ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | evidence/ˈev.əd.əns/ | مدرک شواهد | اسم |
proof confirmation verification substantiation corroboration |
2 | judge/ʤʌʤ/ | قضاوت کردن | فعل |
I do not allow myself to judge him and would not have others do so. The judge told us not to discuss the case. |
justice magistrate Her Honour His Honour Your Honour Law Lord |
3 | actor/ˈæk.tər/ | هنرپیشه بازیگر | اسم |
He was a spectator rather than an actor on the stage of the world. Hitherto the actor had walked the stage in modern dress. |
performer player trouper theatrical dramatic artist |
4 | abstract/ˈæbstrækt/ | انتزاعی آبستره (نقاشی) | صفت |
They had no abstract ideas; in their minds all was concrete, visible and tangible. His abstract submission met the deadline. |
theoretical conceptual notional intellectual metaphysical |
5 | process/ˈprɑs.es/ | روند فرایند، پروسه | اسم |
My God, I can't even process that! The process causes physical difficulty and effort. |
procedure operation action activity exercise |
6 | cloth/klɔːθ/ | پارچه کهنه، دستمال | اسم |
Why don't you get a wet cloth, Miss Spencer? He wore a fine, dark-blue, silk-lined cloth coat over a sheepskin. |
fabric material textile stuff textiles dry goods |
7 | boring/ˈbɔː.rɪŋ/ | خستهکننده کسالتآور | صفت |
I must be boring you to death. She didn't stay long in the boring room. |
tedious dull monotonous repetitious repetitive unrelieved lacking variety |
8 | unique/juˈnik/ | منحصر به فرد یگانه، یکتا | صفت |
His paintings were so unique as to require no signature for identification. Some humans are born with unique, supernatural talents. |
distinctive individual special especial idiosyncratic |
9 | fascinate/ˈfæsəˌneɪt/ | مجذوب کردن جذب کردن | فعل |
The sky was sparkly enough to fascinate her. From the Samsung Fascinate to the BlackBerry Bold 9650, your options are more plentiful than ever. |
engross captivate absorb interest enchant |
10 | singer/ˈsɪŋ.ər/ | خواننده | اسم |
EUMOLPUS ("sweet singer"), in Greek mythology, son of Poseidon and Chione, the daughter of Boreas, legendary priest, poet and warrior. With the aid of Fialin and Eleonore Gordon, a singer, who is supposed to have been his mistress, and with the co-operation of certain officers, such as Colonel Vaudrey, an old soldier of the Empire, commanding the 4th regiment of artillery, and Lieutenant Laity, he tried to bring about a revolt of the garrison of Strassburg (October 30, 1836). |
vocalist, soloist, songster, songstress chanteuse songbird
11 | drawing/ˈdrɔː.ɪŋ/ | طراحی (هنر) نقاشی | اسم |
"How strange!" she exclaimed, drawing a long breath. The red planet beneath her was drawing closer. |
sketch picture illustration representation portrayal |
12 | weird/wɪrd/ | عجیب غریب | صفت |
It's weird talking to him. Something weird going on here. |
uncanny eerie unnatural preternatural supernatural |
13 | put together/pʊt təˈgɛðər/ | سر هم کردن جور کردن | فعل |
assemble compile make up collate compose |
14 | necessary/ˈnes.əˌser.i/ | لازم ضروری | صفت |
Maybe it wasn't necessary to say anything. Carmen filled out all the necessary paperwork and then settled down for a long wait. |
obligatory requisite required compulsory mandatory |
15 | decoration/ˌdek.əˈreɪ.ʃən/ | تزیین دکوراسیون، آرایش، وسیله تزیین | اسم |
It is therefore probable that most if not all of the sculptural decoration of the Parthenon was the work of pupils of Pheidias, such as Alcamenes and Agoracritus, rather than his own. The new decoration of the Premises contributed much to the magnificence of the spectacle. |
ornamentation adornment trimming embellishment garnishing |
16 | silly/ˈsɪl.i/ | احمقانه مزخرف، احمق | صفت |
All right, I'll play your silly games. Claire thinks I'm a silly goose about it. |
foolish stupid unintelligent idiotic brainless |
17 | silver/ˈsɪl.vər/ | نقره | اسم |
She had a silver dollar and a dime. He arched a silver brow. |
silverware plate silver plate dishes plates flatware cutlery |
18 | pottery/ˈpɑːtəri/ | سفالگری کوزه گری، ظروف سفالین | اسم |
The pottery of the Malays is rude but curious. It has a royal shell factory, calico-printing mills, lignite mines, stone quarries and pottery and tobacco factories. |
china, crockery, ceramics, ware
19 | fascinated/ˈfæs.əˌneɪt̬.ɪd/ | مجذوب شیفته | صفت |
It was hard to look at his face without being fascinated by the color of his eyes. She watched, fascinated, as the storm crept closer. |
engross captivate absorb interest enchant |
20 | traditional/trəˈdɪʃ.ən.əl/ | سنتی | صفت |
Well, the traditional roles of men and women have changed in the last generation. Without traditional beauty, he was still handsome in a raw, dangerous way. |
conventional customary established long-established accepted |
21 | appear/əˈpɪr/ | به نظر رسیدن | فعل |
I tried to appear resigned to defeat. You always appear when something bad is about to happen. |
become visible come into view come into sight materialize take shape pop up |
22 | creative/kriˈeɪtɪv/ | خلاق | صفت |
He was not a great original thinker; he lacked the creative faculty and the creative impulse. Polycarp had no creative genius. |
inventive imaginative innovative innovatory innovational |
23 | photographer/fəˈtɑg.rə.fər/ | عکاس | اسم |
The elderly photographer was as bad as Fred. The photographer coached Xander how to stand. |
lensman, paparazzo, documentarian cameraman snapper shutterbug photographist
24 | emerald/ˈemərəld/ | زمرد | اسم |
His eyes went from emerald to tanzanite again. He looked at the emerald in his palm. |
25 | gallery/ˈɡæləri/ | گالری | اسم |
The art gallery and free library contain excellent pictures, and valuable books and MSS. I wouldn't own an art gallery if I didn't love artists. |
exhibition room display room art gallery museum balcony circle |
26 | necklace/ˈnek.ləs/ | گردنبند | اسم |
She pulled the necklace from her neck. Thank you for the necklace and earrings. |
chain choker necklet beads pearls |
27 | modern/ˈmɑːdərn/ | مدرن معاصر | صفت |
present-day contemporary present-time present current |
28 | move/muv/ | متاثر ساختن متاثر شدن، موجب (احساس حزن، ترحم و ...) شدن | فعل |
I just want to move on. And yet, Howard made no move to call for help. |
go walk proceed progress advance |
29 | depressing/dəˈpres.ɪŋ/ | غمانگیز افسردهکننده | صفت |
I'm not overly anxious to get back on that depressing ship. Of course it was depressing, and he must be feeling pretty bad right now. |
upsetting distressing painful heartbreaking heart-rending |
30 | gold/goʊld/ | طلا | اسم |
To a girl who enjoyed surprises, he was a gold mine. Once again, close, but no gold star. |
gold medal, first prize
31 | architect/ˈɑrkəˌtɛkt/ | معمار | اسم |
Great Architect of Nature, help me to find the true path out of the labyrinth of lies! The architect was Mnesicles; the material Pentelic marble, with Eleusinian blackstone for dados and other details. |
designer planner builder building consultant draughtsman originator |
32 | general/ˈdʒen.rəl/ | عمومی همگانی | صفت |
She chose a trail that appeared to head in the general direction she wanted to go and began walking. Life in general was going down hill for her then. |
widespread common extensive universal wide |
33 | painting/ˈpeɪnt.ɪŋ/ | نقاشی (تصویر) نقاشی (اشاره به رنگ کردن در و دیوار و ...) | اسم |
high, on the walls of which are the original painting, by William Henry Powell (1823-1879), of O. I didn't want you to see the painting until it was done. |
picture illustration portrayal depiction delineation |
34 | weaver/ˈwivər/ | بافنده نساج | اسم |
It lies on the river Weaver, in the upper part of its flat, open valley. His father was a poor weaver, and the expenses of his early education were paid by one of his godfathers. |
35 | realistic/ˌriːəˈlɪstɪk/ | واقعگرایی رئالیستی | صفت |
For some reason, he experienced a very realistic vision. You're supposed to be taking care of me, but that isn't realistic 100% of the time, is it? |
practical pragmatic matter-of-fact down-to-earth sensible |
36 | gold/goʊld/ | طلایی (از جنس) طلا | صفت |
To a girl who enjoyed surprises, he was a gold mine. Once again, close, but no gold star. |
gold medal, first prize
37 | feminine/ˈfɛmənən/ | زنانه | صفت |
Her voice was soft and as feminine as her shape. She felt delicate and feminine in his arms. |
womanly womanlike ladylike girlish female soft |
38 | wonderful/ˈwʌn.dər.fəl/ | شگفتانگیز | صفت |
He was such a wonderful person in so many ways. What a wonderful story. |
marvellous magnificent superb glorious sublime |
39 | govern/ˈgʌvərn/ | حکومت کردن (سیاست) اداره کردن، کنترل کردن (شهر و کشور و ...) | فعل |
Money shouldn't govern your decision. He always tried to govern his thinking by logic. |
rule preside over be in power over reign over control |
40 | belief/bɪˈliːf/ | باور اعتقاد، عقیده | اسم |
I was relieved beyond belief and nearly in tears. What she's telling me is beyond belief and yet I know this ability exists. |
opinion view viewpoint point of view attitude |
41 | quilt/kwɪlt/ | لحاف | اسم |
He pulled off the quilt and shook it. The quilt of a high, white feather bed was just visible behind a screen. |
duvet continental quilt counterpane bedspread cover |
42 | rug/rʌg/ | قالیچه فرش | اسم |
She sprawled on the rug near the fireplace. He dropped to his knees on the Oriental rug with her still in his arms. |
mat carpet floorcloth blanket coverlet throw wrap travelling rug lap robe |
43 | design/dɪˈzaɪn/ | طرح الگو | اسم |
Sonya sat in the drawing room at the round table, copying a design for embroidery. That was something she had trouble imagining, but the wrought iron design was open and graceful. |
plan blueprint drawing scale drawing sketch |
44 | director/dəˈrɛktər/ | مدیر کارگردان، متصدی | اسم |
You're a vital asset and the director knows it. The director lived in a Georgetown mansion with his wife and two dogs. |
administrator manager chairman chairwoman chairperson |
45 | photography/fəˈtɑg.rə.fi/ | عکاسی | اسم |
Even the pictures on the wall were black and white photography in black frames. The gold chloride of commerce, which is used in photography, is really a hydrochloride, chlorauric or aurichloric acid, HAuC1 4.3H 2 O, and is obtained in long yellow needles by crystallizing the acid solution. |
46 | visual/ˈvɪʒ.u.əl/ | بصری دیداری | صفت |
She was staring at him when his visual exploration was over. Here you find articles in the encylopedia on topics related to the visual arts. |
optical seeing optic ocular eye vision |
47 | masculine/ˈmæskjələn/ | مردانه | صفت |
His features were masculine and strong. The masculine voice was sharp and commanding. |
male manly manlike of men man's |
48 | writer/ˈraɪtər/ | نویسنده | اسم |
Surely the writer must become as a little child to see things like that. The duties of a young "writer" were then such as are implied in the name. |
author wordsmith man of letters woman of letters penman |
49 | ceramic/səˈræmɪk/ | سرامیک سفالینه | اسم |
pottery, pots, china, terracotta
50 | skill/skɪl/ | مهارت | اسم |
We have the skill and the strategy. Darkyn's lie detector skill gave Deidre a tingling at the base of her skull that she took to be a red flag. |
expertise skilfulness expertness adeptness adroitness |
51 | clearly/ˈklɪr.li/ | بدون شک بیشک | قید |
intelligibly plainly distinctly comprehensibly understandably |
52 | tribe/trɑɪb/ | قبیله قوم | اسم |
The affairs of a tribe were ruled by a council of men past middle age. A tribe living on the banks of the Nile between Wadi Halfa and Assuan are called Barabra. |
ethnic group people race nation family dynasty |
53 | plate/pleɪt/ | بشقاب | اسم |
Pointing his fork at her plate, he spoke sternly. He handed her a plate of scrambled eggs and toast. |
dish platter bowl salver dinner plate side plate |
54 | unusual/ʌnˈjuː.ʒu.əl/ | غیرعادی | صفت |
It was unusual having nothing to do. Well, that's an unusual name. |
uncommon abnormal atypical unexpected surprising |
55 | sculptor/ˈskʌlptər/ | مجسمهساز پیکرتراش | اسم |
The museum also contains drawings and letters of the sculptor Antonio Canova. It was the birthplace of the sculptor and painter, Gaspar Becarra. |
carver, modeller
56 | similarity/ˌsɪm.əˈlær.ət̬.i/ | شباهت تشابه | اسم |
There is a marked similarity to them. Her longtime friend was impossible to read, as usual, and she saw the similarity in features between him and Andre. |
resemblance likeness sameness similar nature similitude |
57 | designer/dɪˈzaɪnər/ | طراح | اسم |
Tables with designer shoes on them stood beside the truck. The principal condition operating in the design of locomotives intended for local services with frequent stops is the degree of acceleration required, the aim of the designer being to produce an engine which shall be able to bring the train to its journey speed in the shortest time possible. |
creator deviser producer inventor originator |
58 | sculpture/ˈskʌlptʃər/ | مجسمه پیکر، تندیس | اسم |
Domenico contains one of the finest works in sculpture by Arnolfo del Cambio. Stanton, and a beautiful memorial arch (with sculpture by H. |
carving model statue statuette figure |
59 | natural/ˈnætʃ.ə.rəl/ | ذاتی فطری، نهادی | صفت |
We think he might have some natural ability. You have a natural instinct for the simple but elegant. |
normal ordinary everyday usual regular |
60 | jewelry/ˈdʒuː.əl.ri/ | جواهرسازی | اسم |
Her jewelry box was tiny and wooden. She giggled and turned to the dresser, closing the jewelry box lid. |
jewels gems gemstones precious stones semi-precious stones |
61 | oblige/əˈblaɪʤ/ | لطف کردن | فعل |
But what is there to oblige him to reply? Thank goodness for Colorado hospitality—the friendly room clerk was more than willing to oblige a law enforcement agent. |
require compel bind make constrain |
62 | sew/soʊ/ | دوختن خیاطی کردن | فعل |
Then you get to sew me back together. I arranged to have their seamstress sew you one. |
stitch machine stitch embroider seam hem tack baste attach |
63 | cup/kʌp/ | فنجان لیوان کوچک | اسم |
Pete drank the rest of his coffee and handed the cup to Cassie. Was the cup left here? |
trophy, chalice award, prize punch, drink, mixed drink
64 | practical/ˈpræktɪkəl/ | به درد بخور کاربردی | صفت |
For all practical purposes, we have an unlimited supply of air to breathe. Sonya alone directed the practical side of matters by getting things packed. |
empirical hands-on pragmatic real actual |
65 | bracelet/ˈbreɪ.slət/ | النگو دستبند | اسم |
He wore a rose gold bracelet very similar to Romas's in all but color, and soft, dark boots. She fingered a bracelet Ashley started. |
bangle, band, circlet, armlet, wristlet
66 | handbag/ˈhændbæɡ/ | کیف دستی | اسم |
A very cool cream faux leather clutch handbag dating to circa 1984. Female stars have rarely been associated with hi-tech gadgets; at best there was Margaret Thatcher who packed a mean handbag. |
bag shoulder bag clutch bag evening bag pochette flight bag |
67 | possess/pəˈzes/ | داشتن مالک بودن، دارا بودن | فعل |
The acorns of the oak possess a considerable economic importance as food for swine. palustre, is said to possess similar properties. |
own have be the owner of have in one's possession be in possession of |
68 | active/ˈæk.tɪv/ | معلوم (دستور زبان) | صفت |
It's still active but it goes to voice mail. There's an active cult in the area. |
operative working functioning functional operating |
69 | stone/stoʊn/ | سنگ | اسم |
Dusty shouted as a chunk of stone crushed a stainless steel cabinet. She rested her cheek against the cool stone wall. |
rock pebble boulder boondie cobbles gravel scree concretion gravestone |
70 | museum/mjʊˈziː.əm/ | موزه | اسم |
I heard we had a nice museum in the cellar. "I guess the sisters spent the day at the museum," Cynthia said. |
71 | willing/ˈwɪlɪŋ/ | مایل حاضر | صفت |
I'm willing to give it a try. People are always willing to believe the worst about others. |
ready prepared disposed inclined nothing loath |
72 | bowl/boʊl/ | کاسه پیاله | اسم |
She grabbed a bowl and dipped out the last of the oatmeal. His gaze shifted to a bowl of food. |
pitch throw propel hurl toss |
73 | passive/ˈpæsɪv/ | مجهول | صفت |
He took in her features with passive curiosity. 4) remains passive and takes no food. |
inactive non-active non-participative non-participating uninvolved |
74 | vase/veɪs/ | گلدان | اسم |
Alex glanced at the vase of dandelions on the counter and nodded. You're like a vase and the magic is the water. |
75 | average/ˈæv.rɪdʒ/ | معمولی متوسط | صفت |
Our kind tend to live much longer than the average human. She was of above average height with long, dark blonde curls loosely captured at her neck. |
mean median mode midpoint centre norm |
76 | printmaker/ˈprɪntmeɪkər/ | طراح پوستر | اسم |
doodleter and printmaker Diana Milstein was just doodling one day in 1994 when " Miss S appeared out of the blue " . printmaker based in London. |
77 | dye/daɪ/ | (مو و ...) رنگ کردن | فعل |
68-83), and of the different kinds of purple dye (ix. It possesses worsted and cotton mills, iron works, dye works and chemical works. |
colourant colouring agent colouring colour dyestuff |
78 | interesting/ˈɪn.trə.stɪŋ/ | جالب جذاب | صفت |
You're a very interesting person. She had an interesting perspective, and she made him think about things differently. |
absorbing engrossing fascinating riveting gripping |
79 | creation/kriːˈeɪ.ʃən/ | آفرینش خلقت، ایجاد | اسم |
Was her position at the office merely the creation of a doting father? Man is the creation of an all-powerful, all-good, and all-seeing God. |
design formation forming modelling putting together |
80 | serve/sɜːrv/ | سرو کردن غذا دادن | فعل |
work for be in the service of perform duties for be employed by have a job with obey |
81 | doll/dɑːl/ | عروسک | اسم |
There was a little girl of about six or seven playing with a doll on the floor. She had a most beautiful doll given her. |
puppet marionette figure figurine model toy |
82 | theme/θiːm/ | درونمایه موضوع | اسم |
"What I have certainly gained is freedom," he began seriously, but did not continue, noticing that this theme was too egotistic. Carmen had chosen the colors pastel violet and light gray, with the theme being hearts and the flowers being forget-me-nots. |
subject topic subject matter matter issue question |
83 | typically/ˈtɪp.ɪ.kli/ | معمولا بطور معمول | قید |
When we think of decoding the genome, we typically think in terms of the human genome. It is in fact typically a closed system. |
84 | awesome/ˈɑsəm/ | حیرتانگیز محشر | صفت |
I've got an awesome wife. She'd never heard such awesome words! |
breathtaking amazing stunning astounding astonishing |
85 | filmmaker/ˈfɪlm.meɪ.kər/ | فیلمساز کارگردان | اسم |
Making the film Money represents every aspiring filmmaker 's eternal enemy. David Thompson David Thompson began his career at the BBC as a documentary filmmaker. |
86 | talent/ˈtælənt/ | استعداد | اسم |
"Very nice talent," he said. His talent is for narrative and description. |
flair aptitude facility gift knack |
87 | nervous/ˈnɜr.vəs/ | مضطرب عصبی، نگران | صفت |
highly strung easily frightened easily agitated anxious edgy |
88 | carve/kɑːrv/ | کنده کاری کردن حک کردن، تراشیدن | فعل |
Well… I suppose you don't have to carve all of them. Elisabeth gasped, "You want me to carve thirty pumpkins?" |
sculpt sculpture cut chisel hew whittle |
89 | even though/ˈivɪn ðoʊ/ | با اینکه هر چند، اگر چه | حرف ربط |
90 | fashion/ˈfæʃ.ən/ | مد مدسازی | اسم |
We cannot fashion them from machinery. It's one thing to buy clothes that are in fashion because you like them. |
vogue trend craze rage mania |
91 | inspire/ɪnˈspaɪr/ | الهام بخشیدن | فعل |
These passages inspire a hope, but do not sustain a certainty. Carmen must be quite a woman to inspire such admiration from Katie. |
stimulate motivate cause incline persuade |
92 | fantastic/fænˈtæs.tɪk/ | خارقالعاده عالی، بسیار خوب | صفت |
"It was fantastic!" he pronounced. The buildings were usually battlemented in fantastic form. |
fanciful extravagant extraordinary irrational wild |
93 | impressive/ɪmˈprɛsɪv/ | تحسینبرانگیز شگفتانگیز | صفت |
The most impressive piece was a massive oak table. If the outside was impressive, the inside was magnificent. |
magnificent majestic imposing splendid spectacular |
94 | refuse/rɪˈfjuːz/ | رد کردن امتناع کردن، سرپیچی کردن | فعل |
I can't refuse to answer you. Having no way to refuse, she followed him to the campfire of their host. |
decline turn down say no to reject spurn scorn |
95 | passionate/ˈpæʃ.ə.nət/ | پرشور آتشین، پراشتیاق | صفت |
The boy was passionate about wildlife, and learned to read through books about animals. The young student was passionate about music. |
intense impassioned ardent fervent fervid |
96 | direct/dəˈrekt/ | کارگردانی کردن | فعل |
Finally she ducked her head and came to the direct point. His direct look managed to stir what part of her wasn't already desperate. |
straight undeviating unswerving shortest quickest non-stop unbroken |
97 | beauty/ˈbjuːt̬.i/ | زیبایی | اسم |
Paul was only interested in the beauty of the land. She found beauty in everything. |
attractiveness prettiness good looks pleasingness comeliness |
98 | material/məˈtɪriəl/ | ماده مصالح | اسم |
All scientific material from the past is making its way online. She collected a handful of the material in modest protest. |
matter substance stuff medium constituent raw material |
99 | claim/kleɪm/ | ادعا کردن مدعی شدن | فعل |
They claim there's not enough evidence it's him. She went to claim it. |
assert declare profess maintain state |
100 | particularly/pərˈtɪk.jə.lər.li/ | بخصوص مخصوصا | قید |
Nobody is particularly snooty in this world, right? They didn't have to be particularly long. |
especially specially very extremely exceptionally |
101 | passion/ˈpæʃən/ | شور و اشتیاق عشق، احساسات شدید | اسم |
Jackson possessed a true passion for music. There was a passion about her. |
fervour ardour intensity enthusiasm eagerness |
102 | interested/ˈɪn.trə.stəd/ | علاقهمند | صفت |
I truly believe he may be interested in doing the same to you. Are you as interested in photography as we are? |
attentive intent focused absorbed engrossed |
103 | figure/ˈfɪɡjər/ | طرح فرد به تصویر کشیده شده | اسم |
We can't figure it out. She's smart enough to figure out what to do. |
statistic number integer quantity amount |
104 | ability/əˈbɪləti/ | مهارت توانایی | اسم |
Freedom from that ugly feeling gave her the ability to speak of it lightly for the first time. I can only applaud this man's ability to deduce. |
capacity capability potential potentiality power |
105 | capture/ˈkæpʧər/ | توصیف کردن نشان دادن | فعل |
We will set up our plan to capture him. It is only possible to capture prisoners if they agree to be captured, just as it is only possible to catch a swallow if it settles on one's hand. |
catch apprehend seize arrest take prisoner take captive |
106 | motivate/ˈmoʊtɪveɪt/ | تشویق کردن ترغیب کردن، انگیزه دادن | فعل |
To motivate you, the game gives out trophies for achieving certain things like exercising with a friend or finishing the 30 Day Challenge correctly (which means you didn't skip a day and you completed all the required exercises). IronKids is a new, youth triathlon series for kids ages 6 - 15 which consists of eight races across the U.S. Our mission is to inspire and motivate kids through the sport to live an active, positive and healthy lifestyle. |
prompt drive move inspire stimulate |
107 | lack/læk/ | کم داشتن نداشتن، کمبود داشتن | فعل |
absence want need deficiency dearth |
108 | beautiful/ˈbjuː.tɪ.fəl/ | زیبا جذاب، خوشایند | صفت |
Look at those big gray eyes and that beautiful red hair! It's such a beautiful day. |
attractive pretty handsome good-looking nice-looking |
109 | handmade/ˈhændˈmeɪd/ | دستساز دستدوز | صفت |
He took a booth at the craft fair in order to peddle his handmade belts. The dining room table was set with a linen tablecloth under a handmade lace cover, fine china, Waterford crystal and brass chargers. |
110 | talented/ˈtæl.ənt.ɪd/ | مستعد بااستعداد | صفت |
The talented prefect of Kufa, Moghira b. He was the most talented player the small Ouray school had produced in years. |
gifted skilful skilled accomplished brilliant |
111 | object/ˈɑb.dʒɪkt/ | شی | اسم |
He shoved a shiny red object at her. She dropped the cloth and moved to the next object, which was obviously a painting. |
thing article item piece device |
112 | collection/kəˈlekʃn/ | مجموعه کالکشن، کلکسیون | اسم |
hoard pile heap stack gathering |
113 | exciting/ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ | هیجانانگیز مهیج | صفت |
They still had something mysterious and exciting to explore. It should have been an exciting discovery. |
thrilling exhilarating stirring rousing stimulating |
114 | photograph/ˈfoʊt̬.əˌgræf/ | عکس | اسم |
Lisa started for her room to get a book to read and paused in the hallway to look at a photograph again. Dean tried to picture Byrne from his photograph but nothing came to mind. |
picture photo shot snap snapshot |
115 | continue/kənˈtɪn.juː/ | ادامه دادن ادامه پیدا کردن، ادامه داشتن | فعل |
He would continue until he was satisfied. Jade pretended to continue to search, mind racing. |
carry on with go on with keep on with proceed with pursue persist in |
116 | handicraft/ˈhændikræft/ | صنایع دستی | اسم |
Every member of the congregation of Israel must labour, as God has appointed, at some handicraft or profession to provide for his home. Such as it was, this was about the only manufacturing or handicraft in California. |
craft handiwork craftwork craftsmanship workmanship artisanship |
117 | artist/ˈɑːrtɪst/ | هنرمند نقاش | اسم |
Everyone wanted to meet the artist and discuss the work they were interested in. He was a master printer and an artist of the first order. |
creator originator designer producer fine artist old master begetter expert |
118 | scribble/ˈskrɪbl/ | خط خطی کردن | فعل |
Using a bottle of craft glue with a small, pointed dispenser tip, draw a family member's initial, or small dots, or a scribble or swirl design over your ornament. Steady in her methods, the author has a toe hold on the ground as she continues to scribble stars into the sky, plotting the destiny of her characters. |
write hurriedly write untidily write illegibly scratch scrawl |
119 | piece/piːs/ | قطعه عدد، برگ | اسم |
bit section slice chunk segment |
120 | create/kriːˈeɪt/ | به وجود آوردن ساختن، خلق کردن | فعل |
They were paying someone to create it and then paying someone to carry it. The you in my heaven is the person I create in my mind, the perfect you, who never drinks his milk from the cereal bowl and remembers every birthday and holiday with the nicest card he buys the day before, and he sends roses for no reason at all.... |
generate produce design make fabricate |
121 | metal/ˈmet̬.əl/ | فلز | اسم |
The porch posts were black metal with a filigree design. After that, metal was too important to waste. |
122 | fascinating/ˈfæs.əˌneɪt̬.ɪŋ/ | مجذوبکننده دلربا، بسیار جالب | صفت |
It was a bewildering and fascinating place. He was also the most fascinating person she'd ever spoken to, in a terrifying, otherworldly way. |
engrossing captivating absorbing interesting enchanting |
123 | art/ɑːrt/ | هنر | اسم |
Last week I visited a beautiful art store. Yes, we are a long line of art lovers. |
fine art artwork creative activity skill craft technique aptitude |
124 | influence/ˈɪnfluəns/ | تاثیر گذاشتن اثر گذاشتن | فعل |
I'm a bad influence on you. He can influence opinion at the highest level. |
effect impact control sway hold power |
125 | doodle/ˈdudəl/ | بی هدف نقاشی کشیدن خط خطی کردن | فعل |
You can also just doodle away, the same way you would with a regular notepad. The winning doodle is to be displayed on Google's UK home page. |
126 | improve/ɪmˈpruːv/ | پیشرفت کردن | فعل |
Maybe his mood would improve, anyway. "You will find your chances improve if you do exactly as I say," he said. |
make better better ameliorate upgrade refine |
127 | differ/ˈdɪf.ər/ | تفاوت داشتن اختلاف داشتن، فرق داشتن | فعل |
The habits and capacities of these two differ, owing to surroundings, irrespectively of tribe. In one point, however, - the attitude toward the ritual - the two men differ radically. |
vary be different be unlike be dissimilar be distinguishable |
128 | relaxing/rɪˈlæks.ɪŋ/ | آرامشبخش آرام | صفت |
It was both relaxing and exciting. The climate is mild and relaxing and the rainfall averages about 40 in. |
unwind loosen up ease off ease up let up |
129 | wood/wʊd/ | چوب | اسم |
We've got plenty of wood, though, from the forest. It was still warm and smelled of wood smoke. |
timber planks planking lumber firewood kindling logs fuel forest |
130 | artistic/ɑrˈtɪstɪk/ | هنری | صفت |
(6) Artistic Production. As a scientific engineer and practical architect Wren was perhaps more remarkable than as an artistic designer. |
creative imaginative inventive original expressive inspired poetic |
131 | draw/drɔː/ | نقاشی کشیدن نقاشی کردن، کشیدن | فعل |
Isn't it strange how babies can draw people together? Luck of the draw, I guess. |
sketch make a drawing make a drawing of make a diagram make a diagram of |
132 | type/tɑɪp/ | نوع جور، گونه | اسم |
She continued to type while I put in the call. He was too hard to offer the type of empathy she wanted, but he was the man who'd been with her since the beginning of the end. |
kind sort variety class category |
133 | exhibit/ɪgˈzɪbɪt/ | نمایشگاه نمایش | اسم |
The authorities began to exhibit something of their old spirit. Integrity is an important quality for an employee to exhibit. |
put on display put on show display show show to the public |
134 | glass/glæs/ | شیشه | اسم |
Could I have a glass of water? He set a glass of Coke on the counter before her. |
glassware, crystal, crystalware vitrics mirror, looking glass
135 | thought-provoking/θɔt-prəˈvoʊkɪŋ/ | تاملبرانگیز | صفت |
chairwoman of the festival council who lives in Swiss Cottage, the aim is to produce thought-provoking events. Broken is often a frustrating read in that each chapter requires contemplation due to the thought-provoking themes it touches upon. |
interesting provocative stimulating intriguing inspiring |
136 | advantage/ədˈvæn.t̬ɪdʒ/ | مزیت | اسم |
We took full advantage of our opportunity. Did he arrange to have Alex out of the way, or was he simply taking advantage of the situation? |
benefit value reward merit good point |
137 | beeswax/bizwæks/ | موم عسل | اسم |
For beeswax London is one of the chief marts of the world. Mules, sheep and cattle' are bred, and beeswax is produced in large quantities. |
138 | painter/ˈpeɪnt.ər/ | نقاش | اسم |
times all the resources of the sculptor and the painter were employed to beautify it externally and internally. His success at this period as a painter was considerable. |
139 | manufacture/ˌmænjuˈfæktʃər/ | تولید کردن | فعل |
The subsidiary industries, such as the manufacture of machinery and wire fabric, are of considerable importance. For instance, you may manufacture widgets from lightweight plastic. |
make produce mass produce build construct |
140 | pitcher/ˈpɪʧər/ | پارچ کوزه | اسم |
A pitcher of lemonade was on the table. Ol' Woodie was the greatest pitcher ever. |
jug, ewer, jar, crock creamer jorum
141 | awful/ˈɔː.fəl/ | افتضاح بسیار بد | صفت |
You must feel awful about it. It was an awful combination. |
very unpleasant disgusting nasty terrible dreadful |