ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | good night/ˌgʊdˈnɑɪt/ | شب بخیر شب خوش | حرف ندا |
2 | Well done!/wɛl dʌn!/ | آفرین! احسنت! | حرف ندا |
3 | see you tomorrow/si ju təˈmɑˌroʊ/ | فردا میبینمت | عبارت |
4 | farewell/ˌfɛrˈwɛl/ | بدرود خدانگهدار | حرف ندا |
Deep down, he suspected it was her farewell to him. In his farewell speech at Johannesburg he concluded with a reference to the subject. |
goodbye so long adieu hooray check you au revoir ciao auf Wiedersehen adios sayonara vale bye bye-bye cheerio |
5 | merry Christmas/ˈmɛri ˈkrɪsməs/ | کریسمس مبارک | عبارت |
6 | enjoy/enˈdʒɔɪ/ | لذت بردن | فعل |
They would have some time to enjoy a late Christmas at home when they returned. You're beginning to enjoy it, aren't you? |
like love be fond of be entertained by be amused by |
7 | Happy Birthday/ˈhæpi ˈbɜrθˌdeɪ!/ | تولدت مبارک | جمله |
8 | farewell/ˌfɛrˈwɛl/ | خداحافظی بدرود | اسم |
Deep down, he suspected it was her farewell to him. In his farewell speech at Johannesburg he concluded with a reference to the subject. |
goodbye so long adieu hooray check you au revoir ciao auf Wiedersehen adios sayonara vale bye bye-bye cheerio |
9 | fine/fɑɪn/ | خوب زیبا، مرغوب | صفت |
This is a fine meal, do you think? That would be fine with me. |
excellent first-class first-rate great exceptional |
10 | congratulations/kənˌgrætʃ.ʊˈleɪ.ʃənz/ | تبریک مبارک است | حرف ندا |
Congratulations, Dean said as Fred climbed in back. Congratulations. Your horse ranch is shaping up nicely. |
good wishes best wishes greetings compliments felicitations praise |
11 | cheers/ʧɪrz/ | خدانگهدار (انگلیس) به سلامت | حرف ندا |
The crowd erupted in cheers and applause. We could hear the yells of the boys and the cheers of the lookers-on as plainly in our room as if we had been on the field. |
Here's to you good health your health here's health skol |
12 | greetings/ˈgritɪŋz/ | سلام و درود | اسم |
hello salute salutation address welcome |
13 | Thank you/ˈθæŋ.kˌjuː/ | متشکرم ممنونم، سپاسگزارم | عبارت |
14 | Nice to meet you./naɪs tu mit ju./ | از آشنایی با تو خوشوقتم. از آشنایی با شما خوشبختم. | جمله |
15 | greeting/ˈgriːt̬.ɪŋ/ | خوشامدگویی | اسم |
After greeting the group with a hearty wave, he proudly handed a surprised Cynthia Dean a wad of bills. Damian accepted his hand in greeting, looking around. |
hello salute salutation address welcome |
16 | many happy returns/ˈmɛni ˈhæpi rɪˈtɜrnz/ | صد سال به این سالها [عبارتی رسمی است که بیشتر در تولدها به کار میرود] | عبارت |
17 | same/seɪm/ | (هم) همین طور همان جور | ضمیر |
It was the same man, she was sure of it. Was it wishful thinking, or did she see the same love in his eyes? |
the identical the very same selfsame one and the same the very matching |
18 | excuse/ɪkˈskjus/ | بخشیدن | فعل |
forgive pardon absolve exonerate acquit make allowances for let someone off |
19 | Bless you!/blɛs ju!/ | عافیت باشد! | حرف ندا |
20 | Happy Christmas!/ˈhæpi ˈkrɪsməs!/ | کریسمس مبارک! | جمله |
21 | excuse me/ɪkˈskjuːz miː/ | ببخشید | عبارت |
22 | bless/blɛs/ | اعطا کردن بخشیدن، برکت دادن | فعل |
God bless FDR and the Democrats. But bless me, how time does fly. |
ask God's favour for ask God's protection for give a benediction for invoke happiness on consecrate sanctify |
23 | Happy New Year!/ˈhæpi nju jɪr!/ | سال نو مبارک! | جمله |
24 | have a nice weekend/hæv ə naɪs ˈwiˌkɛnd/ | آخر هفتهی خوبی داشته باشید | عبارت |
25 | see you later/si jʊ ˈleɪtər/ | بعدا میبینمت | عبارت |
26 | sorry/ˈsɑr.i/ | متاسف متاثر | صفت |
I am very sorry for them. I actually felt a little sorry for her. |
sad unhappy sorrowful distressed upset |
27 | good morning/ˌgʊdˈmɔr.nɪŋ/ | صبح بخیر | حرف ندا |
28 | pleased/pliːzd/ | خوشحال راضی | صفت |
I was pleased by his candor. I'm pleased she's helping you. |
happy glad delighted gratified grateful |
29 | good afternoon/ˌgʊd.æf.tərˈnuːn/ | ظهر بخیر بعد از ظهر بخیر | حرف ندا |
30 | bad/bæd/ | بد | صفت |
It's kind of small, but the rent isn't too bad, and it'll be available by then. No. I just had a bad dream. |
substandard poor inferior second-rate second-class |
31 | see you soon/si ju sun/ | به زودی میبینمت | عبارت |
32 | good evening/ˌgʊdˈiːv.nɪŋ/ | عصر بخیر | حرف ندا |
33 | good luck/gʊd lʌk/ | موفق باشی | اسم |