ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | ally/ˈælaɪ/ | دوست متحد، هم پیمان | اسم |
associate colleague friend confederate partner |
2 | army/ˈɑr.mi/ | ارتش | اسم |
I scouted for the army a few years. I have four sons in the army but still I don't fret. |
armed force fighting force defence force military force the military |
3 | battle/ˈbæt̬.əl/ | نبرد جنگ | اسم |
The battle was lost. The battle over humanity was about to get even more brutal. |
fight conflict armed conflict clash struggle |
4 | bomb/bɑm/ | بمب | اسم |
But what has the bomb to do with what I wish you to write? was terribly wounded by the explosion of a bomb, and died shortly afterwards. |
explosive incendiary device incendiary device missile projectile |
5 | break out/breɪk aʊt/ | (ناگهان) آغاز شدن | فعل |
escape from make one's escape from break loose from burst out of abscond from |
6 | capture/ˈkæpʧər/ | اسیر کردن تسخیر کردن، دستگیر کردن، گرفتن | فعل |
We will set up our plan to capture him. It is only possible to capture prisoners if they agree to be captured, just as it is only possible to catch a swallow if it settles on one's hand. |
catch apprehend seize arrest take prisoner take captive |
7 | ceasefire/ˈsiˈsfaɪər/ | آتشبس (جنگ و ...) | اسم |
Charles here has been offered up by Jonny in exchange for your help for a thirty-day ceasefire. I'm surprised you're not interested in a ceasefire with me, since your Guardians are powerless, Jonny said. |
armistice, truce, peace, suspension of hostilities
8 | civil war/ˈsɪvəl wɔr/ | جنگ داخلی | اسم |
9 | compromise/ˈkɑm.prəˌmɑɪz/ | مصالحه سازش | اسم |
She had to compromise between herself and her partner. No, there could be no compromise on that subject. |
agreement understanding settlement terms accommodation deal |
10 | compromise/ˈkɑm.prəˌmɑɪz/ | مصالحه کردن سازش کردن | فعل |
She had to compromise between herself and her partner. No, there could be no compromise on that subject. |
agreement understanding settlement terms accommodation deal |
11 | conflict/ˈkɑnflɪkt/ | کشمکش تضاد، درگیری | اسم |
dispute quarrel squabble disagreement difference of opinion |
12 | control/kənˈtroʊl/ | کنترل مهار، تسلط | اسم |
I can't control it yet. Yully struggled to control it and then surrendered. |
jurisdiction sway power authority command |
13 | crisis/ˈkrɑɪ.sɪs/ | بحران شرایط بحرانی | اسم |
In 1887 a severe banking crisis occurred in Sardinia. the larger part of his life, at that great crisis of the world's history, in other lands. |
critical point decisive point turning point crossroads critical period |
14 | critical/ˈkrɪtɪkəl/ | بحرانی وخیم | صفت |
At least he didn't look so critical now. Her critical gaze swept over him with a frown. |
censorious condemnatory condemning castigatory reproving |
15 | determined/dɪˈtɝmɪnd/ | مصمم قاطع | صفت |
Elihu Burritt was a poor boy who was determined to learn. He's determined to keep me. |
intent on bent on set on dead set on insistent on |
16 | dozen/ˈdʌz.ən/ | دوازده عدد دوجین | اسم |
You try but you can't protect me, Rhyn, which you've proven a dozen times over. "I should have bought a dozen of these!" she exclaimed. |
17 | enemy/ˈen.ə.mi/ | دشمن | اسم |
A woman has no greater enemy than a so-called 'decent' woman. One deity for an enemy is bad enough. |
foe adversary opponent rival nemesis |
18 | explode/ɪkˈsploʊd/ | منفجر کردن | فعل |
These fields are about to explode with innovation and advancement. It didn't explode into lights but fell to her side of the street. |
blow up detonate blow burst burst apart |
19 | explosion/ɪkˈsploʊ.ʒən/ | انفجار | اسم |
A second explosion threw him across the room. Another explosion flung her to the ground. |
detonation discharge eruption blowing up ignition bang |
20 | fight/fɑɪt/ | مبارزه کردن جنگیدن | فعل |
I don't know what there is to fight about. I can fight and hunt. |
brawl come to blows exchange blows assault each other attack each other |
21 | fight/fɑɪt/ | مبارزه | اسم |
I don't know what there is to fight about. I can fight and hunt. |
brawl come to blows exchange blows assault each other attack each other |
22 | fighter/ˈfaɪtər/ | مبارز (ورزش) رزمنده (جنگ) | اسم |
There are three levels of fighter ships. That Kanaris could carry out the venture with a volunteer party not belonging to a regularly disciplined service, not only proved him to be a clever partisan fighter, but showed that he was a leader of men. |
soldier fighting man fighting woman warrior combatant |
23 | give up/gɪv ʌp/ | تسلیم شدن | فعل |
admit defeat concede defeat stop trying call it a day give in |
24 | go off/goʊ ɔf/ | منفجر شدن ترکیدن | فعل |
explode detonate blow up burst erupt go bang go bad |
25 | gun/gʌn/ | تفنگ اسلحه | اسم |
I never shot a gun in my life. He raised his gun and fired at the great beast. |
firearm weapon shooter cannon piece heater gat |
26 | half a dozen/hæf ə ˈdʌzən/ | نیم جین شش نفر/تا | عبارت |
27 | in control/ɪn kənˈtroʊl/ | تحت کنترل داشتن | عبارت |
28 | involved/ɪnˈvɑlvd/ | درگیر (چیزی بودن) [با چیزی سر و کار داشتن یا در چیزی مشارکت داشتن] | صفت |
I didn't want to get emotionally involved with anyone. You're too nice to be involved with any of us. |
associated with connected with concerned with participating in taking part in implicated |
29 | leader/ˈliːdər/ | رهبر | اسم |
A good leader makes a good team the best, as my father says. He is not a leader, but a follower. |
chief head principal boss commander captain figurehead |
30 | negotiate/nɪˈɡoʊʃieɪt/ | مذاکره کردن گفتگو کردن | فعل |
I came to see if you wanted to negotiate yet. When you're ready to negotiate, come back. |
discuss terms hold talks discuss a settlement talk consult together |
31 | political party/pəˈlɪtəkəl ˈpɑrti/ | حزب سیاسی | اسم |
32 | peace/piːs/ | آرامش آسودگی، صلح | اسم |
I shall not be at peace till you promise me this. The sense of peace and calm at his core returned as her energy flowed through him. |
tranquillity calm calmness restfulness peace and quiet |
33 | settlement/ˈsetlmənt/ | توافق | اسم |
In 1542 the settlement of Buenos Aires was re-established by an expedition sent for the purpose from Spain, under a tried adelantado, Cabeza de Vaca. The settlement was at first called Aspinwall, in honour of William H. |
agreement deal arrangement resolution accommodation |
34 | reach/riːtʃ/ | دست یافتن نائل شدن، به دست آوردن | فعل |
Sometimes that's the only way you can reach each other. His smile didn't reach his eyes. |
stretch out hold out extend outstretch thrust out |
35 | side/sɑɪd/ | جانب سمت | اسم |
He has a humorous and poetic side, too. I take no side other than to be against hunger. |
edge border verge boundary margin |
36 | soldier/ˈsoʊl.dʒər/ | سرباز | اسم |
He was a brave soldier and a wise teacher. Alder's Bridge was re-named Brockville, after the first soldier fatality of World War Two! |
fighter serviceman servicewoman fighting man fighting woman |
37 | surrender/səˈrendər/ | تسلیم شدن | فعل |
She'd never felt a surrender like his. I said a creature who has never known peace will surrender unconditionally when he tastes it for the first time. |
capitulate give in give up give oneself up yield |
38 | unwilling/ʌnˈwɪl.ɪŋ/ | نامتمایل بیمیل | صفت |
At first I was rather unwilling to study Latin grammar. She looked away from the scene, unwilling to believe what she saw was real. |
reluctant unenthusiastic hesitant afraid resistant |
39 | war/wɔːr/ | جنگ | اسم |
The war is on. "Common knowledge the war spilled over," the Watcher snapped. |
conflict warfare combat fighting struggle |
40 | willing/ˈwɪlɪŋ/ | مایل حاضر | صفت |
I'm willing to give it a try. People are always willing to believe the worst about others. |
ready prepared disposed inclined nothing loath |