ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | admiration/ˌæd.məˈreɪ.ʃən/ | ستایش تحسین | اسم |
His gaze swept over her in cold admiration as he spoke. Carmen must be quite a woman to inspire such admiration from Katie. |
commendation acclaim applause approbation approval |
2 | admire/ədˈmɑɪr/ | تحسین کردن احترام قائل شدن | فعل |
I admire the effort and sacrifice you put into it. I admire your spirit and your passion. |
applaud praise express admiration for commend approve of |
3 | album/ˈæl.bəm/ | آلبوم (عکس، موسیقی و ...) | اسم |
album, having roundish ovate capsules. de Pena, Album de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay (Montevideo, 1882); R. |
4 | alive/əˈlɑɪv/ | زنده | صفت |
And I?... and he is still alive and gay! He was alive and unconscious. |
living live having life not dead breathing moving vital |
5 | appeal/əˈpil/ | جذابیت | اسم |
No appeal of yours will work in his favor. The United States has received from the Greek government an urgent appeal for financial and economic assistance. |
ask earnestly ask urgently request earnestly request urgently make an earnest request |
6 | appeal/əˈpil/ | جذابیت داشتن خوشایند بودن | فعل |
No appeal of yours will work in his favor. The United States has received from the Greek government an urgent appeal for financial and economic assistance. |
ask earnestly ask urgently request earnestly request urgently make an earnest request |
7 | band/bænd/ | گروه (موسیقی و ...) | اسم |
A live band started playing a waltz and he dropped a hand to her waist. The band struck up the newly introduced mazurka. |
belt sash girdle strap tape |
8 | cellist/ˈtʃelɪst/ | نوازندهی ویولنسل | اسم |
The curtain opens, and we see a cellist passionately lost in his world of music. She played the role of Julie Miller, a cellist, allowing Singer to parlay her musical talent to the small screen. |
9 | cello/ˈʧɛloʊ/ | ویلنسل ویولن بزرگ، چلو | اسم |
Her hobbies include photography, surfing, watching rugby and playing the piano and cello. Their second song, "Out in the Woods," is unbearably poignant with aching cello and strange, pained Eastern European strings. |
10 | compose/kəmˈpoʊz/ | ساختن (موسیقی) سرودن (شعر) | فعل |
Lisa tried to compose her thoughts and expression. She made an effort to compose herself, taking deep breaths. |
write create devise make up think up |
11 | composer/kəmˈpoʊzər/ | آهنگساز | اسم |
He was an accomplished pianist and composer, although he never published any of his works. St Bernard, the composer J. |
melodist symphonist songwriter singer-songwriter songster |
12 | conductor/kənˈdʌktər/ | رهبر ارکستر رهبر گروه موسیقی | اسم |
As it came to a stop the conductor called out in a loud voice. This elevated conductor is now called the antenna, aerial wire, or air wire. |
13 | drummer/ˈdrʌmər/ | نوازنده درام طبل زن، درامر | اسم |
But what's this? he asked, noticing the French drummer boy. He looked round at the captive drummer boy and felt a pang in his heart. |
14 | flautist/ˈflaʊtɪst/ | فلوتزن | اسم |
15 | flute/flut/ | فلوت | اسم |
Less frequently we hear of the flute (pipe) and later also of the fiddle (ficYele). And now to-night my flute has waked the echoes over that very water. |
16 | group/gruːp/ | گروه | اسم |
He stopped, watching a group of freight wagons. They rounded the corner of the building to see a group of men lounging against the fence, watching a display that made Carmen's blood run cold. |
category class classification grouping set |
17 | guitar/ɡɪˈtɑːr/ | گیتار | اسم |
"I doubt he can play a guitar," he said between sips. She rose, put down the guitar, and went to the drawing room. |
18 | guitarist/gəˈtɑr.ɪst/ | گیتارزن | اسم |
ace guitarist, with a nice dry line in humor. Part of the band 's ' A Bigger Bang ' world tour has been rescheduled to allow the guitarist time to recover. |
19 | influence/ˈɪnfluəns/ | تاثیر نفوذ، اثر | اسم |
I'm a bad influence on you. He can influence opinion at the highest level. |
effect impact control sway hold power |
20 | influence/ˈɪnfluəns/ | تاثیر گذاشتن اثر گذاشتن | فعل |
I'm a bad influence on you. He can influence opinion at the highest level. |
effect impact control sway hold power |
21 | instrument/ˈɪn.strə.mənt/ | ساز آلت موسیقی | اسم |
She knew the essential conditions of the instrument. A specialty debt is created by deed or instrument under seal. |
implement tool utensil device apparatus |
22 | keyboard/ˈkiː.bɔːrd/ | کیبورد (موسیقی) | اسم |
She began to paw at her computer keyboard, searching. The keyboard has five keys similar to those of a piano, and the letters and figures are obtained by the different combinations which can be formed by the raised and depressed keys. |
23 | lead/liːd/ | (نقش) اصلی اصلی | صفت |
"Lead the way, Romeo," she said dryly. He's sought out anyone he thinks might lead him in the right direction. |
guide conduct show show someone the way lead the way |
24 | live/lɪv/ | زنده (برنامه و ...) در حال پخش | صفت |
I live with my mother and daughter. You're trying to live like your parents, Carmen. |
exist be alive be have being have life breathe |
25 | living/ˈlɪv.ɪŋ/ | زنده | صفت |
He's living his dream. We're living in the 21st century, Mary. |
livelihood income source of income means of support means |
26 | lyrics/ˈlɪr.ɪks/ | متن ترانه | اسم |
words, libretto, book, text, lines
27 | melody/ˈmelədi/ | ملودی آهنگ | اسم |
tune music air strain theme |
28 | musical instrument/ˌmjuːzɪkl ˈɪnstrəmənt/ | آلت موسیقی ساز موسیقی | اسم |
29 | musician/mjʊˈzɪʃ.ən/ | نوازنده موسیقیدان | اسم |
player performer instrumentalist accompanist soloist |
30 | orchestra/ˈɔːr.kɪ.strə/ | ارکستر گروه نوازندگان | اسم |
The diameter of the orchestra is 762 ft. As the light faded from the treetops, the birds grew silent and insects began their orchestra of night sounds. |
ensemble band
31 | organ/ˈɔːrɡən/ | ارگ | اسم |
The medics were talking about looking in his pockets for an organ donor card. I hate organ transplants. |
part of the body body part biological structure newspaper paper journal |
32 | organist/ˈɔːrɡənɪst/ | ارگ نواز نوازنده ارگ | اسم |
After the service he asked Mr. Warren, the organist to play for me. Sebastian Bach, who was organist here. |
33 | pianist/ˈpiːənɪst/ | نوازنده پیانو پیانیست | اسم |
He was an accomplished pianist and composer, although he never published any of his works. Of his four daughters only one, who married the Russian pianist Gabrilowitch, survived him. |
34 | piano/piːˈæn.oʊ/ | پیانو | اسم |
She kept one hand on the singer's mouth, while the other rested on the piano, and she stood in this position as long as any one would sing to her, and afterward she would make a continuous sound which she called singing. Ha, I think I'll leave the piano to you. |
35 | record/rɪˈkɔːrd/ | ضبط کردن | فعل |
Well, you haven't broken your record with me. There's no record of this. |
account accounts document documents documentation |
36 | recording/rəˈkɔːrd.ɪŋ/ | ضبط فرآیند تولید موسیقی، برنامه تلویزیونی و ... | اسم |
It's a shame he isn't hearing this but he'll be tied up in his room all evening recording results of his tests. Dean was down to 11 dollars and change, so he used his Visa card, holding his breath that it wasn't maxed-out while the clerk ran it through the recording machine. |
account accounts document documents documentation |
37 | release/rɪˈliːs/ | ترانه/فیلم منتشر شده | اسم |
Are you going to release the description? At least one more thing before I release you. |
free set free let go allow to leave let loose |
38 | release/rɪˈliːs/ | اکران کردن به بازار عرضه کردن، بیرون دادن (آلبوم و ...) | فعل |
Are you going to release the description? At least one more thing before I release you. |
free set free let go allow to leave let loose |
39 | saxophone/ˈsæksəˌfoʊn/ | ساکسوفون | اسم |
In many ways, they resemble the straps that a saxophone player uses when playing the sax. The saxophone or bass clarinet is smooth in tone. |
40 | saxophonist/ˈsæksəfoʊnɪst/ | نوازنده ساکسوفون | اسم |
alto saxophonist visited Canada to play with the members of Montreal's Jazz Workshop. baritone saxophonist with 60s legends 'Amen Corner ' . |
41 | solo/ˈsoʊloʊ/ | انفرادی تکی | صفت |
Her first solo swing was surprisingly successful. I guess we have to trust him, but I wish he'd stop going solo and confide in us. |
unaccompanied single-handed companionless unescorted unattended |
42 | songwriter/ˈsɔːŋraɪtər/ | ترانهسرا | اسم |
brainchild of legendary producer / songwriter Patrick Adams. Perhaps her greatest influence, however, is her mother, the songwriter and folk diva Chris While. |
43 | talent/ˈtælənt/ | استعداد | اسم |
"Very nice talent," he said. His talent is for narrative and description. |
flair aptitude facility gift knack |
44 | talented/ˈtæl.ənt.ɪd/ | مستعد بااستعداد | صفت |
The talented prefect of Kufa, Moghira b. He was the most talented player the small Ouray school had produced in years. |
gifted skilful skilled accomplished brilliant |
45 | trumpet/ˈtrʌmpət/ | ترومپت | اسم |
It happens too often that your trumpet call is unheeded. Art Farmer was blowing trumpet with the Horace Silver quintet in a piece called "Moon Rays" that Fred wouldn't have listened to on his own unless someone cut off his ears. |
shout bellow roar yell cry out |
46 | trumpeter/ˈtrʌmpɪtər/ | نوازنده ترومپت شیپورچی | اسم |
Formerly the trumpeter swan nested here. On the 16th of the month Maimacterion, a long procession, headed by a trumpeter playing a warlike air, set out for the graves; wagons decked with myrtle and garlands of flowers followed, young men (who must be of free birth) carried jars of wine, milk, oil and perfumes; next came the black bull destined for the sacrifice, the rear being brought up by the archon, who wore the purple robe of the general, a naked sword in one hand, in the other an urn. |
47 | tune/tuːn/ | آهنگ آواز | اسم |
She was humming a tune I didn't recognize. Even at this hour a piano was pounding out a raucous tune in one of the three saloons. |
melody air strain song number jingle |
48 | violin/ˌvɑɪ.əˈlɪn/ | ویولن | اسم |
Thus there was quite as much important solo music for the flute as for the violin; and almost more music for the viola da gamba than for the violoncello. He was good enough with the violin now. |
49 | violinist/ˌvaɪəˈlɪnɪst/ | ویولن زن نوازنده ویولن | اسم |
He appeared in public as a violinist, taking part in Chappell's quartette concerts, and starting a set of classical concerts. SIR ALEXANDER CAMPBELL MACKENZIE (1847-), British composer, son of an eminent Edinburgh violinist and conductor, was born on the 22nd of August 1847. |
50 | voice/vɔɪs/ | صدا | اسم |
His voice was controlled. My voice is harsh and I cannot sing. |
power of speech powers of articulation expression utterance verbalization vocalization airing opinion |