ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | hug/hʌg/ | بغل کردن در آغوش گرفتن | فعل |
She gathered it in a hug and smelled deeply of it. The look on his face made her want to hug him and ease his fear. |
embrace cuddle squeeze clasp clutch |
2 | laugh/læf/ | خندیدن | فعل |
Don't laugh at me! It felt good to laugh after the events of the past week. |
chuckle chortle guffaw giggle titter |
3 | out loud/aʊt laʊd/ | بلند با صدای بلند | قید |
4 | sulk/sʌlk/ | ترشرویی کردن اوقات تلخی کردن، عبوس بودن | فعل |
He appeared to sulk for a moment then grew thoughtful. She had gone home to sulk causing, in her mind, Fred to suffer hours of grief and agony from her selfish inaction. |
mope brood pout be sullen have a long face |
5 | mope/moʊp/ | غصه خوردن نالیدن، خودخوری کردن، محزون بودن | فعل |
Many authorities attempt to restrain visitors from feeding the animals in their charge, but such a restriction, even if practicable, is not all gain, for animals in captivity are less inclined to mope, and are more intelligent and tamer, if they become accustomed to regard visitors as pleasant sources of tit-bits. If you're feeling lonely, don't just sit home and mope. |
brood sulk be miserable be gloomy be sad |
6 | lose one's temper/luz wʌnz ˈtɛmpər/ | از کوره در رفتن عصبانی شدن | عبارت |
become very angry fly into a rage explode blow up erupt |
7 | hang up/hæŋ ʌp/ | (تلفن را) قطع کردن | فعل |
neurosis preoccupation fixation obsession phobia |
8 | yell/jel/ | داد زدن فریاد زدن | فعل |
I didn't mean to yell at you, but you nearly scared me to death. Kiki's yell was pain-filled. |
cry yelp call shout howl |
9 | reaction/riˈækʃən/ | واکنش انفعال، عکس العمل | اسم |
We could tell by his reaction the news wasn't good. When she saw my reaction, she added. |
response answer reply rejoinder retort riposte feedback comeback clapback backlash |
10 | emotional intelligence/ɪˌmoʊʃənl ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns/ | هوش احساسی هوش هیجانی | اسم |
11 | emotion/ɪˈmoʊ.ʃən/ | احساس عاطفه | اسم |
Human emotion could only complicate that. She loved human emotion, but she hated the doubt and insecurity she felt. |
feeling sentiment sensation reaction response passion intensity |
12 | intelligent/ɪnˈtel.ə.dʒənt/ | باهوش زیرکانه | صفت |
They're intelligent kids — good kids. I want someone who can contribute intelligent conversation, not grovel at my feet. |
clever bright brilliant sharp quick |
13 | appropriately/əˈproʊ.priː.ət.li/ | درخور به طور مناسب | قید |
The other lizard is one which most appropriately has. His reign was remarkable for its manifold and far-reaching reforms. Sweden's existing communal law (1862), ecclesiastical law (1863) and criminal law (1864) were enacted appropriately enough under the direction of a king whose motto was: "Build up the land upon the laws!" |
suitable proper fitting apt relevant connected |
14 | express/ɪkˈspres/ | بیان کردن اظهار کردن، ابراز کردن | فعل |
I cannot find words to express to you my displeasure. At the time she had thought he was trying to express his love. |
communicate convey indicate show demonstrate |
15 | clearly/ˈklɪr.li/ | (به طور) واضح (به طور) صریح | قید |
Man's clearly a homophobe. His expression was clearly displeased. |
intelligibly plainly distinctly comprehensibly understandably |
16 | optimistic/ˌɑp.təˈmɪs.tɪk/ | خوشبینانه خوشبین | صفت |
I think that's an optimistic count of the number of participants. Jorge was optimistic and always saw the best in every situation. |
cheerful cheery positive confident hopeful |
17 | positive/ˈpɑz.ət̬.ɪv/ | مثبت خوشبین، خوشبینانه | صفت |
Think positive, and pray. I'm positive she didn't notice us the first time. |
affirmative favourable approving in the affirmative good |
18 | self-esteem/ˌself ɪˈstiːm/ | عزت نفس | اسم |
self-respect self-regard pride in one's abilities pride in oneself abilities faith in oneself |
19 | self-awareness/ˌself əˈwernəs/ | خودآگاهی | اسم |
The Magician: This car symbolizes strong self-awareness, and being conscious of the consequences of actions taken. Therapies focus on teaching self-awareness, alternate coping skills, behavior modification, and improved communication skills. |
20 | decisive/dɪˈsaɪsɪv/ | قطعی قاطع، مهم، جدی | صفت |
His decisive whisper was husky. The decisive moment has arrived. |
resolute firm strong-minded strong-willed determined dogged |
21 | impulsive/ɪmˈpʌlsɪv/ | عجولانه بدون فکر (قبلی)، عجول، بیفکر | صفت |
Had his offer been as impulsive as her acceptance? We are thus led to the following statement: the change of kinetic energy due to any system of impulsive forces is equal to the sum of the products of the several forces into the semisum of the initial and final velocities of their respective points of application, resolved in the directions of the forces. |
impetuous spontaneous hasty passionate emotional |
22 | jealousy/ˈʤɛləsi/ | حسادت رشک | اسم |
It was nothing but pure jealousy that guided her thoughts – and fear of losing him. 52), and David soon became both a popular hero and an object of jealousy to Saul. |
envy enviousness covetousness desire resentment resentfulness |
23 | jealous/ˈdʒel.əs/ | حسود | صفت |
She doesn't have any reason to be jealous of me. But how could he be jealous, agree to send her away and make out with another woman? |
envious covetous desirous resentful grudging begrudging jaundiced |
24 | manage/ˈmænɪdʒ/ | مدیریت کردن گرداندن، اداره کردن | فعل |
be in charge of run be head of head direct |
25 | guilty/ˈgɪl.ti/ | شرمسار شرمنده | صفت |
The men are as guilty as she is. The old man feels he is guilty, but cannot change himself. |
culpable to blame blameworthy blameable at fault |
26 | ashamed/əˈʃeɪmd/ | خجالتزده شرمنده | صفت |
I was ashamed of my desire. "But the Christians offer up prayers for them, that they may turn from their error; and when one of them turns, he is ashamed before the Christians of the deeds that were done by him, and he confesses to God saying: ` In ignorance I did these things '; and he cleanses his heart, and his sins are forgiven him, because he did them in ignorance in former time, when he was blaspheming the true knowledge of the Christians." |
sorry shamefaced abashed sheepish guilty |
27 | aggressive/əˈgres.ɪv/ | پرخاشگر پرخاشگرانه، تندخو | صفت |
True to his word, he was aggressive without hurting her. But in spite of his aggressive behavior, she felt safe with him. |
hostile belligerent bellicose antagonistic truculent pugnacious |
28 | upset/ʌpˈset/ | ناراحت کردن دلخور کردن | فعل |
The kid was already too upset about something. I've said something to upset you. |
distress trouble perturb disturb discompose |
29 | cope/koʊp/ | از پس (چیزی یا کسی) برآمدن تحمل کردن، ساختن (با وضع و ...) | فعل |
The cope presented to the cathedral treasury by Pope Nicholas IV. The rochet is worn without the chimere under the cope by those bishops who use this vestment. |
manage survive subsist look after oneself fend for oneself |
30 | aggression/əˈgrɛʃən/ | پرخاشگری خشونت | اسم |
His kiss had been an act of aggression, not passion. The leaders of the national movement prepared to resist further aggression by force. |
hostility aggressiveness belligerence bellicosity antagonism |
31 | angry/ˈæŋ.gri/ | عصبانی ناراحت | صفت |
They were angry because their plans had been discovered. Are you angry with me? |
irate annoyed cross vexed irritated |
32 | upset/ʌpˈset/ | ناراحت دلخور | صفت |
The kid was already too upset about something. I've said something to upset you. |
distress trouble perturb disturb discompose |
33 | motivation/ˌmoʊtəˈveɪʃən/ | انگیزه | اسم |
Determination was her motivation to stand up to the bully. Perhaps you need some motivation to do what you should. |
motive motivating force incentive stimulus stimulation |
34 | motivated/ˈmoʊt̬.əˌveɪt̬.ɪd/ | باانگیزه | صفت |
I feel motivated to help you. Whatever motivated him, it was certainly delightful. |
prompt drive move inspire stimulate |
35 | realistic/ˌriːəˈlɪstɪk/ | واقعبین واقعبینانه | صفت |
For some reason, he experienced a very realistic vision. You're supposed to be taking care of me, but that isn't realistic 100% of the time, is it? |
practical pragmatic matter-of-fact down-to-earth sensible |
36 | confidence/ˈkɑnfədəns/ | اعتماد به نفس اعتماد | اسم |
Confidence returned with a warm rush. "I'm ready," she said with more confidence than she felt. |
trust belief faith credence conviction reliance |
37 | determination/dɪˌtɜr.mɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ | عزم اراده | اسم |
Determination was her motivation to stand up to the bully. A familiar look of determination was on her upturned face. |
resolution resolve resoluteness will power strength of will strength of character |
38 | self-discipline/ˌself ˈdɪsəplɪn/ | تادیب نفس کنترل نفس، انضباط نفس | اسم |
The child is learning to balance his or her need for independence, self-discipline, and exploration and the need for love and protection from the primary caregiver. Self-discipline is crucial, since you'll be expected to pace yourself to complete all assignments on time and take the initiative to seek help if you need assistance with a particular aspect of the course content. |
self-control self-mastery control restraint self-restraint will power strength of will |
39 | happy/ˈhæp.i/ | خوشحال شاد، خوشبخت، خوب، خوش | صفت |
Are you trying to say that you're not happy with your success? It must be a beautiful and happy place; and I wish to know all about it. |
40 | empathy/ˈɛmpəθi/ | همدلی هم احساسی | اسم |
She'd been incapable of empathy or remorse. I did not have empathy for the characters. |
41 | sad/sæd/ | غمگین ناراحت، غمانگیز، ناراحتکننده | صفت |
She clearly felt sad to see this day end. He has sad eyes, like me. |
42 | depressing/dəˈpres.ɪŋ/ | غمانگیز افسردهکننده | صفت |
I'm not overly anxious to get back on that depressing ship. Of course it was depressing, and he must be feeling pretty bad right now. |
43 | sympathetic/ˌsɪmpəˈθɛtɪk/ | دلسوز مهربان | صفت |
I'm afraid I wasn't very sympathetic, though. She leaned against his chest for a moment, comforted by his sympathetic embrace. |
44 | sensitive/ˈsɛnsətɪv/ | حساس | صفت |
Well; sometimes girls are more sensitive about things. I didn't realize you were so sensitive about it. |
45 | flexible/ˈflɛksəbəl/ | انعطافپذیر | صفت |
46 | grief/griːf/ | غم و اندوه | اسم |
To the grief of his mother he left the Roman church. She exhibited great grief at his death. |
47 | hate/heɪt/ | تنفر نفرت | اسم |
I hate peanut butter. He was beginning to hate the cold. |
48 | anger/ˈæŋ.gər/ | خشم | اسم |
I took all my frustration and anger out on you. Dusty echoed, anger burning through him. |
49 | honesty/ˈɑn.ə.sti/ | صداقت | اسم |
50 | honest/ˈɑn.ɪst/ | صادق راستگو، صادقانه | صفت |
His honest answer silenced her. He deserved an honest answer about her response. |
51 | confident/ˈkɑnfədənt/ | با اعتماد به نفس | صفت |
The speakers were confident communicators. She was a confident swimmer. |
52 | depression/dəˈpreʃ.ən/ | افسردگی | اسم |
She hadn't recognized it as depression then, though. Physical ills were miserable, but this depression was unbearable. |
53 | determined/dɪˈtɝmɪnd/ | مصمم قاطع | صفت |
Elihu Burritt was a poor boy who was determined to learn. He's determined to keep me. |
54 | flexibility/ˌflek.səˈbɪl.ə.t̬i/ | انعطافپذیری انعطاف | اسم |
This flexibility is not to be found in his manner of composition. Under the first set of conditions quickness and flexibility of service are relatively more important than under the second set. |
55 | guilt/gɪlt/ | احساس گناه | اسم |
She wasn't about to live with the guilt of hurting yet a third person she cared about. A shadow of guilt darkened his eyes. |
culpability guiltiness blameworthiness wrongdoing wrong |
56 | happiness/ˈhæp.iː.nəs/ | خوشحالی خوشبختی | اسم |
I wish you all the happiness you so deserve. Is being in control so important that you're willing to sacrifice the happiness of your only son? |
contentment pleasure contentedness satisfaction cheerfulness |
57 | realism/ˈriːəlɪzəm/ | واقعگرایی رئالیسم | اسم |
His realism enables him to maintain the reality of Time, and so of the process of the world's redemption. It is thus opposed both to natural realism and to idealism. |
pragmatism practicality matter-of-factness common sense level-headedness |
58 | sadness/ˈsæd.nəs/ | غم حزن، ناراحتی، غمگینی | اسم |
There was sadness in her voice. Nothing could explain the sadness she felt at that discovery. |
unhappiness sorrow dejection regret depression |
59 | self-disciplined/sɛlf-ˈdɪsəplənd/ | خودمنضبط دارای کنترل نفس | صفت |
The Law School seeks students who are self-disciplined, academically qualified and motivated to succeed in their law studies. Nevertheless, if you're a self-disciplined gym disciple with a penchant for high-protein diets, then chances are you look stunning in this style, which is usually dominated by toned teenage girls. |
60 | sensitivity/ˌsɛnsɪˈtɪvɪti/ | حساسیت | اسم |
They can be connected to sensors whose sensitivity dwarfs anything a human can do. The rocks were deceptively sharp and the coldness of the water increased the sensitivity of the soles of her feet. |
responsiveness sensitiveness reactivity susceptibility vulnerability reactiveness susceptivity |
61 | shame/ʃeɪm/ | شرم شرمساری، خجالت | اسم |
There's no shame in being poor. The man's face was red with shame this time. |
humiliation mortification chagrin ignominy loss of face |
62 | sympathy/ˈsɪm.pə.θi/ | همدردی ترحم | اسم |
I've received too much sympathy in the last few weeks. His sympathy only made matters worse and she hiccupped. |
commiseration pity condolence consolation comfort |