ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | minus/ˈmɑɪ.nəs/ | منها منفی | حرف اضافه |
minus the width of two of his rails. minus has foliage somewhat resembling that of the Maidenhair fern. |
2 | work out/wɜrk aʊt/ | برآورد کردن محاسبه کردن | فعل |
3 | fraction/ˈfrækʃən/ | کسر بخش، کم | اسم |
4 | million/ˈmɪl.jən/ | میلیون | اسم |
It was the million dollar question. By the end of the four-month campaign, the White House would receive two million dimes. |
5 | percent/pərˈsɛnt/ | درصد | اسم |
"Under ten percent," he replied. I was a hundred percent truthful—same as always, almost. |
6 | times/taɪmz/ | ضرب در | حرف اضافه |
Destiny woke several times during the night, but went back to sleep when she saw Carmen was there. She had shut Katie off many times when she had tried to tell her things. |
hour o'clock moment point point in time occasion hour |
7 | hundred/ˈhʌn.drəd/ | صد عدد 100 | عدد |
I've told myself that a hundred times. The current balance owed was over four hundred dollars. |
century ton
8 | date/deɪt/ | تاریخ | اسم |
"It's important to find out the date and place," she said. Yancey was an attentive date, always knowing exactly what to say and do. |
day day of the month occasion year anniversary |
9 | point/pɔɪnt/ | نقطه ممیز | اسم |
There was no point in working herself up this way. At some point she fell asleep. |
tip sharp end tapered end end extremity prong |
10 | multiplication/ˌmʌltəpləˈkeɪʃən/ | ضرب (ریاضی) (علامت ضرب: ×) | اسم |
(iii.) The multiplication and division of monomials is effected by means of the law of indices. The operations of addition and multiplication of two given cardinal numbers can be defined by taking two classes a and 13, satisfying the conditions (1) that their cardinal numbers are respectively the given numbers, and (2) that they contain no member in common, and then by defining by reference to a and (3 two other suitable classes whose cardinal numbers are defined to be respectively the required sum and product of the cardinal numbers in question. |
11 | divide/dɪˈvɑɪd/ | تقسیم کردن تقسیم کردن (ریاضی) | فعل |
"Divide it among the poor people who need it so badly," said some. These lessees are usually speculators, who divide and sub-let the estate. |
split cut up cleave carve up slice up |
12 | thousand/ˈθaʊznd/ | هزار | اسم |
I have over three thousand acres. A thousand years ago boys and girls did not learn to read. |
K, thou chiliad
13 | subtraction/səbˈtrækʃən/ | تفریق منها | اسم |
Addition and Subtraction of Percentages. Thus multiplication and division in the power-series correspond to addition and subtraction in the index-series, and vice versa. |
14 | billion/ˈbɪl.jən/ | میلیارد | اسم |
In 2006, roughly a billion people had access to the Internet. A billion different stories and experiences. |
15 | half/hæf/ | نیم نصف | ضمیر |
More than half the hungry people in the world live in just these three nations—nations that are all net food exporters. I was awake half the night. |
fifty per cent of bisection of halved divided in two part partial bisected |
16 | addition/əˈdɪʃ.ən/ | جمع به علاوه | اسم |
In addition to the assistance from the renters, the money finally gave her an income of her own, and the token independence that went with it. In addition, all her planning and tenacity were paying off. |
inclusion adding adding in incorporation introduction |
17 | zero/ˈzɪr.oʊ/ | صفر عدد 0 | عدد |
Dean pushed each of the four buzzers, with zero response. Zero is a cardinal number. |
nought nothing cipher nil 0 null character naught nothing |
18 | nought/nɔt/ | صفر هیچ | اسم |
so that he had almost nought to live on. In the negotiations with England which went on in the summer of 1806 Talleyrand had not a free hand; they came to nought, as did those with Russia which had led up to the signature of a Franco-Russian treaty at Paris by d'Oubril which was at once disavowed by the tsar. |
nothing nothing at all naught no point no purpose no effect |
19 | division/dɪˈvɪʒ.ən/ | تقسیم تقسیم (ریاضی) | اسم |
In the past, we simply had division of labor among people. As each division corresponds to 3 sec. |
dividing dividing up breaking up break-up cutting up |
20 | calculator/ˈkæl.kjəˌleɪt̬.ər/ | ماشین حساب | اسم |
For the purposes of the calculator a solution erring in excess was also required, and this Snell gave by slightly varying the former construction. This achievement was anticipated or outdone by an unknown calculator, whose manuscript was seen in the Radcliffe library, Oxford, by Baron von Zach towards the end of the century, and contained the ratio correct to 152 places. |
21 | arithmetic/əˈrɪθməˌtɪk/ | (علم) حساب (ریاضی) | اسم |
Her progress in arithmetic has been equally remarkable. It was not a special subject, like geography or arithmetic, but her way to outward things. |
22 | multiply/ˈmʌltəˌplaɪ/ | (در هم) ضرب کردن (ریاضی) | فعل |
Machines multiply our labor and increase our ability to do work. But the old abuses continuing to multiply, the Prussian towns and gentry at last took their affairs into their own hands, and formed a so-called Prussian League, which demanded an equal share in the government of the country. |
increase increase exponentially grow become more numerous accumulate |
23 | plus/plʌs/ | به علاوه به اضافه | حرف اضافه |
Plus, if there is war, there are more competitors. Twenty-eight dollars, plus tax. |
and added to increased by with the addition of as well as together with |
24 | decimal/ˈdɛsəməl/ | دهگان (ریاضی) ده دهی، اعشاری | صفت |
In these cases the digit itself, or decimal multiples, seem to have been used. 8), the continual mention of large decimal numbers of shekels in the earlier books, and the certain fact of 100 shekels being = mina. |
25 | oh/oʊ/ | صفر | اسم |
Oh, I forgot to ask. Oh, what a pretty sound it made! |
26 | quarter/ˈkwɔːr.t̬.ər/ | ربع (ساعت) یک ربع | اسم |
That's a quarter of all the hungry people in the world. He inhabited a separate quarter of the city. |
district area region part side |
27 | stuck/stʌk/ | گیر کرده | صفت |
He'll be stuck to that TV for hours. The woman stuck out her hand. |
fixed fastened attached glued pinned immovable |