ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | advantage/ədˈvæn.t̬ɪdʒ/ | مزیت | اسم |
We took full advantage of our opportunity. Did he arrange to have Alex out of the way, or was he simply taking advantage of the situation? |
benefit value reward merit good point |
2 | area/ˈer.iː.ə/ | منطقه ناحیه | اسم |
No more so than the area round the house. This area is so full of wildlife. |
district region zone sector quarter locality |
3 | beg/bɛg/ | گدایی کردن | فعل |
I beg your pardon. If I want anything, I won't beg--I'll take it! |
ask for money solicit money seek charity seek alms sponge cadge |
4 | built-up area/bɪlt-ʌp ˈɛriə/ | منطقه مسکونی | اسم |
5 | inner city/ˈɪnər ˈsɪti/ | منطقه مرکزی فقیرنشین شهر | اسم |
6 | convenient/kənˈvinjənt/ | نزدیک | صفت |
Put things where they will be most convenient for you. At this point it is convenient to leave the guidance of Professor J. |
suitable appropriate fitting fit suited |
7 | depressing/dəˈpres.ɪŋ/ | غمانگیز افسردهکننده | صفت |
I'm not overly anxious to get back on that depressing ship. Of course it was depressing, and he must be feeling pretty bad right now. |
upsetting distressing painful heartbreaking heart-rending |
8 | disadvantage/ˌdɪs.ədˈvæn.t̬ɪdʒ/ | اشکال عیب، کاستی، ضرر | اسم |
The king of Servia was killed and his army cut to pieces, though the Turks numbered but 40,000 and had all the disadvantage of the position. with wireless telegraph transmitters, in which the oscillatory discharge of a condenser is used to create oscillations in an antenna, labours under the disadvantage that the time occupied by the oscillations is a very small fraction of the total time of actuation. |
drawback snag downside stumbling block catch |
9 | district/ˈdɪs.trɪkt/ | ناحیه منطقه | اسم |
I went to the diamond district in New York. The trip took us out of the District on the Maryland side as we headed west through picturesque rolling hills and farm lands. |
neighbourhood area region place locality |
10 | drawback/ˈdrɔˌbæk/ | ایراد اشکال | اسم |
Boiling under reduced pressure has one very serious drawback, viz. The chief drawback of the climate is an excess of rain in some parts, especially in the west. |
disadvantage snag downside stumbling block catch |
11 | filthy/ˈfɪlθi/ | (خیلی) کثیف کثافت | صفت |
Under the hat, her hair was filthy and matted. I called her a filthy dog. |
dirty mucky grimy muddy murky |
12 | graffiti/ɡrəˈfiːti/ | دیوارنگاری گرافیتی، نقاشی دیواری | اسم |
Graffiti of pilgrims to the shrine of Isis are dated as late as the end of the 5th century A.D. In rare cases during the Middle Kingdom (inscriptions in the tomb of Ameni at Beth Hasan, graffiti in the quarries of Hanub) documents were dated in the years of reign of these feudatory nobles. |
13 | growth/ɡroʊθ/ | رشد افزایش | اسم |
increase expansion augmentation proliferation multiplication |
14 | handy/ˈhændi/ | دم دست نزدیک | صفت |
All that education might come in handy if we have trouble. It would be handy when she studied to home school too. |
useful convenient practical easy-to-use well designed |
15 | hurry/ˈhɜr.i/ | عجله کردن با عجله رفتن، هول کردن | فعل |
"Hurry, Iggy," Dusty advised. Well, hurry up and wrap it. |
be quick hurry up move quickly go fast hasten |
16 | ideal/aɪˈdil/ | ایدهآل مطلوب، آرمانی | صفت |
To this ideal he remained faithful. All men may perhaps be aiming everywhere at the same moral ideal,' but it is absurd to. |
perfect best possible consummate supreme absolute |
17 | litter/ˈlɪtər/ | زباله | اسم |
rubbish refuse junk waste debris |
18 | lively/ˈlɑɪv.li/ | پرشور و حرارت پرجوش و خروش، سرزنده | صفت |
The lively woman was fun to be around. The prince stood still; his lively glittering eyes from under their thick, bushy eyebrows sternly scanned all present and rested on the little princess. |
energetic active animated vigorous dynamic |
19 | local/ˈloʊ.kəl/ | محلی | صفت |
The decision produced a local uproar. The local police think it's tied into the kidnapping he 'solved'. |
community district neighbourhood regional city |
20 | multi-storey car park/ˌmʌlti stɔːri ˈkɑːr pɑːrk/ | پارکینگ چند طبقه | اسم |
21 | part/pɑrt/ | بخش قسمت | اسم |
bit slice chunk lump hunk |
22 | pavement/ˈpeɪv.mənt/ | کف خیابان آسفالت | اسم |
Tommaso in Formis (Jacopo); chapel of the Sancta Sanctorum, by the Lateran (Cosimo); pavement of S. The cathedral pavement is almost unique. |
footpath, paved path, pedestrian way, walkway, footway sidewalk
23 | pity/ˈpɪt̬.i/ | حیف | اسم |
Your pity is a weakness. I always thought he felt more pity than love for the old lady. |
compassion commiseration condolence sorrow regret |
24 | region/ˈriː.dʒən/ | منطقه ناحیه | اسم |
In its earlier history the region was agricultural. This policy did not allay the discontent of the Macedonian army, and when Alexander in the summer of 324 moved to the cooler region of Media, an actual mutiny of the Macedonians broke out on the way at Opis on the Tigris. |
district province territory division area |
25 | rush/rʌʃ/ | عجله شلوغی | اسم |
Well, don't rush things. She braced herself, expecting to feel some sort of rush of energy, like she did when she touched Jule. |
hurry dash run race sprint |
26 | shame/ʃeɪm/ | حیف | اسم |
humiliation mortification chagrin ignominy loss of face |
27 | space/speɪs/ | فضا مکان، جا | اسم |
I didn't see a space ship! An empty space of some seven hundred yards was all that separated them. |
room expanse extent capacity area |
28 | suburb/ˈsʌb.ɜrb/ | حومه | اسم |
There is a suburb on the right bank of the stream. To the north lies the populous suburb of St Mary Church. |
outlying district residential area dormitory area dormitory town commuter belt |
29 | subway/ˈsʌb.weɪ/ | زیرگذر | اسم |
Then you'd get on the bus or subway and go to the polling place and vote. The subway was built by the city, but leased and operated by a private company on such terms as to repay its cost in forty years. |
underpass underground passage pedestrian tunnel tunnel underground railway underground |
30 | surrounded/səˈraʊndɪd/ | محصور احاطهشده، محاصرهشده | صفت |
A throng of officers surrounded him. It dead-ended at the cottage, surrounded by a stone fence line. |
encircle enclose encompass ring gird |
31 | whistle/ˈwɪs.l/ | سوت زدن | فعل |
He let out a long whistle at the doorway. If it would do any good, I would whistle for them. |
32 | wonder/ˈwʌn.dər/ | کنجکاو بودن از خود پرسیدن، فکر کردن | فعل |
"I wonder if this is how he felt," he mused to himself. I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to arrive. |
awe admiration wonderment fascination surprise astonishment |