ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | step/step/ | حرکت (رقص) | اسم |
Step this way, please. The men looked at him and pressed to the bank, hesitating to step onto the ice. |
2 | dial/dɑɪl/ | شماره گرفتن | فعل |
The receiver clicked and the dial tone buzzed. In this form, which is found in British field artillery, the goniometric or dial sight is used for picking up the line of fire. |
3 | quiet zone/ˈkwaɪət zoʊn/ | منطقه بدون آنتن دهی (تلفن همراه) | اسم |
4 | behave/bəˈheɪv/ | مودب بودن درست رفتار کردن | فعل |
I will teach you afresh, unless you behave better. Resolved to behave as naturally as she could, she stripped and turned up the shower as hot as she could tolerate. |
5 | instant messaging/ˌɪnstənt ˈmesɪdʒɪŋ/ | پیامرسانی فوری | اسم |
6 | leave a message/liv ə ˈmɛsəʤ/ | پیغام گذاشتن | عبارت |
7 | deserve/dɪˈzɜrv/ | سزاوار بودن لایق بودن | فعل |
I don't deserve someone like you. You deserve just as much. |
8 | text/tekst/ | پیام دادن (از طریق موبایل) | فعل |
I'll text you my address. He pulled out his phone to text Damian. |
9 | disturb/dɪˈstɜrb/ | مزاحم شدن آرامش (کسی را) به هم زدن | فعل |
I didn't mean to disturb you. I didn't want to disturb him. |
10 | voicemail/ˈvɔɪˌsmeɪl/ | پست صوتی پیام صوتی، پیغامگیر | اسم |
As usual, the phone rang until her voicemail picked up. He remembered that her phone went straight to voicemail the morning after the full moon. |
11 | teach yourself book/tiʧ jərˈsɛlf bʊk/ | کتاب خودآموز | اسم |
12 | multilingual/ˌmʌltiˈlɪŋɡwəl/ | چندزبانه | صفت |
This is a multilingual dictionary covering English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Russian, and Turkish. The International Children's Digital Library is a multilingual resource. |
13 | silent mode/ˈsaɪlənt moʊd/ | حالت بیصدا (تلفن همراه) | اسم |
14 | link/lɪŋk/ | متصل کردن پیوند دادن، ارتباط برقرار کردن | فعل |
I'll send you the link to our online forum. It was revived by several German workers, prominent among whom were Treviranus and Link, and later Moldenhawer, as well as by the Frenchmen Mirbel, at the beginning of the j9th century. |
15 | inappropriate/ˌɪnəˈproʊpriɪt/ | نامناسب ناشایست، ناجور | صفت |
He was talking and acting in an inappropriate manner. Carmen, when a man touches and talks to you in an inappropriate matter, you set him straight. |
16 | fluently/ˈfluː.ənt.li/ | فصیحانه مسلط، بهطور روان | قید |
How perfectly absurd to say that Helen is 'already talking fluently!' He understood German and Greek as well as his mother-tongue, and could express himself fluently in Latin. |
17 | insulting/ɪnˈsʌltɪŋ/ | توهینآمیز | صفت |
The inference was insulting. "I'm not sure if you're insulting me or complimenting me," she said with a puzzled smile. |
abusive rude vulgar offensive wounding |
18 | allergic/əˈlɜrʤɪk/ | حساسیت (به چیزی) آلرژی داشتن | صفت |
Well then, we must be delightfully allergic to each other. Evelyn handled it all with cheerfulness while Kiera stressed over the shade of flowers clashing with the décor, and the cake containing nuts, which Romas was allergic to. |
hypersensitive sensitive susceptible sensitized averse opposed |
19 | basic/ˈbeɪ.sɪk/ | ساده ابتدایی | صفت |
I don't want to deny you such a basic need. The lava is a basic augiteandesite. |
fundamental rudimentary primary principal cardinal |
20 | phrase/freɪz/ | عبارت | اسم |
She repeated the phrase over and over, searching for another meaning. For more examples see noun phrase, adjectival phrase and adverbial phrase. |
expression group of words word group construction clause |
21 | message/ˈmes.ɪdʒ/ | پیام دادن (از طریق موبایل) | فعل |
She typed a message to him. If you'll think back, my message was that spending a few nights together wasn't a good reason to get married. |
communication piece of information news word note |
22 | vibrate mode/ˈvaɪbreɪt moʊd/ | حالت لرزش (تلفن همراه) حالت ویبره | اسم |
23 | busy/ˈbɪz.i/ | اشغال (خط تلفن) | صفت |
It's a large and busy hotel. It was a warm late afternoon as I stood out on the sidewalk and looked up at the six massive columns towering above another busy and impressive train station. |
occupied occupied in engaged in involved in employed in |
24 | hang up/hæŋ ʌp/ | (تلفن را) قطع کردن | فعل |
neurosis preoccupation fixation obsession phobia |
25 | bored/bɔrd/ | کسل خسته | صفت |
I'm not bored, but it is getting late. He must be getting bored with watching her. |
drill pierce perforate puncture punch |
26 | ringtone/ˈrɪŋtoʊn/ | آهنگ زنگ (موبایل) | اسم |
The familiar ringtone drew them to the couch. "I've assigned you a ringtone," the Watcher said in satisfaction. |
27 | etiquette/ˈɛtəkət/ | آداب اتیکت | اسم |
The people have strict notions of etiquette and gradations of rank. From what little she knew about etiquette, she was occupying the seat of the lady of the house. |
protocol polite behaviour good manners manners acceptable behaviour |
28 | skype/skaɪp/ | اسکایپ | اسم |
With Skype and similar products, you can even see the person you are working with. These new phones feature built-in WiFi adapters, so you can instantly connect to any wireless network and make and receive Skype calls. |
29 | boring/ˈbɔː.rɪŋ/ | خستهکننده کسالتآور | صفت |
I must be boring you to death. She didn't stay long in the boring room. |
tedious dull monotonous repetitious repetitive unrelieved lacking variety |
30 | scuba dive/ˈskubə daɪv/ | غواصی با دستگاه اکسیژن | فعل |
31 | frustrated/ˈfrʌˌstreɪtəd/ | درمانده مستاصل، نا امید | صفت |
I'm so frustrated right now. He should have been feeling frustrated and confused. |
thwart defeat foil block stop |
32 | call back/kɔl bæk/ | دوباره با کسی تماس گرفتن [بعد از یک بار پاسخ ندادن] دوباره زنگ زدن | فعل |
33 | skill/skɪl/ | مهارت | اسم |
We have the skill and the strategy. Darkyn's lie detector skill gave Deidre a tingling at the base of her skull that she took to be a red flag. |
expertise skilfulness expertness adeptness adroitness |
34 | frustrating/ˈfrʌˌstreɪtɪŋ/ | آزاردهنده خستهکننده | صفت |
It's just a very frustrating situation. Frustrating as it was - as he was - it would do no good to question him further. |
thwart defeat foil block stop |
35 | manners/ˈmænərz/ | ادب تربیت، آداب معاشرت | اسم |
His manners were truly regal. Pretty words and fancy manners don't mean anything. |
way fashion mode means method |
36 | language barrier/ˈlæŋgwəʤ ˈbæriər/ | مانع زبانی | اسم |
37 | host/hoʊst/ | میزبان مهماندار | اسم |
Behind him walked his host and hostess. The original host goes mad. |
party-giver entertainer hostess presenter compère master of ceremonies |
38 | hostess/ˈhoʊstəs/ | میزبان (زن) مهماندار | اسم |
"This is the situation," our hostess stated. Martha, always the caring hostess, finally went upstairs and chased Quinn from his quarters, freeing up the now-dismantled lab room. |
39 | screen saver/ˈskriːn seɪvər/ | محافظ صفحه نمایش (کامپیوتر) اسکرین سیور | اسم |