ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | post office/ˈpoʊstˌɔː.fəs/ | اداره پست دفتر پست | اسم |
2 | police officer/pəˈliːsˌɑ.fə.sər/ | مامور پلیس افسر | اسم |
3 | public telephone/ˈpʌblɪk ˈtɛləˌfoʊn/ | تلفن عمومی | اسم |
4 | salesclerk/ˈseɪlzklɜːrk/ | فروشنده | اسم |
5 | borrow/ˈbɑr.oʊ/ | قرض گرفتن | فعل |
Sarah, can I borrow your Lexus? I need to borrow Andre. |
6 | taxi driver/ˈtæksi ˈdraɪvər/ | راننده تاکسی | اسم |
7 | garage/gəˈrɑʒ/ | گاراژ پارکینگ سرپوشیده | اسم |
In the garage, she paused at the old car. The ground rumbled suddenly and the garage walls shook. |
8 | sign/sɑɪn/ | نشانه علامت | اسم |
There was no sign of anyone. There was no sign of anyone else about. |
9 | bank/bæŋk/ | بانک | اسم |
A bank of clouds was building to the northeast. Her bank account was rarely over two hundred. |
10 | where/wer/ | کجا | قید |
Was that where his father got all that money? "Where are you?" he asked. |
11 | change/tʃeɪndʒ/ | پول خرد کردن تبدیل کردن (پول) | فعل |
Sometimes we have to accept change, if we want to move forward. Boris kissed Natasha's hand and said that he was astonished at the change in her. |
12 | newspaper/ˈnuːzˌpeɪ.pər/ | روزنامه | اسم |
I got interviewed for a newspaper in Zanesville, Ohio. He picked up the newspaper she had set out for him and started to read. |
13 | traffic jam/ˈtræf.ɪkˌdʒæm/ | راهبندان | اسم |
14 | money/ˈmʌn.i/ | پول | اسم |
He said I could spend his money with a clear conscience. It's about time you spent some money on yourself. |
15 | painting/ˈpeɪnt.ɪŋ/ | نقاشی (تصویر) نقاشی (اشاره به رنگ کردن در و دیوار و ...) | اسم |
high, on the walls of which are the original painting, by William Henry Powell (1823-1879), of O. I didn't want you to see the painting until it was done. |
16 | teller/ˈtelər/ | کارمند بانک متصدی امور بانکی | اسم |
By this lexicon Teller had put himself amongst the most advanced rationalists, and his opponents charged him with the design of overthrowing positive Christianity altogether. Teller died on the 9th of December 1804. |
17 | book/bʊk/ | کتاب | اسم |
18 | railroad crossing/ˈreɪlroʊd krɔːsɪŋ/ | تقاطع همسطح (بین جاده و راهآهن) تقاطع خیابان و راه آهن | اسم |
19 | look for/lʊk fɔr/ | (به) دنبال (چیزی) گشتن | فعل |
20 | train station/ˈtreɪn ˌsteɪ.ʃən/ | ایستگاه راه آهن ایستگاه قطار | اسم |
21 | office building/ˈɔfəs ˈbɪldɪŋ/ | ساختمان اداری | اسم |
22 | bookstore/ˈbʊk.stɔːr/ | کتابفروشی | اسم |
You still can buy it from the government's bookstore; a recent one ran about two thousand pages and cost about $200. When they entered the main bookstore, she stopped. |
23 | government/ˈgʌvərmənt/ | دولت دولتی | اسم |
We have no control over what the government does. Government is a great achievement of civilization. |
24 | park/pɑrk/ | پارک بوستان | اسم |
I took the shortest way through the little park behind the palace. Yes, but this is park land. |
25 | art museum/ɑrt mjuˈziəm/ | موزه هنری نگارخانه | اسم |
26 | signal ahead/ˈsɪgnəl əˈhɛd/ | به چراغ راهنما نزدیک میشوید | عبارت |
27 | park/pɑrk/ | پارک کردن | فعل |
I took the shortest way through the little park behind the palace. Yes, but this is park land. |
28 | parking garage/ˈpɑrkɪŋ gəˈrɑʒ/ | پارکینگ طبقاتی | اسم |
29 | train/treɪn/ | قطار | اسم |
"I know you train with them," he stated. As slippery and twisted the man was, he knew how to train men to win a battle. |
30 | bus stop/ˈbʌsˌstɑp/ | ایستگاه اتوبوس | اسم |
31 | excuse me/ɪkˈskjuːz miː/ | ببخشید | عبارت |
32 | letter/ˈletər/ | نامه | اسم |
It was a letter from the page's mother:-- Do you know what the letter said? |
33 | get/get/ | سوار شدن (وسایل نقلیه) | فعل |
Let's get in out of this cold wind. Here, then, I made my home; and although it is a lonely place I amuse myself making rustles and flutters, and so get along very nicely. |
34 | mail/meɪl/ | پست کردن ایمیل کردن | فعل |
All my mail goes to a post office box. mail steamers call. |
35 | Tourist Information Office/ˈtʊrəst ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃən ˈɔfəs/ | دفتر اطلاعات گردشگری | اسم |
36 | read/riːd/ | خواندن مطالعه کردن | فعل |
Read books that are true. He lifted the paper and started to read again. |
37 | museum/mjʊˈziː.əm/ | موزه | اسم |
38 | information/ˌɪn.fərˈmeɪ.ʃən/ | اطلاعات | اسم |
Getting information about him from Katie is too much work. Of course, she knew Alex well enough now to know he didn't like people to hand out information about him. |
39 | buy/baɪ/ | خریدن | فعل |
I decided to buy it. Most people buy Apple TV, but a few buy the Roku XDS Streaming Player. |
40 | road/roʊd/ | جاده راه | اسم |
Didn't the police set up road blocks? The saturated road no longer absorbed the water, which ran along the ruts in streams. |
41 | street/striːt/ | خیابان | اسم |
He walked up the street to the next block. Lots of the folks on the street had poor teeth and most of their clothes were practically rags. |
42 | Tourist Information Center/ˈtʊrəst ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃən ˈsɛntər/ | دفتر اطلاعات گردشگری | اسم |
43 | library/ˈlɑɪˌbrer.i/ | کتابخانه | اسم |
She left the library to return Damian's phone. They studied together at the library on Wednesday evenings. |
44 | city/ˈsɪt̬.i/ | شهر | اسم |
You should have called the city cops. The three-story building looked big enough to cover a city block. |
45 | librarian/laɪˈbreriən/ | کتابدار | اسم |
Cynthia's widowed mother was a librarian in a small Indiana town. He was educated at the university and was librarian from 1697 to 1701. |
46 | downtown/ˈdɑʊn.tɑʊn/ | مرکز شهر | قید |
The woman she saw in downtown Atlanta had reacted to her the same way. It's downtown and has it has Abecrombie and Fitch and some other stores... |
47 | city hall/ˈsɪti hɔl/ | شهرداری ساختمان شهرداری | اسم |
48 | there/ðer/ | [وجود داشتن] [بودن] | قید |
There was shopping and packing to be done before they left on vacation. There isn't much to tell. |