ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | question/ˈkwes.tʃən/ | سوال پرسیدن پرس و جو کردن | فعل |
The big question was, would her confidence last? Did Mom question Dad? |
inquiry query interrogation examination quiz quizzing doubt dispute |
2 | investigate/ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt/ | بررسی کردن تحقیق کردن، بازرسی کردن | فعل |
I promised you I'd investigate this as thoroughly as I could. He gave orders to investigate the matter. |
inquire into look into go into look over probe |
3 | illegal/ɪˈligəl/ | غیر قانونی | صفت |
There was nothing illegal going on, simply mysterious. It was hard to picture him involved with anything illegal... but why? |
unlawful illicit illegitimate against the law criminal |
4 | break/breɪk/ | شکستن (قانون، قول و ...) نقض کردن، زیر قول زدن | فعل |
If you break it, you replace it. Are you opposed to a break now and then? |
shatter smash smash to smithereens crack snap |
5 | sentence/ˈsen.t̬əns/ | حکم | اسم |
He typed a short sentence, and then stopped. Finally, in the trial of the king he demanded, with the Girondists, that the sentence should be pronounced by a vote of the whole people, and not simply by the Convention. |
judgement ruling pronouncement decision determination |
6 | arrest/əˈrest/ | دستگیر کردن بازداشت کردن | فعل |
They could arrest and imprison. Why don't you arrest both of us? |
apprehend take into custody seize take in take prisoner |
7 | fine/fɑɪn/ | جریمه غرامت | اسم |
This is a fine meal, do you think? That would be fine with me. |
excellent first-class first-rate great exceptional |
8 | sentence/ˈsen.t̬əns/ | محکوم کردن | فعل |
He typed a short sentence, and then stopped. Finally, in the trial of the king he demanded, with the Girondists, that the sentence should be pronounced by a vote of the whole people, and not simply by the Convention. |
judgement ruling pronouncement decision determination |
9 | jury/ˈdʒʊr.i/ | هیئت منصفه | اسم |
What's it got to do with jury duty? In this court and in this court alone there is always a jury of twelve. |
10 | charge/tʃɑːrdʒ/ | متهم کردن اتهام وارد کردن | فعل |
Before she could object, Kiki took charge again. I will be in charge of your initiation. |
ask in payment ask fix a charge fix a price impose |
11 | commit/kəˈmɪt/ | مرتکب شدن صورت گرفتن (جرم) | فعل |
She was admitting to a crime she didn't commit, knowing it was her son who did it. Before you commit to a number, think of this. |
carry out do perform perpetrate engage in |
12 | judge/ʤʌʤ/ | قاضی | اسم |
I do not allow myself to judge him and would not have others do so. The judge told us not to discuss the case. |
justice magistrate Her Honour His Honour Your Honour Law Lord |
13 | crime/kraɪm/ | جرم جنایت | اسم |
You're not accused of any crime so I'm not harboring any fugitives. We won't go anywhere near the crime scene; ever. |
offence unlawful act illegal act breach of the law infraction of the law |
14 | prove/pruv/ | ثابت کردن اثبات کردن | فعل |
I'm not asking you to prove anything. There's no point in being uncomfortable just so you can prove what a macho man you are. |
demonstrate show show beyond doubt show to be true manifest |
15 | defendant/dɪˈfendənt/ | متهم | اسم |
When a divorce is granted, the defendant is not permitted to marry other than the plaintiff for three years, unless the plaintiff dies. When a defendant was of rank superior to that of the plaintiff, distress had to be preceded by troscad (=fasting). |
accused, prisoner at the bar appellant, litigant, respondent suspect, suspected person
16 | against/əˈgenst/ | خلاف (قانون) | حرف اضافه |
opposed to in opposition to hostile to averse to antagonistic towards |
17 | punishment/ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/ | مجازات تنبیه | اسم |
"What will the punishment be, Mr. Johnson?" asked a bold, bad boy. No other punishment fell on the man. |
penalizing punishing disciplining retribution damnation chastising chastisement penalty |
18 | go/goʊ/ | رفتن | فعل |
Alex would make the misery go away. You must go to Princess Ozma. |
move proceed make one's way advance progress |
19 | barrister/ˈbærɪstər/ | وکیلمدافع وکیل | اسم |
The barrister sits without a jury. His work as a barrister was chiefly concerned with pedigree cases before the House of Lords. |
advocate lawyer professional pleader counsel Queen's Counsel |
20 | witness/ˈwɪtnəs/ | شاهد | اسم |
No one is forcing you to witness that stuff! Did you get to witness the birth? |
observer onlooker looker-on eyewitness spectator |
21 | prison/ˈprɪzn/ | زندان | اسم |
My prison had only a kerosene lamp for light. He died in the fortress prison of San Leo in 1795. |
jail penal institution place of detention lock-up place of confinement |
22 | evidence/ˈev.əd.əns/ | مدرک شواهد | اسم |
All the evidence points to an accident. He was trying to find incriminating evidence on Yancey. |
proof confirmation verification substantiation corroboration |
23 | trial/ˈtraɪəl/ | دادگاه دادگاهی، محاکمه | اسم |
He was sent for trial and condemned to hard labor, I believe. He would simply have to learn by trial and error. |
court case case lawsuit suit hearing |
24 | prisoner/ˈprɪznər/ | زندانی | اسم |
The prisoner was led away. She stood before the window, feeling very much like a prisoner in her new world. |
convict inmate trusty jailbird con lifer lag old lag yardbird transport prisoner of war |
25 | offence/əˈfɛns/ | تخلف جرم، قانونشکنی | اسم |
SIMONY, an offence, defined below, against the law of the church. No offence sport, but when is the last time you looked in the mirror? |
crime illegal act unlawful act misdemeanour breach of the law |
26 | catch/kætʃ/ | دستگیر کردن | فعل |
He paused for a moment to catch his breath. Some fancy intern catch your eye? |
seize grab snatch grab hold of seize hold of |
27 | innocent/ˈɪn.ə.sənt/ | معصوم بیگناه | صفت |
The children are so innocent they will believe anything I tell them. He was the same as ever, but the feverish color of his face, his glittering eyes rapturously turned toward her, and especially his neck, delicate as a child's, revealed by the turn-down collar of his shirt, gave him a peculiarly innocent, childlike look, such as she had never seen on him before. |
guiltless guilt-free not guilty blameless not to blame |
28 | guilty/ˈgɪl.ti/ | گناهکار مجرم | صفت |
The men are as guilty as she is. The old man feels he is guilty, but cannot change himself. |
culpable to blame blameworthy blameable at fault |
29 | court/kɔːrt/ | دادگاه | اسم |
"The ball is in your court," I said. My client's in court out here and I'm keeping an eye on her assets. |
court of law law court bench bar court of justice |