ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | make/meɪk/ | درست کردن ساختن | فعل |
Drowning your sorrows in eggnog will only make you feel worse in the long run. Make life easy for yourselves. |
construct build assemble put together manufacture |
2 | come round/kʌm tu/ | آمدن | فعل |
regain consciousness recover consciousness come to come to life come to one's senses |
3 | washing/ˈwɑʃɪŋ/ | شستشو | اسم |
By the time Alex arrived for breakfast, she had it on the table and was washing the frying pan in the sink. This washing is a most important part of the process. |
4 | get to work/gɛt tu wɜrk/ | سر کار رسیدن | فعل |
5 | wake up/weɪk ʌp/ | از خواب بیدار شدن از خواب بیدار کردن، سرحال کردن | فعل |
6 | play/pleɪ/ | بازی کردن | فعل |
Want to play a game? Sometimes Alex and Jonathan play soccer, and sometimes we all go for a ride in the buggy. |
7 | go out/goʊ ɑʊt/ | بیرون رفتن | فعل |
8 | lie-in/laɪ-ɪn/ | (عمل بیش از حد معمول) در تختخواب ماندن | اسم |
I told him a big fat lie in front of you this past weekend. "You can't lie in this game," she snapped. |
9 | cards/kɑrdz/ | ورق (بازی) پاسور | اسم |
Noticing a deck of cards on the counter, she paused. I wanted to get all our cards out on the table, so to speak. |
10 | brush/brʌʃ/ | مسواک زدن | فعل |
Something moved in the brush not far away and she froze. She stayed in the brush beside the trail, as she had done in her dream. |
11 | get home/gɛt hoʊm/ | به خانه رسیدن | فعل |
12 | bother/ˈbɑð.ər/ | نگران کردن زحمت دادن (به خود)، ناراحت کردن | فعل |
I didn't even bother to ask. Look, I'm sorry to bother you with my troubles. |
13 | luckily/ˈlʌk.ə.li/ | خوشبختانه | قید |
Luckily, they were the only ones in the lobby, so quickly obtained a room. He might have just fallen, luckily closer to the bottom than the top, or he'd be a dead man. |
14 | ironing/ˈɑɪ.ər.nɪŋ/ | اتوکشی | اسم |
A cabinet drop down ironing board like the wall-mount ironing board cabinet from Improvements is one of the best ways to store and use an ironing board. What does Howie have to do with ironing clothes and reaping hay? |
15 | have a shower/hæv ə ˈʃaʊər/ | دوش گرفتن | عبارت |
16 | washing-up/ˈwɑʃɪŋ-ʌp/ | شستشو (ظرف) [ظرف شستن] | اسم |
creaks under pressure & we all help finish washing up. While Cynthia was off with Fred sorting his treasure box, Dean remained in the kitchen washing up the dishes. |
17 | get up/gɛt ʌp/ | بیدار شدن بیدار کردن، بلند شدن | فعل |
get out of bed rise stir rouse oneself bestir oneself |
18 | stay/steɪ/ | ماندن باقی ماندن | فعل |
They wanted to stay at the party. You can go with me or stay here. |
remain remain behind stay behind stay put wait wait around |
19 | wash/wɒʃ/ | شستن تمیز کردن، پاک کردن | فعل |
Give me one of those polo shirts and I'll go wash up. Now go wash up for supper. |
clean oneself have a wash wash oneself bathe bath shower |
20 | go/goʊ/ | رفتن | فعل |
Alex would make the misery go away. You must go to Princess Ozma. |
move proceed make one's way advance progress |
21 | break/breɪk/ | شکستگی | اسم |
If you break it, you replace it. Are you opposed to a break now and then? |
shatter smash smash to smithereens crack snap |
22 | alone/əˈloʊn/ | تنها | صفت |
Being alone didn't seem so bad to me after all. I spoke to her alone for twenty minutes. |
by oneself on one's own all alone solo lone |
23 | have/hæv/ | خوردن نوشیدن | فعل |
possess own be in possession of be the owner of be the possessor of |
24 | lie in/laɪ ɪn/ | (بیش از حد معمول) در تختخواب ماندن | فعل |
25 | clean/kliːn/ | تمیز کردن پاک کردن، مرتب کردن | فعل |
You always look neat and clean - even if you are a little out of style. I have to clean the barn. |
washed scrubbed cleansed cleaned polished spotless |
26 | shopping/ˈʃɑp.ɪŋ/ | خرید | اسم |
I can't even get on her shopping list. I'm going shopping, then spending the rest of the day at the spa. |
store retail store outlet retail outlet reseller |
27 | feed/fiːd/ | غذا دادن | فعل |
I'm going to feed the chickens. How was she going to feed a baby? |
give food to provide food for provide for cater for prepare food for |
28 | fall asleep/fɔl əˈslip/ | به خواب رفتن | فعل |
doze off drop off go to sleep nod off go off drift off |
29 | have a sleep/hæv ə slip/ | خوابیدن | عبارت |
30 | oversleep/ˌoʊvərˈslip/ | خواب ماندن بیش از حد معمول خوابیدن، دیر از خواب بلند شدن | فعل |
oversleep in the mornings is Robert's worst habit! ill-timed wake-up call leads me to oversleep the early morning seminar, one I was looking forward to. |
31 | cleaner/ˈkliː.nər/ | تمیزکننده پاک کن | اسم |
It is cleaner than coke and is said to FIG. Their hands were cleaner but their thoughts were more impious, for they pretended to divine inspiration. |
washed scrubbed cleansed cleaned polished spotless |
32 | have a break/hæv ə breɪk/ | استراحت کردن [برای مدت کوتاهی از کاری دست کشیدن] | عبارت |
33 | snack/snæk/ | خوراک سبک میانوعده | اسم |
They finished the snack in silence. You brought a snack to our little party. |
light meal something to eat sandwich supper treat |
34 | lie/lɑɪ/ | دراز کشیدن | فعل |
untruth falsehood fib fabrication deception |
35 | fortunately/ˈfɔːr.tʃə.nət.li/ | خوشبختانه | قید |
Fortunately, breakfast was nothing like she imagined. Fortunately, Gerald and Sam had escaped. |
luckily happily providentially opportunely by good luck |