ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | ride/rɑɪd/ | سوار شدن سواری کردن، راندن | فعل |
I'm going to take you for a ride up there and show you some land. The rest of the ride was pleasant. |
sit on mount be mounted on bestride manage handle |
2 | car/kɑːr/ | خودرو اتومبیل، ماشین | اسم |
Her car was in full view. Could we make a car that can go 300 mph? |
motor car automobile motor machine wheels heap |
3 | miss/mɪs/ | جا ماندن (از) | فعل |
Miss Clara chuckled like a mother hen. "I miss you," he whispered. |
fail to hit be wide of go wide of fall short of fail to catch drop |
4 | flight/flɑɪt/ | پرواز | اسم |
A blowing snow storm delayed our flight north. Owing to the rapidity of the French flight and the Russian pursuit and the consequent exhaustion of the horses, the chief means of approximately ascertaining the enemy's position--by cavalry scouting-- was not available. |
flying soaring gliding aviation flying air transport |
5 | tip/tɪp/ | انعام | اسم |
After a silent prayer, I telephoned the tip line. Actually, the tip of the tip of the iceberg. |
point end extremity head sharp end |
6 | van/væn/ | ون کامیونت | اسم |
The van was in a road side pull off. The three of us were outside and secure in my new van without further incident. |
forefront vanguard advance guard avant-garde spearhead |
7 | full up/fʊl ʌp/ | (از چیزی) پر بودن | صفت |
8 | fare/fer/ | کرایه (تاکسی و ...) | اسم |
Clothes don't fare very well through the transformation. "How do you fare, nishani?" he asked. |
ticket price transport cost price cost charge |
9 | return/rɪˈtɜrn/ | بازگشت | اسم |
I've gotta return to Florida. I have something to return to you. |
go back come back get back arrive back arrive home |
10 | cycle/ˈsaɪkl/ | دوچرخهسواری کردن | فعل |
The Alexander cycle was no less popular in Great Britain. At first an eight years' cycle was adopted, but it was found to be faulty, then the Jewish cycle of 84 years was used, and remained in force at Rome till the year 457, when a more accurate calculation of a cycle of 532 years, invented by Victorius of Acquitaine, took its place. |
round rotation revolution circle pattern rhythm series |
11 | lorry/ˈlɔri/ | کامیون | اسم |
articulated lorry well alight. broken-down lorry on the North Circular. |
truck juggernaut
12 | get off/gɛt ɔf/ | پیاده شدن (از) | فعل |
alight alight from step off climb off dismount |
13 | due/du/ | موعد (پرداخت، انجام کاری و ...) سررسید | صفت |
owing owed to be paid payable payable now |
14 | journey/ˈdʒɜr.ni/ | سفر | اسم |
It would be a long journey and a dangerous one. Every year Santa Claus takes a journey over the world in a sleigh drawn by a strong and rapid steed called "Rudolph." |
trip expedition period of travelling tour trek |
15 | fly/flɑɪ/ | سفر کردن (با هواپیما) | فعل |
travel through the air wing its way wing glide soar |
16 | taxi/ˈtæk.si/ | تاکسی | اسم |
"I could call a taxi," she said. He still relied on a taxi to get him from his apartment to Peabody. |
17 | drop/drɑːp/ | رها کردن ترک کردن، دست کشیدن | فعل |
Can you just drop me off near the mall? "We'll drop you in first," Dusty said. |
let fall let go let go of fail to hold lose one's grip on release |
18 | get on/gɛt ɑn/ | سوار شدن | فعل |
board enter go on board go aboard step aboard |
19 | airport/ˈer.pɔːrt/ | فرودگاه | اسم |
It rather sounds like an airport paperback. With everything going on, Carmen didn't have time to worry about flying, but when they were all sitting at the airport, she finally had time to stew over it. |
airfield, airstrip, landing strip, runway heliport, helipad air station aerodrome airdrome drome
20 | bus/bʌs/ | اتوبوس | اسم |
I take the dad-gum bus to Atlantic City—I sure can take one to Scranton. We took the bus to Kansas. |
21 | cyclist/ˈsɑɪ.kəl/ | دوچرخهسوار | اسم |
The lateral of the switchback was longer than it appeared and by the time he reached the spot below where the cyclist had stood, the other biker was long out of sight. The force, disciplined and organized by a permanent staff of officers and non-commissioned officers of the regular army, is about 6500 strong, and consists of a brigade of artillery, four mounted, three composite and four infantry corps, a cyclist corps, &c. There are also cadet companies some 3000 strong. |
22 | take/teɪk/ | رفتن (با وسایل نقلیه) گرفتن (تاکسی)، سوار شدن | فعل |
I can take care of myself. We'll take care of them together. |
lay hold of take hold of get hold of get into one's hands grasp grip |
23 | by/bɑɪ/ | توسط به وسیله | حرف اضافه |
I guess he was stunned by my beauty. I thought maybe by now you would have adjusted. |
through the agency of by means of under the aegis of using utilizing |
24 | punctual/ˈpʌŋkʧuəl/ | وقتشناس سروقت | صفت |
He was as punctual as midnight. Applying this " synechological view " to the supposed inclusion of soul in soul, he deduced the conclusion that, as here the nature of one's soul is to unite one's little body, so hereafter its essence will be to unite a greater body, while God's spirit unites the whole world by His omnipresence; and he pertinently asked, in opposition to the " punctual " view, whether God's soul is centred in a point. |
on time prompt on schedule to schedule in good time |
25 | run/rʌn/ | حرکت کردن از مسیر بخصوصی رفتن | فعل |
I didn't run away. I could have run away from my father, as I wanted to. |
sprint race dart rush dash |
26 | get in/gɛt ɪn/ | سوار شدن | فعل |
27 | vehicle/ˈviː.ə.kəl/ | وسیله نقلیه | اسم |
She climbed onto the vehicle and settled on the soft cushion. She gripped the steering wheel as the vehicle plunged down a steep hill. |
automobile motor vehicle motorized vehicle means of transport conveyance |
28 | motorbike/ˈmoʊtərˌbaɪk/ | موتورسیکلت | اسم |
cloche hat to ride her motorbike! Designed from the ground up to be a mini racing motorbike. |
29 | bus station/ˈbʌsˌsteɪ.ʃən/ | ایستگاه اتوبوس | اسم |
30 | train/treɪn/ | قطار | اسم |
"I know you train with them," he stated. As slippery and twisted the man was, he knew how to train men to win a battle. |
instruct teach coach tutor give lessons to |
31 | passenger/ˈpæs.ən.dʒər/ | مسافر | اسم |
He opened the passenger door with a hopeful smile. He reached the passenger side of the car and held the door open for her. |
traveller commuter voyager rider fare payer |
32 | queue/kju/ | صف | اسم |
The queue to get in here is longer than you'd guess. The list was a scrolling queue of names. |
line row column file chain |
33 | platform/ˈplæt.fɔːrm/ | سکو | اسم |
Almost before I knew it, the train stopped at the Tuscumbia station, and there on the platform stood the whole family. The door cracked open, revealing a similar platform to the one that had been on the other side of the river. |
34 | meter/ˈmiːt̬.ər/ | کنتور [وسیلهی اندازهگیری]، متر | اسم |
Generally speaking, the price of the meter is a subordinate consideration. The ultimate goal, I submit, is not to optimize just meter by meter but what I call "grape by grape," down to each individual piece of flora and fauna. |
35 | railway station/ˈreɪlˌweɪ ˈsteɪʃən/ | ایستگاه راهآهن | اسم |
36 | bus stop/ˈbʌsˌstɑp/ | ایستگاه اتوبوس | اسم |
37 | catch/kætʃ/ | رسیدن به (وسایل نقلیه) سوار شدن (وسایل نقلیه) | فعل |
He paused for a moment to catch his breath. Some fancy intern catch your eye? |
38 | get out/gɛt aʊt/ | پیاده شدن (وسیله نقلیه) | فعل |
39 | bicycle/ˈbɑɪ.sɪk.əl/ | دوچرخه | اسم |
The boy no doubt inherits a capacity for riding a bicycle, otherwise he could never do so. He ran out to his bicycle and pushed the kickstand back while he peered through the window. |
40 | plane/pleɪn/ | هواپیما | اسم |
I'll make a plane reservation. I'm still not going to watch your plane leave. |
41 | coach/koʊtʃ/ | بلیط درجه سه (هواپیما و ...) [ارزان ترین بلیط هواپیما و ...] | اسم |
42 | single/ˈsɪŋ.gəl/ | بلیط یکطرفه بلیط یکسره | اسم |
A single image can end a war. Could he then merge two souls together into a single body? |
43 | change/tʃeɪndʒ/ | عوض کردن (هواپیما و اتوبوس و ...) خط عوض کردن | فعل |
Sometimes we have to accept change, if we want to move forward. Boris kissed Natasha's hand and said that he was astonished at the change in her. |
44 | driver/ˈdrɑɪ.vər/ | راننده | اسم |
If the driver was hurt, she might be able to help. The driver took them to a Spanish design home a few miles from the hacienda. |
45 | pilot/ˈpɑɪ.lət/ | خلبان | اسم |
It is strongly fortified, and there are a lighthouse, and lifeboat and pilot stations. "That's not good," the pilot said. |