ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | well/wel/ | به خوبی خوب | قید |
Well... they had been flirting with each other in the car. Well, there are a lot of reasons we don't get along. |
2 | photo/ˈfoʊt̬.oʊ/ | عکس | اسم |
The babies in the photo were living beings. "Oh my gosh!" she said, looking back at the photo to read the statistics. |
3 | make a difference/meɪk ə ˈdɪfərəns/ | تاثیر مثبت گذاشتن تغییر مثبت ایجاد کردن | عبارت |
4 | make friends/meɪk frɛndz/ | دوست شدن دوست پیدا کردن | عبارت |
5 | research/rɪˈsɜrtʃ/ | پژوهش تحقیق | اسم |
I was trying to research the buyer. Sensing my reaction she added, It's sort of what I do in my job; research things. |
6 | subject/ˈsʌb.dʒɪkt/ | موضوع مبحث، درس | اسم |
She forced the subject from her mind. That was the end of the conversation and neither of them brought the subject up again that night. |
7 | break/breɪk/ | وقت استراحت وقفه، تنفس (در مدرسه و ...) | اسم |
If you break it, you replace it. Are you opposed to a break now and then? |
8 | badly/ˈbæd.li/ | بد | قید |
Could you tell how badly he was hurt? We'll see how badly you want to leave. |
9 | course/kɔːrs/ | دوره (آموزشی) درس | اسم |
Of course, he was just a kid. The service on Christmas Eve day was, of course, about Jesus. |
10 | take a break/teɪk ə breɪk/ | استراحت کردن | فعل |
11 | take a seat/teɪk ə sit/ | نشستن | عبارت |
12 | make progress/meɪk ˈprɑˌgrɛs/ | پیشرفت کردن | عبارت |
13 | take off/teɪk ɔf/ | مرخصی گرفتن | فعل |
14 | favor/ˈfeɪ.vər/ | لطف مرحمت، کمک، خواهش | اسم |
Sounds like a favor to me. Do me a favor and don't listen to Dulce. |
15 | take/teɪk/ | گرفتن | فعل |
I can take care of myself. We'll take care of them together. |
16 | take a shower/teɪk ə ˈʃaʊər/ | دوش گرفتن | عبارت |
17 | something/ˈsʌm.θɪŋ/ | چیزی یک چیزی | ضمیر |
There was certainly something in it. "I have something to tell you," he said. |
18 | do homework/du ˈhoʊmˌwɜrk/ | تکلیف انجام دادن | عبارت |
19 | nothing/ˈnʌθ.ɪŋ/ | هیچ چیز هیچ کار، هیچ | ضمیر |
Nothing. I was just thinking about technology. She tried to speak, but nothing came out. |
20 | make/meɪk/ | درست کردن ساختن | فعل |
Drowning your sorrows in eggnog will only make you feel worse in the long run. Make life easy for yourselves. |
21 | shopping/ˈʃɑp.ɪŋ/ | خرید | اسم |
I can't even get on her shopping list. I'm going shopping, then spending the rest of the day at the spa. |
22 | take an exam/teɪk ən ɪgˈzæm/ | امتحان دادن | عبارت |
23 | progress/ˈprɑˌgrɛs/ | پیشرفت | اسم |
Just about time I think the two of you are making progress, something like this comes up. Progress is being made. |
24 | make a mistake/meɪk ə mɪsˈteɪk/ | اشتباه کردن | فعل |
25 | make a decision/meɪk ə dɪˈsɪʒən/ | تصمیم گرفتن | فعل |
26 | make money/meɪk ˈmʌni/ | پول درآوردن | عبارت |