ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | accurate /ˈækjərət/ | دقیق صحیح | صفت |
But I'm not sure there's any accurate way of proving that one way or the other. Had he been abstaining so he could get an accurate test? |
correct precise exact right errorless |
2 | accurately /ˈæk.jʊ.rət.li/ | به دقت به درستی | قید |
correctly precisely exactly right without error |
3 | while /wɑɪl/ | مدت زمان | اسم |
I don't want you to drive while you're so tired. While waiting for the food to arrive, we were happy to sit and chat in the relaxing surroundings. |
time spell stretch stint span |
4 | aim /eɪm/ | هدف | اسم |
My aim is perfect! She took careful aim and squeezed off a shot. |
point direct train sight focus |
5 | appropriate /əˈproʊpriət/ | مناسب به جا، درست | صفت |
I didn't think it appropriate to tell you who I was. He couldn't have chosen a more appropriate song. |
suitable proper fitting apt relevant connected |
6 | aware /əˈwɛr/ | آگاه خبردار | صفت |
The people didn't seem to be aware of me. They were well aware of what could have happened. |
conscious of acquainted with informed about informed of apprised of |
7 | complex /ˈkɑmplɛks/ | پیچیده دشوار | صفت |
complicated involved intricate convoluted tangled |
8 | complicated /ˈkɑm.pləˌkeɪt̬.əd/ | پیچیده دشوار | صفت |
If it doesn't look too complicated, maybe I can fix it. The dispositions were very complicated and difficult. |
complex intricate involved convoluted tangled |
9 | contain /kənˈteɪn/ | حاوی بودن در برداشتن، شامل بودن | فعل |
Fred could hardly contain his excitement. Finally Royce could contain himself no longer. |
include comprise take in incorporate involve |
10 | in detail /ɪn dɪˈteɪl/ | با جزئیات جزء به جزء، به تفصیل | قید |
thoroughly in depth exhaustively from top to bottom minutely |
11 | effective /ɪˈfek.tɪv/ | موثر | صفت |
You're about as effective at pep talks as Rhyn. It's so much more effective than rope, or wire, or chains. |
successful effectual efficacious productive constructive |
12 | effectively /ɪˈfɛktɪvli/ | به طور موثر به صورت تاثیرگذار | قید |
he governed England effectively by his legates. She was effectively trapped in Hell with the devil for eternity. |
successfully effectually efficaciously productively constructively |
13 | encourage /ɛnˈkɜrɪʤ/ | تشویق کردن ترغیب کردن، انگیزه دادن | فعل |
I think you will not encourage him. It was intended to encourage her, but it was more a distraction. |
hearten cheer buoy up uplift inspire |
14 | encouragement /enˈkɜr.ɪdʒ.mənt/ | تشویق دلگرمی | اسم |
His gentle tug was all the encouragement she needed. You took that as encouragement, didn't you? |
heartening cheering cheering up buoying up pepping up |
15 | encouraging /ɪnˈkɜr.ɪdʒ.ɪŋ/ | نویدبخش دلگرم کننده | صفت |
When he spoke, he had encouraging news on another matter. Sure, he had stepped over the line, but hadn't she invited him by encouraging his attention? |
promising hopeful auspicious propitious favourable |
16 | enthusiasm /ɪnˈθuː.ziːˌæz.əm/ | شور و شوق اشتیاق | اسم |
The student had an enthusiasm for science. He did not have an equal enthusiasm for all sports. |
eagerness keenness ardour fervour warmth |
17 | enthusiastic /ɪnˌθuː.ziːˈæs.tɪk/ | پراشتیاق پرشور | صفت |
Jonathan was enthusiastic enough about his chores. Their enthusiastic whispering was audible to those three rows away. |
eager keen avid ardent fervent |
18 | everyday /ˈɛvriˈdeɪ/ | روزانه روزمره، معمولی | صفت |
These activities were part of the culture of everyday life. I prefer you in your little gray everyday dress. |
daily day-to-day quotidian diurnal circadian commonplace ordinary |
19 | expand /ɪkˈspænd/ | گسترش دادن افزایش دادن | فعل |
A body made up of molecules of this kind will expand on heating. Then it would suddenly seem to him that it was not she but he was so unusually beautiful, and that that was why they all looked so at him, and flattered by this general admiration he would expand his chest, raise his head, and rejoice at his good fortune. |
increase in size become larger enlarge swell become distended dilate |
20 | express /ɪkˈspres/ | بیان کردن اظهار کردن، ابراز کردن | فعل |
I cannot find words to express to you my displeasure. At the time she had thought he was trying to express his love. |
communicate convey indicate show demonstrate |
21 | fluent /ˈfluː.ənt/ | مسلط روان، فصیح | صفت |
She uses words precisely and makes easy, fluent sentences. But then, Alex had always been fluent in pretty talk. |
articulate eloquent expressive communicative coherent |
22 | fluently /ˈfluː.ənt.li/ | فصیحانه مسلط، بهطور روان | قید |
How perfectly absurd to say that Helen is 'already talking fluently!' He understood German and Greek as well as his mother-tongue, and could express himself fluently in Latin. |
23 | frustrating /ˈfrʌˌstreɪtɪŋ/ | آزاردهنده خستهکننده | صفت |
It's just a very frustrating situation. Frustrating as it was - as he was - it would do no good to question him further. |
thwart defeat foil block stop |
24 | frustration /frəˈstreɪʃən/ | درماندگی استیصال | اسم |
I'm sure he could read the frustration in my voice. He felt her frustration, sorrow, and fear. |
exasperation annoyance anger vexation irritation |
25 | get /get/ | شدن | فعل |
Let's get in out of this cold wind. Here, then, I made my home; and although it is a lonely place I amuse myself making rustles and flutters, and so get along very nicely. |
acquire obtain come by come to have come into possession of |
26 | goal /goʊl/ | هدف | اسم |
I'm too close to my goal to give up now. And yet, it had been her goal for over three years. |
aim objective object grail holy grail |
27 | improve /ɪmˈpruːv/ | پیشرفت کردن | فعل |
Maybe his mood would improve, anyway. "You will find your chances improve if you do exactly as I say," he said. |
make better better ameliorate upgrade refine |
28 | improvement /ɪmˈpruːv.mənt/ | بهبود پیشرفت | اسم |
He recognized that considerable improvement had already taken place. I see an improvement in Helen day to day, almost from hour to hour. |
advance development upgrade change for the better refinement |
29 | inappropriate /ˌɪnəˈproʊpriɪt/ | نامناسب ناشایست، ناجور | صفت |
He was talking and acting in an inappropriate manner. Carmen, when a man touches and talks to you in an inappropriate matter, you set him straight. |
unsuitable unfitting ill-suited unseemly unbecoming |
30 | include /ɪnˈkluːd/ | شامل کردن | فعل |
His gaze shifted to include Carmen. His published works include numerous sermons and addresses. |
incorporate comprise encompass cover embrace |
31 | irrelevant /ɪˈreləvənt/ | نامربوط بیربط، غیرضروری | صفت |
The strict rules of their noble births seemed irrelevant now. Physically incapable of rising to passionate heights of oratory, Cotta's successes were chiefly due to his searching investigation of facts; he kept strictly to the essentials of the case and avoided all irrelevant digressions. |
beside the point not to the point immaterial not pertinent not germane |
32 | make progress /meɪk ˈprɑˌgrɛs/ | پیشرفت کردن | عبارت |
33 | motivated /ˈmoʊt̬.əˌveɪt̬.ɪd/ | باانگیزه | صفت |
I feel motivated to help you. Whatever motivated him, it was certainly delightful. |
prompt drive move inspire stimulate |
34 | motivation /ˌmoʊtəˈveɪʃən/ | انگیزه | اسم |
motive motivating force incentive stimulus stimulation |
35 | obvious /ˈɑbviəs/ | واضح آشکار | صفت |
In that moment of obvious joy, Alondra barely had an accent. The answer was as obvious as it was embarrassing. |
clear plain plain to see crystal clear evident |
36 | progress /ˈprɑˌgrɛs/ | پیشرفت | اسم |
Just about time I think the two of you are making progress, something like this comes up. Progress is being made. |
forward movement onward movement progression advance advancement |
37 | wide /wɑɪd/ | عریض پهن، وسیع، گسترده | صفت |
For a long time she lay wide awake with her eyes closed. A wide porch peeked from behind three stucco arches. |
broad extensive spacious open vast |
38 | range /reɪnʤ/ | گستره دامنه، محدوده | اسم |
Get yourself to the range and learn to shoot. The trio was out of camera range a few steps later. |
span scope compass radius scale |
39 | relevant /ˈrel.ə.vənt/ | مرتبط | صفت |
All these things are the same today as they were in Shakespeare's time, and because of that, his stories are still very relevant to us. Economic studies should be as relevant to existing needs as those of engineering and other applied sciences. |
pertinent applicable apposite material apropos |
40 | specialized /ˈspɛʃəˌlaɪzd/ | تخصصی | صفت |
The classification into epithelial organs, connective tissues, and the more specialized muscle and nerve, was largely due to him; and he proved the presence of neuroglia in the brain and spinal cord, discovered crystalline haematoidine, and made out the structure of the umbilical cord. People specialized, technology advanced, and as a result, men walked on the moon. |