ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | bureaucrat/ˈbjʊrəˌkræt/ | مامور دولتی مامور اداری | اسم |
They're inspecting today and we can't go forward until some bureaucrat clears us. He was known as a capable and energetic bureaucrat and as nothing else. |
2 | application/ˌæp.ləˈkeɪ.ʃən/ | تقاضا درخواست | اسم |
All the same, she finally sent her application for the job. The application of the company for permission to lay wires in streets was again refused. |
3 | official/əˈfɪʃ.əl/ | مقام رسمی مامور رسمی | اسم |
Take this as an official request. He's the one who made this an official matter for the sheriff's office. |
4 | bureaucracy/bjʊˈrɑkrəsi/ | تشریفات اداری | اسم |
These honorary justices are mainly recruited from the ranks of the higher bureaucracy and the army. His next job was to restore the bureaucracy by which Henry I had organized the country. |
5 | underneath/ˌʌn.dərˈniːθ/ | زیر | حرف اضافه |
She scrambled from underneath the wagon and hastily threw her blankets under the seat. high, and underneath it was a labyrinth, from which FIG. |
6 | driving licence/ˈdraɪvɪŋ ˈlaɪsəns/ | گواهینامه رانندگی | اسم |
7 | date/deɪt/ | تاریخ | اسم |
"It's important to find out the date and place," she said. Yancey was an attentive date, always knowing exactly what to say and do. |
8 | registration/ˌredʒ.əˈstreɪ.ʃən/ | ثبتنام | اسم |
I just want to see your registration cards for March fourth. The indirect taxes comprise the charges on registration; stamps; customs; and a group of taxes specially described as indirect taxes. |
9 | document/ˈdɑkjəmɛnt/ | سند مدرک | اسم |
10 | check/tʃek/ | چک کردن بررسی کردن | فعل |
Why not check it out? I'll check into that too. |
11 | landing card/ˈlændɪŋ kɑrd/ | کارت فرود کارت ورود | اسم |
12 | print/prɪnt/ | چاپ کردن پرینت کردن | فعل |
It seems to me when you practice letters, you print uppercase letters first, don't you? "They can't print this!" she protested finally. |
13 | identity/ɑɪˈdent.ət̬.i/ | هویت | اسم |
They know who I am, and that I want to keep my identity silent. I've kept my identity hidden for five years now, but I knew deep down inside that it couldn't last forever. |
14 | country/ˈkʌn.tri/ | کشور | اسم |
The country was wild and beautiful. His birth father already suspected she was a country bumpkin. |
15 | place of birth/pleɪs ʌv bɜrθ/ | محل تولد | اسم |
16 | birth certificate/ˈbɜːrθ sərtɪfɪkət/ | گواهی تولد | اسم |
17 | passport/ˈpæs.pɔːrt/ | گذرنامه پاسپورت | اسم |
But the terms passport and sea-letter are often used indiscriminately. In its more familiar sense a passport is a. |
18 | certificate/sərˈtɪf.ɪ.kət/ | گواهی سند | اسم |
He even had a birth certificate for me. Public primary schools include (1) icoles maternellesinfant schools for children from two to six years old; (2) elementary primary schoolsthese are the ordinary schools for children from six to thirteen; (3) higher primary schools (coles primaires suprieures) and supplementary courses; these admit pupils who have gained the certificate of primary elementary studies (cerlificat diludes primaires), offer a more advanced course and prepare for technical instruction; (4) primary technical schools (coles manuelles dapprenlissage, coles primaires suprleures professionnelles) kept by the communes or departments. |
19 | expire/ɪkˈspaɪər/ | منقضی شدن به پایان رسیدن (تاریخ انقضا) | فعل |
My offer is good whether you expire in three months or an eternity. The armistice was allowed to expire, and a renewal of the contest became inevitable. |
20 | visa/ˈviː.zə/ | روادید ویزا | اسم |
He handed his Visa card back to the cashier. Dean was down to 11 dollars and change, so he used his Visa card, holding his breath that it wasn't maxed-out while the clerk ran it through the recording machine. |
21 | fill/fɪl/ | پر کردن | فعل |
It didn't take long to fill a few plates with pancakes. Alex watched her fill the container and put the lid on. |
22 | ID/ˌɑɪˈdiː/ | کارت شناسایی | اسم |
I can get each of you two sets of ID, birth certificate, passport, driver's license, charge cards and a brief history that will check out. The officer stared at her then held up an ID card with the boy's picture. |
23 | renew/rɪˈnu/ | تمدید کردن | فعل |
The object of sharing the meal with the god was to renew the blood bond. The last thing she wanted to do was renew their argument of the night before, but they needed to clear the air about something. |
24 | run out/rʌn aʊt/ | منقضی شدن باطل شدن | فعل |
25 | surname/ˈsɜːrneɪm/ | نام خانوادگی نام فامیلی | اسم |
His success in conquering Sicily earned him the surname of "the Great." The elder of these, succeeding as 3rd Baron Grantham (1781-1859), became in 1833 2nd Earl de Grey, in right of his maternal aunt, and assumed the surname of de Grey; he was lord-lieutenant of Ireland (1841-44). |
26 | enrollment/ɪnˈroʊlmənt/ | ثبتنام نامنویسی | اسم |
27 | sign/sɑɪn/ | امضا کردن | فعل |
There was no sign of anyone. There was no sign of anyone else about. |
indication signal symptom hint pointer |
28 | marital status/ˈmɛrətəl ˈstætəs/ | وضعیت تاهل | اسم |
29 | signature/ˈsɪg.nə.tʃər/ | امضا | اسم |
What about his signature on the registration? His paintings were so unique as to require no signature for identification. |