ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | reduced/rəˈdust/ | کاهشیافته کمشده | صفت |
She had reduced him to nothing more than a fix for her troubles. His income would be reduced by three fourths, but he felt it must be done. |
lessen make less make smaller lower bring down |
2 | turn on/tɜrn ɑn/ | روشن کردن | فعل |
depend on rest on hang on hinge on be contingent on |
3 | airport/ˈer.pɔːrt/ | فرودگاه | اسم |
It rather sounds like an airport paperback. With everything going on, Carmen didn't have time to worry about flying, but when they were all sitting at the airport, she finally had time to stew over it. |
airfield, airstrip, landing strip, runway heliport, helipad air station aerodrome airdrome drome
4 | front desk/ˌfrʌnt ˈdesk/ | (میز) پذیرش | اسم |
5 | video/ˈvɪd.iːˌoʊ/ | ویدیو فیلم | اسم |
She left the room to get the video camera. We don't simply have more video screens; we now have an infinitude of broadcasters. |
6 | horrible/ˈhɔːr.ə.bəl/ | بسیار بد وحشتناک، گند (بو) | صفت |
It was turning out to be a horrible day. He left the sentence hanging, as if it were too horrible to put into words. |
dreadful horrifying horrific horrendous frightful |
7 | cost/kɔːst/ | هزینه داشتن قیمت داشتن | فعل |
It must have cost a fortune! That must have cost you a pretty penny. |
price asking price market price selling price fee |
8 | upgrade/ʌpˈgreɪd/ | ارتقاء | اسم |
He'd used the excuse of HQ moving to Miami a year before to upgrade everything in the room. Not only does Mohawk recycle plastic bottles, the company also uses green technology to upgrade their facilities and manufacturing processes in an effort to save resources like water and natural gas and use alternative forms of energy. |
improve better make better ameliorate reform |
9 | all the time/ɔl ðə taɪm/ | همیشه اغلب | قید |
constantly the entire time around the clock day and night night and day |
10 | including/ɪnˈkluː.dɪŋ/ | به انضمام شامل | حرف اضافه |
Was he including himself in that statement? He was wearing a hoodie and dressed in black, including gloves. |
which include which includes inclusive of counting as well as plus |
11 | tax/tæks/ | مالیات | اسم |
Okay. Good luck with the tax stuff. "This is like jailing Al Capone for tax evasion," Damian said. |
levy tariff duty toll excise |
12 | fan/fæn/ | پنکه | اسم |
I am a huge fan of heritage meats. I am a fan of free will, so it's your choice. |
air cooler air conditioner ventilator blower aerator punkah cool |
13 | camcorder/ˈkæmˌkɔrdər/ | دوربین فیلمبرداری (سبک و قابل حمل) | اسم |
camcorder battery into the rear of the Courier. batteryere anything I can do to extended the life of my camcorder batteries? |
14 | turn off/tɜrn ɔf/ | خاموش کردن | فعل |
leave branch off take a side road take another road make a left make a right take a left |
15 | do the dishes/du ðə ˈdɪʃəz/ | ظرف شستن | عبارت |
16 | result/rɪˈzʌlt/ | نتیجه نتایج (جمع) | اسم |
We do know as a result of earlier tests EA, as we call it, is also part of the lure. I did not know at first but it was the result of a wise policy. |
consequence outcome upshot out-turn sequel |
17 | go shopping/goʊ ˈʃɑp.ɪŋ/ | به خرید رفتن | فعل |
18 | model/ˈmɑd.əl/ | مدل ماکت، نمونه، مثال | اسم |
This model came out back this winter. Such is a model farm. |
replica copy representation mock-up dummy |
19 | send/sɛnd/ | فرستادن ارسال کردن | فعل |
I'll be sure to send it to you. I'll send it off to find out. |
dispatch post mail put in the mail put in the post |
20 | USB flash drive/ˌjuː es ˈbiːˈflæʃ draɪv/ | فلش مموری یواسبی فلش درایو | اسم |
21 | guaranteed/ˌgɛrənˈtid/ | ضمانت شده | صفت |
No one is guaranteed a free ride. In that world, everyone will be guaranteed a minimum income. |
warranty warrant contract covenant bond |
22 | stove/stoʊv/ | اجاق اجاق گاز | اسم |
He opened the door of the stove to peek. Did you get the stove burning? |
oven, range charcoal burner, furnace cooker tandoor Aga, Primus
23 | yet/jet/ | در عین حال ولی | حرف ربط |
It was early, yet we were all ready for bed after our long hike. He is my worst enemy, and yet, I admire him as the wisest man in the world. |
so far thus far as yet still even now |
24 | earbud/ir bʌd/ | گوشی [نوعی هدفون کوچک] | اسم |
Earbud headsets look much like the earbud headphones you use to listen to your favorite portable music player, except they include an in-line microphone. While not as compact as the earbud style, they typically provide better voice reception. |
25 | argument/ˈɑrgjəmənt/ | جر و بحث | اسم |
quarrel disagreement squabble fight difference of opinion |
26 | upgrade/ʌpˈgreɪd/ | ارتقا دادن | فعل |
He'd used the excuse of HQ moving to Miami a year before to upgrade everything in the room. Not only does Mohawk recycle plastic bottles, the company also uses green technology to upgrade their facilities and manufacturing processes in an effort to save resources like water and natural gas and use alternative forms of energy. |
improve better make better ameliorate reform |
27 | agenda/əˈʤɛndə/ | دستور جلسه | اسم |
So, what's on the agenda today, Princess? His agenda was one born of experience: if the scales between the White and Black Gods tipped too far one way, life was bad. |
list of items schedule programme timetable line-up |
28 | electronic devices/ɪˌlɛkˈtrɑnɪk dɪˈvaɪsəz/ | لوازم برقی وسایل الکترونیکی | اسم |
29 | oven/ˈʌv.ən/ | فر کوره، اجاق | اسم |
stove kitchen stove microwave microwave oven range |
30 | in progress/ɪn ˈprɑˌgrɛs/ | در حال برگزاری در حال اجرا | عبارت |
under way going on ongoing happening occurring |
31 | make/meɪk/ | به وجود آوردن ایجاد کردن | فعل |
Drowning your sorrows in eggnog will only make you feel worse in the long run. Make life easy for yourselves. |
construct build assemble put together manufacture |
32 | small/smɔːl/ | کوچک کم | صفت |
It's a very small window. The small birds were singing softly. |
little small-scale compact bijou portable tiny miniature |
33 | up to date/ʌp tu deɪt/ | بهروز | اسم |
modern contemporary the latest up to the minute recent |
34 | believe/bɪˈliːv/ | باور کردن فکر کردن | فعل |
be convinced by trust have confidence in consider honest consider truthful regard as true |
35 | projector/prəˈdʒektər/ | پروژکتور آپارات، فراتاب | اسم |
The east side was platted in the summer of 1835, and very soon afterward the plat of a settlement on the west side was also recorded, Byron Kilbourn being the chief projector and proprietor of the latter. Its projector, Dr Horatio D. |
36 | unhappy/ʌnˈhæp.i/ | ناراحت غمگین، محزون | صفت |
"If thou art determined, O God, to destroy me," the unhappy Angevin exclaimed, "let my fall be gradual!" She was suddenly lost in the unhappy never after. |
sad miserable sorrowful dejected despondent |
37 | weekend/ˌwiːkˈend/ | آخر هفته | اسم |
The holiday weekend passed pleasantly. Still, that wasn't the only lingering side effect of her weekend with Brandon. |
38 | technology/tekˈnɑl.ə.dʒi/ | فناوری تکنولوژی | اسم |
The ability of science and technology to improve human life is known to us. I'm not opposed to technology, I simply enjoy the work. |
39 | newspaper/ˈnuːzˌpeɪ.pər/ | روزنامه | اسم |
I got interviewed for a newspaper in Zanesville, Ohio. He picked up the newspaper she had set out for him and started to read. |
paper print, rag
40 | print/prɪnt/ | چاپ کردن پرینت کردن | فعل |
It seems to me when you practice letters, you print uppercase letters first, don't you? "They can't print this!" she protested finally. |
set in print send to press run off preprint reprint |
41 | mine/mɑɪn/ | [ضمیر ملکی اول شخص مفرد] مال من | ضمیر |
Mine will be taught to mind. So I say the horses and chickens are mine and Alex says the other animals are his. |
pit colliery excavation quarry workings |
42 | headphones/ˈhedfoʊnz/ | هدفون گوشی | اسم |
He positioned the earpiece of his communication headphones better. He wore headphones and spoke into a microphone, simultaneously responding to half a dozen chat windows open on this computer. |
43 | electronics/eˌlekˈtrɒn.ɪks/ | (علم) الکترونیک | اسم |
I dug this out of a box of electronics upstairs and programmed it to be your new phone. The proverbial "Little Timmy" will find it hard to believe that food isn't manufactured like electronics but grown like an animal. |
44 | juicer/ˈdʒuːsər/ | آبمیوه گیری | اسم |
I love juices and bought a juicer which I used madly for a month and then stopped. You have to have a juicer at home to make all of the drinks you are supposed to be consuming, which can be a substantial outlay of cash for a diet you're not sure you'll be able to stick with. |
45 | funny/ˈfʌn.i/ | عجیب عجیب و غریب | صفت |
He's acting funny today. "That's not funny," she said, turning to glare at him. |
amusing humorous comic comical droll |
46 | speaker/ˈspiː.kər/ | بلندگو | اسم |
There was great applause when the speaker sat down. She faced the speaker and took a step back. |
speech-maker public speaker lecturer talker speechifier |
47 | suggest/səgˈdʒest/ | پیشنهاد کردن پیشنهاد دادن | فعل |
I suggest you take the advice. I suggest you accompany me home. |
propose put forward submit recommend advocate advise |
48 | carry/ˈkær.i/ | حمل کردن همراه خود داشتن | فعل |
Where do you carry your gold? I hope, my dear friend, you will carry out your father's wish? |
convey transfer move take bring |
49 | fixable/ˈfɪksəbəl/ | قابل تعمیر تعمیرکردنی | صفت |
A broken chair leg might be fixable with some wood glue and a few nails. If it's appropriate, talk to your boss about your concerns and try to view the sleep problems as temporary and fixable. |
50 | much/mʌtʃ/ | تمام و کمال | تخصیص گر |
How much did you pay for it? How much is it, Dad? |
a lot of a good deal of a great deal of a great amount of a large amount of |
51 | return/rɪˈtɜrn/ | برگرداندن پس دادن | فعل |
I've gotta return to Florida. I have something to return to you. |
go back come back get back arrive back arrive home |
52 | future/ˈfjuː.tʃər/ | آینده | صفت |
What a future that will be! Her life was on a new course now, and the future looked brighter than it ever had. |
time to come time ahead what lay ahead what lies ahead coming times the fullness of time hereafter destiny fate |
53 | take a picture/teɪk ə ˈpɪkʧər/ | عکس گرفتن | عبارت |
54 | answer/ˈæn.sər/ | پاسخ دادن جواب دادن | فعل |
He put her answer down in his note book. Alex didn't answer and it went to his voice mail, so she left a message. |
reply response rejoinder return reaction acknowledgement retort |
55 | scan/skæn/ | اسکن کردن (کامپیوتر، پزشکی) | فعل |
It looked like a cat scan of a brain, but it wasn't hers. I mentioned a brain scan; you'd think I'd suggested a lobotomy. |
study examine scrutinize inspect survey |
56 | washing machine/ˈwɑʃ.ɪŋ.məˌʃiːn/ | ماشین لباسشویی | اسم |
57 | noise/nɔɪz/ | صدا سر و صدا | اسم |
What was all the noise last night? The noise from the machine that circulated the oxygen frightened her. |
sound loud sound din hubbub clamour |
58 | food processor/ˈfuːd ˌprɑː.ses.ɚ/ | دستگاه غذاساز دستگاه چندکاره آشپزخانه | اسم |
59 | finish/ˈfɪn.ɪʃ/ | تمام کردن کامل کردن، به پایان رساندن | فعل |
She obliged quickly, tensing as she waited for him to finish with her phone. I did not have a chance to finish my letter yesterday. |
complete end conclude close bring to a conclusion |
60 | inexpensive/ˌɪn.ɪkˈspen.sɪv/ | ارزان کم قیمت | صفت |
Dean grabbed a bottle of inexpensive merlot and three glasses. It requires the labor of thousands to make a pencil, and yet they are so inexpensive as to be almost free. |
cheap low-priced low-price low-cost economical |
61 | sympathy/ˈsɪm.pə.θi/ | همدردی ترحم | اسم |
I've received too much sympathy in the last few weeks. His sympathy only made matters worse and she hiccupped. |
commiseration pity condolence consolation comfort |
62 | future/ˈfjuː.tʃər/ | آینده | اسم |
What a future that will be! Her life was on a new course now, and the future looked brighter than it ever had. |
time to come time ahead what lay ahead what lies ahead coming times the fullness of time hereafter destiny fate |
63 | tablet/ˈtæblət/ | تبلت [نوعی رایانه تخت] | اسم |
She grabbed her tablet and several pencils. He pushed his breakfast to the side and put the tablet on the table. |
slab panel plaque plate sign stone |
64 | printer/ˈprɪnt.ər/ | چاپگر پرینتر | اسم |
This printer is purely mechanical, and its speed is very high. He was a master printer and an artist of the first order. |
65 | take/teɪk/ | طول کشیدن | فعل |
I can take care of myself. We'll take care of them together. |
lay hold of take hold of get hold of get into one's hands grasp grip |
66 | e-mail/ˈiːmeɪl/ | ایمیل پست اکترونیکی | اسم |
Upon my return, I sent a rather curt e-mail of complaint to the company involved. If the nearest location is outside your zip code, use that location's zip for finding coupons.While at the KFC website, join the Colonel's e-mail club in order to receive information about upcoming promotions, coupons and specials. |
post letters packages parcels correspondence |
67 | touchscreen/tʌʧskrin/ | صفحه لمسی | اسم |
This landscape display has white backlight and a touchscreen for easy use. Access from keyboard, mouse, touchscreen or overlay keyboard. |
68 | full/fʊl/ | کامل | صفت |
Slowly carrying the full cups into the living room, she handed one to Alex. How full of life and motion it was! |
filled filled up filled to capacity filled to the brim brimming |
69 | dryer/ˈdraɪər/ | (دستگاه) خشک کن | اسم |
70 | sale/seɪl/ | فروش ویژه حراج | اسم |
I bought 'em at a garage sale right down the street. Would you buy the answer that I ran into an incredible sale I couldn't pass up? |
selling vending disposal dealing trading bargaining deal |
71 | multi-function/ˌmʌlti-ˈfʌŋkʃən/ | چند منظوره | صفت |
Through chip technology, your multi-function Visa card could replace all of this -- and in the not so far-off future. This multi-function plug ' nction plug ' n ' play Karaoke system makes becoming a pop star a breeze. |
72 | toilet/ˈtɔɪ.lət/ | توالت کاسه توالت | اسم |
"Toilet paper," she muttered. She awoke on the lower bunk bed in a prison cell with no windows and a tiny metal toilet and sink. |
lavatory WC water closet convenience public convenience |
73 | plan/plæn/ | برنامه | اسم |
I plan on it. Where did you plan to sleep tonight? |
scheme plan of action idea master plan game plan |
74 | hair dryer/ˈherˌ drɑɪ.ər/ | سشوار | اسم |
75 | blender/ˈblɛndər/ | مخلوط کن (دستگاه) | اسم |
We started tossing stuff in the blender with frozen blood. While the $200 price tag is steep for a blender, it is significantly lower than the high-end Vitamix blender, which is held as the gold standard by those raw food and juicing proponents and can cost upwards of $500. |
76 | hear/hɪr/ | شنیدن | فعل |
I wish you could hear yourself talking. It was nice to hear English spoken without a Spanish accent. |
perceive catch get make out take in |
77 | at all/æt ɔl./ | اصلا ابداً، به هر صورت | عبارت |
78 | portable/ˈpɔrtəbəl/ | قابل انتقال قابل حمل | صفت |
Portable altars have been used on occasion since the time of Bede. "Yeah, I wish I had my portable lab set with me," Ully agreed. |
transportable movable mobile transferable easily carried |
79 | travel/ˈtræv.əl/ | سفر کردن رفتن، مسافرت کردن | فعل |
I would like to travel there. Travel the way you wish to go. |
journey tour take a trip go on a trip voyage |
80 | convenient/kənˈvinjənt/ | آسان راحت، مناسب | صفت |
suitable appropriate fitting fit suited |
81 | flush/flʌʃ/ | سیفون توالت را کشیدن | فعل |
Carmen felt the flush start up her face again. A flush started in his neck and worked upward. |
blush redden go pink turn pink go red |
82 | refund/ˈriː.fʌnd/ | بازپرداخت | اسم |
I thought he might want a refund on his unused rent, not that I'd have given it to him, but he didn't even ask. The lessee has no right to a refund when the cause of damage was existing and known at the date of the lease (Arts. |
repay give back return pay back restore replace |
83 | leave/liːv/ | ترک کردن رها کردن، رفتن | فعل |
What time are we going to leave tomorrow? If one of us has to leave, I'll go. |
depart from go away from go from withdraw from retire from |
84 | now/nɑʊ/ | الان حالا، هم اکنون | قید |
Now go home and get some rest. Now he knew what a chicken she was. |
at the moment at present just now right now at the present time |
85 | cell phone/ˈsel.foʊn/ | تلفن همراه موبایل | اسم |
86 | build into/bɪld ˈɪntu/ | افزودن شامل کردن | فعل |
87 | sink/sɪŋk/ | سینک روشویی، ظرفشویی | اسم |
She moved to the sink and turned on the water. She dropped her glass in the sink and took a step backward. |
become submerged be engulfed go down drop fall |
88 | refund/ˈriː.fʌnd/ | بازپرداخت کردن پس دادن | فعل |
I thought he might want a refund on his unused rent, not that I'd have given it to him, but he didn't even ask. The lessee has no right to a refund when the cause of damage was existing and known at the date of the lease (Arts. |
repay give back return pay back restore replace |
89 | copy/ˈkɑp.i/ | کپی کردن | فعل |
But we have a copy of it. Each of those new cells has a new copy of your DNA. |
duplicate duplication reprint facsimile photocopy |
90 | broken/ˈbroʊ.kən/ | خراب از کار افتاده | صفت |
They had broken the rules. You don't sound very broken up about it. |
smashed shattered burst fragmented splintered |
91 | refrigerator/rɪˈfrɪdʒ.əˌreɪt̬.ər/ | یخچال | اسم |
We ate supper and put the rest in the refrigerator for you. Fred stooped to see what goodies remained in the refrigerator and removed a plate of cold meatloaf. |
keep cold cool cool down chill freeze deep-freeze |
92 | microwave/ˈmaɪ.kroʊ.weɪv/ | مایکروویو | اسم |
Not just microwave stuff? Well, don't despair, help is at hand and we're not talking about microwave meals. |
93 | hurry/ˈhɜr.i/ | عجله کردن با عجله رفتن، هول کردن | فعل |
"Hurry, Iggy," Dusty advised. Well, hurry up and wrap it. |
be quick hurry up move quickly go fast hasten |
94 | clog/klɔːɡ/ | مسدود کردن بند آوردن | فعل |
sabot wooden shoe wooden-soled shoe block obstruct congest |
95 | carrying case/ˈkæriɪŋ keɪs/ | کیف (دستی و دوشی) چمدان | اسم |
convey transfer move take bring |
96 | after/ˈæf.tər/ | بعد از بعد از آن | قید |
He has come after me. After the service, Alex was unusually silent. |
following subsequent to succeeding at the close of at the end of |
97 | classify/ˈklæsəˌfaɪ/ | طبقهبندی کردن دستهبندی کردن | فعل |
The natives are officially described as Bosniaks, but classify themselves according to religion. This has led certain geologists to classify the Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian into one grand system; E. |
categorize class group put into sets grade |
98 | shame/ʃeɪm/ | شرم شرمساری، خجالت | اسم |
There's no shame in being poor. The man's face was red with shame this time. |
humiliation mortification chagrin ignominy loss of face |
99 | defective/dɪˈfɛktɪv/ | معیوب ناقص | صفت |
faulty flawed imperfect shoddy inoperative |
100 | freezer/ˈfriː.zər/ | فریزر یخزن، جایخی | اسم |
We used magic on their minds and the freezer for their bodies. She still had some meat in her freezer, as well as some frozen colostrum. |
101 | popular/ˈpɑːpjələr/ | پرطرفدار محبوب | صفت |
He had now become a popular leader. Allen was good looking, popular and exciting. |
well liked liked favoured in favour well received |
102 | absolute/ˈæb.səˌluːt/ | مطلق کامل، محض | صفت |
Jonny has the key to absolute power. A sixth group was talking absolute nonsense. |
complete total utter out-and-out outright |
103 | advertisement/ˌæd.vərˈtɑɪz.mənt/ | تبلیغات آگهی | اسم |
Despite the spam and advertisement web sites, there are a number of places you can get free wallpapers for your cell phone that are not only legal but are also absolutely 100% free with no strings attached. The company also launched a division that produces direct-selling advertisement (also known as infomercials) for other networks and has expanded its relationship with other television networks and publications. |
notice announcement bulletin commercial promotion blurb |
104 | fax/fæks/ | فکس کردن | فعل |
Petty tyrannies gave place to the great Fax Romana. The rest of their conversation was taken up in directions to the house and instructions about the rental contract she would fax them. |
105 | lemon/ˈlem.ən/ | آدم بیعرضه آدم ضعیف | اسم |
She focused on mixing dish soap and lemon juice in her palm. The fruit trees commonly cultivated are the peach, apricot, apple, orange, lemon, pear, fig and plum. |
ointment lotion cream salve liniment |
106 | suggestion/səgˈdʒes.tʃən/ | پیشنهاد | اسم |
Next suggestion, Mr. Investigator. The boy smiled at the suggestion, but Shipton shook his head no. |
proposal proposition motion submission recommendation advice |
107 | action/ˈæk.ʃən/ | عمل کار | اسم |
This book is a call to action, not complacency. She turned away, embarrassed by the rush of excitement the action had triggered. |
deed act activity move gesture |
108 | have a look/hæv ə lʊk/ | نگاه کردن بررسی کردن، معاینه کردن | فعل |
109 | gadget/ˈgæʤət/ | وسیله اسباب، ابزارک | اسم |
Once an earthy destination for hopeful musicians, Curtis claims her producer is inundated with requests for auto tune (that nifty little gadget that keeps Ashlee Simpson-types on pitch). In wine snobbery terms, it will not oxidize as quickly as a bottled wine, no matter what type of fancy gadget you use to pull the air out of a half-full bottle before re-corking it. |
appliance apparatus instrument implement tool |
110 | Eiffel Tower/ˈaɪfəl ˈtaʊər/ | برج ایفل | اسم |
111 | fridge/fridge/ | یخچال | اسم |
Not much here, the fridge is empty. This is going to be tough, he thought as he entered Sarah's fridge to get some swill. |
112 | standard/ˈstændərd/ | معمولی رایج، مرسوم | صفت |
The standard day is longer than ours, about thirty hours instead of twenty-four, with that divided evenly between day and night. Gabriel understood why the old standard was gone. |
quality level grade degree worth |
113 | pressure cooker/ˈpreʃər kʊkər/ | زودپز | اسم |
114 | review/rɪˈvjuː/ | مرور بازبینی، بازنگری | اسم |
Shall we review what you've learned? So let's review my key points to see if they are compelling. |
analysis evaluation assessment appraisal examination |
115 | webcam/ˈweb.kæm/ | وبکم [دوربین رایانه] | اسم |
116 | traditional/trəˈdɪʃ.ən.əl/ | سنتی | صفت |
Well, the traditional roles of men and women have changed in the last generation. Without traditional beauty, he was still handsome in a raw, dangerous way. |
conventional customary established long-established accepted |
117 | tool/tuːl/ | ابزار وسیله | اسم |
The artists tool, be it brush or burin. Now we knew we possessed an incredible tool at our fingertips. |
implement instrument utensil device apparatus |
118 | shop/ʃɑp/ | خرید کردن | فعل |
It was too early for the silver shop to be open. And here's the little shop where we used to buy gingerbread! |
store retail store outlet retail outlet reseller |
119 | traffic/ˈtræf.ɪk/ | ترافیک آمدوشد، عبور و مرور | اسم |
In town doing traffic control, I guess. The traffic was the pits. |
vehicles cars lorries trucks congestion traffic jam |
120 | replace/rɪˈpleɪs/ | جایگزین کردن عوض کردن | فعل |
No one will replace me! Maybe when she got back she could replace her old one. |
put back return return to its place restore take the place of succeed |
121 | promise/ˈprɑm.əs/ | قول دادن | فعل |
When I make a promise, I keep it. I promise to behave. |
word of honour word assurance pledge vow |
122 | quality/ˈkwɑl.ət̬.i/ | کیفیت | اسم |
She felt the quality of the material. The speed and quality of those algorithms will get ever better. |
standard grade class classification calibre |
123 | brand/brænd/ | نشان تجاری برند | اسم |
She grabbed the note pad and wrote a brand name and quantity. They moved into a brand new building a couple of months back. |
make line label marque type kind |
124 | bother/ˈbɑð.ər/ | نگران کردن زحمت دادن (به خود)، ناراحت کردن | فعل |
disturb trouble worry inconvenience put out |
125 | sympathize/ˈsɪmpəθaɪz/ | همدردی کردن درک کردن | فعل |
Look, I can sympathize with you, but there's nothing I can do, at least not yet. She thought: "If I seem not to notice he will think that I do not sympathize with him; if I seem sad and out of spirits myself, he will say (as he has done before) that I'm in the dumps." |
pity be sorry for feel sorry for show sympathy for be sympathetic towards |
126 | vacuum cleaner/ˈvækjuəm kliːnər/ | جاروبرقی | اسم |
127 | dishwasher/ˈdɪʃˌwɑʃ.ər/ | ماشین ظرفشویی | اسم |
Neither said anything while Dean began to clear the dishwasher from last evening's meal. Rinsing it, he placed it in the dishwasher and shut the door. |
128 | drive crazy/draɪv ˈkreɪzi/ | آزردن (کسی) (کسی را) عصبانی کردن | عبارت |
129 | machine/məˈʃiːn/ | ماشین دستگاه | اسم |
apparatus appliance instrument tool utensil |
130 | system/ˈsɪs.təm/ | سیستم نظام | اسم |
The whole distribution system broke down. It looks like the messaging system is back up. |
structure organization order arrangement complex |
131 | top-selling/tɑp-ˈsɛlɪŋ/ | پرفروشترین | صفت |
Designer labels aside, you generally get what you pay for and the top-selling brands are such for a reason. If you're wondering where to buy the Nook eReader, then you'll be glad to know there are many different places you can get one of the world's top-selling e-readers. |
132 | major/ˈmeɪʤər/ | عمده مهم | صفت |
A major success helped raise our spirits. I thought I was picking up on some major vibes out there. |
greatest best finest most important chief |
133 | keyboard/ˈkiː.bɔːrd/ | صفحه کلید کیبورد (کامپیوتر) | اسم |
She began to paw at her computer keyboard, searching. The keyboard has five keys similar to those of a piano, and the letters and figures are obtained by the different combinations which can be formed by the raised and depressed keys. |
134 | appliance/əˈplaɪəns/ | اسباب وسیله، دستگاه | اسم |
The analysing appliance constitutes the main feature of a spectroscope. Hence the following appliance was worked out by Lieutenant Solari and officers in the Italian navy. |
device machine instrument gadget contraption |
135 | worth/wɜrθ/ | (دارای) ارزش قیمت (داشتن) | صفت |
That was worth the wait. Whatever the case, it certainly wasn't worth arguing about. |
value financial value monetary value price asking price |
136 | update/əpˈdeɪt/ | به روزرسانی اطلاعات (جدید)، ارتقا | اسم |
I'll update your address list virtually over the next few years. "Update on the tears," he directed. |
modernize bring up to date bring into the twenty-first century renovate refurbish |
137 | pass/pæs/ | دادن | فعل |
The doctors were of use to Natasha because they kissed and rubbed her bump, assuring her that it would soon pass if only the coachman went to the chemist's in the Arbat and got a powder and some pills in a pretty box for a ruble and seventy kopeks, and if she took those powders in boiled water at intervals of precisely two hours, neither more nor less. The next one to pass her did as well. |
go proceed move progress make one's way |
138 | junk/ʤʌŋk/ | خرت و پرت آت و آشغال | اسم |
This one has a whole list of junk, chairs, tables, clothes. You could stick the junk in a box and mail it a whole lot cheaper than having them fly out here. |
useless things discarded things rubbish clutter stuff |
139 | work/wˈɜːrk/ | موثر واقع شدن عمل کردن، اثر داشتن، جواب دادن | فعل |
It did work this morning. After Alex goes to work and Jonathan goes to school, Destiny and I do the chores. |
labour toil exertion effort slog |
140 | worth/wɜrθ/ | ارزش | اسم |
That was worth the wait. Whatever the case, it certainly wasn't worth arguing about. |
value financial value monetary value price asking price |
141 | seriously/ˈsɪr.iː.ə.sli/ | به شدت جدا، به طور جدی | قید |
You can't seriously think I'm a suspect. You seriously won't let me meet him? |
solemnly earnestly gravely soberly sombrely |
142 | permit/pərˈmɪt/ | اجازه دادن مجاز بودن | فعل |
allow let authorize give someone authorization give someone leave |
143 | air conditioner/ɛr kənˈdɪʃənər/ | تهویه کننده هوا دستگاه تهویه هوا | اسم |
144 | spectacular/spɛkˈtækjələr/ | تماشایی فوقالعاده، پرشکوه | صفت |
It really is as spectacular as he described. The view from the top was spectacular, the snow perfect and the trail empty of other skiers. |
impressive magnificent splendid dazzling sensational |
145 | electricity/ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti/ | برق الکتریسیته | اسم |
After a century, electricity was still being generated. Probably some run down shack without electricity or running water - and how much of the 40 acres was vertical? |
power electric power energy current static |
146 | decide/dɪˈsɑɪd/ | تصمیم گرفتن | فعل |
I hope you decide to take the job. If you decide to take the job, have your things ready then. |
resolve determine make up one's mind make a decision come to a decision |
147 | wireless/ˈwaɪrlɪs/ | بیسیم بدون سیم | صفت |
are provided with wireless stations. Wireless Internet was not available at the cabin and our computer had no means for a telephone hook-up. |
148 | coffee maker/ˈkɑː.fi ˌmeɪ.kɚ/ | قهوه ساز | اسم |
149 | optical/ˈɑptɪkəl/ | بصری [وابسته به بینایی] | صفت |
The mistake, shown in all the old maps of Australia, had originated in a curious optical illusion. His researches extended to almost every branch of physical science, but his most important work was of an optical character. |
150 | pretty/ˈprɪt̬.i/ | خیلی بسیار، کاملا | قید |
Your aunt and uncle seem pretty fond of you. Oh, what a pretty sound it made! |
attractive lovely good-looking nice-looking fetching |
151 | obsolete/ˈɑbsəˌlit/ | مهجور منسوخ، غیر متداول، از کار افتاده | صفت |
Then war can become obsolete, as foreign to us as slavery and public hangings. The rate at which technology becomes obsolete continues to increase dramatically. |
out of date outdated outmoded old-fashioned no longer in use disused |
152 | antique/ænˈtiːk/ | عتیقه | اسم |
The large room contained some of the most beautiful antique furniture she had ever seen. But in some ways, it's like antique furniture. |
collector's item period piece museum piece antiquity object of virtu heirloom treasure |
153 | document/ˈdɑkjəmɛnt/ | سند مدرک | اسم |
Their government gave this document publicity. Thus has been preserved an absolutely unique historical document of great importance, recounting (I) the numerous public offices and honours conferred on him, (2) his various benefactions to the state, to the plebs and to his soldiers, and (3) his military and administrative services to the empire. |
official paper legal paper paper form certificate |
154 | guarantee/ˌgær.ənˈtiː/ | ضمانت ضمانتنامه، قول | اسم |
There was no guarantee Gabriel wanted her, but she'd have a chance. Just because things went well last month it doesn't guarantee they will go well this month. |
warranty warrant contract covenant bond |
155 | remote control/rɪˌmoʊt.kənˈtroʊl/ | کنترل (تلویزیون و ...) | اسم |
156 | photocopier/ˈfoʊtoʊkɑːpiər/ | دستگاه فتوکپی | اسم |
Every office with a printer and photocopier needs toner. When shopping for a printer or photocopier, include replacement costs of printer cartridges into your calculations. |
157 | own/oʊn/ | خود مال خود | صفت |
Was it greedy to want one of their own as well? They must be cultivating their own language. |
personal individual particular private personalized |
158 | all/ɔːl/ | همه تمام، کل | ضمیر |
First of all, I wasn't the only one involved. I think they are all having fun with Alex. |
each of each one of the every one of the every single one of the every each and every |
159 | entire/enˈtɑɪr/ | تمام | صفت |
She had enough for the entire family. I thought about it for the entire night. |
whole complete total full continuous unbroken |
160 | complain/kəmˈpleɪn/ | شکایت کردن اعتراض کردن | فعل |
I have nothing to complain of. "All in all, we can't complain about business," Cynthia added. |
protest grumble moan whine bleat |
161 | first off/fɜrst ɔf/ | اول از همه اولا | قید |
162 | anyway/ˈen.iːˌweɪ/ | به هر حال در هر صورت، راستی | قید |
Well, it doesn't matter anyway, I suppose. Anyway, I only act fifteen, I'm really 19. |
163 | fix/fɪks/ | تعمیر کردن درست کردن | فعل |
fasten attach affix secure make fast join |
164 | thing/θɪŋ/ | چیز وسیله | اسم |
How could he do such a thing to his own children? It was a strange thing for a man to say. |
object article item artefact commodity device |
165 | laptop/ˈlæp.tɑp/ | لپتاپ | اسم |
"Keep eating," he said, glancing up from the laptop he set on the table before him. Ingrid left and returned with her laptop and an iPad, sitting at the table with him. |
166 | computer/kəmˈpjuːtər/ | رایانه کامپیوتر | اسم |
A computer can do some tasks better than a person can. I haven't been near a computer since before I left. |
167 | right now/raɪt naʊ/ | همین الان | قید |
168 | its/ɪts/ | [صفت ملکی سوم شخص مفرد خنثی] مال آن، -اش، -ِ | تخصیص گر |
He could hear its footsteps. Something was pushing its way through the bushes. |
169 | us/ʌs/ | [ضمیر مفعولی اول شخص جمع] ما را، به ما، از ما، برای ما | ضمیر |
You didn't tell us it was her birthday. I hope he likes us all. |
170 | simple/ˈsɪm.pəl/ | ساده آسان | صفت |
It's as simple as that. Surely he had a simple checkbook file. |
straightforward easy uncomplicated uninvolved effortless |
171 | come along/kʌm əˈlɔŋ/ | رسیدن آمدن | فعل |
progress make progress develop shape up make headway come on |
172 | GPS/ʤi-pi-ɛs/ | جیپیاس سامانه موقعیتیاب جهانی | اسم |
173 | product/ˈprɑːdʌkt/ | محصول کالا، جنس | اسم |
artefact commodity manufactured article manufactured item manufactured thing creation |
174 | great/greɪt/ | بسیار زیاد، بیشتر | صفت |
You're doing a great job. It's great and I love it. |
considerable substantial pronounced sizeable significant |
175 | compatible/kəmˈpætəbl/ | همعقیده تفاهمدار، سازگار، جور | صفت |
I thought I was marrying a man who had chosen a lifestyle compatible with mine. Maybe he would never find a compatible mate. |
well suited suited well matched like-minded of the same mind |
176 | camera/ˈkæm.rə/ | دوربین | اسم |
Tell me there's a camera out there! Jackson turned the camera on and stood beside her. |
177 | open/ˈoʊ.pən/ | باز کردن باز شدن | فعل |
You don't have to open your mouth. After a slight hesitation the door burst open with a cracking blow. |
not shut not closed unlocked unbolted unlatched |
178 | optical zoom/ˈɑptɪkəl zum/ | زوم اپتیکال | اسم |
179 | digital camera/ˌdɪdʒ.ət̬.əlˈkæm.rə/ | دوربین دیجیتال | اسم |
180 | feature/ˈfiʧər/ | ویژگی مشخصه | اسم |
Her favorite feature, her eyes, had always been a pretty shade of turquoise. What do you consider the model's best feature to be? |
characteristic attribute quality property trait |
181 | presentation/ˌprez.ənˈteɪ.ʃən/ | سخنرانی ارائه، نطق | اسم |
awarding presenting giving handing over dispensing |
182 | cell/sel/ | تلفن همراه | اسم |
dungeon oubliette lock-up prison room cubicle |
183 | desktop/ˈdesk.tɑp/ | کامپیوتر رومیزی صفحه کامپیوتر | اسم |
You can share your desktop and have whiteboard sessions on your computer. She lifted a stack of papers and straightened them with a sharp rap on her mahogany desktop, deliberately ignoring his empty invitation. |
184 | close/kloʊz/ | بستن | فعل |
near adjacent in close proximity close at hand near at hand not far from |
185 | off/ɔːf/ | تخفیف | قید |
I think I scared about ten years off my life too. Thank you for getting me off the hook. |
away to a distance from here from there away absent |
186 | tomorrow/təˈmɑˌroʊ/ | فردا | قید |
Come to me tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is Christmas morning. |
187 | present/ˈprez.ənt/ | زمان حال مضارع (دستور زبان) | اسم |
in attendance attending here there near |
188 | clogged/klɔgd/ | گرفته مسدود شده | صفت |
Jennifer Radisson, in spite of her height and eye catching blonde hair, was quickly lost in the happy crowd that clogged the sidewalks. The swamps are full of huge reeds, bordered with tamarisk jungles, and in its lower reaches, where the water stretches out into great marshes, the river is clogged with a growth of agrostis. |
sabot wooden shoe wooden-soled shoe block obstruct congest |
189 | flash drive/flæʃ draɪv/ | فلش کارت حافظه | اسم |
190 | scanner/ˈskænər/ | اسکنر پویشگر | اسم |
I heard about it on the scanner and we came over here as fast as we could. You can even personalize the labels by "naming" the candle or lotion after the recipient, and putting their picture on it using a scanner, computer, and print program. |
191 | battery/ˈbæt̬.ə.ri/ | باتری | اسم |
The battery in the lantern might be dead or the fall might have broken it. Now, we know that the number of electrochemical equivalents electrolysed is proportional to the whole amount of electricity which passed through the circuit, and the product of this by the electromotive force of the battery is the work done by the latter, so that in this case also Joule showed that the heat generated was proportional to the work done. |
cell accumulator power unit gun emplacement artillery unit artillery cannonry |
192 | chart/tʃɑːrt/ | نمودار | اسم |
He dropped her chart on the table. She focused on the chart he held up to the light. |
graph table tabulation grid histogram |
193 | slow/sloʊ/ | آرام آهسته | قید |
A slow smile came to his lips. Don't let me slow you down. |
unhurried leisurely measured moderate deliberate |
194 | iron/ˈɑɪ.ərn/ | اتو اطو | اسم |
strength toughness resilience fortitude firmness |
195 | advertise/ˈædvərtaɪz/ | تبلیغ کردن | فعل |
A friend of hers who is a florist asks if she can advertise on the site. We could advertise them in our brochure. |
publicize make public make known give publicity to bill |
196 | bad/bæd/ | بد | صفت |
It's kind of small, but the rent isn't too bad, and it'll be available by then. No. I just had a bad dream. |
substandard poor inferior second-rate second-class |
197 | reduce/rəˈdus/ | کاهش دادن کم کردن | فعل |
lessen make less make smaller lower bring down |
198 | look for/lʊk fɔr/ | (به) دنبال (چیزی) گشتن | فعل |
search for hunt for seek look about for look around for |
199 | opera/ˈɑ.pər.ə/ | اپرا | اسم |
He wasn't dressed like opening night at the opera by accident! 1859 Paris opera 1836 Scheibler, Stuttgart, proposed standard (440 at 69° F.). |
composition work work of art oeuvre piece |
200 | tiny/ˈtɑɪ.ni/ | کوچک بسیار اندک، بسیار ریز | صفت |
Some are very tiny and some are very large. Even the tiny rose petal lips looked pale. |
minute small-scale scaled-down mini baby |
201 | photocopy/ˈfoʊtoʊˌkɑpi/ | فتوکپی کردن فتوکپی گرفتن | فعل |
Dean handed Fitzgerald the photocopy of Martha's drawing and comments she and Cynthia had made. Make sure you photocopy your receipt and rebate application in case the original is lost or destroyed. |
reproduction copy mimeograph mimeo facsimile |
202 | whatever/wʌt̬ˈev.ər/ | هر چه هر چیز | ضمیر |
Whatever happens, it's us together and we'll make it. The Internet is whatever we make it to be. |
203 | window/ˈwɪndoʊ/ | پنجره | اسم |
She glanced out the window, still smiling. Actually, I never gave it much thought until I found the window open. |
casement, opening, aperture
204 | pack/pæk/ | بسته جعبه کوچک | اسم |
packet container package box crate |
205 | on the blink/ɑn ðə blɪŋk/ | خراب (ماشینآلات) از کار افتاده، درست کار نکردن | عبارت |
206 | continuous/kənˈtɪn.ju.əs/ | استمراری | صفت |
All he sees is one continuous line. To understand the laws of this continuous movement is the aim of history. |
continual uninterrupted unbroken constant ceaseless |
207 | terrible/ˈtɛrəbəl/ | افتضاح هولناک، بسیار بد | صفت |
It was a terrible choice for a hiding place. They wouldn't all be there unless something terrible had happened. |
dreadful awful appalling horrific horrifying |
208 | upload/ˈʌp.loʊd/ | بارگذاری کردن آپلود کردن | فعل |
His cell rang before it could upload the number of voicemails and texts. cant I upload photos to the gallery? |
209 | elevator/ˈel.əˌveɪt̬.ər/ | آسانسور | اسم |
Deidre left the elevator and went to her apartment. The other occupant of the elevator glanced at her. |
210 | powerful/ˈpɑʊ.ər.fəl/ | نیرومند قدرتمند | صفت |
The powerful words made her frown. The more powerful the deity, the more restricted. |
strong muscular muscly sturdy strapping |
211 | memory stick/ˈmɛməri stɪk/ | کارت حافظه رم، مموری استیک | اسم |
212 | copier/ˈkɑpiər/ | دستگاه فتوکپی | اسم |
All-in-Ones: These printers print, scan documents and can also function as a copier. It's best if this is not copied by hand but that you run it through a copier. |
213 | affordable/əˈfɔrdəbəl/ | مقرونبهصرفه ارزان | صفت |
Distributed computing makes enormous computational problems affordable to solve. I want to buy a new car, but the payments aren't affordable given my current salary. |
214 | awful/ˈɔː.fəl/ | افتضاح بسیار بد | صفت |
You must feel awful about it. It was an awful combination. |
very unpleasant disgusting nasty terrible dreadful |
215 | rice cooker/raɪs ˈkʊkər/ | پلوپز | حرف اضافه |
216 | less/les/ | کمتری کمتر | تخصیص گر |
Go find a less annoying way to earn some money. Now the world has one less fool! |
a smaller amount not so much as not as much as under below shy of not so much not so great |