ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | achieve/əˈtʃiːv/ | رسیدن (به هدف) به دست آوردن، موفق شدن | فعل |
How do you hope to achieve that? Sometimes they achieve rare beauty by accident. |
attain reach arrive at realize carry off bring off |
2 | achievement/əˈtʃiːv.mənt/ | دستاورد موفقیت | اسم |
His great achievement was the History of Germany in the Nineteenth Century. Government is a great achievement of civilization. |
attainment reaching gaining winning acquirement |
3 | amateur/ˈæməˌtɜr/ | تازهکار غیر حرفهای (ورزش، هنر و ...) | صفت |
It's not like I'm an amateur at this sleuthing business. He sold some art copies to a local amateur, where he came under the notice of Vincent. |
non-professional non-specialist layman layperson dilettante dabbler |
4 | athletics/æˈθlɛtɪks/ | ورزش [هرگونه فعالیت ورزشی] | اسم |
She instructed certain of her favourites in gymnastics and athletics, as a useful training for war. Sport and athletics are provided by a number of clubs, notably the Touring Club Italiano, founded in 1894. |
track and field events sporting events sports games organized games |
5 | beat/biːt/ | شکست دادن | فعل |
Her father beat them both. The best way to beat the cold was to work up some heat. |
hit strike batter thump hammer |
6 | break a record/breɪk ə ˈrɛkərd/ | رکورد جدید زدن رکود را شکستن | عبارت |
7 | brilliant/ˈbrɪl.jənt/ | عالی فوقالعاده، ممتاز | صفت |
The stars were brilliant this evening. Dawn came slowly, followed by the brilliant blue sky of morning. |
gifted talented virtuoso genius accomplished |
8 | compete/kəmˈpit/ | رقابت کردن | فعل |
Well, for starters, I'd have had to compete with every other guy in school. The native manufacturers are quite able to compete in peninsular markets with foreign rivals. |
take part play be a contestant be a competitor participate |
9 | competition/ˌkɑm.pəˈtɪʃ.ən/ | مسابقه | اسم |
The competition of France ceased for a time to be an important factor. It's not a competition, he said simply. |
contest tournament match game round |
10 | competitive/kəmˈpet̬.ət̬.ɪv/ | رقابتی | صفت |
ambitious driven vying combative contentious |
11 | competitor/kəmˈpetɪtər/ | هماورد شرکتکننده (در مسابقه) | اسم |
By this time a competitor had entered the field. He was thrice a successful competitor for the prizes of the Academy of Sciences of Paris. |
contestant contender challenger participant candidate |
12 | contest/ˈkɑntɛst/ | مسابقه | اسم |
None of us would win a beauty contest, would we? What is this, a contest between you guys? |
competition match tournament game meet event |
13 | critical/ˈkrɪtɪkəl/ | منتقدانه انتقادآمیز | صفت |
At least he didn't look so critical now. Her critical gaze swept over him with a frown. |
censorious condemnatory condemning castigatory reproving |
14 | criticize/ˈkrɪtɪˌsaɪz/ | انتقاد کردن نکوهش کردن | فعل |
Now all of a sudden you have time to criticize my judgment. It would be unfair to criticize it from an exacting philosophical point of view. |
find fault with censure denounce condemn arraign |
15 | cycling/ˈsɑɪ.klɪŋ/ | دوچرخهسواری | اسم |
The principal athletic ground is the Idrottspark (Sports Park), on the north side of Ostermalm, with tennis courts and a cycling track, which may be changed into a skating-rink in winter. in cycling), it is purely automatic. On the other hand, if the attention is fixed on the end or on any particular part of a given action, and the other component parts of the action are performed unconsciously, the automatism may be called relative. |
round rotation revolution circle pattern rhythm series |
16 | defeat/dəˈfiːt/ | شکست | اسم |
He shook his head in defeat and opened the door for her, bowing deeply. Taran can defeat him. |
beat conquer win against win a victory over triumph over |
17 | defeat/dəˈfiːt/ | شکست دادن | فعل |
He shook his head in defeat and opened the door for her, bowing deeply. Taran can defeat him. |
beat conquer win against win a victory over triumph over |
18 | favorite/ˈfeɪ.və.rɪt/ | مورد علاقه | صفت |
She's my favorite character. Riding horses was one of her favorite pastimes, and the country out that way was gorgeous - winter or summer. |
best-loved most-liked favoured dearest treasured |
19 | fencing/ˈfɛnsɪŋ/ | شمشیربازی | اسم |
They're fencing off an area for the goats to run. Between this fence and the outer fencing are the huts of the inhabitants. |
barrier paling railing rail bar |
20 | final/ˈfaɪnəl/ | فینال (مسابقات) | اسم |
He makes final decision on things. But there was satisfaction in seeing from day to day the evidence of growing mastery and the possibility of final success. |
last closing concluding finishing end |
21 | gymnastics/ʤɪmˈnæstɪks/ | ژیمناستیک (ورزش) | اسم |
She instructed certain of her favourites in gymnastics and athletics, as a useful training for war. Apart from these verbal gymnastics, Diodorus did not differ from the Megarian school. |
22 | hold/hoʊld/ | در دست داشتن (برتری) داشتن | فعل |
Can you hold things down for two weeks? Can you hold lunch for a little bit? |
clasp hold on to clutch grasp grip |
23 | medal/ˈmed.əl/ | مدال نشان | اسم |
A gold medal was awarded for a harvester and self-binder (McCormick's). In 1921 he was awarded the gold medal of the Society of Arts, London. |
honour decoration ribbon star order |
24 | one-sided/wʌn-ˈsaɪdəd/ | یکطرفه نابرابر | صفت |
When it gets one-sided, at least one, if not both, people involved aren't being true friends. If you ignore his attacks, he will become bored with the one-sided battle and give up. |
biased prejudiced partisan partial preferential |
25 | opponent/əˈpoʊnənt/ | رقیب مخالف | اسم |
rival adversary opposer the opposition fellow contestant |
26 | outsider/aʊtˈsaɪdər/ | فرد ضعیف/کمشانس در یک مسابقه آن تیم یا فردی که انتظار برد از او نمیرود | اسم |
I was the outsider he was talking about. An outsider is out of place here... |
stranger visitor non-member odd man out foreigner alien |
27 | outstanding/ɑʊtˈstæn.dɪŋ/ | عالی برجسته | صفت |
Their list of outstanding collections was growing smaller. There is no outstanding debt. |
excellent marvellous magnificent superb fine |
28 | overall/ˌoʊ.vəˈrɔːl/ | در مجموع به طور کلی، کلا | قید |
It was an overall combination of respect and interest. They laughed now, but the overall mood was serious. |
all-inclusive general comprehensive universal all-embracing |
29 | participate/pɑːˈtɪs.ɪ.peɪt/ | شرکت کردن | فعل |
The Sardinian government had formally invited that of Tuscany to participate in Unionist the war of liberation, and on the grand-dtike rejecting movethe proposal, moderates and democrats combined to ments in present an ultimatum to Leopold demanding that he ~~-~ should abdicate in favor of his son, grant a constitu- ~~ tion and take part in the campaign. Boxing matches still occur, but the boxers participate voluntarily. |
take part engage join get involved share |
30 | perform/pərˈfɔːrm/ | انجام دادن عملکرد داشتن | فعل |
The doctor said he wouldn't be able to perform at first. Robots can perform thousands of operations flawlessly every minute. |
carry out do execute discharge bring about |
31 | performance/pərˈfɔːr.məns/ | عملکرد کارایی | اسم |
A performance of one of the plays is given annually. That was assault of a peace officer in the performance of his duty. |
show production showing presentation entertainment |
32 | praise/preɪz/ | تعریف و تمجید کردن تعریف کردن، آفرین گفتن، ستودن | فعل |
Pete was conservative with his praise, so she felt honored. The life which men praise and regard as successful is but one kind. |
commend express approval of express admiration for applaud pay tribute to |
33 | praise/preɪz/ | تعریف و تمجید تحسین، ستایش | اسم |
commend express approval of express admiration for applaud pay tribute to |
34 | professional/prəˈfeʃ.ən.əl/ | حرفهای مجرب | صفت |
white-collar executive non-manual paid salaried non-amateur |
35 | race/reɪs/ | مسابقه | اسم |
I'll race you to the bottom and we can talk about it. Such a race would not be fair. |
contest competition relay event fixture heat |
36 | record/rɪˈkɔːrd/ | رکورد | اسم |
Well, you haven't broken your record with me. There's no record of this. |
account accounts document documents documentation |
37 | resist/rɪˈzɪst/ | مقاومت کردن مانع شدن | فعل |
I simply couldn't resist you. She couldn't resist teasing him. |
withstand be proof against hold out against combat counter weather |
38 | resistance/rɪˈzɪstəns/ | مقاومت | اسم |
Any resistance she might have mustered melted at his words. Whatever resistance she had evaporated in the intensity of his desire for her. |
opposition to hostility to aversion to refusal to accept unwillingness to accept |
39 | semi-final/ˌsem.iˈfɑɪ.nəl/ | نیمه نهایی | اسم |
They're pictured just before their semi-final victory against Elworth. arsenal boss Arsene Wenger expects a physical battle against Wigan in the Carling Cup semi-final. |
40 | shooting/ˈʃuːtɪŋ/ | فیلمبرداری | اسم |
Is someone shooting at us? "He's been busy shooting hoops with Pumpkin Green," Dean said. |
gun down shoot down mow down hit wound |
41 | take part/teɪk pɑrt/ | شرکت کردن نقش داشتن | فعل |
participate join in get involved enter go in for something |
42 | take place/teɪk pleɪs/ | برگزار شدن رخ دادن، صورت گرفتن | فعل |
happen occur come about transpire crop up |
43 | weightlifting/ˈweɪtlɪftɪŋ/ | وزنهبرداری | اسم |
Should you start your kids on a weightlifting program? Weightlifting is also used as a form of weight management. |
44 | wrestling/ˈreslɪŋ/ | کشتی (ورزش) | اسم |
They were slow to respond, and he sloshed free, wrestling the barrel to the Springs. Dean's arm felt as if he'd taken on half the World Wrestling Federation. |
grapple fight struggle wrangle contend |