ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | path/pæθ/ | مسیر راه | اسم |
Sofi says his path is dark. Every path but your own is the path of fate. |
footpath pathway footway pavement track |
2 | boat/boʊt/ | قایق | اسم |
I hear they're jumping into the boat up north. He made a boat for himself. |
vessel craft watercraft ship keel barque sail |
3 | transport/ˈtrænspɔrt/ | حمل و نقل | اسم |
How are we going to transport thirty pumpkins? A useful wagon for agricultural transport on a 24 in path. |
convey carry take transfer move |
4 | a few/ə fju/ | عدهای تعداد کمی | صفت |
a small number a handful a sprinkling one or two a couple |
5 | bird/bɜrd/ | پرنده | اسم |
Some large bird has stolen it from his palace. Even a bird is smart enough to push the fledgling out of the nest when it fails to fly on its own. |
fowl songbird warbler passerine bird of prey raptor chick fledgling |
6 | tree/triː/ | درخت | اسم |
The Christmas tree could only be seen from the back of the house, but that didn't matter. One day he was lying under a tree, thinking of his misfortunes. |
sapling conifer, evergreen bush, shrub
7 | grass/græs/ | علف سبزه، چمن | اسم |
turf greenery green sod lawn field |
8 | terrible/ˈtɛrəbəl/ | افتضاح هولناک، بسیار بد | صفت |
It was a terrible choice for a hiding place. They wouldn't all be there unless something terrible had happened. |
dreadful awful appalling horrific horrifying |
9 | field/fiːld/ | مزرعه | اسم |
My father works in the field, and I take care of the sheep. "You up for a field trip?" he asked. |
meadow pasture paddock green pen |
10 | lonely/ˈloʊn.li/ | تنها | صفت |
isolated alone all alone friendless companionless |
11 | countryside/ˈkʌn.triːˌsɑɪd/ | ییلاقات مناطق روستایی | اسم |
Do you ever miss the countryside? she asked. In the countryside the insurrection was accompanied by wholesale burnings of manor-rolls, the hunting down of unpopular bailiffs and landlords, and a special crusade against the commissioners of the poll-tax and the justices who had been enforcing the Statute of Laborers. |
landscape scenery surroundings setting environment terrain |
12 | dog/dɔːɡ/ | سگ | اسم |
Does a dog have ears? He held out his hand for the dog to sniff, but Nikolai nuzzled his nose into it instead. |
hound canine mongrel cur tyke male dog bitch |
13 | horse/hɔːrs/ | اسب | اسم |
The horse stood still. Katie asked her about the progress on the horse ranch. |
mount charger yearling cob draught horse carthorse |
14 | healthy/ˈhel.θi/ | سالم مفید (برای سلامتی) | صفت |
They grew up healthy and strong. The babies were healthy and by mid-August, they would have two new family members. |
in good physical condition in good health well all right fine |
15 | lake/leɪk/ | دریاچه برکه | اسم |
She went to the edge of the lake and peered into it. Sometimes even she had put one in her pocket and forgotten to drop it in the lake for weeks. |
pond pool tarn reservoir lagoon |
16 | public transport/ˈpʌblɪk ˈtrænspɔrt/ | حملونقل عمومی | اسم |
17 | farm/fɑːrm/ | مزرعه | اسم |
A farm boy gone city. The only business experience she had was the goat dairy, the non-functional farm and a horse ranch that had been in the fetal stage for years. |
smallholding holding farmstead steading grange |
18 | area/ˈer.iː.ə/ | منطقه ناحیه | اسم |
No more so than the area round the house. This area is so full of wildlife. |
district region zone sector quarter locality |
19 | hill/hɪl/ | تپه | اسم |
She climbed the hill with dragging steps. The car spun around at the bottom of the hill, spraying gravel in a wild circle. |
high ground rising ground prominence eminence elevation |
20 | farmer/ˈfɑr.mər/ | کشاورز | اسم |
The farmer replies, "You can't get there from here." His grandfather was a small farmer in county Kildare, and his mother was the daughter of a captain in the merchant service. |
agriculturalist agronomist smallholder grazier farmhand |
21 | sky/skɑɪ/ | آسمان | اسم |
the atmosphere the stratosphere the skies airspace the heavens the firmament |
22 | alone/əˈloʊn/ | تنها | صفت |
Being alone didn't seem so bad to me after all. I spoke to her alone for twenty minutes. |
by oneself on one's own all alone solo lone |
23 | crop/krɑːp/ | محصول | اسم |
The summer had been very dry and the corn crop had failed. You never can tell what might crop up. |
harvest year's growth yield produce vintage |
24 | wonderful/ˈwʌn.dər.fəl/ | شگفتانگیز | صفت |
He was such a wonderful person in so many ways. What a wonderful story. |
marvellous magnificent superb glorious sublime |
25 | look after/lʊk ˈæftər/ | مراقب بودن مراقبت کردن | فعل |
take care of care for attend to tend mind |
26 | bicycle/ˈbɑɪ.sɪk.əl/ | دوچرخه | اسم |
The boy no doubt inherits a capacity for riding a bicycle, otherwise he could never do so. He ran out to his bicycle and pushed the kickstand back while he peered through the window. |
cycle, two-wheeler, pedal cycle bike, pushbike
27 | bike/baɪk/ | دوچرخه | اسم |
The bike comes out tomorrow. "In his new bike shoes," Dean added. |
28 | wood/wʊd/ | چوب | اسم |
We've got plenty of wood, though, from the forest. It was still warm and smelled of wood smoke. |
timber planks planking lumber firewood kindling logs fuel forest |
29 | ride/rɑɪd/ | سوار شدن سواری کردن، راندن | فعل |
I'm going to take you for a ride up there and show you some land. The rest of the ride was pleasant. |
sit on mount be mounted on bestride manage handle |
30 | valley/ˈvæl.i/ | دره | اسم |
She followed him across the valley and up a steep slope. It's the only way to get out of the Valley of Voe. |
dale vale hollow depression hole basin |
31 | flower/ˈflɑʊ.ər/ | گل | اسم |
bloom blossom floweret floret prime peak |
32 | own/oʊn/ | داشتن صاحب (چیزی) بودن | فعل |
Was it greedy to want one of their own as well? They must be cultivating their own language. |
personal individual particular private personalized |
33 | grow/groʊ/ | پرورش دادن کاشتن | فعل |
They all grow up. I want to grow old with him. |
get bigger get taller get larger increase in size increase in weight |
34 | few/fjuː/ | چند | تخصیص گر |
The doctor will be in to talk to you in a few minutes. He had a right to a few quirks. |
not many hardly any scarcely any a small number of a small amount of a small quantity of |