ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | catch up/kæʧ ʌp/ | گفتگو کردن اطلاعات تازه بدست آوردن، به کسی اطلاعات تازه دادن | فعل |
2 | grit one's teeth/grɪt wʌnz tiθ/ | دندان قروچه کردن دندان به هم ساییدن | عبارت |
3 | stick to your guns/stɪk tu jʊər gʌnz/ | سر حرف خود ماندن روی عقیده خود پافشاری کردن | عبارت |
4 | know your own mind/noʊ jʊər oʊn maɪnd/ | روی عقیده خود پافشاری کردن سر حرف خود ماندن | عبارت |
5 | comfort zone/ˈkʌmfərt zoʊn/ | شرایط راحت وضعیت راحت و بیدردسر | اسم |
6 | fill in/fɪl ɪn/ | مطلع کردن باخبر کردن | فعل |
substitute deputize stand in cover provide cover |
7 | speak one's mind/spik wʌnz maɪnd/ | حرف دل خود را زدن صادقانه نظر خود را بیان کردن | عبارت |
8 | cross one's mind/krɔs wʌnz maɪnd/ | به ذهن رسیدن به ذهن خطور کردن | جمله |
occur to one come to one come to mind spring to mind enter one's head |
9 | Mind your own business!/maɪnd jʊər oʊn ˈbɪznəs!/ | سرت به کار خودت باشد! | جمله |
10 | be of two minds about something/bi ʌv tu maɪndz əˈbaʊt ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ | دودل بودن راجع به چیزی مطمئن نبودن | عبارت |
11 | in a sense/ɪn ə sɛns/ | از یک جهت از یک نظر | عبارت |
12 | short-term/ʃɔːrtˈtɜrm/ | کوتاه مدت | صفت |
We put in place short-term measures to reduce the amount of watering we are doing. Short-term protection against hepatitis A is available from immune globulin, a preparation of antibodies that can be given before exposure for short-term protection against hepatitis A and for persons who have already been exposed to HAV. |
13 | work-life balance/ˌwɜːrk laɪf ˈbæləns/ | تعادل زندگی شخصی-زندگی کاری | اسم |
14 | contract/ˈkɑːntrækt/ | قرارداد | اسم |
Your contract goes on for years. It may be created by contract, by statute or by judgment. |
agreement commitment arrangement settlement undertaking |
15 | work/wˈɜːrk/ | شغل کار، محل کار | اسم |
It did work this morning. After Alex goes to work and Jonathan goes to school, Destiny and I do the chores. |
labour toil exertion effort slog |
16 | environment/enˈvɑɪ.rən.mənt/ | محیط | اسم |
The environment in the Arctic Circle is very hostile. Many influences operating for a long period of time on the character and the environment of a class go to determine its standard of life. |
habitat territory domain home abode surroundings |
17 | staff/stæf/ | پرسنل کارکنان | اسم |
(The staff officer smiled.) But I did not always use this staff of life. |
employees workers workforce personnel hands |
18 | turnover/ˈtɜːrnoʊvər/ | تغییر در تعداد کارمندان تعدیل کارکنان | اسم |
The total turnover of goods sold and "ordered" amounts to nearly 362 millions sterling annually. The fruit industry is of considerable importance and by 1905 had reached a turnover of over £ioo,000 a year. |
revenue gross revenue income yield volume of business business sales rate of replacement |
19 | competitive/kəmˈpet̬.ət̬.ɪv/ | رقابتی | صفت |
The mandarinate or official class is recruited from all ranks of the people by competitive examination. Alex was competitive by nature, but being a veterinarian had always been his dream. |
ambitious driven vying combative contentious |
20 | salary/ˈsæl.ə.ri/ | حقوق | اسم |
There was a position open at a private home, but the salary had to be wrong. He named his salary, a figure that surprised Dean. |
pay earnings remuneration fee fees |
21 | challenging/ˈtʃæl.ən.dʒɪŋ/ | چالشبرانگیز چالشی | صفت |
You are challenging me already. As if challenging his statement, the bay jerked his nose up and sucked in a breath. |
demanding testing taxing exacting exigent |
22 | monotonous/məˈnɑːtənəs/ | یکنواخت خستهکننده | صفت |
Jonny's voice was coldly monotonous but soft. The notes of the blackbird are rich and full, but monotonous as compared with those of the song-thrush. |
tedious boring dull uninteresting unexciting |
23 | repetitive/rɪˈpetətɪv/ | تکراری خستهکننده | صفت |
Well, the unique controls, excellent sense of speed, and the feeling of "just about to lose control" will certainly put a smile on your face when you first play Excite Truck, but it gets really repetitive, really fast (no pun intended). It hugs the body with a snug fit which helps prevent chafing that can result when wearing loose fitting shorts that get damp from sweat and then rub and irritate the skin when repetitive movements such as cycling are performed. |
monotonous tedious boring uninteresting humdrum |
24 | rewarding/rɪˈwɔːrdɪŋ/ | پرارزش مفید، رضایتبخش | صفت |
It must be nice to have such a rewarding career. If you leave the wagons behind, you'll be rewarding the Indians. |
satisfying gratifying pleasing fulfilling enriching |
25 | motivating/ˈmoʊtɪveɪtɪŋ/ | انگیزهبخش امیدبخش | صفت |
barbell system incorporating weights to create an athletic workout set to powerful motivating music. consolidateed by all children as an exciting and motivating way of consolidating vocabulary and learning to read. |
prompt drive move inspire stimulate |
26 | demanding/dɪˈmæn.dɪŋ/ | دشوار پرمسئولیت | صفت |
He.s demanding we return Ully. His kiss was hot, demanding, and quick, his lips warm and soft. |
difficult challenging testing taxing exacting |
27 | tedious/ˈtidiəs/ | خستهکننده کسلکننده | صفت |
It gets tedious, but I get a kick out of doing it that way. The production of this is always a tedious task. |
boring monotonous dull deadly dull uninteresting |
28 | career/kəˈrɪr/ | شغل حرفه | اسم |
You know how important my career is to me. Ahead of her lay college and a possible career in journalism. |
profession occupation vocation calling employment |
29 | position/pəˈzɪʃ.ən/ | کار موقعیت شغلی | اسم |
She fluffed the pillow and changed position, unable to sleep. Han chuckled from his position near the window. |
location place situation spot site |
30 | profession/prəˈfeʃ.ən/ | شغل حرفه | اسم |
He was educated for the profession of law and practised as avocat. His parents meant him for the military profession, but his bent being for study he was allowed to enter the university of Paris. |
career occupation calling vocation line of work |
31 | apply/əˈplɑɪ/ | درخواست دادن | فعل |
Different laws apply in different jurisdictions. That doesn't give him much time to apply for false papers. |
put in an application put in try bid appeal |
32 | human resources/ˌhjuːmən rɪˈsɔːrsɪz/ | منابع انسانی | اسم |
33 | multinational/ˌmʌlˌtaɪˈnæʃənəl/ | چند ملیتی | صفت |
More and more companies have become multinational and have spread their manufacturing facilities across the globe. Dell is a multinational company that is best known for selling home computers and laptops. |
34 | base/beɪs/ | (در مکانی) قرار داشتن مستقر بودن | فعل |
Despise that which is base, said his mother. Think we're safer at our base camp? |
foundation bottom foot support prop |
35 | wage/weɪdʒ/ | دستمزد | اسم |
If you are a wage earner, then you should love machines. The first strike, which was for an eight-hour day and $3.00 wage, was won by the miners. |
pay payment remuneration salary emolument |
36 | bonus/ˈboʊ.nəs/ | پاداش | اسم |
The art is a bonus, he said with a wink. This scheme included the distribution of a bonus of 25% to holders of treasury bonds. |
benefit advantage boon blessing godsend |
37 | perk/pɜːrk/ | مزیت مزایا (جمع) | اسم |
His words seemed to perk up Franny. Another perk is that in the beginning, water provides a quick drop in weight - quick enough to keep you motivated during those first few hard weeks of a new diet and lifestyle plan. |
fringe benefit additional benefit benefit advantage bonus |
38 | benefit/ˈben.ə.fɪt/ | مزیت سود، نفع، فایده | اسم |
If you think you'd benefit, you probably will. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she made it all the way to the river. |
good sake interest welfare well-being |
39 | money/ˈmʌn.i/ | حقوق دستمزد | اسم |
He said I could spend his money with a clear conscience. It's about time you spent some money on yourself. |
cash hard cash ready money the means the wherewithal funds |
40 | employer/ɪmˈplɔɪ.ər/ | کارفرما | اسم |
boss manager manageress patron proprietor |
41 | employee/ɛmˈplɔɪi/ | کارمند | اسم |
The employee turned to her and waved her through. Of the contribution one half is paid by the employer and the other by the employee, whose duty it is to see that the amount has been properly entered in the pension book. |
worker member of staff member of the workforce blue-collar worker white-collar worker workman |
42 | skill/skɪl/ | مهارت | اسم |
We have the skill and the strategy. Darkyn's lie detector skill gave Deidre a tingling at the base of her skull that she took to be a red flag. |
expertise skilfulness expertness adeptness adroitness |
43 | training/ˈtreɪ.nɪŋ/ | آموزش کارآموزی | اسم |
Training starts tomorrow morning at dawn. Her years of training led her to a conclusion she couldn't yet embrace: that the only way to hide the large-scaled planning would require someone on the inside of the government. |
instruction teaching coaching tuition tutoring |
44 | qualification/ˌkwɑl.ə.fəˈkeɪ.ʃən/ | صلاحیت شرط | اسم |
Merit was with him the sole qualification for advancement. The members' qualification is the possession of real. |
certificate diploma degree licence document |
45 | in charge of/ɪn ʧɑrʤ ʌv/ | مسئول | عبارت |
responsible for in control of at the helm of in the driving seat of at the wheel of managing |
46 | deal with/dil wɪð/ | رسیدگی کردن سر و کله زدن با، پرداختن به | فعل |
47 | responsible/rɪˈspɑn.sə.bəl/ | مسئول مسئولیت (چیزی را بر عهده داشتن)، پاسخگو | صفت |
You're responsible for cleaning your own clothes and linens. Certainly he wasn't responsible for their safety. |
in charge of in control of at the helm of accountable for liable for |
48 | off/ɔːf/ | مرخصی گرفتن | قید |
I think I scared about ten years off my life too. Thank you for getting me off the hook. |
away to a distance from here from there away absent |
49 | opportunity/ˌɑp.ərˈtuː.nət̬.i/ | فرصت | اسم |
It was the perfect opportunity to test her theory. This was a good opportunity to leave. |
chance lucky chance good time golden opportunity time |
50 | advancement/ədˈvænsmənt/ | ترفیع شغلی | اسم |
His advancement was rapid. The continuing advancement of civilization. |
development progress evolution growth improvement |
51 | get promoted/gɛt prəˈmoʊtəd/ | ترفیع گرفتن | عبارت |
52 | raise/reɪz/ | افزایش ترفیع، اضافهحقوق | اسم |
I can raise the baby... It looks like a fine place to raise children. |
lift lift up raise aloft elevate uplift upraise |
53 | temporary/ˈtem.pəˌrer.i/ | موقت | صفت |
The artificial breeze from the fan provided only temporary relief. We will meet them soon at our temporary home. |
non-permanent short-term interim provisional pro tem makeshift |
54 | job security/ʤɑb sɪˈkjʊrəti/ | امنیت شغلی | اسم |
55 | fire/fɑɪr/ | اخراج کردن | فعل |
A fire burned brightly in the fireplace. They were sitting around the fire and trying to keep themselves warm. |
blaze conflagration inferno holocaust firestorm flames |
56 | part-time/ˈpɑrtˈtaɪm/ | نیمهوقت پارهوقت | صفت |
calendar days. Annual leave is not reduced for part-time workers. He was on light duty, working only with small animals; and part time. |
57 | lay off/ˈleɪ ɔːf/ | اخراج کردن تعدیل نیرو کردن | فعل |
give up stop refrain from abstain from not continue |
58 | out of work/aʊt ʌv wɜrk/ | بیکار بدون شغل | صفت |
unemployed jobless out of a job workless redundant |
59 | voluntary/ˈvɑːlənteri/ | داوطلبانه اختیاری | صفت |
She'd been trying for years to have his voluntary service revoked. The cult was supported mainly by voluntary contribution. |
optional discretionary at one's discretion elective non-compulsory |
60 | experience/ɪkˈspɪr.iː.əns/ | تجربه سابقه | اسم |
He has a lot of experience in these matters. In the first place she had nineteen months' experience of sight and sound. |
skill practical knowledge practice training learning education |
61 | unpaid/ˌʌnˈpeɪd/ | بدون پول | صفت |
The cast skipped town leaving a peck of unpaid bills. If a tenant quits leaving tithe unpaid, the landlord may pay it and recover it from him. |
unsettled outstanding unresolved unattended to due |
62 | cautious/ˈkɔʃəs/ | مراقب محتاط، حواسجمع | صفت |
Her tone was cautious but respectful. He watched closely, appearing amused and cautious, like a husband watching his wife learn to box. |
careful wary aware heedful attentive |
63 | conscientious/ˌkɑnʃiˈɛnʃəs/ | باوجدان وظیفهشناس | صفت |
Alex was conscientious and he would never ask his employees to do anything he wouldn't do. She was conscientious with regard to her duties as examiner. |
diligent industrious punctilious painstaking sedulous |
64 | curious/ˈkjʊr.iː.əs/ | کنجکاو | صفت |
She looked up at him with a curious smile. I'm just a curious citizen. |
inquisitive intrigued interested eager to know dying to know |
65 | easygoing/ˌIː.ziːˈgoʊ.ɪŋ/ | بیخیال | صفت |
It's all the Club and his easygoing nature. Linda was too easygoing to be affected by much of anything, and the men seemed more surprised than anything else. |
relaxed even-tempered equable placid mellow |
66 | independent/ˌɪn.dɪˈpen.dənt/ | مستقل | صفت |
I'd like space to do some independent experiments too. Lori was certainly independent – and ambitious. |
self-governing self-legislating self-determining sovereign autonomous |
67 | logical/ˈlɑʤɪkəl/ | منطقی | صفت |
Jennie was the logical choice. It must be distressing, trying to make logical plans about your future. |
reasoned well reasoned rational sound cogent |
68 | loyal/ˈlɔɪ.əl/ | وفادار باوفا | صفت |
She was brilliant, loyal, and sweet. Elise had been loyal enough to help her. |
faithful true true-hearted tried and true true-blue |
69 | mature/məˈʧʊr/ | بالغ عاقل، پخته | صفت |
He's a mature male. Their marriage had finally blossomed into mature love. |
adult grown-up grown fully grown full-grown |
70 | quiet/ˈkwɑɪ.ət/ | کم حرف آرام | صفت |
You are quiet this morning, son. He was quiet for a long moment. |
silent still hushed noiseless soundless mute |
71 | rebellious/rɪˈbeljəs/ | یاغی سرکش، عصیانگر | صفت |
As soon as the rebellious Clement VII. I shouldn't blame my rebellious moods on other people. |
rebel insurgent mutinous disorderly lawless |
72 | self-sufficient/ˈsɛlfsəˈfɪʃənt/ | خودکفا مستقل، بینیاز از دیگران | صفت |
While it is great to be self-sufficient and take pride in taking care of yourself, too much pride can shut others out who want to help you. In the case of a person who is not able to support themselves, the judge will want to know what plans they have for becoming self-sufficient and how long they expect the process to take. |
independent self-supporting self-sustaining self-reliant self-standing |
73 | sensitive/ˈsɛnsətɪv/ | حساس | صفت |
Well; sometimes girls are more sensitive about things. I didn't realize you were so sensitive about it. |
responsive to quick to respond to sensitized to reactive to sentient of aware of |
74 | in advance/ɪn ədˈvæns/ | از پیش از قبل | عبارت |
beforehand before ahead of time earlier previously |
75 | get stuck/gɛt stʌk/ | گیر کردن | فعل |
76 | make sure/meɪk ʃʊr/ | اطمینان حاصل کردن خاطر جمع کردن | فعل |
check confirm make certain ensure assure verify |
77 | catch one's eye/kæʧ wʌnz aɪ/ | توجه کسی را به خود جلب کردن چشم کسی را گرفتن | جمله |
78 | go with one's gut feeling/goʊ wɪð wʌnz gʌt ˈfilɪŋ/ | به حس درونی خود گوش کردن به حس درونی خود اتکا کردن | عبارت |
79 | head on/ˌhed ˈɑːn/ | رو در رو مستقیم، شاخ به شاخ | قید |
direct, involving the front of a vehicle, front-to-front direct, face to face, personal eyeball to eyeball
80 | white lie/waɪt laɪ/ | دروغ مصلحتی دروغ سفید | اسم |
81 | hurt/hɜːrt/ | جریحهدار کردن آزار دادن، ناراحت کردن | فعل |
Did I hurt you? I did not mean to hurt you. |
be painful be sore be tender cause pain cause discomfort |
82 | keep it short/kip ɪt ʃɔrt/ | کوتاه کردن حرف خلاصه کردن | عبارت |
83 | brother-in-law/ˈbrʌð.ər.ɪn.lɔː/ | برادر زن/شوهر شوهر خواهر، باجناق | اسم |
S. Desikachar, his brother-in-law, Sri B.K.S. Alfred and his brother-in-law later started the Van Cleef and Arpels line. |
84 | sister-in-law/ˈsɪstər-ɪn-lɔ/ | خواهر شوهر خواهر زن، جاری، زن برادر | اسم |
From inscriptions it appears that Matidia the younger, sister-in-law of Hadrian,. His most recent relationship with former sister-in-law Sharon Newman and subsequent marriage is marred by his involvement with taking her child. |
85 | take after/teɪk ˈæftər/ | به کسی رفتن | فعل |
resemble look like be like be similar to bear a resemblance to |
86 | close/kloʊz/ | صمیمی نزدیک (مجازی) | صفت |
near adjacent in close proximity close at hand near at hand not far from |
87 | get along with/gɛt əˈlɔŋ wɪð/ | کنار آمدن ارتباط خوب و نزدیک داشتن، ساختن با (شخص) | فعل |
88 | see eye to eye/si aɪ tu aɪ/ | توافق نظر داشتن تفاهم داشتن | جمله |
agree concur be in agreement be of the same mind be of the same opinion |
89 | be on speaking terms/bi ɑn ˈspikɪŋ tɜrmz/ | آشتی بودن حرف زدن (در برابر قهر بودن) | عبارت |
90 | run in the family/rʌn ɪn ðə ˈfæməli/ | ارثی بودن در خانواده | عبارت |
91 | family get-together/ˈfæməli ˈgɛttəˈgɛðər/ | دورهمی خانوادگی | اسم |
92 | black sheep/blæk ʃip/ | مایه ننگ نخاله | اسم |
93 | nuclear family/ˌnuːkliər ˈfæməli/ | خانواده هستهای | اسم |
94 | step-parent/ˈstep perənt/ | پدرخوانده یا مادرخوانده | اسم |
95 | half-brother/ˈhæf brʌðər/ | برادر ناتنی | اسم |
Her father is a Dutch architect, and she has three older siblings -- Vanessa, Adrian and half-brother, Christian. One is Mickey's half-brother Oswald and the game's bad guy is The Phantom Blot, who wants to take control of this cartoon wasteland. |
96 | half-sister/ˈhæf sɪstər/ | خواهر ناتنی | اسم |
1360) and half-sister of King Richard II. He annexed the southern part of Navarre, which was held by the representatives of his half-sister. |
97 | stepbrother/ˈstepbrʌðər/ | برادر ناتنی نابرادری | اسم |
The drowning in a pool could have been just as traumatic as Edith's version, especially if Donnie felt some responsibility for his stepbrother's death. He did say that something as serious as Donnie's stepbrother's death would have been very traumatic to a child. |
98 | stepsister/ˈstepsɪstər/ | ناخواهری خواهر ناتنی | اسم |
She has one stepsister, Casey Jenner, and two half-sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner. She has two half-sisters, Kendall and Kylie Jenner, and one stepsister, Casey Jenner. |
99 | single-parent/ˌsɪŋɡl ˈperənt/ | مادر/پدر تنها (بدون همسر) تک سرپرست | اسم |
Although you are most certainly doing a great job , you could always use a little single parent help, right? About 40% of kids come from single parent families, mostly the result of marriage breakups. |
100 | grow up/groʊ ʌp/ | بزرگ شدن | فعل |
101 | father figure/ˈfɑːðər fɪɡjər/ | مثل پدر شبه پدر | اسم |
102 | member/ˈmem.bər/ | عضو | اسم |
I'm showing a new member to her room. "He knows a member of his family helped me," was the response. |
103 | extended family/ɪkˌstendɪd ˈfæməli/ | خانواده گسترده | اسم |
104 | spread out/sprɛd aʊt/ | پراکنده شدن | فعل |
105 | relative/ˈrel.ət̬.ɪv/ | خویشاوند (عضوی از) فامیل | اسم |
Only their relative wealth is different. Xander remained upstairs, letting her handle the set-up in relative peace. |
106 | great-grandparent/greɪt-ˈgrændˌpɛrənt/ | پدر پدربزرگ/مادربزرگ مادر پدربزرگ/مادربزرگ، جد | اسم |
107 | look like/lʊk laɪk/ | شبیه (چیزی یا کسی) بودن | فعل |
108 | far/fɑːr/ | دور | صفت |
So far her prayers had been unanswered. They have a camp not far away. |
109 | distant/ˈdɪs.tənt/ | دور دوردست | صفت |
He stopped and gazed off at the distant hills. He was distant, even cool towards her. |
110 | single/ˈsɪŋ.gəl/ | یک تک | صفت |
A single image can end a war. Could he then merge two souls together into a single body? |
111 | only child/ˈoʊnli ʧaɪld/ | تک فرزند یکی یکدانه | اسم |
112 | alike/əˈlɑɪk/ | شبیه به هم | صفت |
They looked enough alike to be twins. They looked a lot alike in some ways. |
113 | like/lɑɪk/ | شبیه به هم یکسان، مشابه | صفت |
I can't imagine what he was thinking to hide a thing like that from you. The people did not like this. |
114 | near/nɪr/ | نزدیک | صفت |
She drew near to him and stopped. There are bears near by. |
115 | sibling/ˈsɪblɪŋ/ | خواهر یا/و برادر | اسم |
Every child feels displaced to some degree when a new sibling arrives. I haven't even had any sibling practice. |
116 | educate/ˈɛʤəˌkeɪt/ | تربیت کردن یاد دادن | فعل |
Children will educate themselves under right conditions. He constantly sought to educate his own people. |
117 | bring up/brɪŋ ʌp/ | تربیت کردن بزرگ کردن | فعل |
118 | grow/groʊ/ | رشد کردن بزرگ شدن | فعل |
They all grow up. I want to grow old with him. |
119 | relation/rəˈleɪ.ʃən/ | رابطه ارتباط | اسم |
120 | relationship/rəˈleɪ.ʃənˌʃɪp/ | رابطه | اسم |
Now even their relationship was beginning to suffer. Mom always had a good relationship with her sister and brother. |
121 | ancestor/ˈænˌses.tər/ | جد نیا | اسم |
It was their ancestor who wrote the letters I've got! It's important for 'em to stay here—in the same place where ancestor Annie lived. |
122 | descendant/dɪˈsɛndənt/ | نواده نسل | اسم |
It's a descendant of the Mexican earless goat. His mother was a descendant of the celebrated John Cotton. |
successor scion offshoot heir offspring progeny issue |
123 | wear the pants in the family/wɛr ðə pænts ɪn ðə ˈfæməli/ | سرپرست خانواده بودن | عبارت |
124 | skeleton in the closet/ˈskɛlətən ɪn ðə ˈklɑzət/ | راز مگو راز شرمآور، مسائل شخصی | اسم |
125 | own flesh and blood/oʊn flɛʃ ænd blʌd/ | خویشاوند گوشت و خون (مجازی) | عبارت |
family relative relatives relation relations |
126 | scheme/skiːm/ | نقشه برنامه، دسیسه | اسم |
The new scheme works splendidly. The color scheme was simple, but was turning out elegant the way the women worked with it. |
plan project plan of action programme strategy |
127 | venture/ˈvɛnʧər/ | ریسک جسارت، اقدام مخاطرهآمیز | اسم |
He has no venture in the present. She was about to venture away from them when Bianca took her arm. |
enterprise undertaking project scheme pursuit |
128 | insight/ˈɪnsaɪt/ | بینش فهم، بصیرت | اسم |
The book gives insight into rural family life in 1930's Ireland. She gave him insight into how Katie and her mother felt about the subject. |
intuition perception awareness discernment understanding |
129 | solvent/ˈsɑlvənt/ | قادر به پرداخت بدهی | صفت |
The silver iodide is separated and the solvent distilled off. The solution will thus gain solvent, and will grow more and more dilute. |
financially sound able to pay one's debts debt-free not in debt out of debt |
130 | stake/steɪk/ | سهم مبلغ سرمایهگذاری شده | اسم |
There is more at stake here than your brother's life. There.s so much at stake, and you just … She sighed. |
post pole stick spike upright |
131 | launch/lɔːntʃ/ | به بازار معرفی کردن روانه بازار شدن | فعل |
He'd gone still, like a panther about to launch itself. When close to he was detected, but he had time to drive the steam launch over the baulks and to explode the torpedo against the "Albemarle" with such success that a hole was made in her and she sank. |
set afloat float put to sea put into the water send down the slipway send into orbit put into orbit blast off |
132 | reputation/ˌrɛpjəˈteɪʃən/ | آوازه اعتبار، شهرت، خوشنامی | اسم |
His reputation for being rough on rookies was well earned. The reputation of his learning led Majorianus to treat him with the greatest respect. |
name good name character repute standing |
133 | rudimentary/ˌrudəˈmɛntəri/ | ابتدایی اولیه | صفت |
The nervous mechanism thus formed is very rudimentary, but in. the rudimentary fifth digit. |
basic elementary introductory early primary |
134 | schedule/ˈskedʒ.uːl/ | برنامه زمانی برنامه | اسم |
Their schedule seems pretty consistent. Pick up a copy of your schedule as you head out. |
plan programme timetable scheme timetable agenda |
135 | fundamental/ˌfʌndəˈmɛntəl/ | بنیادی ابتدایی، اساسی | صفت |
In the end, our fundamental challenge is to become better individuals, and technology offers little help on that front; it is up to each one of us to solve that for ourselves. The fundamental substance or stroma is colorless and homogeneous. |
basic foundational rudimentary elemental elementary |
136 | face to face/feɪs tu feɪs/ | رو در رو | قید |
facing facing each other confronting confronting each other opposite |
137 | prone/proʊn/ | در معرض | صفت |
Is it actually that blue-eyed redheads have the same number of accidents as non-redheads, but brown-eyed redheads are even more clumsy, accident prone, and traffic hazards? Our family is prone to ongoing disappointment and treason. |
susceptible vulnerable liable inclined given |
138 | trait/treɪt/ | ویژگی خصیصه، خصوصیت | اسم |
She recognized this trait and would accept rules she herself would never be able to make. That and her beauty – but that's not a character trait, is it? |
characteristic attribute feature quality essential quality |
139 | maintain/meɪnˈteɪn/ | ادعا کردن اصرار کردن، مدعی بودن | فعل |
He was trying to maintain a balance between taking care of business and her happiness. Standing her ground was the only way to maintain control. |
continue keep keep going keep up keep alive |
140 | diminish/dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/ | فروکش کردن کم شدن، کاهش یافتن | فعل |
Hence Spencer concludes that the sense of duty is transitory and must diminish as moralization increases. Beautiful women that rivaled Claire and men so handsome, even age couldn't diminish their muscular bodies or riveting looks. |
decrease decline reduce lessen shrink |
141 | affliction/əˈflɪkʃn/ | درد ابتلا | اسم |
But now Mary Tudor succeeded her brother, and Knox in March 1554 escaped into five years' exile abroad, leaving Mrs. Bowes a fine treatise on "Affliction," and sending back to England two editions of a more acrid "Faithful Admonition" on the crisis there. The strongest personal interest in his life was the affliction which befell him in the loss of his children, one after another. |
disorder disease malady complaint ailment |