contemporaries. |
natural native-speaker grammatical correct vernacular colloquial |
23 | joke/ʤoʊk/ | لطیفه جوک | اسم |
If what I'm seeing isn't some kind of joke, I'm at the end of the yellow brick road. Don't joke about that. |
funny story jest witticism quip pleasantry pun |
24 | joke/ʤoʊk/ | شوخی کردن | فعل |
If what I'm seeing isn't some kind of joke, I'm at the end of the yellow brick road. Don't joke about that. |
funny story jest witticism quip pleasantry pun |
25 | you’re joking/jʊr ˈʤoʊkɪŋ/ | نه بابا جدی میگویی؟، شوخی میکنی | جمله |
26 | you must be joking/ju mʌst bi ˈʤoʊkɪŋ/ | حتما با من شوخی داری من را دست انداختی؟ | جمله |
27 | kid/kɪd/ | بچه | اسم |
Country kids need a good nurse as much as a city kid, you know. Would the kid answer to a name? |
child youngster little one young one baby |
28 | lately/ˈleɪt.li/ | اخیرا جدیدا | قید |
Have I told you lately that I love you? I don't know what's been bothering you lately, but if I've done something, I wish you would tell me. |
recently of late latterly in the past few days in the last couple of weeks |
29 | loads/loʊdz/ | کلی زیاد | قید |
When crossing a desert camels are expected to carry their loads 25 m. It is used to a limited extent for mountain-grade goods traffic, and has the advantage over the " Consolidation " or eight-coupled type of lighter axle loads for a given tractive capacity. |
cargo freight freightage charge burden pack |
30 | mate/meɪt/ | رفیق | اسم |
She's your mate and my sister. Carmen had been his soul mate for a long time. |
friend companion boon companion comrade intimate |
31 | neutral/ˈnutrəl/ | بیطرف خنثی | صفت |
Instead, he gave a more neutral response. Wishing to remain neutral in the struggle between England and France, he went to fight in Italy. |
impartial unbiased unprejudiced objective without favouritism |
32 | no problem/noʊ ˈprɑbləm/ | ایرادی ندارد خواهش میکنم، مشکلی نیست | عبارت |
difficulty issue trouble worry complication |
33 | nonsense/ˈnɑn.sens/ | مزخرف حرف پوچ | اسم |
I don't want to hear any more of this nonsense about magic. I thought that was TV nonsense until a few minutes later the phone rang and damned if he hadn't done just that! |
rubbish balderdash gibberish claptrap blarney |
34 | pick up/pɪk ʌp/ | آوردن گرفتن، به دنبال (چیزی، شخصی) رفتن، برگرداندن | فعل |
improve get better recover mend be on the road to recovery |
35 | purchase/ˈpɜr.tʃəs/ | خرید | اسم |
They would purchase a few things for Christmas tomorrow. Post Office beyond the purchase of the rights. |
buy acquire obtain pick up snap up |
36 | purchase/ˈpɜr.tʃəs/ | خرید کردن خریداری کردن | فعل |
They would purchase a few things for Christmas tomorrow. Post Office beyond the purchase of the rights. |
buy acquire obtain pick up snap up |
37 | reckon/ˈrek.ən/ | فکر کردن باور داشتن | فعل |
calculate compute work out put a figure on figure |
38 | rubbish/ˈrʌbɪʃ/ | زباله آشغال، پسماند | اسم |
"But that's all rubbish," Natasha chattered on. "What rubbish you're talking!" said the countess. |
refuse waste garbage litter discarded matter |
39 | sort of/sɔrt ʌv/ | یک جورهایی یک طورهایی | عبارت |
slightly faintly remotely vaguely somewhat moderately |
40 | stuff/stʌf/ | چیز (ها) اجناس، کار، وسایل | اسم |
I'll take her over in the morning to get her stuff out of the car. "That's all old stuff," Howie said. |
material fabric cloth textile matter substance |
41 | take care/teɪk kɛr/ | مراقب خودت باش! به سلامت! خداحافظ | حرف ندا |
42 | turn down/tɜrn daʊn/ | رد کردن نپذیرفتن | فعل |
43 | What's up?/wʌt z ʌp?/ | چه خبر؟ قضیه چیه؟ | جمله |
44 | vague/veɪg/ | مبهم نامشخص | صفت |
She rolled her eyes at the vague response. He was vague to say the least. |
indistinct indefinite indeterminate unclear hazy cloudy |
45 | yeah/jæ/ | آره | حرف ندا |
So yeah, if you told them to choose between working and not working, many would choose to relax. Yeah, I can imagine. |