ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | aggression/əˈgrɛʃən/ | پرخاشگری خشونت | اسم |
His kiss had been an act of aggression, not passion. The leaders of the national movement prepared to resist further aggression by force. |
hostility aggressiveness belligerence bellicosity antagonism |
2 | aggressive/əˈgres.ɪv/ | پرخاشگر پرخاشگرانه، تندخو | صفت |
hostile belligerent bellicose antagonistic truculent pugnacious |
3 | ambition/æmˈbɪʃ.ən/ | بلندپروازی جاهطلبی | اسم |
My ambition is far different than yours. It is a tale of ambition and then of guilt. |
drive determination desire enterprise initiative |
4 | ambitious/æmˈbɪʃ.əs/ | بلندپرواز جاهطلب، بلندپروازانه | صفت |
She was ambitious, driven by her need for power. I make sure ambitious people like you don't mess up this world. |
aspiring determined forceful pushy enterprising |
5 | arrogance/ˈɛrəgəns/ | تکبر غرور | اسم |
The edge of arrogance surprised her. His uncle, who appears to have " taken his zeal for ambition," wrote him a severe letter, taking him to task for arrogance and pride, qualities which Bacon vehemently disclaimed. |
haughtiness conceit hubris self-importance egotism |
6 | arrogant/ˈær.ə.gənt/ | مغرور متکبر | صفت |
She is far too arrogant to learn the error of her ways. Is he arrogant enough to think that? |
haughty conceited hubristic self-important opinionated |
7 | cheerful/ˈtʃɪr.fəl/ | شاد خوشحال | صفت |
How cheerful it is to hear of! The flowers should have made her feel cheerful, but they ushered in that dark feeling instead. |
happy jolly merry bright glad |
8 | crazy/ˈkreɪ.zi/ | دیوانه احمق، ناعاقلانه، احمقانه | صفت |
The idea is as crazy as the rest of this business! As soon as the signal to walk flashed, she put some distance between her and the crazy woman. |
mad insane out of one's mind deranged demented |
9 | dishonest/dɪsˈɑn.əst/ | ناصادق فریبکار | صفت |
You know how stubborn you are about not doing business with dishonest people. Butchers have palmed off upon their customers imported fresh meat as homegrown, and secured a dishonest profit by charging for it the prices of the latter, which are considerably in excess of those of the imported product. |
fraudulent corrupt swindling cheating double-dealing underhand |
10 | dull/dʌl/ | کسلکننده خستهکننده، بیحال | صفت |
Things didn't stay dull for long, though. "It sounds dull to me," Dulce said, and stood. |
uninteresting boring tedious tiresome wearisome |
11 | easygoing/ˌIː.ziːˈgoʊ.ɪŋ/ | بیخیال | صفت |
It's all the Club and his easygoing nature. Linda was too easygoing to be affected by much of anything, and the men seemed more surprised than anything else. |
relaxed even-tempered equable placid mellow |
12 | energetic/ˌɛnərˈʤɛtɪk/ | پرانرژی | صفت |
She still seemed energetic and optimistic. It is an energetic oxidizing agent. |
active lively dynamic zestful spirited |
13 | energy/ˈen.ər.dʒi/ | انرژی قدرت، حال | اسم |
The boy was no longer sleepy, but full of energy and excitement. Now put that energy into walking. |
vitality vigour life liveliness animation |
14 | generosity/ˌdʒen.əˈrɑs.ət̬.i/ | سخاوت بخشش | اسم |
I thanked him for his generosity and donated a hundred dollar bill to his mission. "Once again, your generosity blows my mind," I said. |
liberality lavishness magnanimity magnanimousness munificence |
15 | generous/ˈdʒen.ə.rəs/ | بخشنده دست و دل باز | صفت |
You've been far too generous already. He's so generous; there's nothing he wouldn't do for us. |
liberal lavish magnanimous munificent giving |
16 | hard-working/ˌhɑrdˈwɜːr.kɪŋ/ | کوشا سختکوش | صفت |
The Chinese were hard-working and had the usual fortune attending those who work hard. He proved a hard-working progressive president, who did much for the development of communications and the opening up of the interior of the country. |
diligent industrious conscientious assiduous sedulous |
17 | honest/ˈɑn.ɪst/ | صادق راستگو، صادقانه | صفت |
His honest answer silenced her. He deserved an honest answer about her response. |
morally correct upright honourable moral ethical |
18 | honesty/ˈɑn.ə.sti/ | صداقت | اسم |
Carmen was all about honesty and innocence. Elected to the Legislative Assembly, Cambon became noted for his independence, his honesty and his ability in finance. |
moral correctness uprightness honourableness honour integrity |
19 | sense of humor/sɛns ʌv ˈhjumər/ | (حس) شوخطبعی | اسم |
20 | impatient/ɪmˈpeɪ.ʃənt/ | بیصبر عجول | صفت |
She grew impatient waiting for the guardsmen to return. I've travelled many miles since my last and I'm becoming impatient for company. |
restless restive agitated nervous anxious |
21 | insecure/ˈɪnsəkjər/ | متزلزل نگران، عاری از اعتماد به نفس | صفت |
She was feeling insecure, and for good reason. This bridge was found insecure and replaced in 1884-1887. |
unconfident lacking confidence lacking self-confidence not self-assured diffident |
22 | intolerant/ɪnˈtɑlərənt/ | متعصب کوته فکر، بی گذشت | صفت |
Roman law was by no means intolerant to the Jews. They're not intolerant to daylight like you are. |
bigoted narrow-minded small-minded parochial provincial |
23 | irresponsible/ˌɪr.ɪˈspɑn.sə.bəl/ | وظیفهنشناس غیرمسئولانه، سهلانگار | صفت |
How could she say he was irresponsible when she had left hers out in a storm? The word "irresponsible" hung silently in the air. |
reckless rash careless thoughtless incautious |
24 | lazy/ˈleɪ.zi/ | تنبل | صفت |
He says they're too lazy to work. It was a lazy day, more like the beginning of summer than the end. |
idle indolent slothful work-shy shiftless |
25 | mad/mæd/ | دیوانه | صفت |
Her dreams, however mad, were never wrong. I was just mad at you. |
insane mentally ill certifiable deranged demented |
26 | mean/miːn/ | بدجنس پستفطرت | صفت |
I didn't mean to scare you. "What does that mean?" asked the Princess. |
signify convey denote designate indicate |
27 | modest/ˈmɑːdɪst/ | فروتن متواضع | صفت |
She collected a handful of the material in modest protest. Be it as it may, both seem happy as pigeons in a bird bath with their modest lives. |
self-effacing self-deprecating humble unpretentious unassuming |
28 | patience/ˈpeɪ.ʃəns/ | صبر شکیبایی | اسم |
What little patience he had was waning fast. There was a limit to his patience, and she had crossed it. |
forbearance tolerance restraint self-restraint resignation |
29 | patient/ˈpeɪʃənt/ | صبور شکیبا | صفت |
You need to be patient and give him a little space. They'd been patient, setting up their ultimate victory over the course of tens of thousands of years. |
forbearing uncomplaining tolerant long-suffering resigned |
30 | responsible/rɪˈspɑn.sə.bəl/ | وظیفهشناس مسئولیتپذیر | صفت |
You're responsible for cleaning your own clothes and linens. Certainly he wasn't responsible for their safety. |
in charge of in control of at the helm of accountable for liable for |
31 | see/siː/ | فهمیدن متوجه شدن، پی بردن | فعل |
I see what you mean. Maybe he should see a doctor. |
discern perceive glimpse catch a glimpse of get a glimpse of |
32 | self-confident/ˌself ˈkɑn.fəd.ənt/ | با اعتماد به نفس | صفت |
When you are self-confident, you will look and feel like a million dollars. This is essential because it helps you develop into a well-adjusted, self-confident adult. |
self-assured confident believing in oneself positive assertive |
33 | stupid/ˈstuː.pɪd/ | احمق ابله، نادان | صفت |
I did a stupid thing last night. It was a stupid question, of course. |
unintelligent ignorant dense brainless mindless |
34 | tolerance/ˈtɑlərəns/ | تحمل طاقت، مقاومت | اسم |
Do that and you have to start building tolerance all over again. He also advocated tolerance towards the dissenters. |
forbearance toleration sufferance liberality open-mindedness |
35 | tolerant/ˈtɑlərənt/ | باگذشت پرتحمل، شکیبا | صفت |
Do you think he'll be as tolerant of your principles as I am? He greatly aided in the introduction of many useful reforms, in fostering a more catholic and tolerant spirit, and in cementing a firm alliance with the sister church of England. |
open-minded forbearing liberal unprejudiced unbiased |