ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | adequate/ˈædəkwət/ | کافی مناسب | صفت |
We agreed the set up was adequate and thanked him for his efforts. The prince's character was not attractive, and the king refused to make him an adequate allowance. |
sufficient enough ample requisite apposite |
2 | alarmed/əˈlɑrmd/ | مضطرب دلواپس | صفت |
It wasn't the distance that alarmed her. His threats alarmed the Austrian court. |
fear anxiety apprehension trepidation nervousness |
3 | alarming/əˈlɑːrmɪŋ/ | هشداردهنده نگرانکننده | صفت |
It was always exciting in an alarming way. I find nothing alarming in what we will discuss. |
frightening startling unnerving shocking hair-raising distressing |
4 | amazed/əˈmeɪzd/ | متحیر شگفتزده، حیرتزده | صفت |
I was amazed at his reaction to a simple compliment. Dean was amazed at the size of the crowd. |
astonished astounded staggered surprised startled |
5 | amazing/əˈmeɪ.zɪŋ/ | شگفتآور شگفت انگیز، خوب، عالی | صفت |
It was amazing how a person could change. It was amazing how a baby could put love in so many hearts. |
astonishing astounding surprising bewildering stunning |
6 | amused/əˈmjuːzd/ | سرگرم خوشحال | صفت |
He studied her face with amused eyes. Alex shifted a faintly amused gaze to Carmen. |
entertain make laugh delight divert gladden |
7 | amusing/əˈmjuː.zɪŋ/ | سرگرمکننده مسرتبخش | صفت |
It was sweet and amusing by turns. His mock heroics are, to say the least, amusing, and among these may be mentioned Myszeis, where he describes how King Popiel, according to the legend, was eaten up by rats. |
entertaining funny comical humorous light-hearted |
8 | artificial/ˌɑrt̬.əˈfɪʃ.əl/ | مصنوعی | صفت |
The artificial breeze from the fan provided only temporary relief. And he fell back into that artificial realm of imaginary greatness, and again--as a horse walking a treadmill thinks it is doing something for itself--he submissively fulfilled the cruel, sad, gloomy, and inhuman role predestined for him. |
synthetic fake false imitation mock |
9 | astonished/əˈstɑn.ɪʃt/ | متحیر حیرتزده، متعجب | صفت |
They were astonished at her command of language. Deidre was astonished by the size of the stone stronghold. |
amazed filled with astonishment filled with amazement astounded staggered |
10 | astonishing/əˈstɑn.ɪʃ.ɪŋ/ | حیرتانگیز شگفتآور | صفت |
His memory was astonishing, his energy indefatigable. We have looked at the astonishing possibilities afforded by genomics. |
amazing astounding staggering shocking surprising |
11 | basic/ˈbeɪ.sɪk/ | ساده ابتدایی | صفت |
I don't want to deny you such a basic need. The lava is a basic augiteandesite. |
fundamental rudimentary primary principal cardinal |
12 | busy/ˈbɪz.i/ | پرمشغله مشغول، شلوغ | صفت |
It's a large and busy hotel. It was a warm late afternoon as I stood out on the sidewalk and looked up at the six massive columns towering above another busy and impressive train station. |
occupied occupied in engaged in involved in employed in |
13 | common/ˈkɑmən/ | متداول رایج | صفت |
She will only utilize it for common good. We have a lot in common, you know? |
ordinary normal typical average unexceptional |
14 | contemporary/kənˈtɛmpəˌrɛri/ | معاصر | صفت |
Contemporary artists were selected. There was a reading of contemporary poetry. |
contemporaneous concurrent coeval synchronous synchronic |
15 | cramped/kræmpt/ | شلوغ تنگ، کمجا | صفت |
His stomach cramped at the memory of that cliff. She stood for a long moment in the cramped, silent foyer. |
restricted confined constricted small tiny narrow |
16 | crowded/ˈkrɑʊd.ɪd/ | شلوغ | صفت |
The men crowded together round the campfires. Where the street had been vacant during the day, they were crowded at night. |
packed congested crushed cramped overcrowded |
17 | curious/ˈkjʊr.iː.əs/ | عجیب غریب | صفت |
She looked up at him with a curious smile. I'm just a curious citizen. |
inquisitive intrigued interested eager to know dying to know |
18 | deserted/dɪˈzɜrtɪd/ | خالی متروک، خلوت | صفت |
The sound came from the deserted lot. She glanced around at the deserted area beside the creek. |
abandoned forsaken cast aside cast off thrown over |
19 | disappointing/ˌdɪs.əˈpɔɪnt.ɪŋ/ | مأیوسکننده ناامیدکننده | صفت |
It would be so disappointing for them. That's a gruesome thought—and disappointing, too. |
saddening disheartening dispiriting discouraging upsetting |
20 | disappointed/ˌdɪs.əˈpɔɪnt.əd/ | ناامید مأیوس | صفت |
I'm disappointed in you. I'm disappointed in your decision, but I respect it. |
saddened upset let down disheartened downhearted |
21 | disgusted/dɪsˈgʌstəd/ | منزجر متنفر، دچار تهوع | صفت |
Her stomach grumbled but the thought of a ham sandwich disgusted her. In 1832 the Avenir was condemned, and the disgusted Lamennais left the Roman Church. |
revulsion repugnance aversion distaste abhorrence |
22 | disgusting/dɪsˈgʌs.tɪŋ/ | تنفرآمیز حالبهمزن، چندشآور | صفت |
"Well there certainly are disgusting people," thought Rostov as he entered. "The mob is terrible--disgusting," he said to himself in French. |
revolting repellent repulsive sickening nauseating |
23 | dissatisfied/dɪˈsætəˌsfaɪd/ | ناراضی ناخشنود | صفت |
"Ah, it's you!" said Pierre with a preoccupied, dissatisfied air. The Emperor was dissatisfied with him. |
discontented malcontent unsatisfied disappointed disaffected |
24 | effective/ɪˈfek.tɪv/ | موثر | صفت |
You're about as effective at pep talks as Rhyn. It's so much more effective than rope, or wire, or chains. |
successful effectual efficacious productive constructive |
25 | efficient/ɪˈfɪʃ.ənt/ | کارآمد موثر | صفت |
The nets or snares are highly efficient for this purpose. A transporter of this kind, when fitted with a grab, is a very efficient machine for taking coal from barges and depositing it in a coal store. |
well organized methodical systematic structured well planned |
26 | embarrassed/ɪmˈbær.əst/ | خجالتزده شرمنده | صفت |
There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I was kind of embarrassed about the money not coming in the mail like I said. |
awkward self-conscious uneasy uncomfortable unsettled |
27 | embarrassing/ɪmˈbær.ə.sɪŋ/ | شرمآور خجالتآور | صفت |
This is embarrassing, but I really need the money for groceries. I suppose it's getting a little embarrassing now. |
shaming shameful humiliating mortifying demeaning |
28 | essential/ɪˈsɛnʃəl/ | لازم ضروری | صفت |
That is an essential condition. She knew the essential conditions of the instrument. |
crucial necessary key vital indispensable |
29 | expected/ɪkˈspek.tɪd/ | پیش بینی شده | صفت |
I am a patient person by nature and fully expected to later take them one or two at a time. He expected to be punished. |
suppose presume think it likely think believe |
30 | fair/fer/ | منصفانه عادلانه، منصف | صفت |
They are fair and wise. We're not being fair to our employers. |
just equitable fair-minded open-minded honest |
31 | mixed feelings/mɪkst ˈfilɪŋz/ | احساسات ضد و نقیض | اسم |
32 | firm/fɜːrm/ | جدی ثابت | صفت |
The horse had stopped short, and stood firm as a rock. He lifted her and placed her on a firm bed. |
hard solid unyielding resistant solidified hardened compacted |
33 | glad/glæd/ | خوشحال | صفت |
I'm so glad I have you. I'm glad to hear that. |
pleased happy delighted as pleased as Punch well pleased |
34 | grand/ɡrænd/ | مجلل باشکوه | صفت |
I had grand plans to build and run a large-scale horse ranch. Visit the Grand Canyon, travel to Scotland, hot air balloon ride. |
magnificent imposing impressive awe-inspiring splendid |
35 | impressed/ɪmˈprest/ | تحت تاثیر قرار گرفته | صفت |
I was impressed and told him so. Maybe he was impressed with how quickly Jonathan improved. |
make an impression on have an impact on influence affect leave a mark on |
36 | inadequate/ɪˈnædəkwət/ | ناکافی | صفت |
Gabriel had never felt inadequate in his life until that moment. His size was inadequate for any hopes of a serious basketball future but he was obviously a fine athlete. |
insufficient not enough deficient poor scant |
37 | ineffective/ɪnɪˈfɛktɪv/ | بیهوده بینتیجه، بی اثر | صفت |
This half measure was as ineffective as was to have been expected. Ismail's efforts to put an end to the slave trade, if sincere, were ineffective, and, moreover, south of Kordofan the authority of the government did not extend beyond the posts occupied by their troops. |
unsuccessful non-successful unproductive fruitless profitless |
38 | inefficient/ɪnɪˈfɪʃənt/ | ناکارآمد کم بازده | صفت |
We will radically improve the primitive, inefficient process that agriculture is today. We apply inefficient agricultural techniques to grow and harvest them, and then we inefficiently distribute them. |
ineffective ineffectual inefficacious incompetent inept |
39 | modern/ˈmɑːdərn/ | مدرن معاصر | صفت |
The road leading to the castle was modern blacktop. Gabriel didn't need to understand modern science. |
present-day contemporary present-time present current |
40 | natural/ˈnætʃ.ə.rəl/ | طبیعی | صفت |
We think he might have some natural ability. You have a natural instinct for the simple but elegant. |
normal ordinary everyday usual regular |
41 | negative/ˈnɛgətɪv/ | منفی | صفت |
What makes you so negative about him? I try to resurrect my first impression of Howard Abbott not colored by Quinn's negative appraisal. |
saying ‘no’ in the negative rejecting refusing dissenting dissentient |
42 | overall/ˌoʊ.vəˈrɔːl/ | کلی کل | صفت |
It was an overall combination of respect and interest. They laughed now, but the overall mood was serious. |
all-inclusive general comprehensive universal all-embracing |
43 | permanent/ˈpɜr.mə.nənt/ | دائمی | صفت |
She wanted a permanent relationship with him - marriage. elders or bishops, are the highest permanent officers in the Church and are of equal rank; (3) that an outward and visible Church is one in the sense that a smaller part is controlled by a larger and all the parts by the whole.'9 Though Presbyterians are unanimous in adopting the general system of church polity as here outlined, and in claiming New 1 Phil. |
lasting enduring indefinite continuing perpetual |
44 | pleased/pliːzd/ | خوشحال راضی | صفت |
I was pleased by his candor. I'm pleased she's helping you. |
happy glad delighted gratified grateful |
45 | polite/pəˈlɑɪt/ | مودب مودبانه | صفت |
I guess I wasn't very polite, making a face like that. His polite address terrified her. |
well mannered civil courteous respectful deferential |
46 | positive/ˈpɑz.ət̬.ɪv/ | مثبت خوشبین، خوشبینانه | صفت |
Think positive, and pray. I'm positive she didn't notice us the first time. |
affirmative favourable approving in the affirmative good |
47 | rare/rer/ | نادر کمیاب | صفت |
You have a rare ability among our kind. He let a rare smile cross his face. |
infrequent few and far between scarce sparse scattered |
48 | real/riːl/ | واقعی | صفت |
The real surprise came with his presence in the delivery room. He's not my real brother. |
actual existent non-fictional non-fictitious factual historical material |
49 | reasonable/ˈrizənəbəl/ | ارزان نه خیلی گران | صفت |
sensible rational open to reason full of common sense logical |
50 | remote/rɪˈmoʊt/ | دوردست دور | صفت |
Whatever it may have been in remote geological periods, it is now extremely limited both in size and numbers. At a much more remote period also the great city of Lagash stood by or on its banks. |
faraway distant far far off far removed dim and distant isolated |
51 | rude/rud/ | بیادب گستاخانه، بیادبی | صفت |
It simply wasn't like him to be rude like that. There they might live in peace and safety while all the country round was overrun by rude and barbarous men. |
ill-mannered bad-mannered impolite discourteous impertinent |
52 | rural/ˈrʊrəl/ | روستایی | صفت |
Pop. including a large rural district and several villages (1890), 31,498; (1908, estimate), 33,000. In 1905 the institute took up the work of rural school extension. |
country countryside pastoral rustic bucolic agricultural |
53 | satisfied/ˈsæt̬.ɪsˌfɑɪd/ | خشنود راضی | صفت |
You are satisfied with her. Is your fit of curiosity satisfied, or do you have some more questions? |
pleased well pleased happy content contented proud |
54 | satisfying/ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ/ | رضایتبخش راضیکننده | صفت |
Emotional hurt wasn't satisfying enough. You will soon find means of satisfying your needs. |
fulfilling rewarding gratifying pleasing enjoyable |
55 | shocked/ʃɑkt/ | بهتزده شوکه | صفت |
I was shocked at how harsh reality can be. "I'm shocked," he said with a straight face. |
blow upset disturbance source of distress source of amazement |
56 | shocking/ˈʃɑk.ɪŋ/ | هولناک ناپسند، شوکهکننده | صفت |
His touch was like shocking herself, and she jumped. Floating in the shocking cold, she oriented herself in the darkness. |
appalling horrifying horrific dreadful awful |
57 | simple/ˈsɪm.pəl/ | ساده آسان | صفت |
It's as simple as that. Surely he had a simple checkbook file. |
straightforward easy uncomplicated uninvolved effortless |
58 | soft/sɑft/ | نرم لطیف | صفت |
His laugh was soft and low. As the Princess held the white piglet in her arms and stroked its soft hair she said: Let Eureka out of the cage, for she is no longer a prisoner, but our good friend. |
mushy squashy pulpy pappy slushy |
59 | spacious/ˈspeɪ.ʃəs/ | جادار وسیع، بزرگ | صفت |
This is a lovely home, so spacious and nicely decorated. Xander watched them both as they sat across from him in the spacious living area. |
roomy commodious capacious palatial airy |
60 | suspicious/səˈspɪʃ.əs/ | مشکوک شک برانگیز، شکاک | صفت |
I know it looks suspicious, but you've got to learn to trust me. He nodded absently, giving her a suspicious look. |
doubtful unsure dubious wary chary |
61 | temporary/ˈtem.pəˌrer.i/ | موقت | صفت |
The artificial breeze from the fan provided only temporary relief. We will meet them soon at our temporary home. |
non-permanent short-term interim provisional pro tem makeshift |
62 | terrified/ˈter.ə.fɑɪd/ | وحشتزده وحشت داشتن | صفت |
You're brave, but you're terrified as well. He's helped all of them somehow, though he terrified me the time I did meet him. |
petrified scared stiff frightened out of one's wits scared out of one's wits scared witless |
63 | terrifying/ˈtɛrəˌfaɪɪŋ/ | وحشتناک ترسناک، هراسآور | صفت |
You're clearly terrifying the girl. She wished to love him as a son, but felt that to her he was a stranger and a terrifying man. |
petrify scare stiff frighten someone out of their wits scare someone out of their wits scare witless |
64 | unexpected/ˌʌn.ɪkˈspek.tɪd/ | غیر منتظره | صفت |
Her breath escaped in an unexpected sigh. What an unexpected surprise. |
unforeseen unanticipated unpredicted not bargained for unlooked for |
65 | unreasonable/ʌnˈriː.zə.nə.bəl/ | غیرمنطقی نامعقول | صفت |
It was an unreasonable request, and yet his response angered her. It was unreasonable of Josh to expect her to keep the marriage together on her own. |
uncooperative obstructive unhelpful disobliging unaccommodating |
66 | urban/ˈɜrbən/ | شهری | صفت |
It was a scene from another time as Dean's friend and his smiling wife handed the reins to the urban couple. The town is governed by an urban district council. |
built-up town city inner-city densely populated |
67 | vital/ˈvaɪtəl/ | حیاتی جدی | صفت |
You're a vital asset and the director knows it. What we're accomplishing with Howie is vital; we can't stop doing it. |
essential indispensable crucial key necessary |