ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | introduce/ˌɪn.trəˈduːs/ | معرفی کردن | فعل |
And why didn't he introduce her? I'll introduce you when I find her. |
institute initiate launch inaugurate establish |
2 | hi/hɑɪ/ | سلام | حرف ندا |
"Hi," she said with a slight smile. Hi guys, what's up? |
3 | bye/bɑɪ/ | خداحافظ خدا نگهدار | حرف ندا |
He'd already said good bye to all of them earlier. "Bye Mums," he said as they turned to go. |
4 | hello/heˈloʊ/ | سلام | حرف ندا |
Hello, can I help you with something? She then turned and sauntered towards Victor, not a hint of fear in her carriage "Hello, Victor" His greeting was returned with a hiss, "Elisabeth!" |
5 | good morning/ˌgʊdˈmɔr.nɪŋ/ | صبح بخیر | حرف ندا |
6 | good afternoon/ˌgʊd.æf.tərˈnuːn/ | ظهر بخیر بعد از ظهر بخیر | حرف ندا |
7 | good evening/ˌgʊdˈiːv.nɪŋ/ | عصر بخیر | حرف ندا |
8 | see you later/si jʊ ˈleɪtər/ | بعدا میبینمت | عبارت |
9 | goodbye/gʊdˈbɑɪ/ | خداحافظ خدا نگهدار | حرف ندا |
I will never say goodbye to her. Alright, but let me go say goodbye to him first. |
farewell adieu hooray check you au revoir ciao auf Wiedersehen adios sayonara vale bye bye-bye so long see you |
10 | see you/si ju/ | به امید دیدار خداحافظ | حرف ندا |
11 | see you tomorrow/si ju təˈmɑˌroʊ/ | فردا میبینمت | عبارت |
12 | pair work/pɛr wɜrk/ | کار دو نفری | اسم |
13 | group work/grup wɜrk/ | کار گروهی | اسم |
14 | class activity/klæs ækˈtɪvəti/ | فعالیت کلاسی کار کلاسی | اسم |
15 | compare/kəmˈper/ | مقایسه کردن | فعل |
I don't compare you to Josh. Check her purse for something she wrote and compare it. |
contrast set side by side juxtapose collate differentiate |
16 | answer/ˈæn.sər/ | پاسخ جواب | اسم |
He put her answer down in his note book. Alex didn't answer and it went to his voice mail, so she left a message. |
reply response rejoinder return reaction acknowledgement retort |
17 | cover/ˈkʌv.ər/ | پوشاندن | فعل |
She crossed her arms, forcing herself not to cover her neck as four sets of eyes landed there. Cora coughed to cover up her laugh. |
put something on top of place something over place under cover protect shield shelter envelop |
18 | picture/ˈpɪk.tʃər/ | تصویر عکس | اسم |
It was a picture taken at the party and the focus was on Carmen and Alex. I saw his picture on your refrigerator. |
painting drawing sketch print canvas |
19 | go/goʊ/ | رفتن | فعل |
move proceed make one's way advance progress |
20 | page/peɪdʒ/ | صفحه | اسم |
folio sheet side leaf recto verso period |
21 | answer/ˈæn.sər/ | پاسخ دادن جواب دادن | فعل |
He put her answer down in his note book. Alex didn't answer and it went to his voice mail, so she left a message. |
reply response rejoinder return reaction acknowledgement retort |
22 | ask/æsk/ | پرسیدن سوال کردن | فعل |
I didn't ask about his family tree. I didn't ask him that. |
inquire inquire of query want to know question |
23 | interview/ˈɪntərvjuː/ | مصاحبه کردن | فعل |
This interview was proof. Are you ready for your interview at least? |
meeting discussion conference question and answer session examination |
24 | partner/ˈpɑrt.nər/ | یار همگروهی | اسم |
He'd never had a partner in all his time alive. At balls he danced if a partner was needed. |
colleague associate co-worker fellow worker co-partner |
25 | role-play/ˈroʊl pleɪ/ | نقشآفرینی کردن | فعل |
It's a chance to role-play and forget the "real" world for a time. Contemporaneously with the Wars of Religion in France a long and terrible struggle between the king of Spain and his Dutch and Belgian provinces had resulted in the formation of a Protestant state - the United Nether- United lands, which was destined tola an important role play p in the history of the Reformed religion. |
26 | situation/ˌsɪtʃ.uˈeɪ.ʃən/ | وضعیت موقعیت | اسم |
I don't know how I got into this situation in the first place. I'm in a precarious situation here. |
circumstances set of circumstances state of affairs affairs state |