ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | complete/kəmˈpliːt/ | تمام کامل | صفت |
It's a nice house, a keen house, complete with a front porch and swing. Was she a complete fool? |
entire whole full total intact |
2 | give up/gɪv ʌp/ | کنار گذاشتن انصراف دادن، رها کردن | فعل |
admit defeat concede defeat stop trying call it a day give in |
3 | swimming/ˈswɪm.ɪŋ/ | شنا | اسم |
I'll show you the swimming hole. Drenched in sweat and covered with dirt, she decided to go swimming in the creek. |
bathe go swimming take a dip dip splash around float |
4 | team/tiːm/ | تیم (ورزشی و ...) | اسم |
A good leader makes a good team the best, as my father says. I was on the chess team in college. |
group squad side band bunch |
5 | camping/ˈkæm.pɪŋ/ | اردو کمپینگ | اسم |
Camping too close deprives the animals of their share. Betsy remained down in the dumps over Martha's departure but per usual, she successfully researched the Internet and found directions to eight different camping parks in the area. |
bivouac encampment cantonment barracks base campsite |
6 | athletics/æˈθlɛtɪks/ | ورزش [هرگونه فعالیت ورزشی] | اسم |
She instructed certain of her favourites in gymnastics and athletics, as a useful training for war. Sport and athletics are provided by a number of clubs, notably the Touring Club Italiano, founded in 1894. |
track and field events sporting events sports games organized games |
7 | gym/dʒɪm/ | باشگاه | اسم |
Dusty rose to pull on his gym clothes. I need an hour in the gym then we'll go over the logistics issues you're inheriting. |
8 | sport/spɔːrt/ | ورزش بازی ورزشی | اسم |
You be there to show her what a good sport you are. There remained a second rope, various books on the sport of ice climbing and a few pitons. |
(competitive) game(s) physical recreation physical activity physical exercise pastime wear display |
9 | join/dʒɔɪn/ | عضو شدن پیوستن، ملحق شدن | فعل |
Come join me in a dance. You should join me sometime. |
connect unite fix affix attach |
10 | motorcycle/ˈmoʊt̬.ərˌsɑɪ.kəl/ | موتورسیکلت | اسم |
However, talented artists can usually blend designs together with little to no problem.The person who is nervous about adding a fairy to a motorcycle tattoo may want to give a temporary tattoo a "test drive" before doing anything permanent. Because of this, it's important that you take each feature of your potential investment in your own eyesight into careful consideration before making a decision on one of the most important accessories you can purchase for your motorcycle. |
11 | fit/fɪt/ | متناسب تندرست | صفت |
Wherever we go, I can find a job to fit my goals. It was fit for a queen. |
suitable good enough relevant pertinent apt appropriate |
12 | support/səˈpɔːrt/ | طرفداری کردن | فعل |
Support was heavy for the school's primary sport. You know I always support you. |
hold up bear carry prop up keep up |
13 | go swimming/goʊ ˈswɪmɪŋ/ | شنا کردن شنا رفتن | فعل |
14 | skiing/ˈskiː.ɪŋ/ | اسکی | اسم |
We won't have you skiing any place where you're not comfortable. During the two weeks there was a Mexican dinner at the Catholic church, a couple of movies, three evenings at the Ouray Hot Springs Pool and even a day of downhill skiing at Telluride. |
15 | ice hockey/ˈɑɪsˌhɑk.i/ | هاکی روی یخ | اسم |
16 | fun/fʌn/ | سرگرمی [چیز] سرگرم کننده، خوشایند، تفریح | اسم |
We had fun together. We began to have fun together. |
pleasure entertainment enjoyment amusement excitement |
17 | circuit/ˈsɜrkət/ | مسیر گرد (برای مسابقه) | اسم |
Maybe the refrigerator is on a separate circuit breaker! If the current is interrupted or alternating, and if a telephone receiver has its terminals connected to a separate metallic circuit joined by earth plates at two other places to the earth, not on the same equipotential surface of the first circuit, sounds will be heard in the telephone due to a current passing through it. |
lap turn tour round circle |
18 | rock climbing/rɑk ˈklaɪmɪŋ/ | صخرهنوردی سنگنوردی | اسم |
19 | go skiing/goʊ ˈskiɪŋ/ | به اسکی رفتن اسکی کردن | فعل |
20 | hiking/ˈhɑɪk.ɪŋ/ | پیادهگردی (پیادهروی طولانی در خارج از شهر) | اسم |
He was hiking the Appalachian Trail. Catching the toe of her hiking boots under a vine, she tripped and fell. |
walk trek tramp trudge traipse |
21 | opposite/ˈɑp.ə.zɪt/ | مخالف متضاد | اسم |
Kris sat opposite his brother. Without another word, he turned the horse and kicked it into a trot in the opposite direction. |
facing face to face with across from eyeball to eyeball with fronting facing opposing conflicting contrasting |
22 | get fit/gɛt fɪt/ | رو فرم آمدن (بدن) | فعل |
23 | jogging/ˈʤɑgɪŋ/ | [آهسته] دویدن | اسم |
Betsy and I met last fall while jogging in Central Park. The jogging blonde had his attention. |
run slowly jogtrot dogtrot trot lope go jogging continue |
24 | shorts/ʃɔːrts/ | شلوارک شلوار کوتاه | اسم |
She wore a T-shirt and shorts that revealed her shapely, soft legs. Faust wore new hiking shorts that exposed bowed legs as white as winter. |
small little tiny minuscule teeny teeny-weeny small |
25 | take up/teɪk ʌp/ | کاری (ورزش و ...) را شروع کردن | فعل |
26 | keep fit/kip fɪt/ | حفظ (کردن) تناسب اندام | فعل |
27 | good for you/gʊd fɔr ju/ | آفرین دمت گرم | حرف ندا |
28 | good for you/gʊd fɔr ju/ | (برای سلامتی) خوب است برای شما مفید است | عبارت |
29 | competitive/kəmˈpet̬.ət̬.ɪv/ | رقابتی | صفت |
ambitious driven vying combative contentious |
30 | stick/stɪk/ | چوگان چوب (هاکی و اسکی و ...) | اسم |
I'll stick to biking. She dropped the stick and touched his shoulders. |
piece of wood twig small branch walking stick cane staff malacca |
31 | exercise/ˈek.sərˌsɑɪz/ | ورزش | اسم |
I see you're getting your exercise for the day. You've had enough exercise for today. |
physical activity movement exertion effort work a workout |
32 | club/klʌb/ | کلوپ باشگاه، دیسکو | اسم |
In the club all was going on as usual. His curiosity satisfied and the hunt over, he was ready to leave the noise of the club for the peace of his condo. |
society association organization institution group circle |
33 | vest/vest/ | جلیقه | اسم |
Next he removed the vest and placed it neatly beside the jacket. It was known as the Vest Recklinghausen. |
entrust to invest in bestow on confer on grant to |
34 | play/pleɪ/ | بازی کردن | فعل |
Want to play a game? Sometimes Alex and Jonathan play soccer, and sometimes we all go for a ride in the buggy. |
amuse oneself entertain oneself enjoy oneself have fun have a good time |
35 | take/teɪk/ | گرفتن | فعل |
I can take care of myself. We'll take care of them together. |
lay hold of take hold of get hold of get into one's hands grasp grip |
36 | ski/ski/ | اسکی چوب اسکی | اسم |
I don't think it would be fashionable if I wore a ski mask. Time to get out of these ski clothes and do some work. |