ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | recycle/ˌriːˈsaɪ.kl/ | بازیافت کردن | فعل |
Recycle your glass, paper, metal, and plastic products to reduce pollution, save trees, prevent wildlife habitat destruction, conserve energy and natural resources, and divert materials from incinerators and landfills. While being mindful to recycle common items such as glass, appropriate plastics, paper and aluminum, it is important to recycle electronics (such as computer monitors) and automotive-related items as well. |
reuse reprocess convert into something reclaim recover salvage |
2 | destruction/dɪˈstrʌk.ʃən/ | تخریب نابودی | اسم |
The destruction continued for miles without end, as far as she could see. His whole life on the brink of destruction if it were recognized what he was doing. |
demolition knocking down pulling down tearing down levelling |
3 | recycling/riˈsaɪkəlɪŋ/ | بازیافت | اسم |
reuse reprocess convert into something reclaim recover salvage |
4 | survival/sərˈvɑɪ.vəl/ | بقا زنده ماندن | اسم |
His own survival was more important. The natural selection process is survival of the fittest. |
5 | natural resources/ˈnæʧərəl ˈrisɔrsɪz/ | منابع طبیعی | اسم |
6 | soldier/ˈsoʊl.dʒər/ | سرباز | اسم |
He was a brave soldier and a wise teacher. Alder's Bridge was re-named Brockville, after the first soldier fatality of World War Two! |
fighter serviceman servicewoman fighting man fighting woman |
7 | war/wɔːr/ | جنگ | اسم |
The war is on. "Common knowledge the war spilled over," the Watcher snapped. |
conflict warfare combat fighting struggle |
8 | save/seɪv/ | نگه داشتن حفظ کردن، کنار گذاشتن | فعل |
You have a chance to save yourself. He did save your life, you know. |
rescue come to someone's rescue save someone's life come to someone's aid set free free |
9 | famine/ˈfæmən/ | قحطی خشکسالی | اسم |
The prevalent famine and distress are due to Yahweh's indignation at such remissness. There was a great famine in Rome. |
scarcity of food food shortages deprivation want shortage scarcity lack |
10 | survive/sərˈvaɪv/ | زنده ماندن (سالم) باقی ماندن، جان سالم به در بردن | فعل |
None of us are gonna survive this! After all, he didn't think he'd survive the weekend. |
remain alive live sustain oneself cling to life pull through |
11 | terrorism/ˈter.əˌrɪz.əm/ | تروریسم ایجاد ترس و وحشت در مردم | اسم |
No longer a tyrant of Ezzelinos stamp, he reigned by intelligence and terrorism masked beneath a smile. The history of the agitation which culminated in the disorderly rising of 1863 is one of intrigue, secret agitation, and in the end of sheer terrorism by a secret society, which organized political assassination. |
12 | protect/prəˈtekt/ | محافظت کردن | فعل |
They are elected or appointed to protect the rights of the citizens, yet they become the agents of their death. "I can't protect you," she said. |
keep safe keep from harm save safeguard shield |
13 | demand/dɪˈmænd/ | تقاضا درخواست | اسم |
If you don't stand up and demand a change, he'll keep on doing it. An undisclosed ransom demand was made. |
request call command order dictate ultimatum |
14 | terrorist/ˈterərɪst/ | تروریست تروریستی | اسم |
His indignation carried him into accord for a time with those who advocated the terrorist policy. After the close of the Convention Tallien's political importance came to an end, for, though he sat in the Council of Five Hundred, the moderates attacked him as terrorist, and the extreme party as a renegade. |
bomber arsonist incendiary gunman assassin desperado hijacker revolutionary |
15 | protection/prəˈtek.ʃən/ | حفاظت محافظت | اسم |
She was under the protection of the Others. Craftsmen and industrious artisans, return to your work, your houses, your shops, where the protection of guards awaits you! |
defence shielding shelter preservation conservation |
16 | waste/weɪst/ | هدر دادن تلف کردن | فعل |
What a waste of five years. Gabe didn't waste time. |
squander fritter away misspend misuse spend recklessly |
17 | natural disaster/ˈnæʧərəl dɪˈzæstər/ | بلای طبیعی | اسم |
18 | hostage/ˈhɑstɪʤ/ | گروگان | اسم |
He.s taken a human hostage, and we need to know where she is. "She's safe, I think. Darkyn wants her as a hostage, just in case," Ully whispered. |
captive prisoner detainee internee pawn security |
19 | release/rɪˈliːs/ | آزاد کردن رها کردن | فعل |
Are you going to release the description? At least one more thing before I release you. |
free set free let go allow to leave let loose |
20 | waste/weɪst/ | اتلاف اسراف، حرامسازی | اسم |
What a waste of five years. Gabe didn't waste time. |
squander fritter away misspend misuse spend recklessly |
21 | conserve/kənˈsɜrv/ | حفظ کردن نگهداری کردن | فعل |
The Code did not merely embody contemporary custom or conserve ancient law. In both these cases, however, it is the clove-gillyflower which is intended, as it is also in the passage from Gerard, in which he states that the conserve made of the flowers with sugar "is exceeding cordiall, and wonderfully above measure doth comfort the heart, being eaten now and then." |
preserve protect maintain save safeguard |
22 | resource/ˈriː.sɔːrs/ | منبع | اسم |
It was only as a last resource that she tried literature. He was a ready and powerful debater, full of resource, and dexterous in controversy. |
assets funds wealth money riches |
23 | hijack/ˈhaɪˌʤæk/ | دزدیدن (هواپیما، کشتی یا وسیله نقلیه) | فعل |
The plot involves mysterious aliens who infiltrate the Enterprise and hijack ... well, Spock's brain. Hackers want to hijack your computer and redirect it to a particular Web site to artificially inflate advertiser web traffic statistics, which means so much money per click. |
commandeer seize take over take possession of skyjack appropriate |
24 | drought/draʊt/ | خشکسالی | اسم |
Heat and drought had continued for more than three weeks. The drought is severe; rain falls rarely and in small quantities. |
dry spell, dry period, lack of rain, shortage of water drouth
25 | disaster/dɪˈzæs.tər/ | مصیبت بلا، ناکامی بزرگ | اسم |
The events which led to this disaster may be briefly told. She froze when she saw the disaster that was her apartment. |
catastrophe calamity cataclysm tragedy act of God |
26 | global warming/ˌgloʊ.bəlˈwɔːr.mɪŋ/ | گرمایش جهانی گرم شدن کره زمین | اسم |
27 | plant a bomb/plænt ə bɑm/ | بمب گذاشتن | عبارت |
28 | assassinate/əˈsæsəˌneɪt/ | ترور کردن (سیاسی) به قتل رساندن | فعل |
In 1887 he planned with some friends to assassinate Emperor Alexander III. Soon after the Canudos affair a conspiracy was hatched to assassinate the president. |
murder kill execute slaughter butcher |
29 | earthquake/ˈɜrθ.kweɪk/ | زلزله زمینلرزه | اسم |
The city was almost totally destroyed by an earthquake in 1766, and again in 1797. The earthquake grew more intense. |
earth tremor tremor convulsion shock foreshock |
30 | pollute/pəˈlut/ | آلوده کردن | فعل |
Here all the prescriptions of puritypartly connected with national customs, and impossible of execution abroad were diligently observed; and even the injunction not to pollute earth with corpses, but to cast out the dead to vulture and dog, was obeyed in its full force. Change the air filter on a regular basis to remove trapped dirt and debris that could pollute the air of your home or workspace. |
contaminate adulterate taint poison befoul |
31 | peace/piːs/ | آرامش آسودگی، صلح | اسم |
I shall not be at peace till you promise me this. The sense of peace and calm at his core returned as her energy flowed through him. |
tranquillity calm calmness restfulness peace and quiet |
32 | civil war/ˈsɪvəl wɔr/ | جنگ داخلی | اسم |
33 | flood/flʌd/ | سیل | اسم |
Carmen felt warmth flood her face. She neared him, sensing a flood of raw emotion she didn't understand. |
inundation swamping deluge torrent overflow flash flood |
34 | pollution/pəˈluʃən/ | آلودگی | اسم |
Heathenish cults and forbidden manners and customs are a pollution to the land and a deep insult to the true God. They may also take proceedings in respect of the pollution of a stream by any solid or liquid sewage matter. |
contamination contaminating adulteration adulterating tainting |
35 | throw away/θroʊ əˈweɪ/ | دور انداختن | فعل |
disposable expendable one-use non-returnable one-way |
36 | kill/kɪl/ | کشتن از بین بردن | فعل |
You can kill me. Get out of here before I kill you. |
murder cause the death of end the life of take the life of do away with |
37 | destroy/dəˈstrɔɪ/ | نابود کردن | فعل |
Rhyn wanted to destroy the letter. She said we have to destroy it, too. |
demolish knock down pull down tear down level |
38 | cut/kʌt/ | قطع کردن | فعل |
Placing it in a little plate, he cut it up in small pieces. I've cut enough here for supper. |
gash slash lacerate slit pierce |
39 | civilian/səˈvɪljən/ | (فرد) غیر نظامی | اسم |
A civilian dressed older man stepped forward. Floquet, then an elderly civilian, sufficed to check the enthusiasm of his following. |
non-military person non-combatant ordinary citizen private citizen civvy non-military non-combatant |
40 | environment/enˈvɑɪ.rən.mənt/ | محیط زیست | اسم |
The environment in the Arctic Circle is very hostile. Many influences operating for a long period of time on the character and the environment of a class go to determine its standard of life. |
habitat territory domain home abode surroundings |
41 | planet/ˈplæn.ət/ | سیاره | اسم |
Does human activity cause the planet to warm? So the problem must be that we have stretched the planet past its ability to feed its inhabitants, right? |
42 | rain forest/ˈreɪn.fɔːr.əst/ | جنگل بارانی (استوایی) | اسم |