ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | priority/prɑɪˈɔːr.ət̬.i/ | اولویت ارجحیت | اسم |
The first priority was rescuing children. The priority should probably be assigned to the Orosius, but the point has been much debated. |
2 | wish/wɪʃ/ | آرزو خواسته | اسم |
I wish you had called me. I wish you could hear yourself talking. |
3 | wish/wɪʃ/ | ای کاش آرزو کردن | فعل |
I wish you had called me. I wish you could hear yourself talking. |
4 | busy/ˈbɪz.i/ | پرمشغله مشغول، شلوغ | صفت |
It's a large and busy hotel. It was a warm late afternoon as I stood out on the sidewalk and looked up at the six massive columns towering above another busy and impressive train station. |
5 | weekend/ˌwiːkˈend/ | آخر هفته | اسم |
The holiday weekend passed pleasantly. Still, that wasn't the only lingering side effect of her weekend with Brandon. |
6 | enough/ɪˈnʌf/ | (به اندازه) کافی | قید |
She had enough for the entire family. I've taken up enough of his time. |
7 | get married/gɛt ˈmɛrid/ | ازدواج کردن | فعل |
8 | rent/rent/ | اجاره کردن کرایه کردن | فعل |
Why don't I just rent one? Alex had asked one of the men go into town and rent a car for them. |
9 | afford/əˈfɔːrd/ | بضاعت داشتن وسع مالی داشتن | فعل |
Could they afford to buy a van? We couldn't afford an apartment right now - even with the two of us. |
10 | holiday/ˈhɑːlədeɪ/ | روز تعطیل تعطیلی، مناسبت | اسم |
The holiday weekend passed pleasantly. He was one of the founders of the Rochdale Literary and Philosophical Society, took a leading part in its debates, and on returning from a holiday journey in the East, gave the society a lecture on his travels. |
11 | help out/hɛlp aʊt/ | کمک کردن | فعل |
12 | miss/mɪs/ | دل تنگ شدن | فعل |
Miss Clara chuckled like a mother hen. "I miss you," he whispered. |
13 | dilemma/dəˈlem.ə/ | دوراهی معضل، مخمصه | اسم |
He made an attempt to resolve the long-standing dilemma. Prodding Martha to talk out her dilemma helped, didn't it? |
14 | teapot/ˈtiːpɑːt/ | قوری | اسم |
The khiao were invested by a gold dish, betel-box, spittoon and teapot, which were sent from Bangkok and returned at their death or deposition. Tea that makes a dark, strong liquor is preferred - not that such liquor is used, but that the greatest possible quantity of tea-coloured water may be drained from the teapot by refilling it over and over again from the samovar. |
15 | worry/ˈwɜr.i/ | نگران شدن نگران بودن | فعل |
Don't worry; everything will work out fine. Don't worry about him. |
16 | buy/baɪ/ | خریدن | فعل |
I decided to buy it. Most people buy Apple TV, but a few buy the Roku XDS Streaming Player. |
17 | borrow/ˈbɑr.oʊ/ | قرض گرفتن | فعل |
Sarah, can I borrow your Lexus? I need to borrow Andre. |
18 | apologize/əˈpɑl.əˌdʒɑɪz/ | عذرخواهی کردن | فعل |
I am the first to apologize, you know me! We apologize for the mistake and the inconvenience. |
19 | pay/peɪ/ | پرداخت کردن حساب کردن | فعل |
How much would you pay for that pan today? A curse on you who disrupt the master's plans; you will pay dearly when the time of reckoning finally arrives! |
20 | talk/tɔːk/ | صحبت کردن حرف زدن، گفتگو کردن | فعل |
She didn't come here to talk to me. Let's talk about this. |
21 | say/seɪ/ | گفتن حرف زدن، نظر دادن | فعل |
I like the way you say thank you. I won't say anything to anyone. |
22 | thank/θæŋk/ | تشکر کردن | فعل |
Thank you for inviting us. Thank you very much for the nice gift. |
23 | share/ʃer/ | سهیم بودن شریک بودن | فعل |
I had no plans to share with Howie what I'd learned of his previous life. I can't share what I see with anyone else and it not only reeks of voyeurism but feels selfish to me. |
24 | ask for/æsk fɔr/ | درخواست چیزی کردن تقاضای چیزی کردن | فعل |
25 | lend/lɛnd/ | قرض دادن | فعل |
You want to lend me them glasses, Bordeaux? Lend a hand... will you? |
26 | think about/θɪŋk əˈbaʊt/ | درباره کسی یا چیزی فکر کردن در نظر گرفتن | فعل |
27 | remind/rɪˈmaɪnd/ | یادآوری کردن | فعل |
I just need you to remind Darian of something. You remind me of her sometimes. |
28 | forget/fərˈget/ | فراموش کردن | فعل |
I said forget it. Don't forget your manners. |