ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | leader/ˈliːdər/ | رهبر | اسم |
A good leader makes a good team the best, as my father says. He is not a leader, but a follower. |
chief head principal boss commander captain figurehead |
2 | communism/ˈkɑmjəˌnɪzəm/ | کمونیسم | اسم |
They aimed at communism in all things. There are no longer any traces of communism, and the colony's property is actually held by an organization of the local Roman Catholic church. |
collectivism state ownership socialism radical socialism Sovietism Bolshevism |
3 | liberal/ˈlɪbərəl/ | روشنفکرانه آزاداندیش، خالی از تعصب، لیبرال | صفت |
Lori's past was a little too liberal for such a conservative family. The waitress topped off our pasta dishes with a liberal amount of parmesan cheese. |
tolerant unprejudiced unbigoted broad-minded open-minded |
4 | elect/ɪˈlɛkt/ | انتخاب کردن (از طریق رای گیری) برگزیدن | فعل |
They therefore elect elders, who expound the Scriptures, baptize and hear confessions. 24, whom Neander regards as elect disciples of Sergius. |
vote vote for vote in choose choose by ballot |
5 | republican/rɪˈpʌblɪkən/ | جمهوریخواه عضو حزب جمهوریخواه | صفت |
He was a devoted member of the Republican party, but not a politician in the strict sense. Having failed to secure a re-election to the Senate in '887, Harrison was nominated by the Republican party for the presidency in 1888, and defeated Grover Cleveland, the candidate of the Democratic party, receiving 233 electoral votes to Cleveland's 168. |
6 | belief/bɪˈliːf/ | باور اعتقاد، عقیده | اسم |
I was relieved beyond belief and nearly in tears. What she's telling me is beyond belief and yet I know this ability exists. |
opinion view viewpoint point of view attitude |
7 | dictator/dɪkˈteɪtər/ | دیکتاتور خودکامه، فرمانروای مطلق | اسم |
The dictator was nominated by one of the consuls. Statues of Blanco, which had been erected in various places in the city of Caracas, were broken by the mob, and wherever a portrait of the dictator was found it was torn to pieces. |
autocrat monocrat absolute ruler tyrant despot oppressor |
8 | majority/məˈʤɔrəti/ | اکثریت | اسم |
It's also covered by the majority of Memon's army. Some columns, supposing they had reached their destination, halted, piled arms, and settled down on the cold ground, but the majority marched all night and arrived at places where they evidently should not have been. |
larger number larger part greater number greater part major part |
9 | reactionary/riˈækʃəˌnɛri/ | ارتجاعی واکنشی | صفت |
Under the Restoration he became a peer of France, but protested against the reactionary spirit of the government, and remained in opposition. He was left in the hands of reactionary boyars and priests, who encouraged him to hate his father and wish for the death of the tsar-antichrist. |
right-wing conservative rightist ultra-conservative ultra-right |
10 | election/ɪˈlek.ʃən/ | انتخابات | اسم |
The election is weeks off. I'm running for election against this guy. |
ballot vote poll referendum plebiscite |
11 | foreign policy/ˈfɔrən ˈpɑləsi/ | سیاست خارجی | اسم |
12 | world/wɜːld/ | جهان دنیا | اسم |
There's a world of good you could perform. All the money in the world couldn't have saved her. |
earth globe planet sphere planet satellite |
13 | conservative/kənˈsɜrvətɪv/ | محافظهکار | صفت |
Pete was conservative with his praise, so she felt honored. After purchasing a conservative blouse and jeans of quality, she moved on to a less crowded grocery store than the budget one she usually used. |
right-wing reactionary traditionalist unprogressive establishmentarian |
14 | believe/bɪˈliːv/ | اعتقاد داشتن باور داشتن | فعل |
He is the handsomest and strongest of men, and I believe he is the wisest also. I can't believe I've finally found you. |
be convinced by trust have confidence in consider honest consider truthful regard as true |
15 | policy/ˈpɑl.ə.si/ | سیاست خط مشی | اسم |
He suggested the center change their policy and not tape calls in the future. To their surprise, Josh had a $150,000 insurance policy Lori didn't know about. |
plans strategy proposed action blueprint approach |
16 | opposition/ˌɑpəˈzɪʃən/ | مخالفت ضدیت، تضاد | اسم |
He's the opposition, remember? They view the opposition by others to the actions of their country as treason, or at least, inexplicably self-destructive. |
resistance hostility antagonism antipathy enmity |
17 | republic/riˈpʌblək/ | جمهوری | اسم |
The United States is a republic, as even the Pledge of Allegiance says. The Third Servile War occurred in the Roman Republic from 73 BC to 71 BC. |
18 | socialist/ˈsoʊʃələst/ | سوسیالیست جامعهگرای | اسم |
Her earliest political activities in her student days were connected with the Socialist movement in the country of her birth, but about 1895 she migrated to Germany. From this time his relations with the government were less friendly, and in 1878 he brought about the rejection of the first Socialist Bill. |
left-wing Fabian syndicalist utopian socialist communist communistic |
19 | social democrat/ˈsoʊʃəl ˈdɛməˌkræt/ | سوسیال دموکرات | اسم |
20 | left-wing/lɛft-wɪŋ/ | جناح چپ (گرایش سیاسی) چپگرا | صفت |
The left wing was totally destroyed by the bombardment of 1795, but has since been restored. It was formed in the traditional order of the galleys - a long line abreast, subdivided into the centre or "battle" commanded by Don John in person, the left wing under the proveditore Barbarigo, and the right under Gianandrea Doria. |
socialist communist communistic Bolshevik leftist |
21 | take place/teɪk pleɪs/ | برگزار شدن رخ دادن، صورت گرفتن | فعل |
happen occur come about transpire crop up |
22 | economic policy/ˌɛkəˈnɑmɪk ˈpɑləsi/ | سیاست اقتصادی | اسم |
23 | communist/ˈkɑmjənəst/ | کمونیست عضو حزب کمونیست | اسم |
This Communist party established its own organ, the " Rude' Prdivo " (The Red Rights), in opposition to the " Pravo Lidu" (The Rights of the People), the organ of the Social Democratic party. The Communist system eschewed political liberties in favor of economic ones. |
collectivist leftist ultra-left socialist radical socialist |
24 | communist/ˈkɑmjənəst/ | کمونیستی [وابسته به کمونیسم] | صفت |
This Communist party established its own organ, the " Rude' Prdivo " (The Red Rights), in opposition to the " Pravo Lidu" (The Rights of the People), the organ of the Social Democratic party. The Communist system eschewed political liberties in favor of economic ones. |
collectivist leftist ultra-left socialist radical socialist |
25 | democracy/dɪˈmɒk.rə.si/ | دموکراسی حکومت مردمی | اسم |
We welcome new members to join in the fight for a liberal democracy. There is an increasing feeling of democracy in the country. |
representative government elective government constitutional government popular government self-government government by the people |
26 | monarchy/ˈmɑnɑrki/ | پادشاهی سلطنت، کشور پادشاهی | اسم |
We are replacing monarchy with self-rule. In a monarchy, despotic or constitutional, there cannot in strictness be an aristocracy, because the whole political power cannot be vested in the noble Venice class. |
kingdom sovereign state principality empire realm kingship sovereignty |
27 | government/ˈgʌvərmənt/ | دولت دولتی | اسم |
We have no control over what the government does. Government is a great achievement of civilization. |
administration executive regime authority powers that be |
28 | rule/ruːl/ | اداره کردن کنترل کردن | فعل |
But I didn't make that rule up. I always make it a rule to speak out. |
regulation ruling directive order court order |
29 | political/pəˈlɪt̬.ɪ.kəl/ | سیاسی | صفت |
A man of few words, Gabriel hadn't gotten used to the political side of his job yet. The conversation did not flag all evening and turned chiefly on the political news. |
governmental government local government ministerial parliamentary |
30 | socialist/ˈsoʊʃələst/ | سوسیالیستی جامعهگرایی | صفت |
Her earliest political activities in her student days were connected with the Socialist movement in the country of her birth, but about 1895 she migrated to Germany. From this time his relations with the government were less friendly, and in 1878 he brought about the rejection of the first Socialist Bill. |
left-wing Fabian syndicalist utopian socialist communist communistic |
31 | ruler/ˈruː.lər/ | خط کش | اسم |
He was the chief ruler of that great city. My daughter is the ruler of the immortal world, her father said. |
leader sovereign monarch potentate crowned head |
32 | politician/ˌpɑl.əˈtɪʃ.ən/ | سیاستمدار | اسم |
He'd never seen the politician up against something he couldn't defeat. "I don't even like the word politician," Dean answered. |
legislator Member of Parliament MP representative minister |
33 | radical/ˈrædəkəl/ | افراطی تندرو، افراطگرایانه | صفت |
Since 1870 there have been five radical changes made in New South Wales. History is full of radical breaks with the past that only seem to have come out of nowhere but were, in fact, predictable. |
thoroughgoing thorough complete total entire |
34 | Democrat/ˈdɛməˌkræt/ | عضو حزب دموکرات (امریکا) دموکرات | اسم |
Pattison (1850-1904), a Democrat, was elected governor in 1883 and again in 1891, but he was handicapped by Republican legislatures. Newton C. Blanchard, Democrat Jared Y. |
35 | Liberalism/ˈlɪbərəˌlɪzəm/ | لیبرالیسم آزادیخواهی | اسم |
In Spain and Portugal, and also in Belgium, a Liberalism inimical to the Church was in power. The quarrel between Liberalism and Clericalism was, however, not ended. |
36 | politics/ˈpɑl.əˌtɪks/ | سیاست علم سیاست | اسم |
The politics are changing slowly. In politics he was a Democrat. |
government local government affairs of state public affairs diplomacy |
37 | right-wing/raɪt-wɪŋ/ | راستگرا [وابسته به جناح راست] | صفت |
So, you want to look like a Forbes-reading representative for right-wing political doctrines? Krauss had better success with his right wing. |
conservative rightist ultra-conservative ultra-right alt-right blimpish |
38 | Prime Minister/ˌprɑɪmˈmɪn.ə.stər/ | نخست وزیر | اسم |
39 | dictatorship/dɪkˈteɪtərˌʃɪp/ | حکومت استبدادی نظام دیکتاتوری | اسم |
This dictatorship of Rosas continued until 1852. Sulla's dictatorship was the form taken by a provisional government. |
40 | socialism/ˈsoʊʃəˌlɪzəm/ | سوسیالیسم جامعهخواهی، جامعهگرایی | اسم |
Socialism had become a political force in the land. His political and social ideas have had a great influence on the development of socialism in France. |
41 | hold/hoʊld/ | برگزار کردن | فعل |
Can you hold things down for two weeks? Can you hold lunch for a little bit? |
42 | in power/ɪn ˈpaʊər/ | روی قدرت بر سر کار | عبارت |
43 | vote/voʊt/ | رای دادن | فعل |
I, for one, would vote for peace. I'm not a citizen of the county, so I can't vote for you. |
44 | run/rʌn/ | اداره کردن کنترل کردن، مدیریت کردن | فعل |
I didn't run away. I could have run away from my father, as I wanted to. |
45 | democratic/ˌdem.əˈkræt̬.ɪk/ | مردمی دموکراتیک، [وابسته به حزب دموکرات] | صفت |
46 | seat/siːt/ | کرسی (مجلس و ...) جایگاه | اسم |
The princess, picking up her dress, was taking her seat in the dark carriage, her husband was adjusting his saber; Prince Hippolyte, under pretense of helping, was in everyone's way. Put this on the seat and this to the right. |
47 | representative/ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv/ | نماینده | اسم |
The decision of the representative of the United States was given in April 1899. Its foremost representative was Francis Makemie, already mentioned, who, in 1683, as an ordained minister of the presbytery of Laggan, was invited to minister to the Maryland and Virginia Presbyterians. |
48 | conservatism/kənˈsɜrvəˌtɪzəm/ | محافظهکاری | اسم |
(4) The ignorance and conservatism of the women. In England a considerably less docile conservatism has been predominant. |