ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | miss/mɪs/ | جا ماندن (از) | فعل |
Miss Clara chuckled like a mother hen. "I miss you," he whispered. |
2 | fall over/fɔl ˈoʊvər/ | (به زمین) افتادن | فعل |
3 | mood/muːd/ | حالت حس و حال، وضع (روحی) | اسم |
He'd been in a grumpy mood since he got up. I'm in no mood to watch a cat fight tonight. |
4 | properly/ˈprɑp.ər.li/ | مناسب به درستی، (به طرز) درست | قید |
The valley, properly speaking, is about 31 m. Its use is not confined to Southern Rhodesia and should not properly be restricted to any one particular site. |
5 | run out/rʌn aʊt/ | تمام کردن تمام شدن | فعل |
6 | forget/fərˈget/ | فراموش کردن | فعل |
7 | ruin/ˈruː.ən/ | خرابه ویرانه | اسم |
First you ruin my tie, now my shoes. Nothing was going to ruin this magnificent day. |
8 | drop/drɑːp/ | (به زمین) انداختن | فعل |
Can you just drop me off near the mall? "We'll drop you in first," Dusty said. |
9 | ruin/ˈruː.ən/ | نابود کردن | فعل |
First you ruin my tie, now my shoes. Nothing was going to ruin this magnificent day. |
10 | wrong/rɑŋ/ | مشکل مسئله | صفت |
I can neither punish him if he does wrong nor reward him if he does right. Sometimes I make a mistake and do the wrong thing. |
11 | thing/θɪŋ/ | چیز وسیله | اسم |
How could he do such a thing to his own children? It was a strange thing for a man to say. |
12 | burn/bɜrn/ | سوزاندن سوختن | فعل |
13 | stain/steɪn/ | لکه | اسم |
It has a stain on it and a rip in the arm pit. She raised the flashlight, her attention caught by the dark stain on his white shirt. |
14 | lose/luːz/ | گم کردن از دست دادن | فعل |
I lose some cattle every year. What could he do about it but lose more sleep? |
15 | cut/kʌt/ | زخم بریدگی | اسم |
Placing it in a little plate, he cut it up in small pieces. I've cut enough here for supper. |
16 | cut/kʌt/ | بریدن برش زدن | فعل |
Placing it in a little plate, he cut it up in small pieces. I've cut enough here for supper. |
17 | home/hoʊm/ | خانه منزل | اسم |
Daddy went home to sleep. Now go home and get some rest. |
18 | leave behind/liv bɪˈhaɪnd/ | جا گذاشتن | فعل |
19 | out of order/aʊt ʌv ˈɔrdər/ | خراب از کار افتاده | اسم |
20 | break/breɪk/ | شکستن | فعل |
If you break it, you replace it. Are you opposed to a break now and then? |
21 | spill/spɪl/ | ریختن پراکنده شدن | فعل |
He was afraid she would spill the beans. She left it down, letting the soft curls spill over her shoulders For a minute she fought back panic. |
22 | work/wˈɜːrk/ | موثر واقع شدن عمل کردن، اثر داشتن، جواب دادن | فعل |
It did work this morning. After Alex goes to work and Jonathan goes to school, Destiny and I do the chores. |