ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | scar/skɑːr/ | جای زخم | اسم |
I don't want to scar the trees. He straightened, his eyes going to the healed scar along his forearm. |
2 | overweight/ˌoʊvərˈweɪt/ | چاق دارای اضافه وزن | صفت |
His overweight partner was as quiet as a fawn at dawn. He watched an overweight man open the trunk of his car and drag out a child-size bundle. |
3 | about/əˈbɑʊt/ | حدود تقریبا | قید |
Do you want to tell me about it? I didn't ask about his family tree. |
4 | ugly/ˈʌg.li/ | زشت | صفت |
I wasn't ugly, but I didn't consider myself beautiful. She shook her head to clear the ugly thought. |
5 | fat/fæt/ | چاق | صفت |
I feel fat and lazy. "On that note, let's have some supper," Dean said, noting his Fat Tire six pack was now filled with empties, thanks to two drinks for each of the threesome. |
6 | muscular/ˈmʌs.kjə.lər/ | هیکلی ماهیچهای، عضلانی | صفت |
Lana wrapped her arms around his muscular frame, breathing in his familiar scent. She ran her fingers along his muscular forearm. |
7 | medium/ˈmiːd.i.əm/ | متوسط | صفت |
Wine of medium quality is grown on the banks of the Marne and the Aisne. OPTICS, the science of light, regarded as the medium of sight (Gr. |
8 | short/ʃɔːrt/ | قد کوتاه | صفت |
Life's too short as it is. His stunt tonight was nothing short of jealousy. |
9 | about/əˈbɑʊt/ | درباره در مورد | حرف اضافه |
Do you want to tell me about it? I didn't ask about his family tree. |
10 | blonde/blɑːnd/ | طلایی بلوند، بور | صفت |
The blonde teacher was staring at her. A lock of mousy blonde hair covered her left eye. |
11 | dark/dɑːrk/ | تیره پررنگ (توصیف رنگ) | صفت |
He looked tall and lean in a dark suit. At the kitchen door she nearly ran into a dark form. |
12 | good-looking/gʊdˈlʊk.ɪŋ/ | خوشقیافه زیبا، خوشتیپ | صفت |
Depending on what you do for a living, these shorts are sturdy and good-looking enough for work, too! The good-looking brunette parlayed her success on the reality TV show to launch her own career in Hollywood. |
13 | thin/θɪn/ | لاغر نازک، باریک | صفت |
You're skating on thin ice, Mr. Juror. I know you're trying to stay fashionably thin, but the truth is... |
14 | how much/haʊ mʌʧ/ | چقدر چه مقدار | تخصیص گر |
15 | pretty/ˈprɪt̬.i/ | خوشگل زیبا، جذاب | صفت |
Your aunt and uncle seem pretty fond of you. Oh, what a pretty sound it made! |
16 | handsome/ˈhæn.səm/ | خوشتیپ جذاب، خوشقیافه | صفت |
And how handsome they both are! That guy was a mighty handsome stud. |
17 | attractive/əˈtræk.tɪv/ | جذاب زیبا | صفت |
The woman smiled, creating an attractive dimple at the corner of her mouth. Alondra was attractive in a delicate way - her features more refined. |
18 | beard/bɪrd/ | ریش | اسم |
These are the lips of the lake, on which no beard grows. "I can't imagine you with a beard," she finally said. |
19 | fair-haired/ˌfer ˈherd/ | بلوند | صفت |
These brown, light brown or reddish marks are most common in fair-haired people, and usually appear on the face, neck and shoulders. fair-haired girls, and that the lodger himself is fixated by golden hair. |
20 | How tall are you?/haʊ tɔl ɑr ju?/ | قد شما چقدر است؟ | جمله |
21 | build/bɪld/ | هیکل بدن | اسم |
He paused, to build the suspense. We will build an army unlike any that has ever existed, and we will use it to seek revenge on your father for betraying you and her. |
22 | fair/fer/ | روشن بلوند، بور | صفت |
They are fair and wise. We're not being fair to our employers. |
23 | skin/skɪn/ | پوست | اسم |
If she wanted a small object and was given a large one, she would shake her head and take up a tiny bit of the skin of one hand between the thumb and finger of the other. Even though her skin now had a healthy tan, the sun was doing its best to burn it. |
24 | straight/streɪt/ | صاف | صفت |
She looked him straight in the eye. "I'm shocked," he said with a straight face. |
25 | curly/ˈkɜr.li/ | فرفری | صفت |
Curly pine is fairly abundant. Her dark, curly hair was matted with blood, her features pale. |
26 | height/haɪt/ | قد | اسم |
The mountain ridges vary in height up to 4000 ft. He's about the same height and weight but he's younger. |
27 | age/eɪdʒ/ | سن | اسم |
He sold his first painting at age fifteen – something like $17,000. At her age, the words sounded strange. |
28 | roughly/ˈrʌf.li/ | تقریبا | قید |
Roughly speaking, Little Russia, otherwise called the Ukraine, may be described as the basin of the Dnieper southward of the 51st parallel of latitude. His features were heavy and roughly hewn. |
29 | weight/weɪt/ | وزن | اسم |
The boxes were heavy, so carrying two of them was too much weight to handle. They needed to gain a little weight before they would be released from the hospital, though. |
30 | plain/pleɪn/ | ساده | صفت |
I'm glad we were out in plain sight! Her room was plain and basic. |
31 | tall/tɔl/ | بلند قد قد بلند | صفت |
The two tall peasants had their say. A tall perfectly formed and decorated Christmas tree stood beside the staircase. |
32 | beautiful/ˈbjuː.tɪ.fəl/ | زیبا جذاب، خوشایند | صفت |
Look at those big gray eyes and that beautiful red hair! It's such a beautiful day. |
33 | pale/peɪl/ | رنگپریده | صفت |
His face looked pale and he rode with an alien stiffness. Her face was pale and rigid. |
34 | broad/brɔd/ | پهن عریض | صفت |
The old man looked up with a broad smile. "This one," Jule said with a broad smile. |
35 | moustache/ˈmʌˌstæʃ/ | سبیل | اسم |
He smiled beneath his handlebar moustache, a scene from the old west. I did have a talk with the fella with the silly moustache dressed in the undertaker's clothes. |
36 | wavy/ˈweɪ.vi/ | موجدار | صفت |
He brushed back what seemed like a foot of wavy blond hair. She wore a flowing, diaphanous gown and had long, wavy, bronze colored hair. |
37 | slim/slɪm/ | لاغر باریکاندام | صفت |
His hips were slim, his long legs shapely. Slim ankles and lean upper thighs gave her the look of a model. |