ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | job/dʒɑːb/ | شغل کار | اسم |
Hopefully, she could get her job at the diner. We can handle this job by ourselves. |
position of employment position post situation place |
2 | accountant/əˈkɑʊnt.ənt/ | حسابدار | اسم |
He was, after all, taking time off work during the busiest time of the year for an accountant to be with her. "What's that that has fallen?" asked the accountant with a naive smile. |
3 | cook/kʊk/ | آشپز | اسم |
I'll cook for all of us. Consider the pan you most often cook in today. |
prepare make get put together bake fix knock up |
4 | chef/ʃef/ | آشپز (حرفهای) | اسم |
By this time he had already entered into politics; he had been chef du cabinet of Jules Ferry (1879-1881), though this did not distract him from his literary work. By 1794 he was adjutant-general (with the rank of chef de brigade). |
cook cordon bleu cook food preparer head chef sous chef commis chef |
5 | doctor/ˈdɑk.tər/ | پزشک دکتر، دکترا | اسم |
The doctor called today to see if my condition had improved with the medication. The doctor seemed tired and in a hurry. |
physician medical practitioner medical man medical woman clinician |
6 | electrician/eˌlekˈtrɪʃ.ən/ | برقکار تکنیسین برق | اسم |
Clark, the Electrician, 38, p. 747). Callendar, " An Alternating Cycle Curve Recorder," Electrician, 41.582. |
7 | flight attendant/ˈflaɪt əˌten.dənt/ | مهماندار هواپیما | اسم |
8 | nurse/nɜrs/ | پرستار | اسم |
"I've come to sit with you a bit, Masha," said the nurse, "and here I've brought the prince's wedding candles to light before his saint, my angel," she said with a sigh. Martha is a trauma nurse in a large Boston hospital. |
carer caregiver attendant Florence Nightingale nursey candy-striper nanny childminder |
9 | pilot/ˈpɑɪ.lət/ | خلبان | اسم |
It is strongly fortified, and there are a lighthouse, and lifeboat and pilot stations. "That's not good," the pilot said. |
airman airwoman flyer aeronaut captain commander |
10 | police officer/pəˈliːsˌɑ.fə.sər/ | مامور پلیس افسر | اسم |
policeman policewoman officer of the law law enforcement agent law enforcement officer |
11 | receptionist/rɪˈsep.ʃə.nəst/ | متصدی پذیرش منشی | اسم |
I'll tell my receptionist to make you an appointment for next week. The receptionist said he was out on a call so she left a message for him to call her when he got back. |
12 | taxi driver/ˈtæksi ˈdraɪvər/ | راننده تاکسی | اسم |
13 | waiter/ˈweɪ.tər/ | پیشخدمت (آقا) گارسون | اسم |
server waitress stewardess steward attendant head waiter |
14 | waitress/ˈweɪ.trəs/ | پیشخدمت (خانم) | اسم |
The waitress approached the table. No waitress ever came near them. |
15 | work/wˈɜːrk/ | شغل کار، محل کار | اسم |
It did work this morning. After Alex goes to work and Jonathan goes to school, Destiny and I do the chores. |
labour toil exertion effort slog |
16 | hospital/ˈhɑːspɪtl/ | بیمارستان | اسم |
When they arrived at the hospital, Alex was pacing. They have a hospital here. |
medical institution medical centre health centre clinic infirmary |
17 | office/ˈɔː.fɪs/ | شرکت دفتر کار، اداره | اسم |
I've repaired the computers in your office, too. Alex decided to build a room upstairs for his office, out of the reach of Destiny's exploring hands. |
place of business place of work workplace workroom studio headquarters |
18 | minute/ˈmɪn.ɪt/ | دقیقه | اسم |
For a minute there, I thought I was getting forgetful. "Wait a minute," she said again. |
moment short time little while second bit |
19 | please/pliːz/ | لطفا خواهشا | حرف ندا |
Please don't tell her! Please don't leave me. |
make happy give pleasure to make someone content make someone glad make someone pleased |
20 | lunch/lʌntʃ/ | ناهار نهار | اسم |
Can you hold lunch for a little bit? Sometimes Alex comes home for lunch and we eat together. |
21 | meeting/ˈmiːt̬.ɪŋ/ | جلسه قرار ملاقات | اسم |
I hope your meeting goes well. We've got a meeting at two and it's almost one-thirty now. |
gathering assembly conference congregation convention |
22 | another/əˈnʌð.ər/ | دیگر | ضمیر |
Let's try another one. "Oh, no!" said another man who had seen and heard it all. |
one more a further an additional a second an extra a spare a different |
23 | line/lɑɪn/ | (خط) تلفن | اسم |
That sends you down another line of thought. She was near the line of what she was there to do, if not over it. |
dash rule bar score underline underscore |
24 | vacation/veɪˈkeɪʃən/ | مرخصی تعطیلات | اسم |
This was a vacation, not an isolation camp. Maybe this vacation would give them some much needed time together. |
holiday holidays trip tour break |
25 | customer/ˈkʌs.tə.mər/ | مشتری | اسم |
They suggest other products a customer might be interested in. More and more data about each customer will be available. |
shopper consumer buyer purchaser patron client regular |
26 | ability/əˈbɪləti/ | مهارت توانایی | اسم |
Freedom from that ugly feeling gave her the ability to speak of it lightly for the first time. I can only applaud this man's ability to deduce. |
capacity capability potential potentiality power |
27 | dance/dæns/ | رقصیدن | فعل |
How about going to a dance tonight? I'm even weady to dance the pas de chale. |
trip sway spin whirl twirl |
28 | draw/drɔː/ | نقاشی کشیدن نقاشی کردن، کشیدن | فعل |
sketch make a drawing make a drawing of make a diagram make a diagram of |
29 | paint/peɪnt/ | (نقاشی) کشیدن نقاشی کردن، رنگ کردن | فعل |
I had to bring you here so I could paint a portrait. Among the city's manufactures are agricultural implements, iron bridges and other structural iron work, watches and watch-cases, steel, engines, safes, locks, cutlery, hardware, wagons, carriages, paving-bricks, furniture, dental and surgical chairs, paint and varnish, clay-working machinery and saw-mill machinery. |
colouring colourant tint dye stain |
30 | sing/sɪŋ/ | آواز خواندن سرود خواندن، آهنگ خواندن | فعل |
He obliged and she started to sing Happy Birthday. "What shall I sing?" he asked. |
chant intone croon carol chorus |
31 | swim/swɪm/ | شنا کردن | فعل |
She glanced down at her swim suit. Animals either swim or burrow. |
bathe go swimming take a dip dip splash around float |
32 | at all/æt ɔl./ | اصلا ابداً، به هر صورت | عبارت |
33 | instrument/ˈɪn.strə.mənt/ | ساز آلت موسیقی | اسم |
She knew the essential conditions of the instrument. A specialty debt is created by deed or instrument under seal. |
implement tool utensil device apparatus |
34 | can/kæn/ | توانستن | فعل |
Can you watch the house for me while I'm gone? I can do it. |
tin, canister jerrycan, oilcan container, receptacle, vessel
35 | opportunity/ˌɑp.ərˈtuː.nət̬.i/ | فرصت | اسم |
chance lucky chance good time golden opportunity time |
36 | intern/ˈɪntɜrn/ | کارآموز انترن (پزشکی)، کارورز | اسم |
Some fancy intern catch your eye? He was a good-looking intern, but there simply wasn't a spark between them. |
imprison incarcerate impound jail put in jail |
37 | volunteer/ˌvɑlənˈtɪr/ | داوطلب شدن | فعل |
The camp ground was manned on a volunteer basis. I volunteer to sleep there tonight, if the love of my life is willing to come along. |
offer tender proffer present put forward |
38 | fix computers/fɪks kəmˈpjutərz/ | کامپیوتر تعمیر کردن | عبارت |
39 | play the guitar/pleɪ ðə gɪˈtɑr/ | گیتار نواختن | عبارت |
40 | speak French/spik frɛnʧ/ | به زبان فرانسوی صحبت کردن | عبارت |