ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | prize/prɑɪz/ | جایزه | اسم |
I've not taken a prize in weeks. The magazine withdrew the prize offer. |
award reward premium trophy cup medal |
2 | game show/geɪm ʃoʊ/ | مسابقه تلویزیونی برنامه تلویزیونی | اسم |
3 | turn on/tɜrn ɑn/ | روشن کردن | فعل |
depend on rest on hang on hinge on be contingent on |
4 | current/ˈkɜr.ənt/ | فعلی جاری، کنونی | صفت |
The current balance owed was over four hundred dollars. This is the current battle situation. |
contemporary present-day present contemporaneous ongoing topical |
5 | turn off/tɜrn ɔf/ | خاموش کردن | فعل |
leave branch off take a side road take another road make a left make a right take a left |
6 | plug in/plʌg ɪn/ | به پریز برق وصل کردن | فعل |
7 | station/ˈsteɪ.ʃən/ | ایستگاه (رادیو و تلویزیون) | اسم |
I left the station, not sure what to do next. The stage came to a halt in front of the station, and people drifted by, satisfying their curiosity about its occupants. |
stopping place stop halt station stop stage terminus |
8 | live/lɪv/ | زنده (برنامه و ...) در حال پخش | صفت |
I live with my mother and daughter. You're trying to live like your parents, Carmen. |
exist be alive be have being have life breathe |
9 | channel/ˈtʃæn.əl/ | شبکه | اسم |
The correct channel has been programmed into it. The loose soil on the banks of the river is every year carried away in great masses, and the channel has so widened as to render the recurrence of an overflow unlikely. |
strait straits sound neck arm |
10 | turn up/tɜrn ʌp/ | زیاد کردن | فعل |
be found be discovered be located come to light reappear arrive put in an appearance |
11 | turn down/tɜrn daʊn/ | کم کردن | فعل |
12 | quiz/kwɪz/ | امتحان پرسش و پاسخ، تست | اسم |
If you're having a difficult time deciding on which school you should attend or what kind of pet you should get, an online quiz will help you pinpoint what you want and what you don't want, making the decision making process easier. The American Ballet Theatre, one of the most prestigious companies and schools in the United States, has an online ballet dictionary of over 150 terms that you can learn from and quiz your students on. |
test of knowledge competition panel game quiz game quiz show interrogation |
13 | comedy/ˈkɑmədi/ | نمایش خندهدار کمدی | اسم |
He introduced genuine comedy among his countrymen. Mrs. Keller and I watched the nursery comedy from the door. |
light entertainment comic film comic play farce situation comedy burlesque pantomime |
14 | show/ʃoʊ/ | برنامه نمایش | اسم |
I'll show you where you can sleep. Almost three-quarters of all defense spending occurs within NATO countries, meaning the alliance is largely the only military show in town. |
be visible be seen be in view manifest appear be revealed |
15 | highlight/ˈhaɪlaɪt/ | بخش جالب نقطه عطف، اوج | اسم |
Feeding and harnessing the cantankerous mules wasn't exactly the highlight of her day. The soft warm beige had a yellow highlight that reflected the evening sun. |
high point high spot best part climax culmination |
16 | cable/ˈkeɪ.bəl/ | کابل | اسم |
He used to make a cable for his anchor of strips of hickory bark tied together. A submarine cable (figs. |
rope cord line guy piece of cordage wire |
17 | contestant/kənˈtɛstənt/ | مسابقه دهنده شرکت کننده، حریف | اسم |
In an interview with American Songwriter Magazine, John Rich said that he carefully matched each contestant personally with their Nashville songwriting team, stating "It's like the Chuch Woolery of songwriting hookups." Through brutal challenges, harsh living conditions, and extreme tactics, the goal was to outwit, outplay, and outlast every other contestant on the island, a feat that Richard Hatch accomplished to become the first Survivor winner. |
competitor participant player contender candidate |
18 | documentary/ˌdɑk.jəˈmen.t̬ə.ri/ | فیلم مستند | اسم |
recorded documented registered written chronicled |
19 | series/ˈsɪr.iːz/ | سریال | اسم |
After a series of clicks, the lieutenant barked into the phone. All our earlier actions were a series of what ifs. |
sequence succession string chain concatenation |
20 | repeat/rəˈpiːt/ | تکرار بازپخش | اسم |
He had to repeat the question. Could you repeat that? |
say again restate reiterate go through again go over again |
21 | recorded/rəˈkɔrdəd/ | ثبت شده ضبط شده | صفت |
However, Martha took notes and Betsy recorded what was said. I had recorded twenty-one minutes. |
account accounts document documents documentation |
22 | favorite/ˈfeɪ.və.rɪt/ | مورد علاقه | صفت |
She's my favorite character. Riding horses was one of her favorite pastimes, and the country out that way was gorgeous - winter or summer. |
best-loved most-liked favoured dearest treasured |
23 | program/ˈproʊ.græm/ | برنامه | اسم |
Jessi watched her program a new contact into it. Judging by the training program, you've reached my level already. |
schedule agenda calendar timetable order of events list of events |
24 | remote/rɪˈmoʊt/ | کنترل (تلویزیون و ...) | اسم |
Whatever it may have been in remote geological periods, it is now extremely limited both in size and numbers. At a much more remote period also the great city of Lagash stood by or on its banks. |
faraway distant far far off far removed dim and distant isolated |
25 | programme/ˈproʊˌgræm/ | برنامه (رادیویی یا تلویزیونی) | اسم |
This programme he fulfilled. The premiers programme was not well received by the Chamber, although the treasury ministers financial statement was again satisfactory. |
schedule agenda calendar timetable order of events list of events |
26 | television/ˈtel.ə.vɪʒ.ən/ | تلویزیون | اسم |
He had been spending too much time with the television lately. Ingrid was clapping at the television, and his gaze flickered to the screen. |
TV television set small screen telly the box the gogglebox the tube the boob tube |
27 | soap opera/soʊp ˈɑprə/ | سریال آبکی (تلویزیون و رادیو) سریال زرد، مجموعه احساسی | اسم |
28 | satellite dish/ˈsætəlaɪt dɪʃ/ | دیش ماهواره | اسم |
29 | on/ɔːn/ | از (تلویزیون، رادیو و ...) پخش شدن | حرف اضافه |
"Alex tells me you have some nice horses on your ranch," Carmen said to Señor Medena. A warm hand rested on her waist. |
supported by resting on in contact with on to functioning in operation working |
30 | switch off/swɪʧ ɔf/ | خاموش کردن | فعل |
31 | switch on/swɪʧ ɑn/ | روشن کردن | فعل |
32 | satellite TV/ˈsætəˌlaɪt ˈtiˈvi/ | تلویزیون ماهوارهای | اسم |
space station space capsule spacecraft artificial satellite communications satellite weather satellite |
33 | TV/ˈtiˈvi/ | تلویزیون | اسم |
It's as safe as watching TV and a darned sight more fun. The only thing you watch on TV is football and the last 'book' you read was a bicycle magazine. |
television television set small screen telly, the box, the goggle-box the tube, the boob tube, the idiot box
34 | chat show/ʧæt ʃoʊ/ | میزگرد (رادیویی یا تلویزیونی) برنامهی گفتگو (تلویزیونی یا رادیویی) | اسم |