ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | invention/ɪnˈven.tʃən/ | اختراع | اسم |
The invention of the damper-pedal in the pianoforte epitomizes the difference between polyphony and symphonic art, for it is the earliest device by which sounds are produced and prolonged in a way contrary to the spirit of "real" part-writing. The invention of the railroad was a milestone in the history of transportation. |
origination creation innovation devising contriving |
2 | description/dəˈskrɪp.ʃən/ | توصیف شرح | اسم |
He called the station and reported the description of the vehicle. Howie obtained a full description of the man and his vehicle and the license plate number. |
account explanation elucidation illustration representation |
3 | convenient/kənˈvinjənt/ | آسان راحت، مناسب | صفت |
Put things where they will be most convenient for you. At this point it is convenient to leave the guidance of Professor J. |
suitable appropriate fitting fit suited |
4 | conventional/kənˈvɛnʃənəl/ | متداول قراردادی، عرفی | صفت |
Conventional signs and symbols are universally used in depicting these objects. His revolt against conventional culture leads him to attack D. |
orthodox traditional established accepted received |
5 | creative/kriˈeɪtɪv/ | خلاق | صفت |
He was not a great original thinker; he lacked the creative faculty and the creative impulse. Polycarp had no creative genius. |
inventive imaginative innovative innovatory innovational |
6 | effective/ɪˈfek.tɪv/ | موثر | صفت |
You're about as effective at pep talks as Rhyn. It's so much more effective than rope, or wire, or chains. |
successful effectual efficacious productive constructive |
7 | eventful/ɪˈventfl/ | پرحادثه پراتفاق | صفت |
On the afternoon of that eventful day, I stood on the porch, dumb, expectant. The island of Bornholm has had an eventful history. |
busy event-filled action-packed full lively |
8 | imaginative/ɪˈmæʤənətɪv/ | مبتکرانه خلاق، خلاقانه | صفت |
Probably nothing like what was on her imaginative mind. To her imaginative and inexperienced mind, it was obvious that he was doing their homework. |
creative visionary inspired insightful inventive |
9 | significant/sɪgˈnɪf.ɪ.kənt/ | مهم چشمگیر، قابل ملاحظه | صفت |
What's so significant about being his mate? He didn't have any significant contact with them that I could see. |
notable noteworthy worthy of attention remarkable outstanding |
10 | successful/səkˈses.fəl/ | موفق | صفت |
He was successful, in varying degrees in locating ninety-six. The party was very successful and quite like other parties he had seen. |
victorious triumphant fortunate lucky prosperous affluent wealthy |
11 | inconvenient/ɪn.kənˈviːn.jənt/ | زحمتآور بیموقع، نامناسب | صفت |
awkward difficult unsuitable inappropriate troublesome |
12 | unconventional/ˌʌnkənˈvenʃənl/ | غیرمعمول خلاف عرف | صفت |
I've asked someone to call you and provide you instructions on how to get here using a few unconventional routes. This writing is so singularly frank and unconventional that its drift is not at once apparent to the literary student. |
unusual irregular unorthodox unfamiliar uncommon |
13 | uncreative/ʌnkriˈeɪtɪv/ | غیرخلاق غیرمبتکرانه | صفت |
14 | ineffective/ɪnɪˈfɛktɪv/ | بیهوده بینتیجه، بی اثر | صفت |
This half measure was as ineffective as was to have been expected. Ismail's efforts to put an end to the slave trade, if sincere, were ineffective, and, moreover, south of Kordofan the authority of the government did not extend beyond the posts occupied by their troops. |
unsuccessful non-successful unproductive fruitless profitless |
15 | uneventful/ˌʌniˈvɛntfəl/ | یکنواخت بیحادثه | صفت |
His reign was as uneventful as it was brief. The quiet, uneventful scene on the frontier appeared. |
unexciting uninteresting monotonous unchanging boring |
16 | unimaginative/ˌʌnɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv/ | بدون ابتکار غیر خلاق، خستهکننده | صفت |
People with Earth signs are most often criticized for being unimaginative. Kyme was apparently an unimaginative man of the world, while Anne took to Biblereading with zeal, became convinced of the falsity of the doctrine of transubstantiation, and created some stir in Lincoln by her disputations. |
uninspired uninventive unoriginal uncreative unartistic |
17 | insignificant/ˌɪnsɪgnˈjɪfɪkənt/ | ناچیز کم اهمیت | صفت |
Lying to her, even about something this insignificant, felt awful. He was there to represent spectatordom, and help make this seemingly insignificant event one with the removal of the gods of Troy. |
unimportant of minor importance of no importance of little importance of little import |
18 | unsuccessful/ˌʌn.səkˈses.fəl/ | ناموفق | صفت |
When the first two tries proved unsuccessful, tempers frayed even more. She accepted the whip and made another unsuccessful swing. |
failed without success abortive misfired vain in vain |
19 | invent/ɪnˈvent/ | اختراع کردن | فعل |
I mean, he could invent some story—like, blame me! Schuppe, however, who is a fertile creator of quasi-syllogisms, has managed to invent some examples from two negative premises of a different kind: (I) (2) (3) No MisP. NoMisP. NoPisM. |
originate create innovate design devise |
20 | introduce/ˌɪn.trəˈduːs/ | عرضه کردن عرضه شدن | فعل |
And why didn't he introduce her? I'll introduce you when I find her. |
institute initiate launch inaugurate establish |
21 | introduction/ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃn/ | ابداع | اسم |
Mendelssohn owed his first introduction to the public to Lessing's admiration. Beyond the introduction of the spider line it is unnecessary to mention the various steps by which the Gascoigne micrometer assumed the modern forms now in use, or to describe in detail the suggestions of Hooke, 4 Wren, Smeaton, Cassini, Bradley, Maskelyne, Herschel, Arago, Pearson, Bessel, Struve, Dawes, &c., or the successive productions of the great artists Ramsden, Troughton, Fraunhofer, Ertel, Simms, Cooke, Grubb, Clarke and Repsold. |
institution establishment initiation launch inauguration |
22 | design/dɪˈzaɪn/ | طراحی کردن | فعل |
Sonya sat in the drawing room at the round table, copying a design for embroidery. That was something she had trouble imagining, but the wrought iron design was open and graceful. |
plan blueprint drawing scale drawing sketch |
23 | design/dɪˈzaɪn/ | الگوسازی طراحی | اسم |
Sonya sat in the drawing room at the round table, copying a design for embroidery. That was something she had trouble imagining, but the wrought iron design was open and graceful. |
plan blueprint drawing scale drawing sketch |
24 | innovate/ˈɪnəˌveɪt/ | ابداع کردن نوآوری کردن | فعل |
It was not the custom of antiquity to raise any tumulus over graves, but Confucius resolved to innovate in the matter. Bali is one of the rare companies that continues to innovate even after decades of proven success. |
25 | innovation/ˌɪnəˈveɪʃən/ | نوآوری ابتکار، اختراع، ابداع | اسم |
The rate of innovation is increasing rapidly, though. These fields are about to explode with innovation and advancement. |
change alteration revolution upheaval transformation |
26 | prove/pruv/ | از آب در آمدن | فعل |
I'm not asking you to prove anything. There's no point in being uncomfortable just so you can prove what a macho man you are. |
demonstrate show show beyond doubt show to be true manifest |
27 | proof/pruːf/ | دلیل شاهد، محک، معیار | اسم |
But no, it wasn't proof at all. What she saw today was proof that she needed it close by. |
evidence verification corroboration authentication confirmation |
28 | succeed/səkˈsiːd/ | موفق شدن | فعل |
If I succeed, I want my powers back. He didn't succeed in gaining custody. |
triumph be victorious achieve success be successful be a success |
29 | success/səkˈses/ | موفقیت | اسم |
Each success has some failure along the way. Other people say they have no success in making Miss Keller "hear" them. |
favourable outcome successfulness favourable result successful outcome positive result |
30 | create/kriːˈeɪt/ | به وجود آوردن ساختن، خلق کردن | فعل |
They were paying someone to create it and then paying someone to carry it. The you in my heaven is the person I create in my mind, the perfect you, who never drinks his milk from the cereal bowl and remembers every birthday and holiday with the nicest card he buys the day before, and he sends roses for no reason at all.... |
generate produce design make fabricate |
31 | creation/kriːˈeɪ.ʃən/ | نوآوری ابداع | اسم |
Was her position at the office merely the creation of a doting father? Man is the creation of an all-powerful, all-good, and all-seeing God. |
design formation forming modelling putting together |
32 | develop/dɪˈvel.əp/ | اختراع کردن ساختن | فعل |
The second crop of cabbage was starting to develop, and the okra looked good. They were already beginning to develop different personalities. |
grow evolve mature expand enlarge |
33 | development/dɪˈvel.əp.mənt/ | تولید ابداع، ساخت | اسم |
But three years later a new economic development began. "There's enough rock here to build a housing development," she commented as they worked their way across a jumble of flat red rocks. |
evolution growth maturing expansion enlargement |
34 | improve/ɪmˈpruːv/ | بهبود دادن بهتر کردن، بهبود بخشیدن | فعل |
Maybe his mood would improve, anyway. "You will find your chances improve if you do exactly as I say," he said. |
make better better ameliorate upgrade refine |
35 | improvement/ɪmˈpruːv.mənt/ | بهبود پیشرفت | اسم |
He recognized that considerable improvement had already taken place. I see an improvement in Helen day to day, almost from hour to hour. |
advance development upgrade change for the better refinement |