ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | potential/pəˈtɛnʃəl/ | بالقوه محتمل | صفت |
What is the potential impact of the costs of future technologies? I am eager to do what I can to help the children of our Province reach full potential. |
possible likely prospective future probable |
2 | rough/rʌf/ | تقریبی کلی | صفت |
I don't like it when you're rough like that. She had a rough day yesterday. |
uneven irregular bumpy stony rocky |
3 | significant/sɪgˈnɪf.ɪ.kənt/ | مهم چشمگیر، قابل ملاحظه | صفت |
What's so significant about being his mate? He didn't have any significant contact with them that I could see. |
notable noteworthy worthy of attention remarkable outstanding |
4 | typical/ˈtɪpəkəl/ | کلیشهای همیشگی، معمولی، نوعی | صفت |
It was a typical night. It was a skit about the typical problems faced by both adults and students. |
representative classic quintessential archetypal model |
5 | specific/spəˈsɪf.ɪk/ | به خصوص مخصوص، مختص | صفت |
Did something specific happen at the last place? It's easy to identify specific crimes and follow them up. |
particular specified certain fixed set |
6 | accurate/ˈækjərət/ | دقیق صحیح | صفت |
But I'm not sure there's any accurate way of proving that one way or the other. Had he been abstaining so he could get an accurate test? |
correct precise exact right errorless |
7 | quantitative/ˈkwɑntɪˌteɪtɪv/ | کمی [وابسته به مقدار] | صفت |
8 | inaccurate/ɪnˈæk.jʊ.rət/ | نادرست | صفت |
If this is inaccurate or incomplete, the Government cannot blame the newspapers. His book is, however, inaccurate and grossly partial. |
inexact imprecise incorrect wrong erroneous |
9 | precise/prɪˈsɑɪs/ | دقیق | صفت |
That's why he has so many precise numbers. So much is certain, though the precise incidents of the interview are variously told. |
exact accurate correct error-free pinpoint |
10 | characteristic/ˌkɛrəktəˈrɪstɪk/ | مشخصه ویژگی | اسم |
"Well, good-by, your excellency, keep well!" said Rostopchin, getting up with characteristic briskness and holding out his hand to the prince. Grand is the characteristic, in their conception, of some special animals called "heroes." |
attribute feature quality essential quality property trait |
11 | concrete/ˈkɑn.kriːt/ | عینی ملموس | صفت |
I need concrete evidence before I'm a believer and I don't see that on the horizon. The walls were solid concrete and windowless. |
solid material real physical tangible |
12 | insignificant/ˌɪnsɪgnˈjɪfɪkənt/ | ناچیز کم اهمیت | صفت |
unimportant of minor importance of no importance of little importance of little import |
13 | common/ˈkɑmən/ | مشترک | صفت |
She will only utilize it for common good. We have a lot in common, you know? |
ordinary normal typical average unexceptional |
14 | qualitative/ˈkwɑləˌteɪtɪv/ | کیفی | صفت |
Perkin, Qualitative Chemical Analysis, 1905). We shall here consider the qualitative and quantitative determination of these elements. |
15 | appropriate/əˈproʊpriət/ | مناسب به جا، درست | صفت |
I didn't think it appropriate to tell you who I was. He couldn't have chosen a more appropriate song. |
16 | relevant/ˈrel.ə.vənt/ | مرتبط | صفت |
All these things are the same today as they were in Shakespeare's time, and because of that, his stories are still very relevant to us. Economic studies should be as relevant to existing needs as those of engineering and other applied sciences. |
17 | simple/ˈsɪm.pəl/ | ساده آسان | صفت |
It's as simple as that. Surely he had a simple checkbook file. |
18 | principal/ˈprɪn.sə.pəl/ | اصلی | صفت |
The principal part of the city lies between these two streams, with its great plaza in the centre. Sanford of the Inquirer, the principal Unitarian organ. |
19 | complex/ˈkɑmplɛks/ | پیچیده دشوار | صفت |
It was one of many complex issues. There should be complex interaction between those trends and currents. |
20 | rigorous/ˈrɪɡərəs/ | جامع کامل | صفت |
His imprisonment was not a rigorous one, and negotiations for his release were soon begun. Besides all this, life was further regulated by an exceedingly rigorous system of fasts. |
21 | abstract/ˈæbstrækt/ | انتزاعی آبستره (نقاشی) | صفت |
They had no abstract ideas; in their minds all was concrete, visible and tangible. His abstract submission met the deadline. |
22 | potential/pəˈtɛnʃəl/ | توانایی (استعداد) ذاتی یا بالقوه | اسم |
What is the potential impact of the costs of future technologies? I am eager to do what I can to help the children of our Province reach full potential. |
23 | apparent/əˈpɛrənt/ | واضح آشکار | صفت |
It was apparent by the look on Jackson's face. In this way, she learns countless new expressions without any apparent effort. |