ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | argument/ˈɑrgjəmənt/ | جر و بحث | اسم |
They'll get no argument from me. His words stung, and any further argument died on her lips as she realized how serious he was. |
quarrel disagreement squabble fight difference of opinion |
2 | chance/tʃæns/ | فرصت | اسم |
You had your chance to solve it on your own. He hung up before I had a chance to end the call. |
possibility prospect probability odds likelihood |
3 | chat/tʃæt/ | گپ و گفت گفتگوی دوستانه، چت | اسم |
We're having a nice little chat about trust. It's about time for your daily chat, isn't it? |
talk conversation gossip chatter chitter-chatter |
4 | construct/kənˈstrʌkt/ | پروردن شکل دادن | فعل |
The fishing trade had become so important by 1800 that it was necessary to construct a new dock. ending is absolute a, construct ath, emphatic ta or 'tha: thus the fern. |
build erect put up set up raise |
5 | construction/kənˈstrʌk.ʃən/ | ساختار دستوری | اسم |
He explained the construction of the room and its purposes. Shall we forever resign the pleasure of construction to the carpenter? |
building erection putting up setting up raising |
6 | context/ˈkɑn.tekst/ | متن بافت متنی | اسم |
That said, he would set out the broader context for manufacturing. Setting guidelines can help in defining the context of your search. |
circumstances conditions surroundings factors state of affairs situation |
7 | conversation/ˌkɑn.vərˈseɪ.ʃən/ | گفت و گو مکالمه | اسم |
Had he heard her conversation with Sarah? I had no idea where this conversation was going. |
discussion talk chat gossip tête-à -tête |
8 | discuss/dɪˈskʌs/ | مورد بحث قرار دادن (به چیزی) پرداختن | فعل |
They could discuss it privately when they got home. We'll discuss that later. |
talk over talk about talk through converse about debate |
9 | discussion/dɪˈskʌʃ.ən/ | بحث گفتگو، مباحثه | اسم |
Once decided, there would be no discussion or argument. This is the first time we've had an honest discussion in about a million years. |
conversation talk dialogue discourse conference |
10 | revision/riˈvɪʒən/ | مرور | اسم |
In 1870 he was appointed one of the first members of the committee for the revision of the English version of the Old Testament. The translation of Aristotle's Politics, the revision of Plato, and, above all, the translation of Thucydides many times revised, occupied several years. |
emendation correction alteration changing adaptation |
11 | experiment/ɪkˈsper.ə.mənt/ | امتحان کردن تجربه کردن، آزمایش کردن | فعل |
I shut down my experiment at six o'clock. Quinn's experiment is very important to him. |
test investigation trial inquiry demonstration examination |
12 | explain/ɪkˈspleɪn/ | توضیح دادن شرح دادن | فعل |
There are three small rooms upstairs but we'll explain about them later. Let him explain all of it to his mother. |
describe give an explanation of make clear make intelligible make plain |
13 | explanation/ˌek.spləˈneɪ.ʃən/ | توضیح | اسم |
He gave no explanation and headed toward her bedroom. His only explanation was that he liked being alone. |
clarification simplification description report version statement elucidation |
14 | foreign/ˈfɔːr.ən/ | خارجی | صفت |
He has also been the recipient of many foreign orders. He must minimize foreign influence, whether French, Spanish or German, in Italy. |
overseas distant remote far off far flung |
15 | foreigner/ˈfɔːr.ə.nər/ | بیگانه خارجی | اسم |
The power of the foreigner in Arabia was broken.. The French doctor held no taper; he was leaning against one of the columns in a respectful attitude implying that he, a foreigner, in spite of all differences of faith, understood the full importance of the rite now being performed and even approved of it. |
alien foreign national non-native immigrant settler |
16 | formal/ˈfɔːrml/ | رسمی | صفت |
No. Do they ever have a formal dinner? Alex was cordial to his father and formal to his sister. |
ceremonial ceremonious ritualistic ritual conventional |
17 | gist/dʒɪst/ | خلاصه لب مطلب، نکات مهم | اسم |
This must have been the gist of the special revelation. c. i.); but the gist of his speech was the need of Jerusalem. |
essence substance quintessence main idea main theme |
18 | go through/goʊ θru/ | مرور کردن با دقت بار دیگر مطالعه کردن | فعل |
undergo experience face suffer be subjected to |
19 | guess/ges/ | حدس | اسم |
I guess that's a good question. I guess I'm not a good investigator. |
estimate calculate approximate make a guess at make an estimate of hypothesize |
20 | guess/ges/ | حدس زدن | فعل |
I guess that's a good question. I guess I'm not a good investigator. |
estimate calculate approximate make a guess at make an estimate of hypothesize |
21 | have a chat/hæv ə ʧæt/ | گپ زدن گفت و گو کردن | عبارت |
22 | identify/aɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪ/ | تشخیص دادن شناسایی کردن | فعل |
She tried to identify a sound. However, we feared no threat from either, nor did we feel they wished to identify us. |
recognize single out pick out spot point out |
23 | informal/ɪnˈfɔːrml/ | غیررسمی راحتی | صفت |
Basically. Or would've been, if Darkyn hadn't decided to honor the informal deal he made with her. So why would he suddenly want her to select the clothes he wore to an informal party where he knew no one. |
casual relaxed easy-going natural unceremonious |
24 | keep a record of/kip ə ˈrɛkərd ʌv/ | چیزی را یادداشت کردن چیزی را در جایی ثبت کردن | عبارت |
25 | make a note/meɪk ə noʊt/ | یادداشت کردن | عبارت |
26 | make a mistake/meɪk ə mɪsˈteɪk/ | اشتباه کردن | فعل |
go wrong err make an error blunder be wide of the mark |
27 | method/ˈmeθ.əd/ | روش شیوه | اسم |
We have already seen this method work. Now I'm able to adjust my method of operation accordingly. |
procedure technique system practice routine |
28 | opportunity/ˌɑp.ərˈtuː.nət̬.i/ | فرصت | اسم |
It was the perfect opportunity to test her theory. This was a good opportunity to leave. |
chance lucky chance good time golden opportunity time |
29 | pronounce/prəˈnɑʊns/ | تلفظ کردن | فعل |
The authority of the church or minister to pronounce absolution is based on John xx. From it followed the right of the courts Christian to pronounce upon questions of legitimacy. |
say enunciate articulate utter express |
30 | pronunciation/prəˌnʌn.siːˈeɪ.ʃən/ | تلفظ | اسم |
Her pronunciation of his name was pleasantly accented. Her friend, Mr. John Hitz, whose native tongue is German, says that her pronunciation is excellent. |
accent manner of speaking speech pattern speech diction |
31 | recognition/ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/ | شناخت تشخیص | اسم |
The societies require government recognition if they wish to enjoy legal rights. Recognition passed over his face. |
identification recollection recall remembrance acknowledgement acceptance |
32 | recognize/ˈrɛkəgˌnaɪz/ | شناختن متوجه شدن | فعل |
identify place know know again pick out |
33 | record/rɪˈkɔːrd/ | ثبت کردن یادداشت کردن | فعل |
Well, you haven't broken your record with me. There's no record of this. |
account accounts document documents documentation |
34 | repeat/rəˈpiːt/ | تکرار کردن | فعل |
He had to repeat the question. Could you repeat that? |
say again restate reiterate go through again go over again |
35 | repetition/ˌrɛpəˈtɪʃən/ | تکرار | اسم |
Life is too short to spend it with repetition of old dreams that never happened. The repetition of the process brought the same results. |
reiteration repeating restatement retelling iteration |
36 | revise/rɪˈvaɪz/ | مرور کردن | فعل |
The same year a convention, whose duty was to revise the constitution, met. A constitutional convention to revise or amend the constitution may be called in the same manner. |
reconsider review re-examine reassess re-evaluate |
37 | text/tekst/ | متن کتاب | اسم |
I'll text you my address. He pulled out his phone to text Damian. |
written work book work printed work narrative words |
38 | translate/trænˈzleɪt/ | ترجمه کردن | فعل |
Are you going to translate the rest of the book? The word was not easy to translate. |
39 | translation/trænˈzleɪ.ʃən/ | ترجمه | اسم |
He found her translation of the piece breathtaking. The translation of Aristotle's Politics, the revision of Plato, and, above all, the translation of Thucydides many times revised, occupied several years. |
rendering rendition gloss conversion construing |
40 | work/wˈɜːrk/ | موثر واقع شدن عمل کردن، اثر داشتن، جواب دادن | فعل |
It did work this morning. After Alex goes to work and Jonathan goes to school, Destiny and I do the chores. |
labour toil exertion effort slog |