ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | fame/feɪm/ | شهرت | اسم |
His fame spread widely and rapidly. But his fame rests mainly on his theological works. |
renown celebrity stardom popularity notability |
2 | famous/ˈfeɪ.məs/ | مشهور معروف | صفت |
It is still a famous school. Daniel Webster lived to become a famous orator and a great statesman. |
well known celebrated prominent famed popular |
3 | singer/ˈsɪŋ.ər/ | خواننده | اسم |
EUMOLPUS ("sweet singer"), in Greek mythology, son of Poseidon and Chione, the daughter of Boreas, legendary priest, poet and warrior. With the aid of Fialin and Eleonore Gordon, a singer, who is supposed to have been his mistress, and with the co-operation of certain officers, such as Colonel Vaudrey, an old soldier of the Empire, commanding the 4th regiment of artillery, and Lieutenant Laity, he tried to bring about a revolt of the garrison of Strassburg (October 30, 1836). |
vocalist, soloist, songster, songstress chanteuse songbird
4 | best-selling/bɛst-ˈsɛlɪŋ/ | پرفروش | صفت |
adapted from the best-selling semi-autobiographical novel by Esther Freud, who was in effect one of the children. For the first time ever, real estate attorney and best-selling author William Bronchick presents a comprehensive picture of exactly what's available. |
top-selling very successful very popular number-one chart-topping hit |
5 | author/ˈɔː.θər/ | مؤلف نویسنده | اسم |
It's a famous author named Miss Gladys Turnbull. He is the author of some commendable verses. |
writer man of letters woman of letters wordsmith novelist dramatist |
6 | pop singer/pɑp ˈsɪŋər/ | خواننده پاپ | اسم |
7 | rock star/rɑk stɑr/ | ستاره راک راک استار | اسم |
8 | up-and-coming/ˌʌp ən ˈkʌmɪŋ/ | آیندهدار در حال شکوفایی | صفت |
Right now, Xander is the king of the up-and-coming. They're by an up-and-coming designer from Milan. |
promising budding rising coming on the up and up |
9 | out of touch/aʊt ʌv tʌʧ/ | بیخبر نامطلع | صفت |
10 | career/kəˈrɪr/ | شغل حرفه | اسم |
You know how important my career is to me. Ahead of her lay college and a possible career in journalism. |
profession occupation vocation calling employment |
11 | take off/teɪk ɔf/ | موفق شدن با موفقیت رو به رو شدن، محبوب شدن | فعل |
run away run off flee abscond take flight |
12 | make headlines/meɪk ˈhɛˌdlaɪnz/ | تیتر مقالات خبری بودن تیتر روزنامهها شدن | عبارت |
13 | have connections/hæv kəˈnɛkʃənz/ | پارتی داشتن آشنا داشتن | عبارت |
14 | get divorced/gɛt dɪˈvɔrst/ | طلاق گرفتن | فعل |
15 | in the right place at the right time/ɪn ðə raɪt pleɪs æt ðə raɪt taɪm/ | خوب موقع در جای خوبی بودن شانس آوردن، در موقعیت خوب قرار گرفتن | عبارت |
16 | drop out of sight/drɑp aʊt ʌv saɪt/ | از نظرها پنهان شدن از دید خارج شدن | عبارت |
17 | get bad press/gɛt bæd prɛs/ | بازتاب بدی در مطبوعات/رسانه داشتن | عبارت |
18 | go downhill/goʊ ˈdaʊnˈhɪl/ | بدتر شدن در سرازیری افتادن، رو به ویرانی رفتن | عبارت |
19 | look up to/lʊk ʌp tu/ | به عنوان الگو به (کسی) نگاه کردن احترام گذاشتن و تحسین کردن | فعل |
admire have a high opinion of think highly of hold in high regard regard highly |
20 | go a long way/goʊ ə lɔŋ weɪ/ | بسیار آینده موفقی داشتن | عبارت |
21 | going strong/ˈgoʊɪŋ strɔŋ/ | سالم و سرحال بودن موفق و کارآمد بودن | عبارت |
22 | make a name for yourself/meɪk ə neɪm fɔr jərˈsɛlf/ | مشهور شدن معروف شدن، پرآوازه شدن، مورد احترام قرار گفتن | عبارت |
23 | know the right people/noʊ ðə raɪt ˈpipəl/ | با افراد مهم و برجسته آشنا بودن افراد موثری را شناختن | عبارت |
24 | show business/ʃoʊ ˈbɪznəs/ | صنعت سرگرمی (فیلم، سینما و ...) | اسم |