ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | adverb/ˈæd.vɜrb/ | قید | اسم |
The adverb usually follows the verb. An adverb may precede the verb. |
2 | noun/nɑʊn/ | اسم | اسم |
What does the noun "incorporation" mean? Be careful to use a singular pronoun with a singular noun in your writing. |
3 | participle/ˈpɑrtɪˌsɪpəl/ | وجه وصفی (دستور زبان) | اسم |
In the latter case the verb was probably in the participle, so that .f~nitt-Ln, they hear, is literally hearing are they. In the gerundive and in the present participle Catalan differs from Provenal in still distinguishing the conjugation in it from that in Cr, resaying, for exampIe~ senhint. |
4 | definite article/ˈdɛfənət ˈɑrtɪkəl/ | حرف تعریف معین (دستور زبان) حرف معرفه | اسم |
5 | phrase/freɪz/ | عبارت | اسم |
expression group of words word group construction clause |
6 | plural noun/ˈplʊrəl naʊn/ | اسم جمع | اسم |
7 | irregular/ɪˈreg.jə.lər/ | بیقاعده (دستور زبان) | صفت |
asymmetrical non-uniform uneven crooked misshapen |
8 | indefinite article/ɪnˈdɛfənət ˈɑrtəkəl/ | حرف تعریف نامعین (دستور زبان) حرف نکره | اسم |
9 | adjective/ˈædʒ.ɪk.tɪv/ | صفت | اسم |
Pick an adjective from the title. It is important to study the various adjective forms. |
10 | walk/wɔːk/ | راه رفتن پیاده رفتن، قدم زدن | فعل |
My sister can walk and run. I hurt my ankle and I can't walk on it. |
stroll saunter amble wend one's way trudge |
11 | regular/ˈreg.jə.lər/ | با قاعده (دستور زبان) | صفت |
Tonight she was having fun, but it wasn't something she would enjoy doing on a regular basis. A regular passion flower. |
uniform even consistent constant unchanging |
12 | singular/ˈsɪŋ.gjə.lər/ | مفرد | اسم |
His position was one of singular difficulty. The word was a singular impression of anguish and surprise. |
remarkable extraordinary exceptional outstanding striking |
13 | pronoun/ˈproʊ.nɑʊn/ | ضمیر | اسم |
The possessive pronoun follows the object. In English the third person singular pronoun is he, she or it. |
14 | past participle/pæst ˈpɑrtɪˌsɪpəl/ | اسم مفعول (دستور زبان) صفت مفعولی | اسم |
15 | word/wɜːd/ | کلمه واژه، لغت | اسم |
I just got word that my father had a heart attack. "Love," he said, as if the one word were a full explanation. |
term name expression designation locution turn of phrase |
16 | verb/vɜrb/ | فعل | اسم |
Never let a transitive verb just lay there without an object. Paul evidently plays on the verb, krino, diakrino, katakrino (Kplvw, S&aKplvw, KaraKpivw). |
17 | preposition/ˌprep.əˈzɪʃ.ən/ | حرف اضافه (دستور زبان) | اسم |
The pattern is built around a number followed by a preposition. To control your balloon, use the correct preposition from the top to go forward and the correct preposition from the bottom to stop. |