ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | benefit/ˈben.ə.fɪt/ | فایده بردن بهرهمند شدن | فعل |
If you think you'd benefit, you probably will. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she made it all the way to the river. |
good sake interest welfare well-being |
2 | comment/ˈkɑm.ent/ | نظر دادن اظهار نظر کردن | فعل |
Opening his morning comment, she read. He repeated her comment about the Porsche, "Nice wheels." |
remark observation statement utterance pronouncement |
3 | depart/dɪˈpɑrt/ | ترک کردن | فعل |
the branches depart at right angles, at intervals of about a foot. I depart for the Orient with all the means of success at my disposal. |
leave go go away go off take one's leave |
4 | comment/ˈkɑm.ent/ | نظر | اسم |
Opening his morning comment, she read. He repeated her comment about the Porsche, "Nice wheels." |
remark observation statement utterance pronouncement |
5 | focus on/ˈfoʊkəs ɑn/ | تمرکز کردن (بر) متمرکز کردن | فعل |
6 | amount/əˈmɑʊnt/ | بالغ شدن (مبلغ چیزی) رسیدن (مبلغ چیزی) | فعل |
It makes a certain amount of sense. Unfortunately, life gets in the way a fair amount of the time. |
quantity number total aggregate sum |
7 | equip/ɪˈkwɪp/ | مجهز کردن تجهیز کردن | فعل |
I shall not be able to equip him. Night and day he laboured to levy armies and equip fleets. |
provide furnish supply issue fit out |
8 | stress/stres/ | تاکید کردن | فعل |
Diablo. He's Yancey's method of relieving stress and getting away from us women once in a while. I'm not allowed to stress you out, but can you, like, try? |
strain pressure tension nervous tension worry |
9 | argue/ˈɑr.gjuː/ | استدلال کردن دلیل آوردن | فعل |
We didn't bother to argue with Quinn. Let's not argue about it. |
contend assert declare maintain state |
10 | dispose/dɪˈspoʊz/ | دور ریختن دور انداختن، از شر چیزی خلاص شدن | فعل |
He'd have no reason to remove her body and dispose of it somewhere else. Such perceptions dispose the mind to pursue what nature dictates as useful. |
arrange order place put position |
11 | exclude/ɪkˈskluːd/ | مانع شدن جلوگیری کردن، راه ندادن | فعل |
Exclude every trace of these organisms, and no change occurs. In the course of a long period characterized by a weak central government, it was not difficult to enlarge the rights which the lord thus obtained, to exclude even the king's personal authority from the immunity, and to translate the duties and payments which the tenant had once owed to the state into obligations which he owed to his lord, even finally into incidents of his tenure. |
keep out deny access to shut out debar disbar |
12 | respond/rɪˈspɑnd/ | پاسخ دادن واکنش نشان دادن | فعل |
When she didn't respond, Alex looked up. He didn't respond and she didn't look back. |
answer reply to say something in response to acknowledge greet counter make a response |
13 | react/riˈækt/ | واکنش نشان دادن عکسالعمل نشان دادن | فعل |
How did Shipton react to his own son's death? I should be able to react professionally to something like that. |
behave act take it conduct oneself proceed respond |
14 | attribute/ˈætrəˌbjut/ | نسبت دادن منتسب کردن به، مربوط کردن | فعل |
His usual attribute is the bow. To attribute blame for some past disaster is rarely useful. |
ascribe assign accredit credit impute |
15 | couple/ˈkʌpəl/ | وصل کردن جفت کردن | فعل |
I have a couple of polo shirts, but no light shirts. Finally he took down a couple of cups and poured them some coffee. |
pair duo duology twosome set of two |
16 | case/keɪs/ | استدلال برهان، مدارک و شواهد | اسم |
But this is not the case historically. Don't plead my case for me. |
instance occurrence occasion manifestation demonstration |
17 | concentrate/ˈkɑn.sənˌtreɪt/ | تمرکز کردن متمرکز کردن | فعل |
It takes work to concentrate and remember. We need to concentrate on reality, not what could have been. |
focus direct centre centralize bring to bear home in on |
18 | expose/ɪkˈspoʊz/ | در معرض (چیزی) گذاشتن در معرض (چیزی) قرار گرفتن | فعل |
She tucked the spot into her jeans, trying not to expose her tears. Elisabeth turned her head to expose her neck. |
reveal uncover lay bare bare leave unprotected make vulnerable |
19 | search/sɜrtʃ/ | جست و جو کردن گشتن | فعل |
Our search didn't take long. Search the database. |
hunt look explore forage fish about |
20 | consent/kənˈsɛnt/ | رضایت دادن موافق بودن | فعل |
There's no way he'd consent to travel all the way from Boston. Prince Andrew needed his father's consent to his marriage, and to obtain this he started for the country next day. |
agreement assent concurrence accord permission authorization |
21 | convince/kənˈvɪns/ | متقاعد کردن قانع کردن، راضی کردن | فعل |
Yes, I need to convince her to accept me. None of them had been able to convince her to wait until the estate was settled. |
persuade satisfy prove to cause to feel certain assure reassure put someone's mind at rest |
22 | turn/tɜrn/ | شدن | فعل |
But let's see how things turn out. He reached back and tried to turn on the lights. |
go round revolve rotate spin go round and round |
23 | draw on/drɔ ɑn/ | استفاده کردن به کار گرفتن | فعل |
call on have recourse to avail oneself of turn to look to |
24 | trace/treɪs/ | (رد چیزی یا کسی را) پیدا کردن دنبال کردن، تعقیب کردن | فعل |
They can trace it! I used my charge card and he'll trace us here. |
track down find discover detect unearth |
25 | account for/əˈkaʊnt fɔr/ | تشکیل دادن | فعل |
explain give an explanation come up with an explanation explain away answer for |
26 | assign/əˈsaɪn/ | (تکلیف) دادن (وظیفه) محول کردن، مقرر داشتن | فعل |
"Fine. I'll assign him something to do," Damian said. We'll assign her a Guardian and bring her in. |
allocate allot give set charge with entrust with appoint |
27 | divide/dɪˈvɑɪd/ | تقسیم کردن تقسیم کردن (ریاضی) | فعل |
"Divide it among the poor people who need it so badly," said some. These lessees are usually speculators, who divide and sub-let the estate. |
split cut up cleave carve up slice up |
28 | refer/rəˈfɜr/ | ارجاع دادن ارجاع کردن، رجوع کردن | فعل |
The letters in the description refer to both figures. So we somehow refer cases to you? |
mention make mention of make reference to allude to touch on |
29 | be based on/bi beɪst ɑn/ | بر اساس (چیزی) بودن بر طبق (چیزی) بودن | عبارت |
30 | turn/tɜrn/ | نوبت | اسم |
But let's see how things turn out. He reached back and tried to turn on the lights. |
go round revolve rotate spin go round and round |
31 | write/raɪt/ | نوشتن تحریر کردن | فعل |
I'll write something every day. "Quick, write down the plate number," I said. |
put in writing write down put down put in black and white commit to paper |
32 | trace/treɪs/ | اثر نشانه، رد | اسم |
They can trace it! I used my charge card and he'll trace us here. |
track down find discover detect unearth |
33 | emphasize/ˈɛmfəˌsaɪz/ | تاکید کردن اهمیت دادن | فعل |
To emphasize his words, he lifted her hand and placed it over his heart. The chroniclers emphasize the fact that this king was not of royal descent. |
bring attention to call attention to draw attention to focus attention on highlight |
34 | attend/əˈtend/ | توجه کردن | فعل |
My king, I must attend to the preparations. I.ve got some business to attend to with the other Immortals. |
be present at be at be there at sit in on take part in appear at |
35 | speak/spiːk/ | صحبت کردن حرف زدن، سخن گفتن | فعل |
I started to speak but she shushed me. All I want is a chance to speak my piece. |
talk say say anything say something utter state |
36 | emerge/ɪˈmɜrʤ/ | بیرون آمدن پدیدار شدن | فعل |
She waited, but he didn't emerge again. The old Alex was bound to emerge at some point. |
come out appear come into view become visible make an appearance turn up |
37 | associate/əˈsoʊʃieɪt/ | (به هم) پیوند دادن مربوط ساختن، وابسته بودن | فعل |
Brandeis as associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. The Associate Reformed Synod of the South had a membership of 13,201. |
link connect couple relate identify |
38 | rely on/rɪˈlaɪ ɑn/ | بستگی داشتن وابسته بودن | فعل |