ردیف | واژه | معنی | نقش گرامری |
1 | hope/hoʊp/ | امیدوار بودن امید داشتن | فعل |
I hope you like it. I hope to have a love like yours some day. |
aspiration desire wish expectation ambition |
2 | wonderful/ˈwʌn.dər.fəl/ | شگفتانگیز | صفت |
He was such a wonderful person in so many ways. What a wonderful story. |
marvellous magnificent superb glorious sublime |
3 | I'm afraid not/aɪm əˈfreɪd nɑt/ | نه متاسفانه | عبارت |
4 | right/rɑɪt/ | باشه صحیح | حرف ندا |
Right now she didn't care where they were. Do you have to go back right away? |
just fair equitable good upright |
5 | doubt/daʊt/ | شک داشتن تردید داشتن | فعل |
I doubt if she'll go to you. I doubt that... but you never know. |
uncertainty lack of certainty unsureness indecision hesitation |
6 | see/siː/ | فهمیدن متوجه شدن، پی بردن | فعل |
I see what you mean. Maybe he should see a doctor. |
discern perceive glimpse catch a glimpse of get a glimpse of |
7 | really/ˈriː.li/ | واقعا براستی | قید |
I really like the look of wood - especially when it looks this graceful. You look really tired. |
in fact in actual fact actually in reality in point of fact |
8 | think/θɪŋk/ | فکر کردن اندیشیدن | فعل |
He could not think of anything else. Who do you think I am? |
believe be of the opinion have as one's opinion be of the view be under the impression expect |
9 | fantastic/fænˈtæs.tɪk/ | خارقالعاده عالی، بسیار خوب | صفت |
"It was fantastic!" he pronounced. The buildings were usually battlemented in fantastic form. |
fanciful extravagant extraordinary irrational wild |
10 | wherever/werˈev.ər/ | هر جا | حرف ربط |
Wherever you want to go. I don't think so, but wherever it was, it shook her up. |
11 | I'm afraid so/aɪm əˈfreɪd soʊ/ | بله متاسفانه | عبارت |
12 | pain/peɪn/ | درد رنج | اسم |
The pain threatened to cripple him again. His expression was a fifty-fifty mixture of pain and anger. |
suffering agony affliction torture torment |
13 | great/greɪt/ | عالی خیلی خوب | صفت |
You're doing a great job. It's great and I love it. |
considerable substantial pronounced sizeable significant |
14 | exciting/ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ | هیجانانگیز مهیج | صفت |
They still had something mysterious and exciting to explore. It should have been an exciting discovery. |
thrilling exhilarating stirring rousing stimulating |
15 | pity/ˈpɪt̬.i/ | حیف | اسم |
Your pity is a weakness. I always thought he felt more pity than love for the old lady. |
compassion commiseration condolence sorrow regret |
16 | awful/ˈɔː.fəl/ | افتضاح بسیار بد | صفت |
You must feel awful about it. It was an awful combination. |
very unpleasant disgusting nasty terrible dreadful |
17 | brilliant/ˈbrɪl.jənt/ | عالی فوقالعاده، ممتاز | صفت |
The stars were brilliant this evening. Dawn came slowly, followed by the brilliant blue sky of morning. |
gifted talented virtuoso genius accomplished |
18 | afraid/əˈfreɪd/ | متاسف متاسفانه | صفت |
He was not afraid of anything. Any time a wild animal isn't afraid of you, there is probably something wrong. |
frightened scared scared stiff terrified fearful |
19 | dreadful/ˈdred.fəl/ | مخوف وحشتناک | صفت |
He thought it would be dreadful for me. I'm sure she caught that dreadful disease from one of them and it killed her. |
terrible frightful horrible grim awful |
20 | get on/gɛt ɑn/ | (با کسی) کنار آمدن خوب بودن (با یکدیگر) | فعل |
board enter go on board go aboard step aboard |
21 | mind/mɑɪnd/ | مهم بودن اشکال نداشتن | فعل |
Those words stayed in her mind all afternoon. How long would these mind games go on? |
brain intelligence intellect intellectual capabilities mental capacity |
22 | I'm afraid/aɪm əˈfreɪd/ | متاسفم متاسفانه | عبارت |
23 | nuisance/ˈnuː.səns/ | مزاحم دردسر، مزاحمت | اسم |
I know it's a nuisance for you to carry it, but it's important to me. What a nuisance that our squadron will be in reserve tomorrow, he thought. |
source of annoyance source of irritation annoyance inconvenience bore |
24 | enthusiasm/ɪnˈθuː.ziːˌæz.əm/ | شور و شوق اشتیاق | اسم |
The student had an enthusiasm for science. He did not have an equal enthusiasm for all sports. |
eagerness keenness ardour fervour warmth |
25 | sound/sɑʊnd/ | به نظر رسیدن | فعل |
They heard the sound of voices behind them. A few minutes wouldn't hurt, and then he would be sound asleep. |
noise note din racket row |
26 | shame/ʃeɪm/ | حیف | اسم |
There's no shame in being poor. The man's face was red with shame this time. |
humiliation mortification chagrin ignominy loss of face |
27 | interesting/ˈɪn.trə.stɪŋ/ | جالب جذاب | صفت |
You're a very interesting person. She had an interesting perspective, and she made him think about things differently. |
absorbing engrossing fascinating riveting gripping |
28 | terrible/ˈtɛrəbəl/ | افتضاح هولناک، بسیار بد | صفت |
It was a terrible choice for a hiding place. They wouldn't all be there unless something terrible had happened. |
dreadful awful appalling horrific horrifying |